《Shell Theories: The Broken Magician》Chapter 4: Looking Inwards, Looking Outwards


Another week since then. There’s not much to do given my circumstances, so I’ve whiled the time away alone with my thoughts. I’ve recently come to the realization that a womb satisfies several of the conditions necessary to be a good spot for contemplation. It’s dark, quiet, and kept at a comfortable temperature. And so, while I’m here in a place so conducive to meditation, I might as well spend my time in my thoughts.

I think of myself. My body, and my consciousness. I think of the world and my place in it. The more I think, the more questions I have.

Somehow, I possess features no fetus should naturally have: an adult’s common sense and mature cognitive process. I understand what a Royal Palace is, I know basic biology, and I can speak the local language. Or, well, I suppose I could if my lungs weren’t filled with amniotic fluid. But having all this knowledge even before birth certainly begs a few questions. When was it that I learned all this? From whence did I chance upon it?

Since I remember coming to this world with a vague sense of purpose in mind, it is quite possible that my knowledge was artificially implanted by whom or whatever sent me. But instinctively I feel like this is likely not the case. Somehow it all feels familiar. Nothing about it seems incongruous, as if it were always part of who I was. Then if that is the case, then, who was I?

It’s also possible, and quite probable in my estimation, that the knowledge I have now was gained in some previous existence of mine. Then why is it that I cannot remember who I was? I’ve noticed my memory is frightfully selective. Were I to be thrust into an adult’s body and sent off to live in some random village, I’m fairly confident I could fit in quite comfortably. But I can’t seem to recall anything about the existence that I likely once was.


Moreover, if this vague sense of purpose is no lie, then it’s entirely possible that I have somehow forcibly reincarnated myself with some of my memory intact in order to achieve some predetermined goal. If that’s the case then well done, me, I’m sure it couldn’t have been easy. But could I not have left myself with just a little bit more of my past knowledge? Or anything about myself at all?

Furthermore I… hmm? Goodness me, it’s getting a bit cramped in here. I imagine a couple of days have passed while I’ve been floating here, lost in thought. There isn’t much room left now for my growing head. Well, it’s probably getting close to my birth-day anyways, I perhaps ought to re-position myself for an easy delivery. Wouldn’t want to be coming out of the womb feet-first now would I?

Oh, that’s much better. Furthermore, recently I’ve noticed a strange sense of power pouring out of me. Well, perhaps it would be more apt to say an essence is leaking out of me instead. As to the nature of this essence, I can not lay any definitive claims. It is embarrassing as the child of an intellectual, but it is with only a very vague sense that I can even recognize this essence. Not a rather rigorous method of inquiry by any means, but once again, my options are somewhat limited in this space.

Well, perhaps it is merely a placebo, but if this essence does in fact exist, it at least appears to be beneficial. Mother’s body eagerly absorbs this essence, and she has on occasion mentioned how energetic she has been. I can only hope no detrimental side effects manifest after the fact, but if this essence of mine is truly a boon for Mother’s health then all the better. It is good to be able to contribute, even if only to this small degree.


Hmm? There it is again. Recently, ever since Mother’s begun absorbing this essence, the fleshy walls surrounding me have been contracting every so often. Over the past few weeks the frequency has risen dramatically, perhaps it’s about time I started preparing myself for…

…Eh? It feels like something has ruptured. And now the fluid around seems to beeeeeeeeooooooh, wo-wo-wo-woah my goodness, me! S-something has… significantly disturbed my environs! These agitated contractions… ah! I am being jostled! Could I ask for a little more consideration for an injured person’s body!? M-my muscles are screaming!

No, no, wait, I must calm myself. Yes, I must ignore my buffeting body and center my mind. From the following specific premises what can be induced? Something has burst, the fluid surrounding me appears to be rapidly depleting, and Mother’s uterine wall is positively quaking.

Mhm, yes, there is only one conclusion one can draw from this one’s circumstances!


I am being evicted!

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