《True Monsters》True Monsters – Act 3 Forge Hold - Chapter 26 – Plots and Pitfalls.
There was a degree of satisfaction in a job well done, Vivian could feel that. They had more money in their pocket and made a few connections with other adventures, freelancers admittedly but as long as they kept their licence up to date there was no issue. The troll hunt had been a perfect illustration of why big monsters were a threat, but a manageable one.
Smart monsters were the real danger, if it had been a siege ghoul or a titan bone golem, a vampire could have steered it around the trap. She soaked up all the experience all the knowledge, the better chance of her living longer.
Alice eyes were opened up to the power of combining different types of attacks, different skills and abilities. She had never realised how potent psionic abilities could be, admittedly the target was not resistant to that sort of attack, but the giant troll had been rendered defenceless. Alice had to appreciate the power of alchemist weapons for mass destruction. She had seen Martin using pistols and explosives, but the munitions that the master battle alchemist Tony could produce were on another level.
Even if she reached level 100 and became an exalted master she didn’t think she could pull of a single spell with the destructive force. Still she had to appreciate the preparation that went into it.
Talking to Tony had given Martin perspective. He could imagine not just trying to do as much damage to lexicon as possible, but a future past the current threat. A group of four master’s taking on bigger and nastier threats together. Was he still a zealot and a bit of a fatalist, yes but a pinch of perspective gave him a truth. That while he lived he could work to change the world.
Killing every vampire and every servant of every vampire would not bring one of his family back. But while the group were alive he could imagine a more significant revenge, not just taking a few vampires with him but burning a massive hole in there society.
David had been trained most of his young life to deal with certain contracts, to guard life and property, to fight thieves guilds. To train militias and Levi’s to defend themselves, not that he had ever had the opportunity to put that skill to use. He had been trained to work in pairs in squads of fours. To use bottlenecks and defensive formations against tribal monsters, it was good to put some of those tactics to use, they had after all just killed the biggest monster around it was kind of exhilarating.
The four of them sat around the breakfast table and ate with the hunter deputies. It was a relaxed atmosphere. The reality that a vampire was gathering forces, to attack the settlement they were currently in seemed more distant. They were smart enough to run form a fight that they could not win. They were smart enough to plan a way to win the fight in the end, one way or another.
The food was piled high on the table and disappeared just as quickly, the weather in the northern lands was always cold, people always had to eat a bit more to keep going than the central plains. Additionally the higher the level of an adventurers the more they ate, a man who could hit as hard as two men could often eat as much.
The group would defer to different people in different situations, if you needed some magic Alice was your girl. If you needed something supernatural or mechanical Martin was your guy. Vivian was perceptive, where they had some investigation work to do her keen eye and instincts had found clues. David he would still have a little growing up to do, it was happening rapidly he would find his own niche.
Vivian led the group to see the sheriff, the petty bandits that had tried to mug them several days ago had started to regain their senses, the effects of the drug they had been taking had worn off. The men did not look well, a combination of a cold jail cell the after effects of the drugs. Combined with the various beatings that they had taken from the group of adventures made them quite compliant, beaten in every sense of the word.
They had been caught acting in a near suicidal way, now they faced several months maybe half a year in a chain gang. Serving in the coal mine a fairly standard punishment. They were quite ready to talk, the problem would be to get any sense out of them.
They were all locked up in one big jail cell, which occasionally was used as a wood store, space was limited. Alice and Martin stood at the side of the jail cell, it was quite amazing to watch the bandits recognise him. He waved and two men jumped back terrified, two more noted Alice. The bandits whispered amongst themselves backing away from the bars of the cell, almost like sheep in a pen with wolves outside.
Vivian and David were familiar with these procedures from there training. The sheriff had two of his guards drag one of the prisoners out of the cell and into his office. The group was there so was the sheriff, Martin and Alice kept to the back. The man looked around he seemed familiar with the place.
Vivian looked at him, “I assume that you know you attacked government officials, specialists and the potential ramifications you face”. The man was missing a few teeth and his nose had not quite been set right before it was healed. He carefully looked around the room, each person hear would probably be able to deal lethally, with all eight of the members of his little gang without breaking a sweat. “I didn’t mean no harm it was, just a joke, that’s right just some fun that got out of hand”.
Vivian looked at him coldly, “It could go from attempted robbery to attempted murder, how long do you get for that”. The man swallowed feeling his neck, “Ok we were encouraged to make a nuisance of ourselves, a guy in a hooded cloak. He gave us a little, well a lot of red sand. We didn’t fear anything”. “Tell me what you remember where was the meeting.”
The prisoner thought it out, “he was thin his robe was brown, he met us in an alley between two buildings. We usually hang round there, after the mine shifts we have a bit to drink”. Vivian pressed on, “so this man was a local, knew where you were”. The thug nodded, “yes I guess he was expecting us to be there, he said he had a proposition”.
They got a second man from the cell, this one had a cauliflower ear swelled up several bruises. Vivian looked at him, “what can you tell me about the man in the hood”? “His hands were soft, no calluses”. Vivian moved closer, “how can you tell”? “Shook his hand on it, was a deal” the thug gestured with his hand. Vivian pressed on, “anything significant about how he spoke, how he acted”? The thug spoke, “his hand grip was strong he was no scribe”. She continued “how did he walk? The thug thought for a second, “He wasn’t nervous he didn’t move slowly or fast it was just like it was an everyday occurrence”. Vivian noted it and considered the implications.
They brought in another thug with a few more scars, they pressed the man, “he gave us a bag of red sand” he paused, “we shared it out mostly equal”, “what happened to the bag” Vivian asked “bag was empty, we left it in the alley” the man didn’t hesitate.
Vivian continued to question the man about the supplier’s description, “his hood was patched frayed old”. Vivian looked for details anything unique, “anything else about it”? The thug looked round the room, “it was stitched up with red cord used to patch it”.
One of the thugs had an interesting observation, “he smelled a bit like church, we have a religious chemist, he donates a lot of scouring soap to keep the place clean, uses lavender to fragrance it”. She was surprised “You go to church often”? He nodded “yes, when I have been on hard times, the church gives a little out, crust of bread warm soup some help”.
The last thug had one further insight, “boots I recognise boots, you can tell if someone's worth mugging by their boots”. It was unusual but Vivian would bite, “go on then”. The thug explained “this guy no chance, not worth it, boots was clean but worn, practical repaired with a new sole on the right boot, if he had money it would have been a new pair of boots.”
The group went to the ally there were a few open clay bottles, and a bag. David shrugged, “what can you say about this bag,” Vivian turned it inside out, “some powder in it, flower” he shrugged, “they used a flower bag for transporting the drugs”. She had to admit, “it’s not much to go on”.
Vivian spoke to Simon, “so we have a local who knows this lot, he kept his face hidden voice low. But smells of local soap used in the church, perhaps he is a volunteer or just uses the same soap. He has physically demanding job but, its light on the hands maybe a baker with the flower”, Simon nodded. “we have dozens of bakers, do you know how much bread a settlement of 3000 people eat.”
They had a vague impression of who they were looking for, the thugs would have a week or so taken off their sentences. They went back to the hunter’s house to see Milroy, they had to check the chain of clues that he was looking thorough in private. They gathered on the upper floor making sure that no one else was about.
Milroy was very quiet as he updated them, “so I spoke to the confessor Calvin, two of the prospectors reported the ghoul’s weeks ago. Due to the nature of ghouls being quite infectious and having the paralysing bite. It was decided that we would need a more experienced team, I was going to link up with, some of the sisters of unrelenting mercy and we were going to clear it latter on”.
Martin wondered, “How were you containing the situation”? Milroy's voice had a hint of irritation, “I know ghouls are not just nocturnal, but come out in the day as well, we posted warnings and we had a few militia watching the cave in the day”.
Vivian spoke, “so it was common knowledge that the ghouls were about”. Milroy nodded, “yes we even considered asking the cyanide sharp shooter to deal with them, but you got hear first”.
Alice asked, “Who had access to the details of the quest”? Milroy checked a note book, “Confessor Calvin two deacons, and a part time scribe”. David questioned it, “who else has access to the area”? Milroy checked his notes again, “there are half a dozen lay brothers and sisters who help out”.
Vivian was certain what the answer would be, “do any of them work in a bakery”? Milroy checked his note book, “yes Oswald, he is an apprentice baker.” Martin spoke, a hint of excitement in his voice, “what do you know about him”? “He started to volunteer at the church, he helped out with community work. Just over three years ago his brother went missing, we presumed a troll or lamia attack”, Milroy confirmed.
Vivian had a hypothesis, “the timescale would fit the other spy came into this area about 3 years ago, this man might not have lost his brother. If vampires thralled or turned him they could be using him as a bargaining chip”. David finally chipped in, “for all you know he wanted immortality offered up his brother as a sacrifice and is working for them willingly”. The others analysed it as a possibility, Martin guessed, “the letter from Vine garden was a report for him probably”.
Vivian looked at Milroy, “We have reasonable suspicion, can you take us to him”. As discreetly as possible the group went to check out the church archive. There was a small room that the church deacons and lay assistants used. They happened to bump into him there, the door was locked and barred. Oswald found himself surrounded by five adventurers.
Vivian started her voice was pleasant neutral, “hello Oswald we are investigating a few local matters, I see a recent repair to your shoe”. He nodded, he seemed to be playing a little dumb, “an apprentice baker doesn’t have much coin”. Vivian continued in a pleasant manor, “you have a heavy cloak” he pointed to a garment on a hook, “everyone who don’t want to freeze to death has one”.
Vivian looked the cloak up and down, “this is yours”? Oswald answered dumbly, “Oh yes” she shook her head. “That can’t be true it would hardly come up to your knees”. He looked slightly nervous, “my mistake it’s this one, why do you ask?” Vivian noticed some details, “these red stitches?” Oswald was puzzled, “I used some wool and a darning needle to repair it why”?
Martin moved forwards with an air or unpreceded malice, Oswald shrunk back against the wall. “Please don’t, keep him back”. Vivian put a hand on Martin, “we have a description that matches you, someone that has been dealing in red sand, the narcotic. Someone who has been dealing with the crime syndicate known as the hidden hand. Someone complicit in the attempted murder of government employee’s, someone who revealed details of a government suppression quest to the local vampires”!
The man was sweating now, having a little trouble raining in his breathing. “I don’t know what you are talking about”. Martin held his holy symbol to the man's face, “purge” a faint glow of light nothing happened. Vivian looked over the man's face, “he doesn’t look like he is addicted to red sand, or any other narcotics”.
Milroy spoke up, “you were cleaning the floors the night that the quest was assigned”. Oswald nodded, “yes I was in the area”. Vivian and David held him, “we are going to search you”. He weekly retorted, “this is an invasion of my privacy this”. Milroy held something up pulled from his robe, “is this a key to the confessor’s official desk”? Oswald’s head dropped, “yes it is”.
Martin looked to Milroy, “who is authorised to have it”? “Four people the confessor’s two deacons and a book keeper who reviews the accounts, sorry five the scribe who dose some of his paperwork as well”. Oswald made a weak excuse. “I found it on the floor”.
Milroy made some discreet enquires, they sat there in silence for twenty five minutes then he returned he looked less pleased. “No one else is reporting a key missing”. David and Vivian barely held Martin back, he had a pair of pincer grips in his hand. Vivian turned to Oswald, “you can tell the truth or we can let the vampire hunter lose”. His shoulders dropped, “I ah had a special mission from lord Khan”. Milroy looked at him, “do you have some writ of authority or seal”? He answered quietly, “I lost it”.
Vivian headed for the door, “we will check with the lord now. If you are investigating something for the lord we will hear it out”. Oswald stopped them, “please don’t if you make this affair to loud then my brother’s life is forfeit”. Vivian got close to him, “let me guess your brother was not killed by some random monster but was captured by vampires”?
The man sat down, “Yes he is all the family I have left, I can’t lose him I promised my gran I would look after him. Even after she slipped away, I won’t fail I, what do I do, What can I do”. Martin was moving, a pistol drawn, “dirty traitor, we kill him now”. Vivian held up a hand, “Martin calm down that helps no one”. Milroy looked at him, “we question him first at least”.
Milroy had him gripped by the arm, “what do you know about the vampires there locations their strengths there numbers”? “Very little they keep me in the dark, they have had me read through the confessor’s private correspondence, copy any letters I could and feed it back to them. Occasionally I would be sent packages to deliver to them and sometimes I would be given letters or packages to send out, I am little more than a courier most of the time”.
Milroy shrugged, “that was not helpful, I suppose they are sensible. Despite your conviction to help your brother securing your loyalty, you could have easily been forced to talk. Your mind read by a psionic or a mage, there are blunt instruments like Martin and alchemical concoctions. You would have ended up talking one way or another, what they don’t tell you, you can’t betray to us”. Oswald looked quite nervous.
Vivian enquired, “How is information exchanged, for this arrangement”? Oswald was slow to answer, “There is a dead drop on the outskirts of the farming land, where two trails join, and a strong box is hidden in the roots of a tree. Occasionally I would meet a thrall at the same place, for more detailed orders, that’s been happening more recently.” Milroy looked at him, “you will make a list of everything you can remember giving them after this meeting, do you keep correspondence”? “I burnt everything”.
Vivian was focused, “tell us what happened with the ghoul quest”? Oswald was quick to answer. “I was given orders to look for details of any attacks preparations then to pass them on, I copied details of the ghoul quest and a quest to cull some giant bats, the bats roost in a hollow tree, a bit from the farm land, the town guard burnt them out”.
Vivian tried to link everything up, “what did you know about Vine Garden”? Oswald was in the dark about the intentions, “I was going to get a large shipment of barrels hundreds, I was going to store them near the church, I was also going to get several boxes probably fifty or sixty crates I didn’t get more information”. The number of crates and barrels would correspond to converting the majority of the population of vine garden into greater walkers. Then smuggling them into the settlement he didn’t know the implications, Vivian was not going to advise him.
She pushed on, “were there any shipments to vine garden?”, Perhaps Oswald only thought he was running some mercantile scam for the vampires, “I forwarded letters to the merchant guild I don’t know what they were for.” The circle was complete for that part of the plan, Martin voiced what they were all thinking, “probably material for the brass doctor via the brotherhood of the black hand”. Oswald was confused for a second. “Who are they”? David shook his head, “doesn’t matter we killed them”.
Oswald was starting to become aware that they had been following a trail that lead to him, how he was related to other events. Vivian worked her way to the end of the line, “did you have any orders about broken gorge”? Oswald was quick to respond, “I was to report anything about the mine”. Vivian questioned him “have you”? He shrugged, “there is a report running round I have not seen it yet”.
Martin made an educated guess, “probably in the vague hope something in the mine would rise that lexicon could ally with”.
Milroy spoke, “tell us about the hidden hand thieves’ guild”. There informant answered, “you mean the four people I was to show around the town, that was a few days ago”.
Vivian nodded, “yes”. He elaborated, “I was little more than a tour guide, and they seemed dangerous veteran’s maybe. I showed them a room, I checked, its empty now, nothing, they travelled very light and what they had seemed to be gone”. Alice nodded, “fate bound magic, no trace of them or their equipment left after we killed them”.
Vivian enquired, “what about the local thugs”? He nodded “the drugged up minors, I was told to hire some local muscle, I was given some drugs to use as payment, then I sent them over to distract you, it obviously wasn’t much of a distraction”.
Milroy looked at Oswald, “anything else”? He shook his head, “no I was not given any further details”. He paused looking nervous, especially at the vampire hunters, “what are you going to do now”?
Milroy spoke up, “now we speak to the confessor, if we keep it to the six of us you included then we can feed the vampires false information. We could do it once I think before they realise that you have been compromised”. Oswald looked nervous, “it would be death for my brother”. Vivian spoke sharply, “how do you know that he is alive” Oswald’s voice rose defensively. “I get a brief letter once in a while, they keep him like a slave but he is alive, while he is alive there is hope”.
Milroy looked at him again, “if you let the vampires know you have been compromised, you fail them then your brother dies and knowing the vampires it will not be an easy death, your only option is to work with us”. Oswald’s shoulders slumped, “yes I suppose, I don’t have any option”.
They talked for a little longer clarifying what they could do, Milroy summarised, “so three years ago you were an apprentice baker. A blood thrall contacted you, and threatened the life of your brother. You became a Lay helper in the church so that you would be close to the centre of information. We will agree to keep quiet and try to free your brother, you will feeds the vampires some false info allowing us to kill them”.
He looked hesitant, like he had picked the lesser of two evils. “I have no delusions, you will punish me in some way when the dust settles, but as long as I save my brother then everything will be ok, even if I spend a decade down the coal mine, it will be worth it”.
Milroy's face remained neutral, “I need the confessor to agree to this plan and discuss our best option, I will meet with him then give you the result how we will decide to play this card”.
Oswald was going to keep his head down, he was going to be very quiet until he was summoned. His brother’s life depended on it. He didn't know if there were other eyes in the settlement, or other methods the vampires had to watch him.
The party had a few options, there was some of the day left and a few extra supplies wouldn’t hurt. A short trip to the guild hall and they were speaking to Luther. “You came to look for healing potions right follow me”, as they travelled through the guild hall he looked at the party, specifically there weapons. He sighed, “one of our chemists was a little to egger to sample a prototype potion, the first distillation. It healed a small cut fine, I think he might have been trying to regrow his hair, he has got the hair of a troll” people reached for weapons. “But its fine, he is not turning into a troll or anything like that”, the weapons were sheathed.
Martin spoke up “I heard a rumour like that”, they entered a room with a very hairy chemist working over a set of distilling equipment. Martin reached for his holy symbol Luther held him back, “don’t bother confessor Calvin has already tried purge”. The chemist turned round he looked dower, “the hair is starting to recede, in two weeks I won’t be as hairy as a troll just back to normal”.
There were already several hundred glass vials filled with red liquid. Luther looked over them with some pride. “The first batch of minor healing potions they heal around 50 points of health each, not as good as a holy blessing or a mages spell but when you’re separated, or out of mana it’s just the thing.” Vivian looked over them, “you didn’t even use one barrel to make this lot. The extra healing potions will make this town a much harder nut to crack, if soldiers can recover from wounds quickly with this medicine to hand”.
Luther looked over them, “I would suggest you each get some healing potions I can do 4 of them for eight silver, you each carry one it’s a life saver right, an extra reserve.” Vivian looked at the rest of them, “It’s a good fail safe it will keep us alive”. Alice nodded Martin nodded David tried to nudge the price down, but Luther would not budge they ended up spending 8 silver. Each member of the group kept one.
It was not quite over, Alice looked for one more thing. “Show us the veteran’s selection”, Alice looked through the tray of magical trinkets, she picked up one item. “This is a ring of torchlight, it’s very expensive compared to a torch but it’s one less thing for me to have to worry about during a fight.”
Alice held the ring up, squeezing an engraving on the side of the brass ring. There was a light from the ring. She smiled, the light from the ring flickered dimly then slowly grew brighter then dimmer. Alice's eyes narrowed she turned round to look at the merchant. He gently picked up the ring he shook it and then banged it sharply on the side of the table, the illumination came to life. “There it works fine three err two silver”. Alice handed over the money, “if this breaks I am getting my silver back”. Luther looked around the room at the others and nodded.
They ate a meal and waited for Milroy, David posed a question to Alice, “what was the first magic job developed”? She had a good think, “it’s sort of a three way tie, the druid job was the first full magic job. It developed from tribal Sharman who could access basic magic up to level 25. Then the healing focused pellar job was developed, it ran up to level 50. As larger tribes were created the medicine man job formed it reached a height of level 75. Finally the druid job was created one that could reach level 100.”
She continued, “At the same time different jobs developed. A necromancers job didn't follow the same path of development as other jobs. It was easier to create the job of the re-animator with magic fuelled by the spirits of the dead, that job has a level fifty limit. The full necromancer job was created soon after that. An animator levels quickly but has a lot less power than a necromancer”.
“Again a similar situation occurred with demonic magic. Magic fuelled and boosted with the power of demons is easier, the cultist job was created at a maximum of level fifty by demons eager to get into the physical world. The sorcery job was created soon after. So the oldest magic jobs are druid sorcer and necromancer, each seem to have been practiced for around the same amount of time.”
They had a few drinks and continued to wait, Martin made Alice a scroll holder, for the anti-petrification and paralysis scrolls they had picked up. They were made of hard wearing materials to take the enchantment, but it couldn’t hurt to keep them well protected and dry. Alice looped the holder onto her belt, it was made from a piece of dark blue dyed leather quite sturdy and well made with a cap tightly held on.
Finally he was back, Milroy spoke to them in private at their room in the hunter’s house. “Confessor Calvin has agreed to the plan, we bring the vampires or the bulk of their servants out to a prepared ground and we kill them. Oswald gives them the bait its one shot, we are still refining the small details of the plan, his brother is probably a thrall now. If we get the option we could save him, but he is one man one soul there are three thousand others in this settlement, we need to keep that in mind”.
Status Screen Name Vivian Tanner Age 19 years old Race Human Primary Occupation Mercenary Level 28 Affiliation Glass Bay Mercenary Free Company / Merchants Guild Association Health 170/170 Adrenalin 140/140 Efficiency 4 Strength 34 Intelligence 5 Wisdom 5 Agility 6 Endurance 6 Charisma 6 Dexterity 5 Perception 5 Bonuses Level Attack Bonus 28 Level Defence Bonus 28 Bonus Base Weapon Damage 84 Class Proficiency Comprehensive Training L4 Layered Armour Perk L2 Adrenalin Power Shot L2 Bow Proficiency L8 Speed Shooting L8 Critical Strikes L7 Perks Intensive Training + 1 Endurance and Strength Status Screen Name David Fisher Age 18 years old Race Human Primary Occupation Mercenary Level 29 Affiliation Glass Bay Mercenary Free Company / Merchants Guild Association Health 175/175 Adrenalin 145/145 Efficiency 4 Strength 35 Intelligence 5 Wisdom 5 Agility 5 Endurance 6 Charisma 5 Dexterity 5 Perception 5 Bonuses Level Attack Bonus 29 Level Defence Bonus 29 Bonus Base Weapon Damage 87 Class Proficiency Comprehensive Training L4 Layered Armour Perk L1 Adrenalin Power Strike L2 Sword Proficiency L8 Shield Proficiency L8 Adrenalin Power Block L2 Defend Against Missiles L4 Duelist vs single target L4 Flaws Gambling Addiction Status Screen Name Alice Costar Age 17 years old Race Human Primary Occupation Mage Level 27 Affiliation The Eternal Tower Mages Guild/ Royalist Court Health 96/96 Mana 215/215 Strength 3 Intelligence 5 Wisdom 32 Agility 5 Endurance 3 Charisma 5 Dexterity 5 Perception 5 Bonuses Level Attack Bonus 27 Level Defence Bonus 27 Number of Simultaneous Spells 2 Base Spell Cost 4 Mana Magical Defence 50 Class Proficiency Mana Regeneration L2 Analyse Magic L2 Recharge Enchantment L2 Spell List Fire Bite (5 Damage + 2 per Level ) 1 x Base Mana Cost Tracking Fire Bite Master (16 Damage + 5 per Level ) 1 x Base Mana Cost Touch Heal Master (15 Heal + 6 per Level ) 1 x Base Mana Cost Ranged Heal (5 Heal + 1 per Level ) 1 x Base Mana Cost Fire Ball Master (30 Damage +12 per Level 10 foot Area ) 4 x Base Mana Cost Touch Poison Cure – 5 x Base Mana Cost Tracking Acid Strike Master (16 damage +5 per level ) 1x base mana cost Aura of healing improved (7 heal +2 per level per second 10 seconds ) allie 10 foot 10 x base mana cost Flaws Fear of Bats Status Screen Name Martin Wrigt Age 29 years old Race Human Primary Occupation Vampire hunter level 35 Secondary Occupation Journeyman Craftsman Level 11 Affiliation Order of Steel and Silver / The Church of the Creator God Secondary Affiliation Bay City Guild Hall Health 428/428 Focus 230/230 Strength 11 Intelligence 5 Wisdom 5 Agility 5 Endurance 42 Charisma 5 Dexterity 7 Perception 5 Faith Yes Bonuses Level Attack Bonus 46 Level Defence Bonus 46 Bonus Base Weapon Damage 15 Class Proficiency Bonus vs Vampire Resist Disease Holy Symbol usage L1 Resist Poison Blade Coatings L2 Focus Shot L1 Immunity to Taint – Demonic, Thrall, Necromantic, Ghoul and Vampirism Taint Pistol Proficiency L5 Overload Shot L1 Focus re-lode L1 Throwing knife Proficiency L3 Focus throw L1 Focus Multi Throw L1 General Melee Weapons L7 Focus strike L1 Grenadier L8 Focus Parry L1 Duel Wield Focus Attack L1 Combat Medic L2 Blessings Use Per Day Wrath – 25 points of holy damage unblockable x 4 Shield of Faith – 50 points of temporary health x 1 Guardian Angel – blocks first two attacks that would penetrate armor x 1 Guardian Seraphim angel – blocks first four attacks that would penetrate armour x 1 Armor of Faith – ten extra points of armor block both magic and physical attack x 1 Purify – remove taint disease etc x 7 Holy Aura – five feet - ten points holy damage – per second x 1 Divine Retribution – 100 points of holy damage unblockable x 4 Circle of Consecration – fifteen feet area ten points holy damage per second x 3 1 x sphere of concecration – twenty five feet area twenty points holy damage per second Fortress of faith – 100 points of temporary health + 20 points of armor x 1 Smite – 200 points lighting damage x 1 Divine Favor – 20 hit point Regeneration for 5 seconds x 7 Hallowed Earth – 250 points holy damage in 10 meters x 1 Martyrs Sacrifice – minus 4 hit point per second + 20 attack + 10 strength + 10 agility + 10 dexterity. - (really painful) consumes focus per sec x 1 Chain Smite – 200 points lighting damage + 50 points per second of ability stacks x 1 consumes focus per second Thy Will be Done – can see location of enemy directed to them Wrath of the Almighty – (300 holy 100 fire 100 frezing 100 electrical) damage x 1 Craft Proficiency Administration L1 Woodworking L1 Leather Working L3 Mettle Working L5 Sowing L1 Perks Well Maintained Perk on all equipment Pistols – improved critical damage 30% + Armour penetration 15 points Flaws Alcoholism Zealot Survivors Guilt Inventory Alice Belt of the Scaled Hide – armor + 5 – long black belt Necklace of Warding + 4 armor - square cut silver and iron Druids Staff + 25 mana storage - black oak, end brass orb decorative green feathers grip bindings in brown leather. Tower Apprentices Robes + 5 natural armor blue Minor Ring of Armor + 2 points – silver ring Minor Potion of Mana + 120 points healing potion minor – 50 hp Relive x 3 – druid – Anti petrification / paralysis scrolls x 3 David Ring of Bores Endurance + 3 Endurance – silver ring Minor Potion of Adrenalin + 120 points Artisan Crafted – Iron and Steel Tower Shield healing potion minor – 50 hp Vivian Dagger of the Adder + 5 poison damage on strike – seven inch fancy dagger Damascus bodkin arrows x 10 Ring of Eagle eye - + 5 perception healing potion minor – 50 hp Martin Monocle of clarification – low light vision – read target approximate level hp healing potion minor – 50 hp A brief guide to monsters
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8 101 - In Serial21 Chapters
Faltovia's Faults
On an alternate Earth, Christof Elkern must use magic, swordsmanship, and his own wits to survive the mysteries of the continent Faltovia. Secrets run deep, and Chris must watch every step he makes as to not get too tangled within the political strife within the continent, while still protecting those around him. Follow Chris as he grows up in this warped fantasy world. After the first week, releases will be limited to every Wednesday and Sunday.
8 118 - In Serial13 Chapters
Status Breaker: Specter.
Status Breaker: Specter was set to the RPG-esque world where people live their life throughlevels, the higher they got the better their life and they possess various powers called "Gear". This is the story of a young girl named Philuffy Earhart, living a hard life as level zero with a mysteriousdisease that restrict her from leveling up. She wanted to become a Breaker, the protectors of humanity like his father, Azure the Trailblazer and in search of the masked man with red and blue eyes. All was change when Philuffy was saved by a unique Breaker called Status Breaker Specter named Shin Kizuna a level 50 Breaker but Philuffy took notice that his stats weren't permanent as it revert to level 1. Shin took interest on Philuffy on her Gear Ability: Scan and made her his personal assistant in exchange for a cure for her restriction leveling up. Shin and Philuffy find themselves to a reality beyond their control in the manipulative hands of the Nightmare, their goal was to find the Gear Breaker: Innovator to release the Ultimate Nightmare Breaker, Akuma.
8 177 - In Serial26 Chapters
Chronicles Of The Godkin
Chronicles Of The Godkin is a new fantasy world, focusing on men and women of tremendous strength known as 'Godkin'. Raderius, The Undying King is the focus of the first volume and one of the major antagonists of the setting. Witness Raderius's rise to power and the birth of the nation of Nozokath.
8 114