《Airi in a Thousand Worlds》The Abandoned Hero is Overpowered! (4)


Argen Hollow Forest.

It was rated as one of the most dangerous forests on the continent. However, the materials within the forest were precious. The magical beasts residing the forest were strong, vicious, and... high in demand. Some were sold as materials, some that was somehow caught alive were sold as mounts or pets.

Those beasts were valuable, and many adventurers and hunters would come to harvest them. Not only beasts, things like medicinal plants and herbs that could be found in the forest can be harvested to earn some extra coins.

A party of six humans had come into the forest seeking some fortune. They were dressed in slightly shabby clothing, each carrying a weapon of their preference. These rowdy humans looked around cautiously. Knowing the dangers hiding in the forest, they could not afford to be careless.

After going through the seemingly endless sea of trees, sometimes fending off beasts, sometimes resting, they finally found a clearing.

A gust of wind brought a nice fragrance towards them, and the sight that they saw astounded them.

A wide clearing, colourful flowers grew in the middle of the clearing. A sea of blues, reds, pinks, yellows... The sight was very enchanting. The scenery in the clearing seemed very peaceful, but they could tell that they were surrounded by beasts hiding in the cover of trees, watching them with caution. However, they did not care about the beasts at all. They did not even notice the restlessness of the beasts around them, preparing to attack them, as if protecting something...

No, they had not cared about the beasts at all.

Because... in the middle of the flower bed laid a young girl.

She wore no clothing, revealing her beautiful, white skin. The girl was sleeping soundly. The place was so peaceful, as if even the air was afraid to wake her up. Her eyes were closed, but they coud tell that she was beautiful. Her eyelashes fluttered gently against her cheeks. Her hair as white as snow, cascading down her body as she laid on her side, facing them.


"Uh?" The girl trembled. Her eyes opened slowly. She pushed herself off the ground in her half-awake state, blinking the sleep away as she looked around in confusion.

She licked her cherry-red lips, appearing to be thirsty.

All this time, the party of six humans, men of varying ages, seemed captivated by the little beauty. They stood still, unable to move away from the enchanting sight.

The growls of a magical beast woke them up from their stupor. Quickly, they raised their weapons, scanning around for the threat. The beasts suddenly came out from their hiding place, surrounding the men.

"Try to lure them away! We'll fight them in twos!" One of the men shouted. He seemed to be the leader of this rowdy bunch of people. Quickly, in practiced ease, they split into groups of two, each taking up arms against one beast. The rest of the beasts stayed behind, ready to pounce at any time once they find an opening.

"Bloodhounds! Aim for the eyes, don't let them bite you!" The leader shouted out instructions rapidly. He was quick to identify the beasts due to the distinct characteristics of the Bloodhounds; their red eyes against fur of varying shades of grey, and because Bloodhounds would usually travel in groups. Furthermore, anyone who were bitten by these beasts would end up losing their reasons and turn insane.

As the men were busy fighting, Fairy sat blankly on her spot.

What? Huh? Weird~ Why are the doggies fighting the long-awaited humans~ Heeey~ Don't scare them off~

Through Fairy's rose-tinted eyesight, she could only see those adorable big doggies fighting humans.

"Uuu..." Even though Fairy has been telling them that she was waiting for people to come! Geez!

Unfortunately for the Bloodhounds, the humans turned out to be stronger than they thought. Although it took a while, the humans managed to fend off the majority of the beasts. With a loud 'boom!', the humans successfully obliterated two thirds of the group, each one of them suffering injuries thst could not be said as light. The remaining Bloodhounds growled and turned to run away. They understood that they were no match for the humans, especially when their alpha had fallen under the hands of those humans.


Fairy could detect a faint aura of magic from the humans. This meant that they had used a body-enhancing magic. Regarding the loud boom, one of them probably used a spell like fireball or something~ Though, she does not believe that they used a fire spell due to the location.

If they had used a fire spell, then perhaps Fairy might have had to go to another world ahead of schedule after all.

"Ugh, ouch!" One of the men groaned, holding his bleeding arm.

The men quickly congregated together, forming a stance in which they had their backs to each other in a circle, surveying the surroundings with vigilance, their weapons rasied.

"Damn it! We lost Jamie, and I'm not in a good condition either," the leader spat a mouthful of blood, "at least no one was bitten."

"Ugh... my arm isn't looking too good either..."

"Are they gone now?"

After waiting for a while, they finally relaxed their guards slightly.

All this time, Fairy was...



When the men noticed that the girl had fallen back to sleep, they did not know how to feel. In the first place, how was she able to sleep so peacefully? She was also present during the fight but none of the beasts attacked her? Although it was surprising, the men were simple-minded creatures. After fighting for their lives, they were simply too tired to think.

"Wow, how can she fall asleep at such a dangerous place..." One of them said, sucking his breath in amazement.

"Who knows..."

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