《True Monsters》True Monsters – Act 2 Vine Garden - Chapter 18 – The Hunt For Islington
True Monsters – Act 2 Vine Garden - Chapter 18 – The Hunt For Islington
Very early that morning there was a knock on father Richards door, a discrete knock. He yawned said a quick blessing and got up. He drew back the bar on his door and looked out. There was a very nervous looking girl huddled there. Over her head a scarf had been wrapped, he looked patiently at her “how can I help you my child”? She pulled her scarf back to show the priest her eyebrows, where they had previously been. He nodded “I believe I can help you”
He held out his hand, there was a brief white glow, she seemed momentarily uncomfortable, “salve” her eyebrows returned. She nodded “that you”. He sighed “there was a girl last week who set fire to her hair reading in bed, I am more inclined to believe that you were practising a new spell?” She nodded the priest sighed, “I can keep this between the two of us OK”. She nodded, “my healing magic won’t restore hair”? “Divine power and magic's have some similarities and some differences, life is a mystery.”
An hour later the party and the local clergy ate a breakfast of fried meat and porridge. David looked in wonder at Martin, “the breaking through what is it like”. Martin found the memory to be clear and yet he didn't have the language to explain it properly. Martin tried, “it was strange, a message in my head, I could have looked at it for hours or seconds. It told me that my fate was sealed”. David wondered, was it god the background magic, some other force that produced this effect.
David was aware that most people who got past level five could learn a meditation. Allowing them to view their body, to assess their abilities. At some point he would get Vivian to teach it to him but for now he kept his ignorance quiet. He put forward more questions, “so once you go beyond level 25, you have committed yourself to a path”?
Martin pondered his answer, “I guess so, maybe it’s the result of having a religious job, maybe I have passed some sort of test, now I have a set mission for my life.” Alice added her insight, “it’s as good a guess as any, perhaps god has a plan for you to do some work. There are other things at play, there is a certain amount of passive magic in a jobs creation and training, other things we don’t understand.”
“It could relate to a physical change, locking you to a particular skill set, I would not count some grand destiny until you have talked to another who has gotten past level 25. You could have locked yourself out of learning any more secondary crafting skills”. David grinned, “Maybe it means that you can’t learn another job and it’s only that”?
Vivian shrugged, “what would be so bad about that, if you already have 25 no 26 levels of a job why change it. We all have jobs that are considered powerful in their own way. I think that we represent what someone called pinnacle jobs”. Alice nodded, “yes also called composite jobs, some of the strongest once fully developed”.
David wondered not familiar with the term, “What are you talking about”? Alice gave a little history lesson, “before mages there were conjures they were limited to level 25. Then they developed the hedge wizards job, it is limited to level 50. Then the full wizard job was created limited to level 75. The first magic job to reach level 100 was the druid job.”
Martin was familiar with the idea, “oh I have heard something similar, and a herbalist can only get to level 25. An apothecary can reach level 50, a chemist can reach level 75 and an alchemist can reach level 100”.
David was a little slow on the uptake, “why do people still use simpler jobs”? Alice answered, “they are generally weaker but require less expensive equipment and are quicker to train”. David nodded in understanding. Martin shrugged, “if there was some way to change or remove a primary job before it got above 25 I don't know what it could be”?
David spoke, “I know you can improve a job, you can train it up to a superior one though it takes time, theoretically could the reverse happen”? “I would not be surprised if someone had access to such a secret”, Vivian guessed. “Let’s concentrate on the rest of us getting to level 25 first, then we can break through and compare notes”.
Father Richard had looked over the monocle eyepiece that Martin had recovered from the brass doctor. It had no perceivable magic, so it could be used by Martin he added it to his equipment. allowing him to perceive a degree of the strength of an opponent.
When he finished his meal father Richard invited them to his study. Soon afterwards the steward and Barnabas arrived, he nodded to the group, “my employ didn't want to see you but it’s important, so he sent me in his stead. If all the recent problems are masterminded by a vampire, we need to deal with it quickly and finally”. The steward threw a map on the table, there was a determination to his voice, “we have an opportunity to kill this local vampire, this Islington or at least thin the ranks of his forces. A new vampire lair has been built in a bear den, that powerful dread thrall bear you reported earlier makes sense to a degree”.
Farther Richard nodded, “the Vampires lair is a long way away from town. It’s deliberate so we can’t get to it easily. You will have to leave early to get there before nightfall, you don't want to face a vampire of his level in the night time, when his power is at its strongest.” Martin was zealous not suicidal, “of course we don't, a fledgling or full vampire we could probably handle. But not one like this, he appears to have several magical items as well”. The steward looked to them, “it is rough terrain we have packed a few provisions”. David was about to speak, Barnabas anticipated the question, “If you can kill this Islington four gold between you a small fortune”.
They discussed a few more details, then left as quickly as they could. The group made slow progress, Martin had massive endurance so it was easy for him. David had the ring of boar’s endurance, boosting his ability so he could move fairly quickly. Vivian was reasonably good at covering ground, she had training which boosted her endurance, and Alice was not.
Alice looked at the group. “I am”, she paused huffing resting on her staff, “not being carried again”, and she moved forwards determination in her eyes. Vivian grabbed one elbow and David the other, they helped her move a bit faster over the rough ground.
They made better progress after they got over the crest of the first hill. Going downhill was far easier. Alice needed some magical items, something to boost her strength and endurance by about 2 or 3 points each, just so she could match an average' persons abilities. Some mages underwent physical training, others picked up crafting jobs just to gain those extra points. That would take to long for Alice. Her ego was not going to let her be carried like a sack of spuds, unless it was life or death. They pressed on and ate while they walked. They were getting closer but the sun might set first.
Martin felt a small twinge from his holy symbol, as if something was around some sort of low level threat. David and Vivian felt something that they could not exactly describe, as if something very big was viewing them from a very long way away. Alice could feel magic, a very faint sensation as if something unseen eyes were watching them. She hesitated then sighed, it felt like a bad idea to be hear at nightfall, she looked at the sky and decided. She held out her hand Martin helped her onto his shoulder then set off at a jog, the rest of the group sped up. A mount of any sort would be really useful in this circumstance, they were rare even amongst the nobles.
They arrived at the lair thirty minutes later. Martin was un-fazed and David re-coved quickly, due to the ring's enchantment. Alice was more embarrassed than fatigued and Vivian considered getting another rank in intense training, for the extra endurance.
The vampire seemed to have anticipated such an attack, he already had some daytime muscle ready to stop the adventures interrupting his daytime slumber. IT was a large cave in the side of a hill, there were cart tracks. Outside the cave the thrall bear, two thrall bores and a thrall archer were ready. The archer was the forester that they had previously seen, he looked ragged something had fed from him, ripping his shirt and leaving two small puncture wounds, in his current state he didn't mind it.
“We are stronger now and that creatures is still wounded from before, prepare to fight” Martin boldly declared. “Yes but try to pacify the forester” Vivian shouted at him. Alice took up a position behind a large stone, so she could avoid the arrow fire. Vivian had her broad heads ready David slowly moved forwards and Martin drew his long range pistols. Alice took the time to concentrate her duel cast fire balls. It hit the bear and one of the boars, the boar didn't seem too happy squealing as its hide cooked, and the bear seemed mildly annoyed. Martin emptied both pistols into the bear tickling it. Vivian put an adrenalin shot into its hide, this also didn't faze it. David blocked an arrow from the forester.
One of the bores closed on David, he struck it with a power attack then two stabs and it was on the floor dead. Martin drew his triple pistol and shot the second injured boar down. One of the expensive bodkin arrows collided with the bears hide, it didn't sink in half as far as it should. A fire ball collided with its face the bear staggered roared and reared up to its full height dropped to the ground and charged forwards. Martin used his “angel guardian” blessing to stop it in its tracks.
David targeted the forester, closing in on him, A strike with his shield and a stab to the arm and the man was out of the fight but not dead. Vivian and Alice hit the bear while it chewed through Martins defensive blessings. Alice used duel fire bite spells and Vivian used her bodkin arrows. The bear was not being stopped despite the damage.
Martin had heard of an ability that some vampires possessed to strengthen their minions. It was only temporarily by feeding them a small amount of their blood, though sometimes a lot of blood was needed. This temporarily gave them extra vitality and durability, this seemed to be the case now. David attacked the bear from the side, striking it with his adrenalin attacks. Alice used more spells, Vivian hit it in the neck, but it was still tough. Martin expended his wrath ability and his throwing knives. He was tempted to reach for the thermite, but it was not quite the time yet.
David buried his shield into the ground, resisting the bear’s attacks taking very little damage. The irate creature was smart enough to recognise the source of the damage. It was having difficulty bringing it its strength to bear. When it attacked Martin he used his defensive blessings, when it went for David he turtled up behind his shield. When it tried to get to the back line it was mercilessly attacked it in the flanks. The bear’s strength was slowly starting to flag, Martin hit it with two divine retributions and hallowed earth.
The buff that its vampire master had bestowed upon it had now evaporated, leaving it with a continually broken and bleeding body. It could only take so much more punishment before it finally gave out. A power attack to one of its hind legs and it was limping, Martin got a little two eager and had to retreat back using divide regeneration on himself twice. Alice started to run out of mana. Her power depleted to a third of its total. Vivian switched to her last arrows the silver ones. David felt his adrenalin reserves flagging he had to be careful.
Martin used “circle of consecration” and moved round the bear. The holly aura affected the Thrall taint in the bear, causing it to growl in pain. Distracted David was able to land a power attack on one of its paws cutting it most of the way through. Vivian sent her last arrow into the beasts face skewering it. Martin had his holy symbol ready, “smite” a bolt of lightning dug into its skull. Sending the bear into a frenzy. Its back leg went down from the exertion. The bear tried to bite onto David's shield, It was unprepared to receive a fire bite spell directed down its throat. Its growl was cut off as it coughed and spluttered.
Martin had his mallet ready to tenderise the beast, it was not needed the beast was bled out dead. David still stabbed away for a long time, to make sure. Martin reloaded his pistols as quickly as he could, Vivian ran over and started to recover her arrows. Alice grinned, “That’s the third dread thrall beast we killed, I can’t say I look forwards to seeing any more. The bear looked surprised its eyes dead and vacant. They would only get a few silvers for it, nothing more. Its boss that was another matter now that they had killed the bear, hopefully they could get his master napping.
They were on the last strands of daylight, the bear had been surprisingly resilient, Martin and Alice went over to the injured forester, and he was full of bluster. “You will fall before the master you will die in”. Martin interrupted him, “purge” Alice used some mana to put him back together with a touch heal. “Where am I what's going on”? David handed him his bow, “vampire mind controlled you get to town it’s almost dark”. They had saved the last forester, if he survived the night. They could not afford to baby sit him. The biggest danger would be concentrating on them in a few moments anyway.
Vivian cleaned her arrow heads off, on the singed mangled fur of the dead bear, “I got my arrows back, even lodged in this things hide for a few days there in pristine condition”. That was when the
Level up hit, which meant that the vampire was far away. Perhaps the lair was very deep. Martin hit level 27, again focusing on his grenade skill so that his thermite would hit its mark. David hit 22 improved his projectile blocking. Vivian at the same level continued to focus on her improved critical hit ability. Alice now at 21 learnt an acid strike spell that she hoped would be able to distract and target opponents who were resistant to fire.
They walked into the cave, torches lit the place. It seemed to have been used as a store house, perhaps for the shipments to the archanists lab, it was pretty bare now. It looked like they had wasted a lot of time. Still the thrall bear was a reasonable consolation prize. The sun dipped below the horizon, a pile of rocks moved a vampire wrapped in several thick cloaks stood up. He moved quickly across the terrain, to see what he could find in his trap.
The group were on the way out, they were going to head back. Fighting a powerful vampire at night was not a good idea. The mouth of the cave was blocked. The vampire was tall with tone to his muscles, but without being bulky. It was hard but not impossible for a vampire to grow fat on a liquid diet.
He wore white clothes edged in a red and black trim. He had an obviously magic rapier at his side, and a magic ring on his right hand. He must have been over level 50, he was not very senior for a vampire. He was still recovering from the damage that the sisters of unrelenting mercy had done to him. He had used a lot of his blood to empower the thrall bear, he was but still more than a match for a group, that had just expended most of their abilities.
They formed into a compact defensive group, the vampire was certain that his opponents were running on empty, he had a lot of arrogance in his words his stance was full of confidence.
“You walked into this trap, I left those memories implanted in that thrall, this is no coincidence”.
He turned to look at the dead bear and shrugged lifting his hands, “that bear should have killed you, but then so should the bandits and the archanist”. Martin was rapidly reloading his triple pistol, while the vampire talked. “You are getting to be a thorn in my side, you must have cost me close to fifty gold. With everything that I invested in building up the brass doctor and the bandits”.
Islington looked at Martin, “still there is a good price on any vampire hunter past level 25 that I kill”. He turned to Vivian and David, “your equipment will be useful to my servants”. He smiled at Alice, “if I can grab that mage you will be a very useful commodity, I can practically taste your mana infused blood from hear”.
Martin still had a few surprises, he unleashed his two strongest abilities “Wrath of the almighty” the vampire suffered six hundred points of damage wearing away at its mystical defences. The blessing “Chain smite” lasted for four seconds, digging out a chunk of its resilient magic defence. Martin delivered, three shots from his triple barrelled pistol. The stakes impacted on the vampire but it was scratch damage. The rest of the group was not idle. A fire ball struck the vampire, then two bodkin arrows propelled with power attacks. He was hit by a thermite grenade which ate away at his supernatural resistance and his flashy looking chest plate.
Martin reached for another grenade, the vampire was faster. “Out of focus”, he hit Martin four times knocking him to the ground. Martin tried to rise, Islington lets out a strike with his boot that causes something to crack. David tried to land a power strike but the vampire blocked it with his own sword. He looked down at Martin again delivering a kick that clanged against his head and the hidden plate armour. He sneered, “not so powerful are you now, you expended too much effort on my servants”.
Vivian bounced a silver arrow of the arrogant vampires head, it left a trail of blood. They had totally depleted his blood shield and supernatural aura. The vampire charged round David, over to Vivian. He ducked under two arrows and embedded his faintly glowing sword in her side. It was a deep wound that pierced her left lung and almost killed her. She dropped her bow wounded by the vampire, Vivian could feel blood in her lung. He grinned, “Such strength for a human, but no match for me. Her poisoned dagger struck him in the neck he brushed it off, “good try but I don't take that much damage”.
Martin slowly got to his feet, the spell acid strike formed a small ball of transparent green liquid in the palm of the casters hand. It then flew like a raindrop. Alice gave the vampire a face full of corrosive acid, from the acid strike spell. The corrosive liquid slung to its skin, before it faded away having exhausted the energy in the spell. It distracted the vampire for a second, David had gone berserk, throwing down his sword he drew the silver dagger. He dropped one power attack after another into the back of the vampire, burning through his last reserves of adrenalin.
The vampire twisted in pain turning round, he blindly struck out at David sending him flying. Alice used her healing magic on Vivian, then started propelling alternating fire bite and acid strike spells at the vampires face. Martin had his holy object at the ready and brought the symbol down on the vampire two handed. The vampire turned and delivered a series of three strikes, knocking Martin to the ground again. Making sure his holy symbol felt landed far away.
Vivian was still in no condition to fight, Alice was practically out of mana. The vampire closed in on her, she drained the reserve from her staff and prepared. The vampire grinned, “poor mage all your mana gone you’re ready to fall over”? Alice was acting as if she was out. Martin crawled over to his holy symbol, as he griped it he felt a sense of renewed determination and began to stand again.
David was about to reach for adrenalin potion, Alice was looking at the mana potion on her belt. Vivian was having some trouble breathing, but she had her bow and an arrow gripped in her hands. Martin had his holy symbol in one hand and the thermite in the other. He grinned at the vampire, “You think that we didn't have a plan B”. The vampire looked at him, “what could you do”? David smiled, “we were the first wave”.
The vampire turned rapier at the ready, a second group of five fresh adventurers, the Sisters of battle and the mercenaries arrived. They were followed by Barnabas and a group of guards and militia. They had long wooden stakes rather than spears. The vampire considered he had been toying with his prey to long now he was cornered.
The vampire Islington was suddenly aware that the party had moved out of the way behind him. He was hit, a Volley gun and blunderbuss hit him with silver shot and chunks of lead. The other hunters used their own holy symbols, “smite”, “smite” “wrath” “divine retribution”. He was hit with a flurry of blessings and weapons, flaming oil enveloped him a hand axe cracked into his brow. Arrows embedded in his knee and shoulder.
The vampire charged at the group, a red glow building up around his body. His skin tore and blood leaked out, with the effort he was producing he jumped at the last moment. He just avoiding being staked, he twisted to the side and headed out. Literally pulling his body apart to outdistance the pursuing humans. After twenty minutes it was clear that he had outpaced them, but he was not the monster that had first faced them he would need a lot of blood and time to recover.
The senior member of the sisters of battle looked at the area, “Islington Limped off wounded. He expended his reserves of blood to do that, it’s over for tonight, if he comes back he will be very weak”. She looked at the dread bear approvingly, “he lost one of his pieces”. They took the head of the dread bear as a trophy and burnt the rest, the forester was taken back to be given a hot meal and reunited with his family.
Vivian felt a pain in her chest, where she had been stabbed. She had to use a quarter staff to balance herself as they headed back to the village. Martin half carried David who was utterly exhausted. When they got back to the church, David was taken to bed to rest. The priest used various healing blessings on Martin to patch him up. Vivian removed most of her equipment and met Martin Alice and father Richard, even healed by magic she still felt very bad.
Martin examined her blood soaked padded armour. He would stitch it up later, he would also get her chain-mail patched up. He ran his hand over the wound Vivian twitched in pain as he touched her rib. He sighed “Vivian that pain you’re experiencing, I think that when Alice healed you there was a bit of your padded armour driven into the wound. It may have been driven into your lung, I will have to open it up remove any material then let Alice heal it again. There is a clean warm room in the church, where we can carry out the procedure”. She nodded, “I feel a pain in my lung a shortness of breath, I suspect that you are right”.
The priest used a blessing to numb the pain, Martin had forceps and a sharp knife. Vivian had some of a skin full of strong wine. She bit down on a chunk of wood. Martin was as quick as possible cutting the wound open. Vivian cried and screamed with the pain of the knife. Martin had the forceps in the wound. The priest used his pain relief blessing a few more times. A few seconds and Martin found the object, the healing magic had healed the bloody cloth included inside her lung. Martin made a slightly deeper incision and pulled it out with the forceps, she screamed the place down, then blacked out. Martin carefully checked that everything was in the right place using a strong alcohol to clean the wound, then Alice applied her healing magic.
Four hours later David woke up, Vivian woke up, Vivian was feeling better after the operation, there was no pain when she breathed. They were gathered around the kitchen table for some food, she was curious about the foe that they had faced, “was that Islington typical of a vampire”? Martin considered the question, “no I don't think so”. He elaborated after getting his thought in order, “the eyepiece gave me some insight to his strength, he was a bit weak to be out on his own. He was only slightly stronger than a full vampire, his level is slightly about 50, normally a vampire like that would reporting to someone else”.
David continued that line of reasoning, “So you think a stronger vampires in the area”. Martin shook his head, “no I think that Islington is the protégée of a more powerful vampire, which has sent him to this area”. Alice nodded “a star pupil, the arrogance the confidence he knows even if he screws up someone is backing him up”.
“he lost a lot of servants and other lesser vampires and several powerful beasts, Most vampires would call it quits and move out of the area by now, I think that this is his first time running a mission on his own, so he is determined not to quit”. The others could not fault Martins line of reasoning. Vivian put her hand on her side over the position of the injury, “why did you call him weak”? “Normally a vampire in the region of level 75 would be sent for such a task, they would not show there head at all. Perhaps weak is not the right word inexperienced would be a better description”.
They were all round the table still alive, “he didn't finish us off one by one. He didn't act quickly he talked allowing me to reload my pistols.” They had to agree Islington was more talkative than any other monster. “His strengths seem to be using others and building up followers to act out his plans” Alice's point was well made. Vivian added her observations “his close quarter fighting may be lacking, but he had two magic items to buff him up”.
Martin was more confident, “for all his talking he has not achieved much, I think he is more used to recruiting servants for another vampire than leading a fight himself”. David nodded, “then we are lucky to be fighting a vampire that doesn't know when to call it quits, one that is not used to leading. If we do get him I want that sword mine is very battered.” “What is he trying to achieve then”? Vivian wondered? “In a small village like this overrun the places defences, grab as many people as slaves and thralls. Take everything of value and disappear into the night. Due to the local lord’s reaction the number of defenders increased, he has not got the forces to overrun the town.”
“Why is he still about”? “he is trying to kill as many high profile adventures as possible. If he can kill several of us, he can still report some sort of success to his backer. Specifically the three remaining vampire hunters and Alice”. The vampires get paid a bounty on our necks, the same way that we pay out a bounty on their fangs.
Martin remembered seeing the attack from the vampire, “Alice the magic sword that Islington had how is the magic in the sword different to the magic you wield. It was not like the sword was a battery for magic, it was a specific piercing effect”. “So you want to know the difference, between Mana, potential magic and background ‘used’ magic?”
“yes I know that certain creatures and elements have magic inside them, but there seems to be a difference between it and the mana you have.” She tried to explain it to the man, “it is like the difference between molten metal that you could pour into any mould or beat into any shape and cooled hardened metal. If you can think of it that way as an analogy. The mana I have can be shaped into anything within reason, sonic waves moulding the earth healing a body, Mana that an enchanter has used is fixed in a form in a function. Its static locked.” Martin took that explanation, there was probably a more complex explanation, which only a mage would understand. He had what he needed to know.
Status Screen Name Vivian Tanner Age 19 years old Race Human Primary Occupation Mercenary Level 22 Affiliation Glass Bay Mercenary Free Company / Merchants Guild Association Health 140/140 Adrenalin 110/110 Strength 28 Intelligence 5 Wisdom 5 Agility 6 Endurance 6 Charisma 6 Dexterity 5 Perception 5 Bonuses Level Attack Bonus 22 Level Defence Bonus 22 Bonus Base Weapon Damage 66 Class Proficiency Comprehensive Training L4 Layered Armour Perk L1 Adrenalin Power Shot L1 Bow Proficiency L8 Speed Shooting L8 Critical Strikes L2 Perks Intensive Training + 1 Endurance and Strength
Status Screen Name David Fisher Age 18 years old Race Human Primary Occupation Mercenary Level 22 Affiliation Glass Bay Mercenary Free Company / Merchants Guild Association Health 140/140 Adrenalin 110/110 Strength 28 Intelligence 5 Wisdom 5 Agility 5 Endurance 6 Charisma 5 Dexterity 5 Perception 5 Bonuses Level Attack Bonus 22 Level Defence Bonus 22 Bonus Base Weapon Damage 66 Class Proficiency Comprehensive Training L4 Layered Armour Perk L1 Adrenalin Power Strike L1 Sword Proficiency L8 Shield Proficiency L8 Adrenalin Power Block L1 Defend Against Missiles L2 Flaws Gambling Addiction
Status Screen Name Alice Costar Age 17 years old Race Human Primary Occupation Mage Level 21 Affiliation The Eternal Tower Mages Guild/ Royalist Court Health 78/78 Mana 185/185 Strength 3 Intelligence 5 Wisdom 26 Agility 5 Endurance 3 Charisma 5 Dexterity 5 Perception 5 Bonuses Level Attack Bonus 21 Level Defence Bonus 21 Number of Simultaneous Spells 2 Base Spell Cost 4 Mana Magical Defence 50 Class Proficiency Mana Regeneration L2 Analyse Magic L2 Recharge Enchantment L2 Spell List Fire Bite (5 Damage + 2 per Level ) 1 x Base Mana Cost Tracking Fire Bite Master (16 Damage + 5 per Level ) 1 x Base Mana Cost Touch Heal Master (15 Heal + 6 per Level ) 1 x Base Mana Cost Ranged Heal (5 Heal + 1 per Level ) 1 x Base Mana Cost Fire Ball Master (30 Damage +12 per Level 10 foot Area ) 4 x Base Mana Cost Touch Poison Cure – 5 x Base Mana Cost Tracking Acid Strike (5 damage +1 per level ) 1x base mana cost Flaws Fear of Bats
Status Screen Name Martin Wrigt Age 29 years old Race Human Primary Occupation Vampire hunter level 27 Secondary Occupation Journeyman Craftsman Level 11 Affiliation Order of Steel and Silver / The Church of the Creator God Secondary Affiliation Bay City Guild Hall Health 348/348 Focus 190/190 Strength 11 Intelligence 5 Wisdom 5 Agility 5 Endurance 36 Charisma 5 Dexterity 7 Perception 5 Faith Yes Bonuses Level Attack Bonus 38 Level Defence Bonus 38 Bonus Base Weapon Damage 15 Class Proficiency Bonus vs Vampire Resist Disease Holy Symbol usage L1 Resist Poison Blade Coatings L2 Focus Shot L1 Immunity to Taint – Demonic, Thrall, Necromantic, Ghoul and Vampirism Taint Pistol Proficiency L5 Overload Shot L1 Focus re-lode L1 Throwing knife Proficiency L3 Focus throw L1 Focus Multi Throw L1 General Melee Weapons L3 Focus strike L1 Grenadier L6 Focus Parry L1 Duel Wield Focus Attack L1 Combat Medic L2 Blessings Use Per Day Wrath – 25 points of holy damage unblockable x 4 Shield of Faith – 50 points of temporary health x 1 Guardian Angel – blocks first two attacks that would penetrate armor x 1 Armor of Faith – ten extra points of armor block both magic and physical attack x 1 Purify – remove taint disease etc x 4 Holy Aura – five feet - ten points holy damage – per second x 1 Divine Retribution – 100 points of holy damage unblockable x 2 Circle of Consecration – fifteen feet area ten points holy damage per second x 1 Fortress of faith – 100 points of temporary health + 20 points of armor x 1 Smite – 200 points lighting damage x 1 Divine Favor – 20 hit point Regeneration for 5 seconds x 4 Hallowed Earth – 250 points holy damage in 10 meters x 1 Martyrs Sacrifice – minus 4 hit point per second + 20 attack + 10 strength + 10 agility + 10 dexterity. - (really painful) consumes focus per sec x 1 Chain Smite – 200 points lighting damage + 50 points per second of ability stacks x 1 consumes focus per second Thy Will be Done – can see location of enemy directed to them Wrath of the Almighty – (300 holy 100 fire 100 frezing 100 electrical) damage x 1 Craft Proficiency Administration L1 Woodworking L1 Leather Working L3 Mettle Working L5 Sowing L1 Perks Well Maintained Perk on all equipment Pistols – improved critical damage 30% + Armour penetration 15 points Flaws Alcoholism Zealot Survivors Guilt
Inventory Alice Belt of the Scaled Hide – armor + 5 – long black belt Necklace of Warding + 4 armor - square cut silver and iron Druids Staff + 25 mana storage - black oak, end brass orb decorative green feathers grip bindings in brown leather. Tower Apprentices Robes + 5 natural armor blue Minor Ring of Armor + 2 points – silver ring Minor Potion of Mana + 120 points David Ring of Bores Endurance + 3 Endurance – silver ring Minor Potion of Adrenalin + 120 points Artisan Crafted – Iron and Steel Tower Shield Vivian Dagger of the Adder + 5 poison damage on strike – seven inch fancy dagger Damascus bodkin arrows x 10 Martin Monocle of clarification – low light vision – read target approximate level hp
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Skulls and Crossbones: A Furry Pirate Litrpg
What happens when you take everything away from an NPC? You will leave her with nothing but vengeance. Lucy Longsilver lives in a virtual world of Skulls and Crossbones Online as an NPC bartender at the Backwash Tavern. She dreams of becoming a pirate like the players, but the system never allows her to step out of her role. Without warning, a ruthless pirate player attacks her town and leaves no survivors. After losing her home and purpose, the player leaves Lucy with nothing except vengeance. When she mysteriously receives the ability to level up and receive new skills, Lucy realizes she has the power to avenge her town. But to avenge her town, Lucy must build her own crew of pirates and tame a ship. On their adventure, they will hunt the murderhobo player as they fight monsters, loot treasure, and discover unknown places. Being a computer player might be fun, but the stakes are still high. Author's Note: [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge] I am writing this series for NaNoWriMo this month, up to 55,555. Each chapter will go up between 1,000 to 2,000 words and will be posted each day during the week. There might be multiple chapters posted to keep up with the writing marathon in the afternoon. After this month, I hope to get this novel self-published, maybe next year. If you enjoyed my other furry litrpg, Sword and Claw, you might enjoy this one. Image on book cover is done by fluff-kevlar.
8 195 - In Serial11 Chapters
Magical Science
A rift opened up in earth, invaders from a different realm come to dominate. Eric, a Savy young man, is "Recruited" to help against this new threat. Inspecting the rift, he gains an understanding of a magical energy he dubbed mana. Hoping to one day fly around and shoot fireballs like "a real wizard" he experiments to control this energy. All is good until a twist of events leave him stranded in a different realm with just his wits and of course his adorable AI.
8 59 - In Serial39 Chapters
Guerra Moderna en un Mundo de Fantasía
El protagonista, Matias Martínez, que venia de un viaje junto con su familia mueren repentinamente en un accidente de auto, pero son resucitados y transportados a un mundo paralelo. Allí se encuentra ante un ser de esencia divina y le pide que le ayude a traer la paz a su mundo. Le otorga a el y a su familia habilidades especiales, y el el elije la habilidad de invocar armas y soldados modernos de su antiguo mundo. Así comienza una historia de aventuras, comedia y romance, en medio de una guerra entre espadas y magia contra balas y misiles. Aviso: la obra y sus personajes son ficticios, cualquier semejanza con la realidad es mera coincidencia. La idea de esta obra es solo entretener, no adoctrinar, ni hablar mal de algo o a alguien.
8 143 - In Serial13 Chapters
7 Minutes In Heaven Bleach
Rangiku want to play called 7 minutes in with heavens
8 60