《Binary of Life and Death》Chapter 15: Desolation Queen
(Aeyrs POV)
I ended up on the Eatherian Plane after a giant rain of purple spikes enclosed around me without a single one touching my body. Whoever sent me here didn’t want to seem like an enemy, but with everything that Ashen told me about this place, it was probably that no good Puppet Master that summoned me here. It didn’t take long before this color-palette of a world splashed into view, and the absolute madman’s land was as weird as Ashen had described it. I heard footsteps on the tentacle grass and spun around swiftly meeting a familiar-looking woman, one I wish I would have never seen again, for the rest of my life. Her appearance changed from when she met with Ashen, and it somehow irritated me more.
She had a sleek face, small purple eyes, and thin eyebrows. Her long black hair was torn, snapped and cut in places, with missing pieces all over. Her hair seemed to be magically bound together, as they floated downwards from her head much like how a golem’s arms can droop from its body while still being connected. She had a streak of green hair on the left side of her face and a red streak on the right. The claws in my hands instinctively emerged and my tail tensed. Even my face looked like I was resisting the urge to slaughter this woman, but I kept my emotions in check and waited to at least hear out her last words.
“Oh don’t look at me like that- Aeyrs…” She caught her tongue, likely about to say my name from earth, as she would know it.
“What do you want?” I snarled back at her.
“Oh my, please don’t be so mean, it could break your little-” she was going to continue her sentence but I interrupted her to avoid the word she was going to utter.
“SHUT UP! Let me go back to Ashen, he doesn’t deserve this.” She seemed surprised that I cut her off, but she recovered quickly.
“Fine. To answer your question quickly and simply, I wanted to see how you were doing, it may not seem like it after that happened, but I do still love and care about you guys.” She said as a portal to the Physical Plane opened next to me.
“Promise to never bother him again, or me for that matter.” My voice was chock full of hatred, all directed at her and all she had done to us.
“I can’t promise it, but I will try. Tell him that I wished him a happy wedding.” She said while tilting her head to the right and smiling with a small giggle while she was covering her mouth with the back of her right hand.
“You still love us eh? Yeah right…” I said before going through the portal, with it shattering into light after I stepped in front of the guild base.
My brother is getting married today, I heard about it a few days ago, but to think he was going through with it. I hate that she knows, but I don’t think even she would interrupt it. That’s if she ‘loves and cares’ at all about him. I shook my head viciously to get the memories from creeping back into my mind. I opened the large black doors and walked inside. The inside was filled with an upbeat mood. All the maids were smiling more than usual and the butlers were too, and not only that but it also seems like the wedding would be held here as the dining hall was being set up. All the NPCs were gathering and it was a glory to behold, a sight unmatched by any other beauty.
It truly makes me feel like the name Ashen thought of for this place was a suitable title, Pantheon. A home fit for gods, or at the very least, god-level entities, like all the members of the guild and even a good chunk of the NPCs, at least compared to this new world. It also helped that he was classified as a minute deity but still, even without that proper title many knew him as the magic god back in Sugarea. The thought brought back good memories, ones of a long time ago, back when we were grinding out our first dungeon bosses. They were truly good times, it nearly brought a tear to my eye, but it didn’t, for today is not only about me, but the union of my brother and a questionably young-looking demon girl.
Several words came to mind, none that I would ever say aloud, but I suppressed those words for now. With the day being clear, with few clouds sparsely spread above, it was the perfect day for a wedding. I heard that Kraken was working endlessly to create a wedding cake, along with all the other food that would be present, and all the other chefs, of which there were twelve, had been busy for the last week and a half, all making food in advance. Ashen was preparing himself, or whatever he was actually doing, most likely preparing himself to actually spend time with a woman, the thought alone brought a fiendish smile to my lizard face. With a fun-filled mind, and a happy-go-lucky attitude, for the time being, I joined the rest of the NPCs and started to enjoy myself.
(Erik von Ranznedese POV)
It has been quite some time since anyone has heard anything about demon attacks or even sightings coming from the north. It would be crazy to think that the problem is gone just because it stopped showing itself for a short while. Demons were smart and very clever, with their raw intelligence being quite indomitable when it came to other races. Only a handful of races, most being magical ones, could ever hope to stand up to their intellect. They could be plotting something, even that new demon could be, but to keep my sanity, I will assume that he had solved the issue, otherwise I feel like we would stand no chance if we were the target of his magic.
Every guard that was present on that blood-curdling night felt it, that raw power that just radiated off of his body. His mana felt rich and far more potent than even high-grade mana potions. The sheer power of a monster like him is unfathomable in the modern world of man. If he were to turn our status from friend to foe he would turn us from existence to deletion. My wife, the queen, has been going mad without knowing his next move, as nobody could ever think of what that monster could do next. It also came to mind that a noble granted the city to that monster, what a fool!
My people could be in great danger should he feel like harming them, but that lies outside my power now. I am getting too old to worry about his actions constantly, and I still have my duties as king to take care of. Many of my people have been worried about the whole situation, and all for good reason. A powerful demon that can slaughter hundreds of thousands without exhaustion, and a potentially equally powerful Dragonoid? Of course, my people are worried, but I couldn’t think of any solution that wouldn’t involve our inevitable demise. We never heard of a demon with that strength existing, not since the old war, and that was over a dozen centuries past, and then some.
Back when the moons were first being born, or so the records say. History wasn’t my strong suit, but all those years of isolation in the royal library did gain me something. I knew a great deal about the different races, as that was one of the topics that was best recorded, and there was a great deal on demons and devils. We also found out about his minions, and they were just as terrifying in terms of strength alone. A spy that can never be caught, a warrior unmatched by any other, a healer that can cure death like a sickness, and a giant strong enough to level mountains.
Their strength is frightening in their own right, but when they combine them, it was all the more impossible to stop them. News of this threat has reached the other kingdoms on this island, and some of the one surrounding it. Hopefully, we can find a way to contain it before it breaks our world as we know it. With all that we know about demons, there is still the smallest sliver of hope that we may accomplish this one impossible dream. This kingdom is in the frontlines if it turned to war, and as such, we would be the first to fall to his might. My body shakes every time I think of that monster, and my hair stood up on end.
“Your majesty.” A woman spoke with a voice that gave me chills.
“An emissary of Ashen!?” I spoke aloud rather than in my head and saw the same woman that had warned me before when that demon made the fourth moon.
“Correct, my name is Misfortune.” Her voice sounded peaceful, but my body was still racked with fear.
“What brings you here?” I said still shaken to my core, hoping that we could secure my castle to prevent any more unwanted visits by the demon’s troops.
“My lord, Ashen, is holding a wedding, and has formally invited you, the queen and four guests of your choosing to attend.” She said, her figure appeared to be on one knee and bowing.
“Wedding!? With who?” My voice was very clearly shocked, and even the guards looked uneasy again, as they tend to do whenever any of Ashen’s minions visited or were spoken about.
“With the former demon lord, Xylith.” Her words nearly drained the blood from my head, and I sank deeper into my throne.
“What do you mean, the former?” My voice was quivering and my body followed suit, the queen wasn’t nearby but if she were she would be experiencing the same.
“She has accepted lord Ashen as the new demon lord, and after their wedding, it would become official.” My eyes couldn’t stay still and darted around the room a dozen times over every second until she spoke again. “Your safety is guaranteed, our lord has sworn it.” I had to trust her, if he wanted anyone dead they would surely be in a matter of moments.
“I understand, thank you. W-what time should we arrive?” She withdrew a scroll from nowhere and handed it to a guard on my left before answering.
“In two hours, use this scroll to teleport directly to the castle’s gate. You will be welcomed shortly after your arrival.” She said and looked at me for a response.
“Very well, thank you.” After my words, her body vanished and the weight that had built in the room dropped all at once.
Every guard and I let out a collective gasp of air before calming down. The guard handed me the scroll, and I held it with tender care, my hands still shaking with fright. It would seem that I couldn’t contain my composure as I had done before. It took everything I had to withhold the urge to panic, but it would seem that my new magic ring helped pull me back to sanity. A simple gold ring with a green stone in the middle, it allowed for a resistance to fear but it couldn’t work at all times, so I only used it when I needed to the most, like just now. I might be a king, but with my age, I can’t afford to use my mana so freely as I had done in the past.
“Inform the queen to prepare for an outing. And gather general Zair and any other who wishes to visit them, I don’t believe there will be many volunteers.” The guard bowed slightly and walked off.
I sank backward into my throne and let out a sigh again, and my mind went into a haze. If it is a wedding, I should get them a gift, but what could he even possibly want? A person of that magnitude would have no use of any weapon or armor I could ever give him, nor would he have use for money, as he is seemingly wealthy beyond belief, though I have yet to see his riches for myself. I can only assume such a thing based on his massive castle and his underling’s fancy and powerful apparel. Perhaps he would enjoy a gift that has more sentimental value or something that means something.
I had no clue what he could possibly want in that aspect, but perhaps I could have a rush job and have a statue of his likeness made and give him that. That doesn’t sound like a poor idea, but I am unsure if I could have it done in time. If I were to get all the best crafters in town it could work, but that would be pushing it, and they wouldn’t have much to go off of as a reference. It was at this time, when my mind was most in thought, that a small pellet of green rolled out of the scroll, and it was magnificent. A bead of pure magic, unlike anything I’ve ever seen before, it’s purity was breath-taking.
I looked to the closest guard to my right and he looked back. “Fetch me the royal magician and crafter. And ask the crafter to bring his tools and a very large ruby if possible.” They nodded and walked off at a hastened pace.
I need to have this examined, but the gift gave me a new idea of what to make. A replica crystal skull, made from magic, if possible, but if not, I could try to have it done from ruby. I felt an obligation, a compelling force that just gave me a sense of safety from the small bead. It was like my ring, but leagues better, like it’s power was amplified despite its small size. The night will be very long, and the two hours I had before it would have to be used wisely. I am going to have to adapt this bead into a ring or necklace, something to keep it closeby. I shook the scroll lightly, hoping that another bead was inside for my wife, and a small blue bead fell out after a few moments of silent hoping.
(Star-Mates POV)
“What do you think is going to happen when he marries Xylith?” Olive asked the group in their room, waiting for the wedding to start in half an hour.
“He promised he would still spend time with us, I’m sure we will,” Aqua said with her usual positive attitude.
“Well of course, but I’m talking more specifically, like what kinds of things do you think they will do?” Olive’s words caused a deep blush to wash over Cobalt’s face.
“Whatever our lord does, we shouldn’t pry into his personal affairs,” Lavender said, her mature attitude grabbing the attention of everyone.
“We can still speculate, we don’t have to pry, I just wanted to know what you all thought he would do is all,” Olive said, her calm voice seemed to release everyone’s attention from Lavender.
“Well, being honest, there is a chance nothing will change, or at least, nothing major. Then again, there is also the chance that they will, um… You know, do stuff…” Cobalt said with her blush gaining color and pushing her pointer fingers into one another.
“Stuff?” Amber asked innocently while tilting her head.
“Let’s not talk about our lord’s private matters, instead we could plan things to do with him instead. For instance, remember the good ol’ days back when we were all together and we bore witness to his ingeniousness as he finally mastered the art of magical rune-crafting?” Everyone nodded in agreement. “And he created the magical crest that encases the castle, along with the countless other defenses. Why don’t we try to help him create something even better! If we helped him create all that, then what else could we do together!” Ember’s eyes lit up as she spoke.
“I doubt our magical knowledge is adequate compared to our lord’s, but it is worth an attempt,” Sunny said, her casual demeanor being traded for a more serious one.
“We don’t need to help him with magic, just make him happy!” Amber said, throwing her arms into the air which caused the group to laugh lightly, even Lavender.
“I don’t know what would make him happy though, the only thing that seemed to do the trick was…” Olive trailed off, only for the entire group to finish her sentence in unison.
“Challenges!” Be it a world boss, dungeon, quest, mission, or even just crafting a hard recipe, Ashen enjoyed it all.
“But what kind of a challenge would be worthy of him?” Cobalt said and everyone thought about it for a good while, roughly ten minutes.
“Maybe a riddle?” Amber asked the group, which Lavender quickly answered.
“No, I’m sure his intellect surpasses our own by many leagues. Perhaps we could find a different approach.” Her words made Amber sadden her face but she tried thinking of another idea.
“We could make a set of challenges that force him to use the assets he has at his disposal without using everything he has. A challenge that restricts his power to make it more difficult while all the same still allowing him to succeed if he does the right things.” Ember said, her ideas were almost always magic-related, but the entire set of trials wasn’t going to be entirely magic-based.
“What kind of trials could possibly pose a challenge to him? He fought off gods, enslaved a god, crossed dimensional planes, and his raw power is unmatched in the field of magic.” Cobalt said, her words causing Ember to rethink her plans.
“But who said he couldn’t do it just to have fun?” Sunny said, her face lighting up again.
“That is fair, our lord might be powerful, but nothing restricts him from enjoying himself other than himself.” Olive agreed with Sunny, and everyone gave a silent nod.
“While that is true, we would have to check with our lord before, as to not waste assets on a project he disagrees with,” Lavender said, her authority over the group gave her words more weight.
“I can go ask lord Aeyrs, he might be willing to arrange it for us,” Ember said, putting her hand up to her chin.
“If he allows it, then it would be beyond my power to defy his wishes.” Lavender sighed but accepted the proposal.
“The rest of you can hammer out the details while I am gone,” Ember said before she walked out of the room and towards the bar section of the castle where there were the small phone-like operators that could transfer her message.
“Right, let’s discuss some of these challenges at length,” Olive said, and the rest got to work planning their gift.
The world has been changed too many times in the last four months, and the nations of the world cannot adapt to it fast enough. The dwarves were amongst the first nations to establish a relationship with the new power, saving themselves from possible annihilation. The Bandarainian Empire also saved itself by establishing a mutual pact of sorts with the new entities as well. Even the Britgar Holy Kingdom was saved by sheer chance when they made a crude agreement to make a deal with the new demon lord. An entity of unmatched power, that not even the gods can touch. A being that can create world-changing effects like simple party tricks.
The world has its own motives for making relations with that new demon. Good ones, and bad ones, but none could compare to what that demon’s motives were for making relations with the world. Not a soul could comprehend the mind behind that impossible monster, especially now that they have made an outright mark on the world, one that could not be ignored. Of the many islands that litter the surroundings of the continent that the demon walks upon, several have already prepared for long periods of increased and decreased trade and migration. The sleeping drakes and dragons of the Rib Cage Mountains would wake to find themselves in more danger than they could even imagine.
The world has a great danger looming over it, one that could wipe and restart the entire planet that it has made its home. A newfound power that disrupts the balance of the previously unchanged wars and sieges that have been forever kept constant between the many countries and landmasses. If the demon wants it, it will happen, and not a soul that was on the planet before it came could ever hope of stopping or stalling his plans. Wars will be started and ended, races could be made better or purged, land could be raised from the depth of the sea or could be sunk under it. Any move that the demon wants, will be made with swift and brutal accuracy.
The world has a single shield, the small village of Donnade in the Faerie’s Twilight forest. This small isolated town could be the only stepping stone to the survival and preservation of the world as it used to be, but only if it could make the correct choices. If it were to make an enemy of the demon, then the world is damned, and its wrath will be unleashed like hell upon mortals. But if it can manage to save and keep a relationship with the demon, one that is kept in highest regards, then the world might survive to see another disaster. Perhaps their relations could spark a time of peace unlike anything the nations have seen before, or it could sink the world into a chaos that has never been thought of…
(Ashen POV)
The wedding was going great. My preparation was almost done, and I prepared everything I could. I finally had mastered the new ability that my skull gave me, [Active Mask]. And by now, my face was restructured plenty of times as I tried to get one that I liked. It was not too bold and would blend in with a crowd if not for my Charisma. My face stuck out like a beacon to flies, and no matter how ugly I could make my face look, it would still look irresistibly attractive. Since I can’t mask my beauty, at least with an actual face, I would at least make a simplistic one that I could feel comfortable with.
Vron, could you create a physical form and alter your appearance as to not reflect mine? I mentally messaged Vron, and he created a body behind me like normal.
His body was much different now, and he did take on the idea of my son, it was almost like he was. He was roughly a meter and a quarter, and looked like a smaller version of me, although he had a proper demon face. His skin was still the charred black color that mine was, and his face had rather simplistic features that resembled mine. He had violet eyes with the pupils in the shape of diamonds, like many demon’s had. He had two horns, much smaller than mine at roughly eight centimeters, sprouting out of the temple parts of his skull. The horns were light grey and curved outwards then forwards and then straight upwards.
“Is this form acceptable, father?” He spoke out in the same young voice he did before.
I stared in awe for a few seconds but replied eventually. “Yes, you look great. If you could, go and address the Aeyrs that I am almost done.” He bowed deeply and teleported out of the room, leaving me to finish my final touches.
I exchanged my normal attire with something more fitting for a wedding. My plate armor was stored in my pocket dimension and I stored my rings and necklaces in a simple [Magic Storage]. Much similar to my pocket dimension, it stored items and I could use it whenever I needed instead of having to keep the ring on me. I stored my rings and necklaces in there because it couldn’t store a lot of items and I could automatically equip them when I opened it and reached my hand into the spell circle. It would be useful if I was ever caught off-guard, but I doubt I would ever be, but being cautious never hurts.
I wore a black tuxedo with purple highlights, and I created matching shoes for my abnormal feet. I could bring my three large toes together which saved a lot of size, but it felt weird to walk with smaller feet again. I got used to it quickly, and soon I looked like a respectable groomsmen, I even grew a set of hair that was combed neatly. My horns took on the same color that Vron’s did, as they were part of the crystal and were the same orange-red that it was. I pulled my bowtie lightly and looked over my outfit one last time, checking for abnormalities besides my tail, which I wrapped in a sleeve-like piece of clothing that was attached to my pants.
I got a mental ping from Vron, and I knew the wedding was about to start. Father, Aeyrs said the wedding is ready to begin, Xylith said she is ready as well. Shall we begin? And with his words, I answered in the only way I knew how.
I teleported to the entrance of the dining hall, which was made into the wedding venue. I opened the doors maturely, by opening it by the handle and calmly walking in, which attracted the attention of those inside. The star-mates were here, along with plenty of others. King Arthur, King Erik, queen Melia, along with general Zair and three others I didn’t recognize. There was Jolven, Bestinian, some of the elders from the demon lands, Jurkananog, Vuras, the former lord of Wheatberg and all the NPCs. It was refreshing to see all of their faces again, so I gave a quick greeting to them all. Arath had to stray away from the majority of the NPCs, so I had a quick talk with him as I felt I should.
“Arath, It’s been some time since I’ve seen you.” My voice sounded pleasant and calming, I even used the spell [Smooth Talking] which would make charming and general communications better.
“My lord,” He let out a massive burst of miasma and continued, “It’s good to see you.” He started to bow his head slightly, but not for long, as he stood tall again.
“How have you been?” we were standing in the far back corner of the room, and it was rather lively in the room so our conversation didn’t stand out.
“I have been well,” he let out another heavy breath of black fog and continued, “How have you been,” Yet another breath before he finished, “Lord?” I know we made his character like this, but to have him always secluded to himself would be heart-breaking if only a handful of people could ever have a chance to talk to him.
I would have to think of ways to allow him to be able to be near others without physically altering his character. “I have been very pleasant. And very busy, as you can tell.” I said with a small chuckle that he returned.
A scruffy and rough chuckle, one that matched his voice. “Yes,” every time he paused slightly he had to let out a breath of miasma, “It does seem so.” He said then let out a deep and loud laugh that sounded throughout the room before he got quieter.
“I’ll talk to you later about some things, take care until then,” I said while reaching out and placing my arm on his shoulder.
“Yes lord,” a short breath of miasma filled the air before dispersing, “I look forward to it.” He said and put his hand onto my shoulder which covered it near completely.
I smiled and walked away, quickly getting more and more attention as I walked over to Aeyrs. “Well look at who we have here, my little brother who looks so handsome. Ready for your very questionably aged bride?” He said teasing me.
“Oh, but of course my still single brother. Please, I would like to marry my very questionably aged bride, I cannot bear to be parted with her any longer.” I said with a sarcastic tone while leaning my head backward with the back of my right hand on my forehead to exaggerate.
“Oh, but of course, I don’t want to stand in between the two of you. You were a match made in hell after all.” His words caused a devilish grin to wash over my face.
A mouthful of perfect teeth was shown to him and he only responded with a half-assed attempt at his own. “What's the matter lizard face? Can’t find the drive to smile?” We called each other names all the time, so this wasn’t something new, but he did take a snap of his jaws at my face, which missed and spoke back.
“Oh, but of course, I couldn’t be happier for my little brother. To be married to another hellspawn like yourself.” I opened my mouth and a small ball of fire shot out and onto his shoulder leaving a small smoldering line of smoke coming off of it.
“Hellspawn indeed, but be careful with your words. Hellspawn is a race in this world, try not to falsely label someone’s species, dearest brother of mine.” I said as I walked away and towards the altar where Vron and one of the NPCs stood.
After a minute, with everyone taking their proper seats, Xylith came out. She had a long dragging black gothic wedding dress on, with a black-spotted veil. She looked quite lovely and her face showed her joy quite easily. A grand smile, one befitting a queen was present on her face, one that made my own grow with joy. I took a deep breath, filling my real lungs with a crisp and magic-rich breath of air. She was walking down the aisle with one of the maids that came with her to the castle, I think Naama was her name. After a dozen seconds of walking, she eventually stood across from me next to the altar, Naama standing behind her with a bouquet of red and black flowers that Xylith was holding.
The priest, Michael, named after the Archangel Michael, was indeed an Archangel. He had white wings on his back, made of feathers and wore priestly white robes. He had a small pair of spectacles on his nose and carried a staff of gold with the head having a simplistic design. A cross with a rounded arc connecting the left, right and top extensions of the cross, resembling an eyeball to some extent. The rest of the staff had many small golden rings that were floating around the shaft of the staff, not much bigger than the width of the staff itself. The bottom of the staff ended in a rounded-off point with a small golden bead at the very bottom.
“We are all gathered here today, to see these two joined in marriage.” His voice sounded holy and respectfully mature. “Xylith, the former demon lord, and Ashen, the new demon lord. Have you both come together of your own volition and not of any others?” He asked and we answered in unison.
“I do.” Both me and Xylith had to learn the proper vows beforehand, so we both tried to seem as confident as possible.
“And will you honor the bindings of your relationships. Through sickness and in health, for richer and poorer? Through heaven and hell, through life and death? By blood, body, heart, mind, and soul do you take each other as man and wife? Until the end of all, do you part?” That didn’t sound exactly like the normal wedding vows that a regular priest would do at a wedding, but those were the lines he was supposed to say, as it was a game beforehand, and I wanted it to sound like a fitting set of vows.
“I, Ashen Fur, vow to take you in sickness and in health, for richer and poorer. Through heaven and hell, through life and death. By blood, body, heart, mind, and soul, I take you as my wife, until the end of all, do we part.” I said, my hands joining hers.
“I, Xylith Gro’voth, vow to take you in sickness and in health, for richer and poorer. Through heaven and hell, through life and death. By blood, body, heart, mind, and soul, I take you as my husband, until the end of all, do we part.” She said, her voice wavering and her lips quivering.
“By the land, sky, and seas, by heaven, hell, and earth. By all that is holy and all that isn’t, by life and death itself, I pronounce you, husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.” He said, his voice filled with dramatic intent, as per his character, as he was meant to overact slightly and to make his words have an impact on those who heard them.
I leaned down and we kissed, the first time I did something remotely romantic in my life. I enjoyed it, as it was my first ‘proper’ kiss. We eventually parted and hugged closely for a few moments, and I eventually parted from her again. I withdrew a small blue-tinted metal ring and slipped it onto her left ring finger and she did the same to me. The rings I had made were of a magic tier not yet known to any player, only me and the admins were aware of it. Even if someone else was aware of it, they didn’t talk about it, so it was safe to assume that it was still exclusive to the admins and I. The rings would allow a very special connection to whomever the two bound rings were worn by.
The rings were made of a special super-alloy, Dectium. Strange and very rare, it wasn’t used for many things besides being a catalyst for mana potions. But it’s high magical affinity idd allow it to be the perfect material to house the magical script that I had engraved into it that allowed for the special binding effect. Both rings glowed with a light blue light that quickly faded and left the rings. Now, they were connected, and soon she would gain many of my abilities. I would gain some of her powers as well, but mine was of much bigger note, as she was only level 267, as she leveled up at the castle a few times.
The effect of a level 267 gaining the power of a level 1000 would be so predominant that she would likely not know how to control her new-found power. There is a chance she could sustain soul damage if it doesn’t work correctly, but I’ve done everything I could to prevent that. She eventually threw her bouquet into the crowd, being caught by Amber of all people, the one who had the smallest chance, as she sat towards the back and was the shortest. I think Arath helped her somehow, but I couldn’t be certain, only guessing as they were close to one another. The entire audience looked at her with a small amount of surprise but nobody said a word, allowing me and Xylith to finally talk to the rest of the guests.
We had talked beforehand and discussed the future after we got married, we would make a proper kingdom. “Ladies and gentlemen. If I may have your attention, please. I would like to make an announcement.” I said and gathered the attention of the crowd back to me. “I would like to tell everyone present what's to come.” King Erik looked to his wife and said a few quiet words to her before looking back. “From this day forward, starting from this very moment, I, Ashen Fur of the Dragon Eye Alliance declare myself king of the now Demonican Kingdom. And I pronounce Xylith Fur as the queen of the Demonican Kingdom. My territory is this castle, Wheatberg, and the entirety of the demon lands.” My words shocked everyone, all but my brother, as we arranged it for a long time.
“I also declare Aeyrs Dragonheart as the general of the military.” I continued, my words piercing everyone like daggers. “My plans are not unknown, and I will make them know once more in front of all who are present. I wish for a nation of equality, where not a single person can be treated lower or higher based on race or status. I also wish to establish communications with the other nations and make my kingdom well known. King Arthur and King Erik, I ask you to establish these communications for me and to aid me in their development. But I wouldn’t ask anyone to do something without proper payment, as such I grant you both three personal requests from me. You can use them for anything you wish, and I will do my best to get your request completed. If both of you use contradictory wishes, I will follow the first. Sound fair to you two?” I asked them, both shaking their heads lightly. “Now, let’s enjoy the night before we have to deal with the important matters,” I said, and those who were old enough to drink, the maids, butlers, Kraken, Arath, Ember, Lavender, Michael, Premium, Planthra, Titan, Misfortune, king Arthur and Erik, and queen Melia, all together raised a toast and drank the liquor that I had Kraken procure.
A very fine wine, and one that would be safe and healthy for us all to drink. “Toast.” Everyone said altogether, those who couldn’t drink it drank water instead.
[Title Gained: King of the Demons] [50 Attribute and Skill Points Awarded] [Demon Command Chain Upgraded to Demon Hierarchy Tree] [25 Attribute and Skill Points Awarded]
- In Serial10 Chapters
Battle for Supremacy: Rise of the Chosen
The world is at war with each species trying to gain absolute power, but to no avail. After fighting for years, peace is finally about to prevail when a secret about a hidden throne unveils itself, one that has the ability to make its occupant the most powerful being in the world. Battles erupt again. Only this time, it is more gruesome and sanguinary. But what no one knows is that the throne is not only capable, it even has a secret, a secret that might bring the rise of the fallen legacy. Now, who will emerge victorious and occupy the throne to become the supreme ruler of the world? And what is the secret that has the power to ruin everyone? Or perhaps, not? Read on to find out more.
8 82 - In Serial27 Chapters
The Architects: The Illusion of Death
A ship goes missing. Not a strange occurrence in such a tumultuous solar system as this. Earth and Mars are at each other's throats, everyone in between just trying to survive. A ship goes missing. The Anna Karenina is dispatched to find her. Aboard the Anna, Sirius is trying to escape his past and make it to the next port but an ill-timed mutiny throws a wrench in his plans. As the situation aboard the Anna Karenina grows increasingly dire, a space station appears, as if from the void itself. And, unprompted, fires upon them! A ship goes missing...
8 211 - In Serial45 Chapters
Token is a web serial about four friends who find themselves playing through simulated board games in real life. Whether they want to play or not, it is not their choice, and whoever loses a game gets… re-balanced. Will they conquer this mystery before losing themselves completely?
8 81 - In Serial7 Chapters
And far was the walk.
The world as I knew it ended, well not really ended. Just changed. And in this change many things became apparant. the nature of our psyche was one. The death of our beloweds was another. we are the lucky few, the ones who survived, and who hopefully will continue to survive.
8 129 - In Serial12 Chapters
Brushing Bones
[participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge] Elisa's dream as a child was to always become a cop. She wanted to help people and make a change in her community. With the death of her mother, Elisa took in her younger sister Elizabeth, while still adjusting to her new life as a cop. Her life was good. She enjoyed her job. She was finally able to help the people in her community. However, that changes when she gets sent out on a welfare check just to find a family slaughtered. Now she has to hunt down the killer before anyone else can become a victim. Can she find the killer in time, or will she be to late?
8 145 - In Serial49 Chapters
Low Tide \ JJ Maybank
She was the first person he trusted with his secret. His safe place.He was the first guy she let all the way in. He could ground her when nobody else could.-"𝐓𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐮𝐧𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲, 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧."-"𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕨 𝕀 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦, 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦'𝕣𝕖 𝕞𝕪 𝕨𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕖 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕝𝕕. 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕞𝕠𝕤𝕥 𝕚𝕞𝕡𝕠𝕣𝕥𝕒𝕟𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕚𝕟 𝕞𝕪 𝕝𝕚𝕗𝕖 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕓𝕖𝕤𝕥 𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕀 𝕙𝕒𝕧𝕖."-JJxOCAn Netflix Original: Outer Banks FanficHighest Rankings:#1 in johnbookerrougtledge#1 in kiaracarerra#2 in obx #3 in surfing #2 in boats#2 in netflixoriginal#1 in pogue
8 112