《Grasping for the Heavens》Side Story #4


“How is the experiment going?” Asks a man in a white lab coat with wispy white hair.

“The experiment is going well. Today, we had a fresh specimen to experiment on.” Answers the lady.

“Oh? How old was this specimen?” Says the same old man.

“This specimen is,” She checks her notepad, “This specimen is a teenager.”

“Will it be ready before the Day?” Asks the man.

“We have a total of 500 subjects stored in the archive. We should have another 500 completed before the Day” responds the lady.

“Yes… We must have as many subjects stored in the Archive for the continuance of humanity… I’ve no idea why our government didn’t decide to leave planet Earth. But we never received a signal from those who left… We can only assume they have all died… We are the last hope of humanity, aren’t we.” Says the old man in a sad sad voice.

“Maybe they’ve just gone so far out that they can no longer receive our signals.” Says the lady in an effort to cheer the old man.

“Huh” snorts the man. “I doubt it, as long as we can make a body for those stored within, we should be able to continue humanity, although we will no longer have a human body…”

“ALERT, radiation breach detected, all personnel should evacuate as quickly as possible.” Says a robotic voice.

“That can’t be possible! We should’ve had at least a few more weeks before the walls went down!” exclaims the lady. “We have so many more people we could save!”

“It’s too bad isn’t it… I guess I’ll never get to see the effects this radiation has on humans… It was nice working with you Sarah” says the old man.

“It… It was nice working with you as well, Doctor.” Responds the lady.

And then the facility blew up.

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