《True Monsters》True Monsters – Act 3 Forge Hold - Chapter 23 – Confessor Calvin.
True Monsters – Act 3 Forge Hold - Chapter 23 – Confessor Calvin.
Forge-hold was a large village, an impressive sized settlement with around 3000 people calling it home. It had cultivated farm land all around it, several fortified farmsteads were located close to the village walls. The Village was built onto a natural hill, two buildings dominated it, a large fortified church in centre of the village it had a large steeple tower high up. It looked like a ballista of some sort was on the top of it. Built next to the church was the Lords tower, it was joined by a defensive wall. A second ballista was mounted on top of this structure.
There were Earthworks around the settlement, they created a deep ditch and a small moat. For the greatest level of defensibility there was one way in and out. It was protected with a drawbridge portcullis and gate house, with two sets of doors. The outer perimeter of the settlement had an eight foot high stone wall, covered with battlements. The defences were not fully stone. Basically made from two stone walls two foot apart with the gap filled with earth and stones, giving the appearance of a much thicker wall. It was still quite impressive.
On top of the gate house two large bolt throwers were mounted, they contained four foot long bolts steel tipped, they were small two man siege weapons. There were four larger towers with these on the perimeter wall of the village. A large numbers of militia and guards were present. The gates were shut, a squad of guards was outside men with spears and bows lined the gate house prepared for the coach, both siege weapons were pointed at the approaching coach.
The drawbridge was not raised but the portcullis was down. The coach stopped, the driver banged on the side. There was a holy symbol on the side of the road on a heavy chain. It had several pieces of faded silver plating. The party slowly went through the act of touching the holy symbol to show that they were not infected, the silver was noted by Martin. Once they were all clear then the portcullis started to rise and the gates opened. As soon as the gates shut behind them the portcullis dropped.
They were faced with the sheriff and a group of guards. The Sherriff wore a full suite of steel plate in good condition over a padded surcoat. He had a steel kite shield on his left arm and a mace hung by his side, the mace had a blue light over it. It was enchanted a weapon known as the weight of authority, David and Vivian noticed it. He had the visor to his helmet up. Vivian handed a letter to the man. He looked over the letter he nodded to them. “I am the sheriff of Forge Hold, I see some of you recognise my weapon, I am called the captain of the Mace Simon.”
Simon was a veteran man of arms, with the man of arms class he had access to the drill sergeant ability. It both speed up the training time of guards but also allowed them to reach level fifteen rather than level ten just though training. A ridicules high level Man at arms could theoretically use a fully developed ability to train a combat job up to level 35 skipping the need for an initial feat of martial strength, Simon was nowhere near that but he was still a young man. The quality of the guards in this area was quite high by comparison to the more rural fair.
Vivian held out her hand, “a pleasure to meet you”. The rest of them exchanged similar greetings. Simon checked the paperwork, “I see you are the group that was sent to broken gorge you finished your assignment there and were called into Vine garden, we heard something was happening and remained on high alert”. “The situation at vine garden has been resolved, the vampires and their allies have been destroyed but the architect of the plan just manged to get away” Vivian said. Simon sighed, “a pity it was able to get away still, even as powerful as a single vampire is without an army to back them up there is only so much they can do”.
He looked at the roof of the carriage, “What is that thing”? Alice grinned, “It was a black spined wyvern, now it’s a trophy and some alchemical supplies”. “There were reports form some foresters about strange tracks, with the defences of this settlement it would not have come hear” Simon was sure of that statement. “Do you know where it came from, if there was any reward”? David wondered. Simon shook his head, “no I don’t think so, the hour is late I will show you to the confessor, let you meet the rest of the local triune then we will find you lodgings”.
They left their belongings with the cart and followed Simon, the settlement was built in the shape of a wheel around the church. There were many internal brick walls that would slow down an attacker, the settlement walls had inner gates that they could slam shut to slow the taking of the outer town, to allow people to retreat to the church and lords tower. From the town walls they could see the coal mine, its entrance was fortified a low level priest in training was based there. Keeping an eye on the miners to prevent a reoccurrence of the infiltration of Broken Gorge.
The door was barred to the church, Simon knocked and a shutter opened a holy symbol was held out, each person touched it and the door was opened. The man who ran the settlement was the senior Priest confessor Calvin. He was a tall thin man in his early forties, a large nose and ears made him look a little comical. He had heavy tired eyes. The strain of years of responsibility for both the people’s spiritual and physical wellbeing had taken its toll. His hairline had made a strategic retreat years ago. He wore thick warm robes and worked away with some letters and paperwork. He sighed as there was a knocking on his door, his voice was pleasant and neutral in tone. “Please enter, give me a minute I am a little busy”.
He reached a place to stop put down his pen and lifted his eyes to the people entering his office. “Simon it is good to see you, introduce these people”. “These are the adventures that passed through to broken gorge, Alice the mage”, Alice curtsied. “Vivian and David from the glass bay mercenary company”, the two mercenaries saluted in response. “This is Martin the vampire hunter”, Martin respectfully nodded. “They are all veterans, they have eliminated the problems in broken gorge even resealing the mine after a landslide. They have fought bandits constructs and vampires at Vine Garden now they have been sent here to investigate dire matters, they even killed a wyvern on the way hear.”
The priest’s shoulders sagged for a second, “please bring me up to speed on your mission”. David was first to answer, “Well sir the vampire attacks at vine garden were just to build up the vampires forces for larger attacks. We found evidence of a bigger threat so Lord Cain sent us to you to help counter the impending attack.” He looked a little happier, “Congratulations on becoming veterans we need all the experienced adventures we can find. I am sure that your assistance will be very useful, if you can deliver what correspondence you found to Milroy the local hunter he is in the positon to best use it.” Calvin was a level 45 priest and quite powerful as a result. His purge soul blessing could remove demonic corruption and his magic nullification sphere was good against magic users.
Calvin looked to Simon, “Introduce them to lord Graham. He may be interested in the wyvern’s remains, claws or fangs for his family collection. It is good to see the end of such beasts. Introduce them to Luther as well, tell him they can have access to the veteran stock. I believe that Milroy had a few spare beds in the hunters house, he may also have a few trinkets and devices for trade.” The adventures offered there thanks and then headed out with Simon.
David looked at the mace as they walked, “So that’s a family heirloom” Simons chest puffed up, “yes my father was a master and his father before him, one day I will achieve a feat of martial prowess, break through and then I will be ready to unlock my potential”. “What sort of creatures are about for you to level up on”? Vivian wondered. Simon answered, “Well there is a colony of giant snakes and snake men near the hot springs. They don’t go far from the warmth, there are tolls in the hills a few really big ones. You have a few undead in the old catacomb mazes, used to be a burial ground for some lord, there are some vampires and minions, the hunter Milroy can tell you more about those jobs”.
The local lord’s tower was once a manor, but it has been partially demolished and rebuilt to act as a better defensive structure. The local lord was a level 25 knight. The party followed Simon up to the fortified structure. It looked a very utilitarian and functional building unlike the lord’s manor in Vine Garden. A guard was stationed at the front door, he saluted Simeon and opened the door. The place was decorated in a far less lavish style than the other lord’s manor. A servant met them, Simon and the servant exchanged a few words and he disappeared off to announce there arrival.
Simon led them into a large room. On every available piece of wall there was the wing claw or head of some great beast or other. Some of them would have been quite old some a little newer. There were a significant number of snake heads and skins, as well as quite a few dumb looking trolls staring back from the walls. They were the local wildlife so it was only natural that they would be far more prevalent. There was a large table in the room, a man in red clothes and a woman in a blue dress sat at its head, guards and servants surrounded them at the table, the meal was mostly complete.
The man at the head of the table was in his early thirty’s, well built a sword at his side. He raised a glass to them, his voice didn’t carry the arrogance of some of his pears. “Impressed by the family collection I see, my name is lord Graham Khan, this is my wife Lady Ruth Khan. Veteran adventurers, a little rumour has it that you have the head of a black spined wyvern, I would very much like to add that to my collection”. Ruth turned to the adventures she was about six months pregnant she had a couple of magic rings she clicked her knuckles. Her demeanour was a little colder than her husband but still cordial, “please clear a space for the sheriff and our guests, we can have a little drink then discuss business”.
Some space was made at the table, the party sat down and introduced themselves. Some drinks were served ale and wine. Lady Ruth was a level 10 scribe and a level 15 bard specialising in the lute. She was currently working on a manuscript for a saga, attempting to break through the level 25 barrier by creating a master work of craft. She chatted away to Alice while Graham went through some of the pieces in his family collection, to Martin and the mercenaries. A giant tooth taken from the leviathan green belly that was wedged into the hull of a ship at North Port, some scales from a black dragon, and the head of a giant possessed hydra slain by a Cleric.
The coach with the head of the wyvern was brought round to the lord’s tower. The lord Graham, held up a lamp as he inspected it. He was even more impressed when they got it off the roof of the coach. He could look over it closely, he eyed its fangs he ran his hands over its jaws. He grinned with an excited look on his face, “I can offer you a price of sixty” there was a loud cough. The lord looked nervously over to his wife he sighed, “bare with me a second”. There was a brief amount of hushed whispering then the lady of the house grabbed the lord by his collar, he gulped and they continued to whisper some more. The lady looked less displeased and kissed him on the cheek, then turned round and went back into the tower.
Lord Graham looked at them again as if nothing had happened, “I can afford to offer you party a reward 45 silver for the wyvern head and claws. It will be a fine addition to my collection I don’t think that you will get a better offer and you don’t want to pay the extra charge to have it hauled somewhere else.” “Do you want the spines”? David enquired, “no but the merchants guild could use them, there is a competent alchemist and a few chemists in the village”. “I am curious what will you do with it?” Martin vaguely wondered. The lord grinned, “I will have the taxidermist prepare it then I will have it mounted above the head of the table”. Vivian looked at the rest of the group, “We are in agreement thank you for your hospitality”. Alice looked at the wyvern head, “perhaps your wife can work a wyvern into her saga”. He scratched his temple, “that’s certainly an idea”.
The lord disappeared for a few minutes then returned with a bag of silver, he handed it to Vivian. “If you happen across any other curiosities please bare me in mind. I may have to trade a few bits if you happen to find something we can come to an arrangement”. She nodded, “of course I am sure that we will find something worthy of your home.” The lord oversaw a few of his guards and servants wrapping up the wyvern head, ready to be transported to the taxidermist the next day. Simon raised his voice a little, “We have a few more local figures to meet, I will show you the merchant’s hall and the hunter’s house then get you settled for the night.”
They walked along a street to a large building the merchants hall, it looked like a dozen buildings combined together. There were a couple of mercenaries and militia men guarding the entrance, there was a large yard filled with carts boxes lumber coal. The mercenaries nodded to the Sherriff and let him pass. A clerk in a blue uniform walked up to Simon, “how can I help you sir”. He looked at the man, “please take us to Luther we have urgent business”, the man nodded “this way sir”. They passed through a workshop and a few store rooms to a large forge. A big burley man with a massive ginger beard was busy pounding and shaping a white hot billet of steel. They waited about twenty seconds for the man to finished then he turned round and noticed them.
The clerk nodded politely, “Mr Luther sir urgent business”. The man had a no nonsense approach. He took of his gloves and apron and approached them. “Simon who are these people and what urgent business needs to be done”. Simon introduced the party, “Adventures veterans, Calvin says they can have access to the stock you hold in reserve”. Luther looked them over, “I represent the merchant’s guild, I am a blacksmith by trade a level 25 blacksmith focusing on armour”. The party introduced themselves. Luther nodded “so what’s the dam emergency”.
Martin was brief “a vampire is plotting an attack on this settlement. Other settlements faced creatures smuggled in inside wine barrels and in the false bottoms of crates, things that didn’t need to breathe”. “That could be a nasty surprise I will have my clerks and some guards check all our inventory, how long has this been going on”? “We found a vampires servant planted in the village for three years”. He was worried, “bloody hell let me guess in the trade guild” they nodded.
He took them through a couple of side rooms to a back office, he opened it with a key. He gestured them inside and lit a lamp. He pulled a cloth back from several stands and two tables to reveal his veteran inventory. “We will prepare as much as we can this settlement is well fortified, so the vampire must have quite a few plots a foot. look around I have quite a lot of things that you might find useful”. David inspected an armour stand, it had a set of thick heavy iron plate armour. He looked over at swords and a particularly heavy single edged Damascus falchion, a perfect cutting weapon. He checked the blade and then looked at the strapping on the iron pate. He sighed “a pity that looked like it would fit”.
Martin looked at him, “don’t be too hasty the strapping can be adjusted, let’s see if we can fit it”. Between Vivian, Martin and Luther they slowly dressed David in the thick iron plate. Starting at the bottom with sabaton’s then greaves, covering them the chest piece the neck guard the pauldorns and gauntlets, finally the heavy rectangular helmet. David wore the padding and the chain-mail under it, his layered armour perk massively increased the protection. With his strength he could move in it quite well. He picked up the falchion and started to run through a series of practice cuts with the blade. He raised the visor on the helmet and grinned, “If I trade in my old sword and helmet how much”. The blacksmith looked over the offered sword he didn’t look that impressed. “Full plate is good protection and that is a good blade, 95 silver for the suit and blade not a brass penny less”.
Vivian checked their money, “hey we should have about 3 gold and 25 silver left I count about 3 gold 15 silver”. David looked hesitant, “I may have been unlucky with cards and dice and darts” Martin and Alice glowered at him. Alice turned to the rest, “perhaps Vivian should look after the money”. David’s shoulders sagged, “I don’t think so”. Vivian looked at him, “you want us to buy armour for you out of our shares of the loot. Even though you have been losing money at the card table?” he looked at Alice, “you want someone upfront with a lot of defence between you and the monsters right”? She nodded reluctantly.
David turned to Martin, “this iron plate makes me much more likely to survive a vampire attack. With this sword I can keep going, you know my old one is starting to look a little worse for wear, we are a team”. Martin sighed, “You make good points but when I need some specialised explosives to help kill something powerful I expect your support in return”. He looked round to Vivian, “with me at the front clanking about drawing the enemy's attention, you’re in a far better position”. He banged the flat of the sword on his tower shield, “come on, come on you know it will help us all”.
Luther looked at the rest of the group, Alice Vivian and Martin nodded. The blacksmith grinned “you have a deal” David looked very relieved, he had successfully argues with the group to get his new gear.
Vivian looked at a table full of archery equipment, she held her current bow up to the table. Vivian looked at the bows there was new one, similar to her current bow but sturdier. It had more elegant grips and horn decoration on the end. Luther grinned, “It’s backed with sinew from a basilisk, its very tough, string it feel the draw weight.”
Vivian picked up the bow, with a little effort hooked the string and drew it back. She brought it up to her shoulder and practiced with it a few times, “how much”? He smiled, “I can see the Damascus bodkin arrows in your quiver, I have a suggestion if you can appreciate such quality”. She grinned “let’s hear it”, “I have some extra special arrows, forged mithril heads 3 of a set. Each one enchanted with 50 points of either fire ice or lightning damage”.
He was certain of a sale, “The arrow shafts Savon hickory, oil coated, gryphon's feathers, terror spider silk binding, I can throw in four spare bow strings power attacks use them up. I will also give you two iron bleed arrows they are designed to wedge a wound open. so that a creature will suffer additional bleeding damage”. The bleed arrows were triangular in shape and would be a nightmare to remove from any wound, sharp and jagged. Vivian was hooked, “how much for the lot if I traded in my old bow”? He grinned “70 silver,” Vivian was already counting the money out.
Martin looked to the blacksmith, “do you carry any alchemist weapons, maybe thermite”? He grinned, “we use thermite for some welding, I do have a supply of weaponised material”. The blacksmith reached under a table and removed a sturdy box. He cleared a space and put it down Martin looked over the contents and grinned his hand reached forwards. He put gunpowder wadding, 5 large thermite grenades, 5 medium thermite grenades 3 shrapnel grenade and a bundle of three sticks of dynamite to one side, he wordlessly looked at Luther.
The trader did a little mental arithmetic, “I would normally say 65 silver”. He looked at the grin on Martins eyes “but I know it will be put to good use, so let’s say 60 silver.” Martin shook his hand “you have a deal.” Vivian paid him and Martin reached out and put his hand on the pile, everybody in the room took a step back. He started to stash the ordinance into his coat. The five medium thermite grenades into the bandolier the rest disappeared into various coat pockets.
Alice looked at the blacksmith, “ok show me what magic items you have”. He reached for a tray and held it out to Alice. She looked at the pile of glowing objects and searched through them, “only a druid can use that, this one would only help a conjurer, I already have a belt that dose this. This wand only has a single charge left, ah perfect”.
Alice had found a ring of the equalizer 2 points of endurance 2 points of strength, it enable her to compete on a normal level. counteracting the penalty that mages suffered to their base stats. She had found what she wanted, she looked around the room something else caught her eye. A light steel cap to protect her head. Luther looked at the two items “35 silver for the pair”, Alice shook his hand her grip was significantly stronger with the ring on. She adjusted the helmet over her padded cap. With the extra strength she might get a bit of chain-mail to protect herself later on.
Vivian had the spines from the black wyvern wrapped up, “do you have an alchemist or chemist we can sell these to”? Luther looked interested, “where is the rest of it”? David patted him on the shoulder, “it’s going to be put up inside the local lord’s tower after a taxidermist has some time with it.” Luther nodded, “I have a chemist I can show you to him on the way out.” Luther took them to a side room. A man hidden in smoke and goggles spoke to then, he offered 7 silver one spine was damage not as useful but as it was very fresh, that was good for him. The group nodded and pocketed the silver.
Simon took them across the town to a dull looking solid stone house, the door was particularly sturdy. He knocked on the door, after a few minutes the door panel opened and someone was pointing a pistol at them. A holy symbol was held out each member of the group was presented with the silver symbol, each one touched it, finally the door was opened. They were inside a hunter’s house. A deputy hunter and three associates greeted them putting their weapons away. Martin greeted them, “welcome brothers and sisters in arms” They shook hands and exchanged swigs of tip vodka.
Simon turned to one of them, “Please get Milroy.” Milroy was a short stocky hunter with the usual array of weapons and armour hidden under his coat. Simon was brief, “There may be a vampire attack. They found some correspondence from a vampire that was threating vine garden go through it help them to defend this town, provide them with lodgings.” Milroy nodded, “understood” Simon headed off leaving them with the local hunter. He sighed, “I am a veteran hunter of the order of flame and retribution I have two deputes at level 10 four apprentices who have not gotten past level 3 yet and five associates who help me to keep the militia and guards awake”.
The two hunters were comparing notes for seniority, “My name is Martin I am from the order of silver and steel I am level 32, this is David a level 27 mercenary, Vivian is also a mercenary veteran and Alice is a veteran mage”. Milroy looked at them he was clearly beaten, a garrison adventure didn’t have as many chances to level up as those that were sent out. He had this towns defences to manage. “Faith magic and muscle a good party composition, I will show you to your room. You may wish to get a bite to eat at the local inn we have already finished our meal”.
The hunter’s house was the residence of the local vampire hunter, the ground floor accommodated associates and apprentices, part time reserve members of the order. The deputy’s and hunters would take the upper floor, with any guests having an attic room. They put their belongings from the coach into the room. For the first time Alice didn’t feel like collapsing under the weight of her books and belongings. The room was a small attic room with a slanted ceiling, there were four beds a few benches, a curtain could be drawn half way down the room. Alice took the bed furthest from the door Martin took the one closest.
The group kept their weapons on them as they headed to the local tavern, there could be an attack on the settlement at any minute and they wanted to be ready. Plus David really wanted to show off all his plate armour.
The party walked through an alleyway towards the in. Out of the shadows a group of people emerged. There were eight of them dressed in black and brown they had dull unfocused eyes and one was swaying a little. The bandit leading them pulled a four inch blade and pointed it at the man in a full suit of armour. “give... us... eve..ry thing... now...” Vivian looked about there were only eight of them. Six had crude clubs two had short blades.
Martin looked at them. “so you think that they are hopped up on that blue powder, ” Vivian shrugged, “I don’t think its blue moon dust more like red sand”. The thug looked at them, “hey .. I .. .am ..mugging you”. The situation would be similar to a pack of wolves in the middle of a forest who were suddenly stopped by a small flock of angry chickens.
David looked at them. “What do you think they will get”? Vivian looked at the bandits, “a week in the stocks a few months in the coal mine as community service right”. Alice looked at them “that’s if they come quietly”. One of them tried to grab Alice’s staff, “gimme looks valuable”. She brought the end down onto his foot, he screamed in pain as she used a short strike to hit him between the legs. Setting him up for a longer swing to the throat that produced a gasping whimper, finally bopping him on the top of the head with a downward strike, just like Vivian had shown her. A second bandit not taking it seriously slapped her on the ass. “You got some spirit”.
Alice had to concentrate really hard, to use a quarter of the mana that the spell usually took. Her acid strike hit the man between the legs neutering him instantly. Nasty but not fatal he passed out from the pain, with a pathetic gurgling noise. Vivian had taken the opportunity to hit one of the bandits with the nearest thing that she could lay her hand on. That being another bandit. David's unarmed strikes combined with his iron gantlets made pathetically easy work out of two of the bandits. The remaining two were already being educated by Martin on the error of their ways. While they incessantly screamed for mercy a sound of fear and desperation. When the second bandit had no more unbroken fingers, which faced the right way. Martin let the man drop to the ground whimpering.
Martin looked over the idiots laying on the ground, “they are all alive who do you think they are”? David shrugged, “probably labourers or miners with a bandit combat job”. Vivian shrugged, “local thugs, Simon probably knows them, can’t be more than level five each they were pathetic”.
The party was not paying attention, they didn’t realise that there was a bounty on their heads. The eight bandits were a distraction, the main event arrived with brutal efficiency. A crossbow bolt aimed form a roof pierced Vivian’s armour and knocked her to the ground. Nearly 150 points of damage was enough to almost kill her outright. Martin reacted first he held out his holy symbol “shield of faith”, a blessing sprang up around Alice as he dived on top of Vivian taking two crossbow bolts in the shoulder and the back. They were good crossbows and he took almost 300 points of damage. He used divine regeneration on Vivian, “Vivian is poisoned” Alice moved over trying to keep Martin in front of her she managed to use her cure poison spell.
Even with the enchanted ring boosting her endurance Alice had little more than 100 hit points. A crossbow bolt to the stomach flattened her, only her armour magic items and the shield blessing left her alive. David was there he had his shield over Vivian and Alice. Martin used his blessing divine regeneration. To keep Alice alive, he shook her “you have to use your cure poison on yourself”. She murmured and just about activated the spell. Martin pulled the bolt out and she healed herself with a spell. David pulled the bolt out of Vivian’s shoulder.
There were four attackers above them, that had just gotten very close to killing them. Martin looked up he used a blessing, “thy will be done” his aim was guided and he fired his pistol. There was a cry of pain, a man fell from a nearby roof top. He landed down on the street with a crossbow clattering down next to him, a hole in his leg. He wore black leather armour marked with a symbol, one hand holding a dagger being hidden behind a second hand. David closed in on him the man tried to draw a fan of throwing knives. A shield block sent the man flying back, while David’s new blade went right through his torso.
Vivian was back up her perception was the highest in the group, she breathed calmly saw a sliver of movement and released a power shot. A man hiding in the shadow of a chimney fell down, a second crossbow clattering to the floor a surprised look on his face as an arrow pierced him from front to back. Martin hurled a silver canister onto one roof top, it exploded in a blue cloud a man staggered out of it, a loaded crossbow in his hand. Vivian and Alice fired the man’s face was burnt off from and acid strike and his chest was pierced with an arrow. Alice saw movement and hurled a fireball at the top of a tall chimney a man lost his balance and fell dropping his crossbow, he tried to limp away, he reached for a red potion and swallowed it he stood up his leg somewhat straighter before he could break into a run Vivian shot him.
Alice used another healing spell on Martin, she looked to David “who are they, I mean who were they”? David looked at them, “the hidden hand guild, probably the oldest criminal syndicate, they were four veterans, they use the high-powered crossbows combined with poison few survive. Martins eyes glowed, “they were worth a level I guess” he gained more proficiency in melee weapons. David nodded as he levelled up to level three of his duellist ability.
Vivian grinned as she felt the flow of time freeze, a message that she had been longing to see appeared, ''A special action has been performed”! Feat of marshal strength has been achieved, you have defeated a worthy opponent your level limit has been increased to level 50. Your destiny is sealed.' The one she killed was a veteran she would catch up to David soon, it still hurt to level up but it was a little less every time. She gained rank 5 of her critical strike ability. Alice huffed, “next time, I get an opponent then I am going to be level 26”
Vivian looked at the dead rogues, “this criminal group is a pain to pin down just look”. One of the crossbows started to deteriorate into scrap then dust. David sighed, “The rogues have fate bound armour and weapons even the crossbow bolts and daggers”. Alice nodded “I have herd of the enchantment they crumble into dust so that adventures can’t use them, a last fuck you from the hidden hand”, Martin looked at them, “disappearing equipment can’t be traced”. Alice pointed to the bodies, “the rogue’s remains fate bound to” a tattoo on their back glowed. Martin shrugged “I guess, so necromancer sorcer or vampire can’t bring them back to question them.” the bodies shimmered then slowly melt into brown red goo.
It was as that time the sheriff arrived with a dozen guards, “we heard explosions gunshots we saw a fire ball, what attacked you”? Vivian looked at them, “some criminals” Simon looked at the local thugs. “I wouldn’t have thought this lot could cause that much trouble”. David shook his head “they were a distraction, a hidden hand hit team tried to get us from the roof tops”. Simons eyes shot up. “Where are they now?” Vivian looked at the plies of goo, “they are dead, fate enchantments did the rest”
Simon wondered, “Fate enchantments never seen it myself but I have heard of it, I suspect the hidden hand might be working for a vampire, if you cost this vampire Islington how much” David answered, “he said about 50 gold”. Simon continued, “well whoever he works for has probably put a price on your head, it could just be that they were being paid to weaken forge-hold’s defences, those local thugs are fools just employed to distract you”. He sighed, “we will put this lot back together then throw them in the stocks , six months in the coal mine might make them behave, you get some food and some sleep” the adventurers nodded keeping an eye out for further trouble they, got some food and then went to sleep.
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8 129 - In Serial17 Chapters
So What If The World Is About To End? I Have Side Quests To Finish!
After the world was forever changed by a calamity over a thousand years ago, Litteral "Protagonist" Miles Trainer unlocks his Fate Dissociation System the night of his Class Awakening. With it, reality literally bends to accommodate his pace on the journey to become the Hero of Fate. "So you're saying that until I cross certain points or 'flags' calamity won't strike?" "In other words, unless I make my 'predestined' move, the world will be safe, right? I could just train away for years peacefully until I'm more than strong enough for anything and wreck shit when I damn please?" "Heh, yeah. I 'totally' won't abuse this~" [Author here, Just a forewarning that I'm writing this synopsis and the story without a solid outline/plot/whatever-you-want-to-call-it. The dialogue, here in the synopsis, probably won't ever be directly spoken in the story; though, it might. I only just finished writing the first chapter, so, we'll see.]
8 128 - In Serial17 Chapters
The Spark
Michael Locke was a normal student, who went through his normal day in a normal fashion, until the day became... unnatural. Shot into the country of Aldemar and thrust into a new world alongside his many classmates, he agrees to work for the king in exchange for shelter and to learn magic. Fate however, is indifferent to his wishes, as he quickly realizes that he may be a hero, but his purpose in this world is quite opposite. Suddenly surrounded on every side, Michael must work to survive, and if anyone finds his secret... He's as good as dead. The Spark is meant to be a murder mystery style isekai, focused on the existence of basically an anti-hero, with every one of the large amount of heroes attempting to discover who the traitor is. This isn't made to be a lovey dovey easy going isekai with an OP mc, it's made to stir around an emotional story, with many dark tones. Still, the goal is to stay fairly light hearted as well, and the perspective will pass around to several characters throughout the story.
8 195 - In Serial16 Chapters
Scourge in the east (book one Rise of a Heathen)
Coming of age marks a key point in many peoples' lives but for Aridan that holds true more so than others. As Aridan goes from being a boy, to a man he is no longer burdened by the extreme expectations of those around him and is finally free to live how he wants to live, and not how those around him think he should. But Aridan will come to find out that his actions will affect more lives than just his own.
8 201 - In Serial13 Chapters
In Loving Memory of My Brother (My Green Guardian) ✓
|4X FEATURED AND SPOTLIGHT STORY| To learn to cope with death is one of the hardest obstacles any of us have to face, especially if that death was unexpected. When your whole world has changed, what do you do in order to overcome grief and keep your loved one's memory alive? ***I never knew how much trauma can affect a person until after my older brother died unexpectedly August 17th, 2021. I came out of the experience as not the Victoria I was used to, but the Victoria who now had a huge hole in her heart. I come from a long line of fighters. My family and I pulled off different strategies to help us move on from such a devastating death-strategies that I am going to share in this book. Sometimes the best way to overcome grief is to write about it. After all, writing is an escape to a different world-a world where I still have my Green Guardian.These pieces and pictures I'm going to share with you are not meant to depress anybody, but to illustrate just how wonderful a person Matthew was. His story is sad, but it's a story of hope. His legacy remains in my heart today, and I want to share it because I know I'm not the only person who has lost somebody so unexpectedly. ***Ovid (on when his brother died):"iamque decem vitae frater geminaverat annos, cum perit, et coepi parte carere mei."("And he had just doubled ten years of his life when he died, and with him, a part of me.")*Cover by @Nightfall_21!*Word Count: 7,000-8,000⭐ Featured on @StoriesUndiscovered || Change in Reality Reading List (May 1st, 2022).⭐ Featured on @nonfiction || Personal Struggles, Essays, and Coping Reading Lists.⭐ Featured on @nonfiction || Our #NonFicSpotlight (May Spotlight) Reading List.⭐ Featured on @nonfiction || Past Spotlights Reading List.
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