《I am a Fairy that can’t cast Magic!》No Power Fantasy








....I love sweets.

Currently I am laying in the middle of a land of sweets.

The dirt is made of chocolate and the grass is sour hair candy. there were trees with red trunks made of Gobstoppers and rocks made out of ,you guessed it, rock candy.


That is the only way to describe it in the end.

I want to stay forever.(I really do!)

But I know this was a dream.


I can't move to my own accord.

Also the sky is black which is a trait with all my dreams...

It's really sad that the sky is black.

As my brain started to come out of its slumber the candy world dissipated and faded.





"gewawwa~, good morning"

A small cute voice called out to nothing

(S)he was laying on some hard ground being in some tall grass.

Gabriel looked towards the sky through the grass and saw that it was an odd blue. This was not a dream.

The sun was shining down on the field where Gabriel was laying.


What should I do now?

If this was a template then it would be right about time the goddess or god to show up.

"Well... I suppose I am a goddess now, huh. "

Although Gabriel has yet to see her new face she could hear her voice, which sounded like a little girls. Didn't I have a mature looking body? why did my voice sound so girly...? As in like, well a little girls?

"This is like.... super screwed up...."

Was this supposed to be an abandonment play? I don't get off to that!!

"This world just wants me to suffer....haa~....'

Not only don't I get an explanation , I don't even see the person in question. This can only make me sigh.....


Recovering from her abandonment, Gabriel filled with curiosity, then started observing her surroundings with more concentration.

She sat up to look at her surroundings ,but only saw grass. Literally. The grass was as tall as her. Gabriel wasn't even surprised by this development.

"Yea, just drop a new girl in the middle of tall grass who knows where?!"

'Makes perfect sense.' Gabriel retorted in her head, she was getting into a bad attitude now but couldn't do anything about it. Getting onto her feet ,she then tried to move through the grass but it was too hard for her.

"Why am I so weak?... ah!"

While talking to herself she had an idea.

In most fantasy novels ,she read while still a man, there was something called 'Status'.

'Perhaps I could use this to find out how OP I really am.' Gabriel Stuck her fist into the air.



Name: Gabriel(Self-Named) .

Race: Magical Fairy

Gender: Female

Age: <1

Contract: None

Status: Disabled(Wingless)


Hp 5/5

Sp 6/10

Mp 0/0


Race(can't be turned off): Spirit Body(Medium), Auto-Hp Regeneration(Weak), Flightless body(MAX), Magic-less Body(MAX), Glow(Low), Attention Reflection(Medium)(Only works on those who aren't their Master)

Passive(can be turned off, on, and shared with your Contractor): Lv.5 Magic Manipulation(Received from Magical Fairy)(Medium)

Active(Can be used with Sp or Mp): Contract(Fairy Specific skill to choose a Master), Lv.8 Intimidate(Received from !3^[email protected]*#@n)(High), Lv.3 Space-Manipulation(Received from World-Crosser)(low), Appraisal(normal)

Titles: Magic-less Fairy, World-Crosser, Ex-Male,Lv.0 13^[email protected]*[email protected])




"No wonder the grass isn't tall, I am just so short! What happened to my tall body with all my muscles? I miss you so much!"

Gabriel didn't have all that much muscle ,but she was sure that she had more muscles when she was a he. At least this is what she thought, this was not the case with her former classmates...


"I can't even use magic! But I'm a Magical Fairy, how is this even possible!"

Also what is up with my skills they are broken or just put me at a disadvantage. I don't have wings? but I'm a Fairy! Fairy's have wings!

"I thought I was abandoned but at this point I'm just getting bullied. *achoo, sniff*"

I didn't notice this but it is a little cold ,but I guess my new little body can't handle this.

That is when Gabriel finally noticed her biggest problem...

"...Where am I?"

She was in some grass that she could not see over. It was nearing about noon by looking at the sun. Then almost as if appearing to answer her she was blown into the air only seeing some shiny things flying around clashing together. Falling back on the ground Gabriel was very shocked.

What was that?! How fast was that moving?! And why are shiny things suddenly so much more attractive..?

Not expecting the last question in her mind she did a little tilt of the head but soon shocked it so that she would focus.

"I need to get out of here!"

Gabriel got up and tried to move but then looked back around only to see that she was now on some sand at the edge of some grass. She could see more shiny things just standing around holding weapons and leaning against a massive wall that was two times their height.

They were knights in armor training. Suddenly one of the knights started yelling something.

"Show him his place Captain!"

Then the other knight started to join in.

""Yea! Show him that he is weak!""

Taking this chance to Appraise them to figure out a basis of strength led her to realize that she was actually very...


Name: Jonathan Zarethone

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Job: Royal Guard

Status: Tired


Hp: 240/240




Race: None

Passive: Lv.7 Swordsmanship, Lv.4 Pain Resistance(Low-Medium)

Active: Lv.5 Body-Strengthening Magic

Titles: Royal Guard, 3rd Son of the Duke



'I am so very weak.'

That was the thought that she had as she saw his status ,but her personality wouldn't make her give up.

'Even in this no power fantasy I will keep living!'

Renewing her heart, Gabriel then slowly made her way over to them. Carefully as to not attract their attention she started climbing on top of one of the Guards to get a better view of the fast moving shiny things ,but as soon as she reached the Guards shoulder and looked towards where the knights should be ,someone yelled and complained.

"What are you hooligans fighting about on the training ground!?!?!"

On top of the wall there was a young man in gaudy robes, a staff, and glasses

'Why hello Mr.glasses'

Gabriel retorted in her head but soon realized that the young man was looking at her!


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