《Welcome to the Caped Club》Issue 26: Giant-Size Special
"ETA thirty seconds, Mr. Knightsbridge.” Miss Rose said dispassionately, watching the copter draw closer to the tower.
“Excellent! Our PR department spinning it so we’re the victims?” Knightsbridge asked.
“Already writing your speech now, sir.” she said. The chopper touched down, but the door to the roof burst open.
“Halt, villain!” Star-Strong commanded, pointing a finger. Knightsbridge turned to peer over his sunglasses at him.
“‘Halt, villain?’ The heck? You for real, man? Wouldn’t expect to hear that outside of the four-color funny pages.” he siad. Neither Morph nor Star-Strong cared, charging headlong at him. “Miss Rose?” She stepped in front of him, the small woman ready to catch the mountain of muscle liek a linebacker. His eyes were wide; it was too late to stop.
Morph gaped as she grunted with effort, skidding on the ground...until she brought the herculean hero to a stop.
“Will there be any problems, Miss Rose?” Knightsbridge asked with a smug smirk.
“Negative, sir.” she said, glaring into Star-Strong’s astonished eyes.
“Fantastic. Let me introduce you two gentlemen to Miss Rose, or rather her more accurate nom de plume: Miss Thorn.” Knightsbridge said, boarding the copter.
“I won’t let you get away!” Morph launched himself at the CEO, turning into a large snake midair to grab him. But as he passed Thorn, a spike shot out from her shoulder, spearing him through the side with expert precision.
“NO!” With a mighty heave Star-Strong threw her aside, ripping her free of the ground. It seemed she had grown spikes form her feet to root herself, but that was of little concern as he knelt over his serpentine sidekick, turning to normal. He winced when he saw the hole in Jason’s side.
“Alright, it’ll be okay, it’ll be okay, we’ll get you to the hospital, don’t worry…” he stammered, but Morph cut him off.
“Wait.” Morph frowned in concentration, and before his eyes Star-Strong saw the wound close, even his clothes reforming perfectly. “I think, as long as I can change, I can heal.” Morph said, smiling in disbelief.
“You only figure that out now? Kinda slow, aren’t you?” Knightsbridge shouted, half in the helicopter. Both heroes turned to him, murder in their eyes. “Ah ah! You got bigger things to worry about!”
The entire building shuddered and shook, knocking everyone to their knees. One side of the building exploded, glass and concrete showering the compound as the building suddenly grew wings, and a thundering roar shook Silver City.
“The hell is that!?” Star-Strong cried.
“That’s S.B.W. Subject N.” Knightsbridge slapped his forehead. “Oh, duh. Our genetic chimera project. Superpowered Bioweapon Subject DRA:60-N. Too bad your unprovoked attack “let loose” the poor boy while my secretary bravely held you off. Toodles!” Knightsbridge closed the door and the whirring blades lifted the chopper to the sky. Thorn stood before them again, fists raised.
“He’s getting away!”
“We got bigger problems!” Star-Strong may have been a giant, but even he was dwarfed by the monster screeching and clawing up the skyscraper. Long neck, long whiplike tail, hard scales, powerful wings, horned head, with a jaw full of teeth as long as Star-Strong’s arm; the mighty beast crested the roof and bellowed, letting loose a jet of flame into the evening sky.
“Why...why does he have a dragon?” Morph whimpered.
The bioweapon peered down at the city below, watching all the screaming, running, tasty morsels panicking in the streets. It raised its wings and gave a tentative flap. Morph was nearly bowled over in the wind.
“We can’t let it get airborn! It’ll devastate not just the city, but the whole country if we-are you freaking kidding right now!?” Star-Strong snapped at Thorn, assaulting him with spiked strikes.
“Mr. Knightsbridge’s orders are absolute.” she said emotionlessly, driving a spiked knee into his gut, followed by morphing her hand into a spike and stabbing him in the neck.
“Listen lady, you need to stop or-”
“Mr. Knightsbridge has decreed you die. You will die.” she said dully, unleashing a devastating combo on his ribs. Cross! Elbow! Roundhouse! Hook! Knee! Uppercut! All with vicious spikes!
Her assault would’ve been very impressive had the spikes actually been able to hurt him. Star-Strong just stood there, watching his shirt grow holes.
“You asked for it.” He whopped her upside the head. Now, it was a light tap, enough to disorient her or knock her out at best. Max was very cautious with his strength, knowing firsthand how destructive it could be if unchecked. He never put a lot into his strikes, not when dealing with fragile living bodies. Which was why when he felt a crunch in her skull he freaked.
The dragon bellowed as it reared up, testing the wind with its’ wings. Star-Strong glanced from the prone woman to the beast about to take off. Morph was shaking nervously, looking to him for guidance.
“One problem at a time, let’s head it off!” Star-Strong charged in, Morph following with trepidation.
“This’s too big! We gotta call the army! Or the Champion!” he said.
“I’d love to! But there’s no time, we’re the only ones who can fight it right now! Quick-I need a spear, as tough as you can make it!” Star-Strong said, scooping him up.
“A-Alright!” Morph concentrated, and his form grew hard, supple, and long. His outstretched arms folded together and formed a diamond tip that gleamed in the rising moon. Star-Strong raised him up, and leaped.
The wind made his cape billow as gravity took over, driving all four hundred and fifty-three pounds of him along with his super-strength into the dragon’s shoulder. Despite that, the spear barely broke through, getting not even six inches before stopping in steel-hard muscle. It screeched and snarled, violently whipping back, tearing the hero and weaponized sidekick free, skidding on the roof. But that wasn’t all that was dislodged.
“That wasn’t fun...Dirge!?” Star-Strong exclaimed upon seeing the rocker land next to him. He gave the giant a weak smile.
“Hey. Tried to... stop it. Didn’t work. Got... caught under its wing.” he said breathlessly. Morph turned back, gasping in horror. Star-Strong sucked in a breath himself.
Dirge’s entire left side was caved in, his leg bent at a funny angle. His coat was soaked in his own blood, running down from various wounds, but most profusely from a nasty gash at his temple. Star-Strong quickly ripped a piece of his cape to bandage it.
“Look worse’n I am. Managed to cushion the claw with sound, but still took a hit. Bleeding and leg’s... broken, but ain’t... nothin’ new. Real problem’s...my ribs, they’re broken... poking my lung. Can’t draw ‘nough breath.” he said, gasping between words.
“Seems like you’ve got enough to talk.” Star-Strong said, looking him over. He’d actually seen worse. “Hang on, this’ll hurt, but I can help.” he said, holding hsi shoulders gently. The draconic bioweapon snarled, drawing their attention back to it. “Oh no.” The monster’s eyes narrowed, glittering and shifting into a wide slit. It looked familiar.
“Like a cat.” Morph muttered, getting an idea. “S-Star-Strong, can you h-help Dirge?” he asked. At his raised eyebrow, he said “B-Because I think I can get it’s attention. Distract it. That one guy, if he can do it so can I. I...I can buy you time.”
Star-Strong glanced from his sidekick to the beast wiggling to pounce and back. No time, and Jason could heal. He would have to trust his sidekick.
“Be careful!” he barked, working on Dirge. Morph nodded and faced the dragon.
“C’mon, hey! Look at me! C’mon!” He jumped and shifted before he landed, turning into a bright red rubber sphere. The beast was taken aback, its’ claws scrabbling on the roof as the ball booped its’ nose. It growled and swiped at him, but Morph bounced away, shifting between red, blue, green, and yellow. The dragon’s attention diverted, focused entirely on the kid hero drawing it around.
“Follow the bouncing ball.” Star-Strong muttered in disbelief. Shaking his head but smiling, he got to work. He gently but firmly pulled Dirge’s shoulders back into place, ignoring the hiss of pain. Dirge was a pro hero, he could handle it.
“Thanks, that’s better.” Dirge said with a cough after sucking down air. The sharp, burning pain faded into a dull ache, his leg still numb but the feeling in his arms resumed.
“Thought it’d help. But we gotta do something. Morph can’t hold it at bay forever.” Star-Strong said, watching the enormous claw bat at his protege. “Any ideas?”
“This’s...a little outta my wheelhouse. Freedom Flag Foundation usually handle any giant monsters like this, they got the Champ and Aquina. Wait for them or the military, I guess.” was all he could say, helplessly. “Your boy’s got ‘im, seems like...no!”
He had a coughing fit as the dragon swiped its claw, knocking Morph over the edge of the building. In surprise and panic, he instinctively turned back into human shape, frozen in terror at the 120-story drop.
Star-Strong was already moving, his powerful legs barely touching the roof as he launched himself forward. Despite his speed, gravity was faster. He knew he wasn’t going to catch him in time, from the opposite end of the roof. He watched in sheer heart-stopping despair and shock as Morph disappeared over the edge, his outstretched arm not long enough to catch him.
But just long enough to reach the blur diving after the boy.
“Grab it!”
Morph seized the pole sent down like a drowning man a life preserver. Healing was one thing, but he didn’t want to test it after going splat! He looked up to see his rescuer, and gasped.
Star-Strong was equally astonished to see the one who’d saved his sidekick, whom he was holding by her shapely leg. None other than Knightsbridge’s secretary Thorn!
“Pull us up!” she shouted, retracting the spike from her palm to grab Morph. The giant swung them back up, so they had a front-row seat to the dragon’s gaping maw, orange light getting brighter in its throat.
“Going up!” Star-Strong grabbed them as he jumped, the fire cascading over the building and lighting up the darkening sky. The police and emergency responders below gave the building an even wider berth than before.
“Holy crap.” Star-Strong said as he landed next to Dirge. The dragon turned their way, but apparently judged them as unthreatening, rearing up and unfurling its wingspan again, this time fully.
“Listen, it’s only got like six shots of fire before it has to restock!” Thorn said urgently, pulling on Star-Strong’s cape. “It’s got cat, rhino, elephant, alligator and bat DNA in its’ makeup, and whatever else Thunder did to let it breathe fire. It weighs over seven tons, and its scales are super hard to penetrate, it’s been engineered to withstand up to155 millimeter shells, you can’t kill it without major equipment! Do you know anyone who can help take out that thing?” she said, everything coming out in a rush. She didn’t even notice or care that she was bleeding profusely from her head. Star-Strong blinked.
“Uh, not really. Why are you all of a sudden helping us? A minute ago, Knightsbridge’s orders were absolute. Also, you got a…” He pointed to her head, and only now realized there was a piece of plastic embedded in her skull, just under the skin.
Without hesitation and barely a grimace, she grabbed it and ripped it free, splattering blood on the three aghast heroes.
“Augh! Lady, you’re crazy!” Dirge said.
“This! This is why I’ve been taking that bastard’s orders!” she howled, the device plain to see in her clenched fist, shaking with white-hot fury. “It’s an electronic synapse override! Three years! Three years I’ve had to watch from the inside as that bastard piloted my body!” She snarled, hurling the device to the ground and smashing it with a spiked heel. Star-Strong shared a knowing glance with Morph.
“He really is a bastard. I believe you, so how do we kill it?” he said.
“You can’t. The bioweapon’s been designed to be unstoppable. We gotta call the military, the kid had the right idea. They can harry it until it tires out, it needs a lot of calories to keep going.” she said, glancing fearfully up.
The dragon was testing the air, and with a flap of its’ wings jumped into the sky. They were nearly flattened by the wind pressure, and the screams below redoubled. Star-Strong felt his heart stop as it flew free, swooping down into the city itself, roaring a triumphant cry as it surveyed the landscape. He didn’t miss how it looked at the running crowds. He wanted to shield them, but even his strength was no match for that monster.
“That’s what I’m worried about. We don’t have time to wait, it’ll start snacking on everybody here!” he said grimly.
“Hol’ up, miss. What’d you say it was made up of again?” Dirge suddenly said. Thorn blinked.
“Uh, alligator, cat, rhino, bat, monitor-”
“So just natural animals? It’s just really tough, like starboy here?” he said, pointing at Star-Strong. Thorn bit her lip, thinking.
“Probably, major work’s been done just to make sure it doesn’t collapse under its own weight. Dr. Thunder’s major focus was giving it fire breath, I’m not sure how he managed that. It can be killed, just not by anything around here.” she said. Dirge nodded.
“Right. I can work with that. Can’t be sure of the exact pitch, but I’m thinking I can make his scales vibrate. I ain’t got much left in the tank, so we got only one shot at this. If the structure of his body’s weakened, it might let a hit through to a vital spot. Whaddaya say?” he said, staring at Star-Strong.
“Are you sure?” the giant asked. The rocker smiled sadly, and nodded. There wasn’t any time to try anything else. “Then you can count on me.” he said, mighty fist raised.
“What do I do?” Morph piped up. Star-Strong glanced at the dragon, salivating as it lazily soared through the air, then at Morph, who froze when he was knocked off the building. His decision was made.
“Stay here and assist Dirge.” he said.
“Listen.” Star-Strong grabbed his shoulders, and knelt to look into his eyes. “I know you can help, but this operation doesn’t call for your talents. It was dangerous enough the first time, I don’t want you hurt too. Besides, if we fail you’re the last line of defense, to get other heroes and explain the plan and its weaknesses. Understand?” he said urgently, his fingers unconsciously squeezing. That tension alone told Morph how serious he was.
“Got it.” he said, head bowed.
“Good. Wish me luck!” The giant got up and ran, staring at his target, his kibvaughn’s power humming through his body, flowing through his veins. He left bootprints in the roof from his leap, straight at the dragon swooping down on the people below.
“I GOT YOU!” he shouted, slamming a fist hard into the dragon’s snout. Such was the force of the blow the beast’s momentum was halted midair, the hurried flap of its’ wings sending out a hurricane gale as it tried to stay aloft. The wind shattered the top windows of every skyscraper on the block, and in seconds caught up to an escaping helicopter.
“Mayday! Mayday! Going down!” the pilot screamed as alarms blared and the world turned topsey-turvey.
“This ain’t good!” was the only thing Knightsbridge could gasp before the helicopter crashed to the ground with a CRNCH.
The same as Star-Strong, but the hero withstood the impact much easier, springing off the asphalt to uppercut the dragon and making it howl in pain.
“That’s it! Come get some!” he taunted, falling through the air. The dragon snarled and flapped, outstretched claws rending the wind as it flew.
Star-Strong bounced off the buildings, hitting and taunting the bioweapon to an extreme, ensuring those massive teeth and nails were aimed squarely at him, not at the citizens below. He weaved between the high rises, leading the beast to the now-evacuated MetaTech HQ.
“He’s coming!” Morph cried, watching his mentor leap and lead it closer.
“Hope you know what you’re doing, or we’re all dead.” Thorn muttered darkly. She heard Dirge strumming his guitar
“Chill, little lady. Right here, right now, there’s no one better. The Champion, good as he is, can’t be everywhere at once.” he chuckled, tuning the strings. It had to be perfect. “Trust us. We’re heroes. This’s what we do.”
“He’s here! He’s here!” Morph screeched, diving for cover. Thorn followed suit, but both were unable to look away as Dirge stood up, clearing his throat.
“All yours!” Star-Strong shouted, cape spread out and arms high as his final jump carried him towards the roof, the dragon hot behind him. Dirge smiled sadly.
“Here we go.”
The dragon inhaled, its’ throat glowing orange. So did Dirge, fingers on the strings. Star-Strong hit the wall of MetaTech, pivoted, and shot to the ground. It was now the dragon versus the aged rocker, both shots ready. The fire began to spew out, and-
“Do re mi fa so la ti…”
That single note, high and hard and sharp, supported by the sonics of the guitar rang through the entirety of Silver City. It engulfed it, rattling every window, shaking every foundation. Ripples in fountains and glasses appeared, unbeknownst to most as they were covering their ears against the sound, and heads against dirt shaken loose. Downtown near the compound windows shattered and car alarms went off,
silent in the all-encompassing sound that drowned out all other.
Subject N was at the epicenter of the sound wave, projected straight at its’ chest.
The fire amounted to a hot summer breeze as the breath immediately ceased, the dragon’s heart wildly vibrating. Dirge sang his heart out wholly and fully, ignoring the pain, ignoring the fatigue of all he’d been through, even ignoring the sudden burst he could feel in his chest and the hot, choking sensation trying to silence him.
But no, he sang on, singing his last, clear note, a dirge to end the hero known as Dirge. He sang until his last was spent, and toppled forward unconscious. Thorn and Morph caught him before he fell from the roof, and they watched the bioweapon flap frantically.
Star-Strong launched up from the ground like a rocket, delivering a two-handed uppercut straight to the beast’s heart, lifting it aloft as it’s eyes rolled back, its’ heart bursting internally.
“Yes!” For one moment, there was only the joy of victory on Star-Strong’s face. Then gravity took over, and he realized he was directly under a multi-ton behemoth nearly 1,700 feet from the ground. “CraaaaaAAAAP-”
“Max!” Morph cried, dashing to the door, leaving Thorn with the unconscious Dirge.
“Ok, ok, leave the girl with the big, sleeping dude, no problem, she can handle it.” she rumbled, slinging him across her back, making her way to the door too. Dirge’s spiked boots trailled along the ground, he was so much taller than her. And heavier. “What’ve you been eating!? Jeez, leaving me alone to bring this guy down...kid needs to learn some manners…” Not to mention how to use his powers effectively. She glanced over the side of the building, where a giant slamming noise was heard. She shook her head.
She had no doubt he would be fine. And if he wasn’t, he wasn’t. Jason would’ve survived that fall easily, had he really thought about it.
“Meh. Not my problem.” she muttered, dragging Dirge off.
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