《Airi in a Thousand Worlds》Mystery and Enigma (23)


Enigma took a deep breath, preparing to activate his powers again.

The space in his mind reconstructed the layout of his surroundings almost immediately, its speed even faster than the last time he activated his power to its fullest.

Somehow, it felt as if he was very familiar with the process. As if he had done it countless of times before. The more he used it, the smoother it became for him.

Again, he saw the orbs of light that signified the positions of everyone around him.

He opened his eyes slowly. Unlike the other time, it did not overload his brain. Although he could feel a slight throbbing of his head, it was quick to ebb away the longer he kept his powers activated.

“’Share your powers’, huh…” Enigma’s brows crinkled as he thought of a way to do it. It was easier said than done. He had no idea where to start. There was no manual for the method nor does he have anyone to teach him.

“Let’s brainstorm,” Amara suggested. “How does something connects to something else?”

The Seven Spectres huddled in a circle, thinking deeply.

“Bluetooth?” Dean suggested. It was the first thing that came to his mind.

Enigma frowned, “how does one imagine something invisible? That’s too difficult.”

“So something tangible, like plugs?” West commented. “Or wires.”

“Oh, wires!” Joy shouted. “Didn’t people from a long time ago used to use wires for everything?”

Enigma nodded in agreement. “I’ll try to see if it works.”

Enigma closed his eyes in concentration.

He imagined a wire coming out of his white sphere. It felt as if something was obstructing him as he tried to execute it.

Beads of sweat appeared as he continued to push himself, and soon, a feeling of popping through a thin membrane enveloped his mind, causing him to tremble.


The wire was a success!

He tried to control the newly formed wire, wiggling it and extending it further. After testing the waters for some time, he found out that he could freely control it however he wanted.

“Enigma?” Amara called out to him carefully. The boy had barely moved at all in a few minutes and she wondered if he was fine.

Everyone held their breath as they watched Enigma’s eyes fluttering open.

“I’m going to try something,” he informed them with a hushed tone. “If you guys feel anything, tell me.”

His words caused everyone to straighten their back, looking extremely tensed and somewhat expectant.

Enigma moved his tentacle-like ‘wire’ that was the same colour as his orb and slowly led it towards Amara’s grey-red sphere.

Unexpectedly—or expectedly—he was unable to break through Amara’s grey layer. It felt as if there was something blocking him from touching her.

“What was that?!” Amara exclaimed. She suddenly felt a jolt in her mind that caused her to feel somewhat unsettled.

“What was what?” The others looked at her with a puzzled expression. They didn’t feel anything at all, though?

“Did you feel that?” Enigma asked her.

“Yeah. It’s like something was trying to poke into my head.” Amara nodded in confirmation, sharing her experience with the rest of the group.

“It’s risky, but can you let me through? Try relaxing or something,” Enigma requested. Amara nodded, easily consenting to the experiment. What was the worst that could happen, she thought.

Enigma closed his eyes again and redid his actions. This time, he was not completely repelled by Amara.

Amara shifted uncomfortably but forced herself to relax.

Enigma pushed forward and finally managed to break into Amara’s orb.

An influx of information suddenly flowed into him.


Enigma’s brows knitted tightly as he increased his concentration even more. All the information currently bombarding his brain was causing him another headache. He worked hard to sort through all the information, his brain working on overload.

Enigma felt as if he had entered a new world.

A new world called ‘Amara’.

Inside this world, he saw windows of her memories, thoughts, and even emotions.

Although he wanted to try touching those windows, he held himself back. After all, it was invasive of him to do so. There were things which he was curious about, but he did not want to divulge into her secrets; they were friends, and if Amara did not feel comfortable telling him in real life, then there was no reason for him to snoop into her mind.

Enigma ignored the memories and dove deeper.

“This—!” He exclaimed in his mind. “Genetic code?!”

Like a programming code, millions of letters and numbers flashed in front of him, creating a formula of the human named Amara.

Like a child who had gotten a new toy, Enigma spent what felt like hours examining the endless code, trying to decipher it. The more time he spent on it, the less he understood them. In the end, he gave up.

Although it felt like a long time, in reality, only a few minutes have passed.

When Enigma finally opened his eyes, he was greeted by the sight of Amara who was frowning with an uncomfortable look on her face.

“What did it feel like?” He asked her.

“Like… someone was going through my head,” Amara described uneasily. The feeling was too complex for her to perfectly describe. It felt as if someone was kneading her brain from the inside. “What did you find in there?”

“You.” Enigma replied cryptically.

“Okay…?” Amara replied confusedly. She would have liked it if he explained a bit more, but her brain was feeling sore from Enigma’s exploration.

“I’ll try this again, but with someone else,” Enigma informed.

Joy, without missing a beat, quickly raised her hand, “Me! Me next!” She excitedly volunteered.

Without further ado, Enigma repeated the same steps as he did previously, but instead of feeling a repelling barrier like in Amara’s case, he entered Joy’s sphere rather easily. It only felt as if he poked through a mass of rubber. Although he felt a slight resistance, he was still able to go through.

On the outside, though, Joy’s face changed. She now knew what Amara meant by feeling as if someone was going through her head.

Just like with Amara, he simply glanced at everything quickly without touching or changing anything before pulling out his wire.

“Hm… I felt less resistance compared to Amara. It’s still not concluded whether it was because Joy is not a superhuman or because she had already known what to expect,” Enigma muttered.

With many more questions in his mind that needed to be answered, they continued their experiments further for a few more hours.

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