《Children of Danu, People of Skill Book 1. (LitRPG/Gamelit)》Chapter 9 Balista-ville, population 3
Having run out of paper, I made a thin board to draw upon. Olaf, Fannon and I were outside Olafs shop planning.
“A ballista, can take several forms, either a simple heavy bow, like crossbow write large.” I drew both types of Balista..
Free clip art of a roman ballista.
“Or a rope torsion ballista, which uses twisted ropes like springs to fire the projectile. The rope torsion kind is more powerful, but also more complex and finicky to get working right.”
“We’re going to steal a few of the clever ideas for a roman Ballista. This first is their lock mechanism, it’s simple, strong and effective. Basically, you have a fork with 2 fingers that holds the string. That’s mounted on a pivot, at the other end of the pivot is a block that holds the tail up, forcing the fingers down. When it’s removed. The finger pops up, releasing the string. “
(Temp art for Balista Trigger)
“The next thing we are going to steal is the cocking mechanism. Again, it’s brilliant in its simplicity. First, you have a bar with metal teeth and a catch on the string. Every tooth gets caught as it pulls back Click, Click, Click. This was called the Ladder. “
“Attached the end of the Ballista is a simple winch allowing you to pull back the string with just the strength of a couple men. They could fire rocks, or giant bolts.”
“We just need it on a swivel and tilt base, so it can hit anywhere. We need to keep it simple, but safe. I want the three of us to build one now using my magic, then I want you two making 3 more for the Daemon pit. “
Fannon spoke up first, firm and ready. “I want to make a couple of those cage like Fire arrow heads for these. We’ll soak the cloth in blessed water instead for daemon fighting. The rest of this seems pretty straight forward.”
I gave Fannon nod then turned to the burly barrel maker. “Sounds great, Olaf, what do you need.”
Olaf scratched his beard, “I’ll need you to magic my pole lathes long enough to make bolts.” That’s the big thing. Then Olaf began to turn away, and his voice became much less firm. “I have another idea, but it’s more gambley.”
I noticed Fannon started acting like Olaf, but still facing me. Clearly, they had been Brainstorming with each other.
“I, we, want you to take Fannon’s Boy Rhuadh, and my Boy Ahg, and make them your shaper mage apprentices. We’ve already proven how well your magic synergizes with our crafts. Both the boys are near ready for Journeyman rank. Cross trading in your magic would be a huge benefit. Fannon and I have saved up just over a thousand CP, towards that goal, but we were hoping you would pony up the rest, for the good of the settlement.”
“You up for this too Fannon?”
“Yes, eventually I’d like to get the magic for all four of us, and start a magical crafting guild, or school. Once I hit master and get the enchanted weapons skill, I think we’ll see even better synergies. But the boys come first. We get them the class, and then put them to work getting wood for us, non-stop all day long. They will hate it, but their skill will climb rapidly. Once they get Concentrate, we move them over to iron. Pretty much following your leveling progression. But we can’t just buy it. It has to be a Gift or Boon, it’s not available directly as a Perk.”
“Danu, you listening to this?”
[Yes William, I think it’s a great idea. It’d have to be done using your points though. You have 4 that’s enough for 4 minor Gifts, of the advanced class shaper.]
“Okay, I’ve learned that not being a mage before I became a shaper, nerfed my early stat gains, so let’s go buy the 4 of you the base mage class with your saved points. We can see about upgrading advanced classes next. I have enough perks to boost all of you, but then I’ll be tapped out. You will owe the settlement for the 500cp each, you’ll have to pay that back. Be sure not to ignore Mana Manipulation like I did. I have a feeling that’s going to be big eventually. ”
[Bill, Ramon here, couldn’t help overhearing, have you considered the synergies with making your Blacksmith friend the advanced class Rune Crafter? She can still get Shaper later. When she finishes her Masterwork and gets Enchanting, it’ll be even better. A master blacksmith plus rune crafter, plus enchanter is a really powerful crafting build. At that point shaper will primarily increase her speed, not her potency. Olaf’s Coopery master level doesn’t have as many crossovers. If you spent his saved points on buying the class Carpenter on top of Mage, His mastery would bump Carpenter straight to Journeyman, because it’s a closely related field. Either Shaper or Rune Crafter will synergize really well with that. Fannon will do better with the base mage class first then Rune Crafter. You are correct about mana manipulation, starting at advanced, it’s factored in to spell power calculations. The higher the rank, master etc., the bigger the effect. Also, when you get more points, you should see if you can get a Mage specced in Alchemy. It’ll be a huge boost to your Guards combat capability to carry healing potions.”
“Danu was right, you really are one of the top kids, how do you know so much more about this than Yamina?”
“Yamina specialized in Flight, and chose to be a Devas. I chose to be a Drac, or Drake, and I specialized in magic. She has all the same information I have; I’ve just spent more time memorizing and analyzing it.”
“To be fair, in anything physical, like combat, she’s way ahead of me. My long-term goal is to be the God of Magic and Spellcasters. I haven’t figured out how that blend with my new Dragon angle, but I’m working on it. “
“In the legends of my old world, older dragons could talk, and the really old one became spell casters, especially the metallic ones.”
“Metallic Dragons?”
“Yeah, it was codified in a game I guess, but Dragons of Color; red, blue, green, black, etc. were evil, and usually more bestial. Dragons of Metals, platinum, gold, silver, brass, bronze, copper..etc. they were all good, and more intellectual. Often even young ones knew spells, and the old ones were masters of magic.”
“Ohh… What was the rarest and most magical?”
“The platinum, and the platinum dragon was unique, only one. You are starting a new mythology, and Catalan flag is gold and red. Why not be a gold dragon with red flames? Maybe some red accents on you somewhere, maybe the ribs of your wings? That’s got to appeal to the people. You can be platinum in one of your other forms too, if that appeals. Plenty of room to multiple domains. Hey, just had an idea, If you don’t mind, can we add you to a guild Magic channel, and folks can ask you questions about magic?”
“Yeah sure, that’s more than fair. It’s the least I can do to pay back the advantages you’ve given us.”
A small dark brown-haired man with black dragon wings appeared before me, he glided to the ground, and waved.
“Hi Ramon nice to meet you in person.”
I had previously invited Ramon to the Guild as a probie so I set up set up a “Magic Discussion” channel and added him and all the mages to it. I promoted him to Probie+ and gave him 1 guild invite, added him to Rene’s shop with full access. Lastly and most importantly, I introduced him to Granny, and told him to keep her up to date with what’s going on at his end. If he needs something we can pass through the shop, just ask she can have her grandson handle it. Danu’s Jimni lesson was not lost on me.
By then the evening was winding down, so we sat down at the tables, with Fannon and Olaf and talked into the night about magic, crafting and life in general. It was a good time. Man, do we need a way to cool down the beer.
In the end, we followed Ramon’s suggestions with a few improvements of our own.
In the morning Rene and Yamina were back, looking cozy as two people can be vertical and with their clothes on. I gave them plenty of time, but eventually we needed to get back to business.
“Greetings Sir Rene, since you spent the night, do we need to send a message to your parents or something?”
“Ack! I totally forgot, for us it was over 3 months together, my mother will be worried sick.”
“Before you go, I’d like to set up a handshake agreement on the market.”
Rene was standing up checking all of his gear and pockets he turned to me his eyes looking straight into mine.
“Do tell.”
We need trade partners. We don’t have access to manufacturing, but we do have plenty of raw materials, and I’m sure Yamina already told you about the gold”
Reene froze like a three-year-old caught one hand in the cookie jar, and looked at me his eyes large and his eyebrows up. Not moving at all.
“No, I don’t think she did, we were, otherwise occupied.” Rene was actually blushing just slightly, libertine indeed.
“Ah, ok, you are standing at the frontier of an ongoing gold rush. Our town south, is trading thumb sized nuggets of gold for a round of watery beer.”
JImni shouted from across the open area “You tell’em boss!”
“We need everything. Mostly we need bulk foods, beer, hard liquors. and manufactured goods, and we need them quickly and cheaply. No price gouging. Lets plan to say, double the vlue at each hand off, but n more, that should cover expenses and leave room to fund growth. We especially need those supplies used in building and mining. We have gold to pay for it, In exchange for you keeping that store and inventory system we set up as a test, I need a few commitments from you.”
Returning to motion, and mostly back to his earlier suave mannerism Rene looked at me his eyes bright.
“1 I need blueprints for basic industrial buildings. Wood yard and Masons lot top priority. I need builders and materials to build them here, and any others you can find. We need them up quicky, and are willing to pay. We need to bootstrap up to producing in bulk on our own. Secondly, we need skilled crafts people. We’re looking for good crafters who are not flourishing under the guild system. There are no guilds like you are used to here. No secrets and mysteries, everything gets shared by the Ancient tome automatically. We especially want crafters prevented from reaching Master rank under the old system. My, or rather our, goddess is opening non guild paths to that sort of knowledge to new worshipers. If accepted the cost is a year and a day working out of this town. Not for us mind you, they work for themselves, they just do it here for a year and a day.
Thirdly we need a tavern, a tavern keeper and staff to set up here, I’ll provide the land, and you provide the rest. We’ll keep it as the only tavern for a year and a day. But we want quality drinks and food at quality prices. Bulk foods go to the booth, good stuff to the tavern. In exchange, you can put someone here to run the stall, and you can move stock back and forth using the inventory system you gained from the magic market plus guild membership. I added Ramon to the Shop BTW. I need you to personally vouch for the new people you add, as their stall will be inside our safe zone. Half the market is in, half is out. Nobody we don’t pre approve can enter the safe zone, so your stall will be safe from raids and monsters as long as you follow the rules. I’m willing to offer one outside booth to an ally you trust, but the rent is going to be high.”
“We will also allow persons you vouch for, and we preapprove, here to get temporary access as a guild probie to the altar and the tome, character sheets and spend points on themselves. I know it’s been 3 months, but I think you remember what a benefit that is. We are willing to do this because every new skill or profession that our guild sees gets added to the Tome. That benefits us both greatly, especially long term.”
Rene was nodding along with me, his eye still bright.
“In your place, I’d start with your traders, guards and other trusted persons. But start looking for rare or unusual skills and professions. Especially magical ones. I’m willing to pay a gold nugget the size of my thumb for rare, or useful magical specialties if that’s the only way to get them. Once those skills are in the book. Your people have access also.
“Your trader here, who runs your stall, can have an assistant. Assuming you vouch for them, we will add them as probies which will allow them to use the Bind and Recall spells. This allows them access to the gold rush boomtown we spoke about earlier. It’s only an hour away by foot, but with recall you can get there in seconds. The Town of Dannister is run by one of my factors, Joseph. Have Yamina introduce you to him, he’s in the guild. Don’t underestimate him. Don’t cheat him.”
Plenty of gold here and there, and you’ll have by far the shortest logistics train in the area. We agree not to set up any new taxes of tariffs for a month. We’ll set up a regular time and day to have the gate open Say 9am and 5 pm daily for about 15 min, plus when you request it. I want free access to your side of the markets, for Yamina, myself and up to 10 other persons I designate.”
Rene blinked his eyes a few times and then smiled back at me. “This is an amazing opportunity our goddess has handed my house. We will work to make it profitable for both of us long term. I have several ideas for that tome already. I agree. Do you have any more surprises?”
“Yeah, I know exactly where you and Ramon are standing, I’m a Gardiner too. We have a safe hunting area nearby, and I’d like to invite you, Ramon, and say, 10 of your best archers or mages to joins us in farming some deamons. We will begin again in 3 days time. I’d like to get both you and Ramon a level this way. But to do that we need some high Damage from your guests. If it works really well, we may push for a second level. I think we both know what that will do to your survivability as a Gardener.”
Rene eyes looked up and to his left and his hand began to stroke his chin.. “Hmm.. If we go this way, I’d like to spend those days making some Improvements to your daemon trap. For one thing, you desperately need a roof or a way to stop flying monsters from escaping. We learned that the hard way in my grandfather’s generation.”
“I will admit, I hoped that would be your attitude.”
Ramon glided down from the trees around the market, landing deftly on the table next to Rene. Standing straight and looking at us both he began. “Would you like to set up between us a financial partnership and a small business concern starting Immediately. Top Priority, the Three of us”.
At this point he was interrupted by what can best be described as an indignant squawk from Yamina.
“Ahem, then, the four of us. I want to build a small Pier, a couple small houses, import a couple boats using inventory, and a small shipwright’s business. On the southern border of the settlement. We are at the headwaters of the largest river on this continent. We need to put a trade network in place asap, up and down the river. It’s my idea, and I will provide Intel. Bill provides the property and a small mound of gold for expenses, Renes family, the boats builders and traders. I suggest we split it 5 ways, one share going to the settlement’s coffers in lieu of taxes.”
Both Renee and I looked at him, eyes wide and nearly motionless. Rene eventually muttered “I see why your mother wanted to pair us together. You have excellent instincts.”
“Yes, and while you were off on ‘vacation’,” Ramon actually made ironic finger air quotes here,” I’ve been doing research. For instance, have you checked your map, under the system interface Rene?”
Rene took on the vacant stare and odd finger gesturing of one working with his interface. and said quietly. “Llum De Gaxo.”
Ramon triumphantly replied. “Yeah exactly. We’re sitting on that entire river system. During a -gold- rush and just before a land rush. We’ve got magical inventory for members of the guild assigned to the shop. A teleport gate straight to your Capital city of Portbo. Our goods here at the hub are literally protected by magic. We can make a killing. We will be competing with folks shipping goods across the Sea of Tears for mothers’ sake! That’s three months each way on a boat, for what we can throw over in a day. Blue Danube Trading, Inc Baby.” And yes, Ramons expression at this point was just as cheezy as you’d think.
The next 3 days, we were busy little beavers, Olaf, Rhuadh and Ahg were added to the shop and sent off to drop and limb trees and toss them into the inventory. I was converting them into dimensional lumber first for our Pier, which we had up by day one. Fannon was power leveling her blacksmith to master. A dozen workers came through from Portbo, and erected an immense blessed iron cage capping the pit for the teleporter. The whole front opened up and could be fastened closed with huge locks. Rene came back with a huge smile, and dropped 5 shallow draft river craft that looked like tiny fat Viking Long ships, called Knarr, into the river. For each he brought with him with a master and a crew of 4 rowers. The master of each ship was added to Rene’s and Danu’s shop, and to the guild as probies, loaded down with bulk foods and sent down river. Yamina of course insisted my doing a magical shaping pass to turn the wood blue, in honor of her mother. She made quite a spectacle of herself, but by the time they were done, every boat crew was deeply in awe of her.
I asked Rene how the hell he lifted a whole boat, to put it in his inventory and he just winked and said, “Mechanical Advantage!”
Joseph was ecstatic when the first trade boat stopped in Dannister, he emptied the ship of goods barely touching his gold reserves. Blue Danube trading was off to a great start. We bought bulk goods from Rene’s shop, paying double their cost, then doubled it again selling it down the river, still undercutting the merchant bringing goods across the seas by several times. Rene had been very firm that doubling the price on each turnover was just good business. We made a good profit, and folks could afford to eat. Gold was pouring in. We never sold more than 20% of a load to a single buyer, and reserved 10% of each cities sales to individuals. Neatly breaking the food monopolies of each city’s gang merchants. La Familia and the guilds tried to pressure us into signing contracts. When one town tried to ambush our men, our people just hid and cut the boat loose. They could have just recalled if things got too dangerous, but It wasn’t necessary. One larger town that was on both sides of the river demanded a toll to pass. We just paid it and kept that boat down river, and no more boats stopped there ever again.
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