《True Monsters》True Monsters – Chapter 12 – Cull
True Monsters – Chapter 12 – Cull
The sheriff Daniel reviewed, the official report. The mayor would add his seal to the report, when Daniel finished writing it. It should have come from the mayor, but he was lazy as ever. The worse fears of everyone, had been realised. The mine had been opened and the undead released. The adventures assigned to protect the village, to cull the local monsters, had prevailed. The mine had been sealed, the reports though were worrying.
They had recovered plans of the mine a ledger and a diary. The necromantic undead in the mine were frightening, only a small fraction of the mine had been explored. The plans showed that the mine was a lot deeper, than the historical records showed. There were five cavernous levels underground, filled with the undead. The diary spoke of disappearance after disappearance. The ledger showed, that there were over 400 miners and 50 guards. When the Vampires took over, all of those people would have been converted, to undead troops or worse.
The sheriff hoped that this, would be a problem for another day. A problem for one of his successors, to wrangle with. Hopefully the mine remained as it was now, dormant. The report would be sent to the local lord soon. The priest and the merchants guild representatives, would add there notes to it and off it would go.
These adventures had dealt with his biggest problem, which was not the mine. The thrall wolf pack was obliterated, the dread wolf dead. There was one more thing to deal with. The Thrall wolves had a Matriarch, the pack had rebuilt its numbers time and time again over the years. They needed to deal a finishing blow to the pack. Killing its leader and a hundred thrall wolves, would not be enough to end the threat.
The thrall wolves had made there den, five miles deep into the forest. That was what the hunters and woodcutters had reported. The information was, several years out of date. The sheriff reasoned that the wolves, had no reason to move there den. Normally such a job was a veteran’s task, but the pack had been thinned. The sheriff was prepared to make a gamble. With the adventures lives, not his own. He briefly spoke to the mayor, using small words he got the approval and some of the funding he required.
The sheriff went to the church. The priest Bartholomew, had control over a certain percentage of the coin and provisions in the village. He could distribute them as charity, or for communal good. Daniel would need to sway him. The man was practical, he could see the long term benefits of removing the wolves. Daniel had two thirds of the funds needed for his plan.
Samuel the apothecary represented the guild, the local business the trade contacts. He was far more pessimistic than the sheriff. If the thrall wolves were removed, eventually another monster would dominate the area. The key word was eventually. With the thrall wolves gone he would make much more profit. It would last for a few years. Eventually something else would move into the area. He would have funds to put a bounty on its head and so on. This would be an investment to him.
The sheriff had 30 silver as a reward for the thrall Matriarchs head.
When he went to the inn. The adventures were checking through a list of assignments. Minor things harvesting jobs and small investigation quests. David looked at the group “it’s an easy 20 bronze, we just get 20 pounds of stink mould and the alchemist is happy”. Vivian looked at him “I would rather hunt dear for the mayor its 10 bronze each and if we don't ruin the hides another 5 bronze bonus.” Martin scanned the group “thermite's expensive as long as we get some extra funds I am happy”.
Alice piped in “there is a job to check the standing stone. It’s a mile out in the wood. I have analyse magic we can go check it out an easy 25 bronze.”
The sheriff tapped his knuckles on the table. “Ladies and gents the conquerors of the mine. The slayers of the Dread thrall wolf, you aim low. There is still one more good bounty in the area.” David grinned, “I don't remember anything else, what did we miss”. “There is one half of the wolf pack, hanging from the roof of the inn. I will pay you 30 silver for the head of the other big one”.
Martin looked thoughtful, “you mean kill the matriarch wipe them out totally?”
Daniel grinned, “don’t worry it can’t be that powerful, it stays in the den”. Alice looked scornful, “we remember the size of the giant rat matriarchs. They were massive compared to the alpha rats”. Vivian considered their chances. “The pack is very small now. The matriarch has little protection, it’s a good opportunity”. Martin nodded, “we can remove another abomination form the earth! This time without having to fight an army of lesser monsters.”
The sheriff had almost persuaded them. The mercenary David saw the money. The other mercenary saw it as a sound tactic. Martin was zealous for a fight, he just had to find something the mage wanted. The sheriff gestured opening his arms wide. “You have gone up in level, why not take the opportunity to raise your level again.” Alice looked at them, “don't we have to protect the village form the mine”? The sheriff patted her on the shoulder, “The mine is quiet, and we are secure”. Alice looked at the others, “I guess I have to save you lot, from getting eaten by a wolf”.
They had to make a few preparations. The group temporarily split up. David arranged provisions at the inn two meals worth. Martin went to talk to the local priest about the creature. Alice checked through the diary's left upstairs, by adventures assigned to the village. Vivian headed over to the apothecary, they would need some more oil.
They met back in twenty minutes. David looked up at the wolf’s head on the inn. “Now to make it a pair, I have some cheese dried meat smoked fish and a skin of ale. Vivian had two flasks of oil. The cloth wicks wrapped around them, indicated they were not for torches. Alice looked concerned “The early diaries report the beast as quite large. It will only have gotten bigger, it’s very reluctant to leave its den though”. Martin shrugged, “there was a reference in the old village records. The beast has some sort of natural magic but that was all”. Vivian patted him on the shoulder, “it was worth a try. The den is there somewhere in the woods, and we have lots of oil.”
The group followed the crude map, which they had copied from the inn. The logging trail cut deep into the forest, acting as a fire break. They progressed down the trail for about four miles, then it abruptly ended. There was a track made by the wolves coming and going. The group had seen signs of the wolves, but nothing concrete. No howl no flash of fur. The group anticipated attack at any time. They had a brief pause to eat in silence, they progressed forwards weapons drawn.
Then it came, the thrall wolves moved forwards out of the woods. The five at the front were thin and sickly. The ten wolves following them were even less impressive, juveniles. They would have been impressive, against natural wolves. Compared to what the party had faced already, they were not.
Martin fired his two pistols, using focus shots. He hit and killed two of the juveniles. The wolves collapsed with barely a yelp of pain. Alice fired of three fire spells another three kills. Vivian targeted the larger wolves at the front, two power shots and two kills. David had a power attack ready, as soon as the first wolf got within range of his sword. The beast hesitated, it didn't get a second opportunity, cut down gasping spitting blood and falling to the ground. David advanced on the next wolf, blade in hand.
Martin used a focus reload to prepare his pistol, he cocked the hammer and aimed. He hit one of the two remaining adults. Vivian finished the second one off with a power shot the arrow pierced its skull. David cut through two of the juveniles with simple thrusts, he didn't have to put the force of a power attack into killing these beasts. Alice incinerated two more of the beasts with her spells. The last wolf backed up preparing to spring into a run, Vivian nailed it with an iron arrow, before it could flee.
They had demolished the last line of defence, the last reserves of the pack. David cleaned up his sword Martin reloaded his pistols, Vivian recovered her arrows. They piled up the wolves remains and set them on fire. They passed around the flask of ale, the next battle would not be an easy one. There preparations complete they set off for the den, the direction that the wolves had come from.
It was soon quite apparent that they were nearing the den of the thrall wolves. The trees in the area had been savaged as generations of wolves had tested there fangs on them. The ground was littered with the bones of countless prey, there was a cave that radiated a certain ominous aura. Martin could feel his holy symbol react. Alice could feel the slight taint of mana, the beast had some sort of magic.
The den was not very deep, about 50 foot they confronted there target weapons dawn and ready. They were wary waiting for some form of spell, cautious. The thrall Wolf matriarch was the largest monster that they had yet seen. While she didn't lead the hunting party, she had defended her den many times against adventures monsters and rival's.
Hear coat was thin in patches, discoloured from some sort of magic or toxin in a few large areas. Her left shoulder and front leg were swollen, the muscles stretching the skin beneath. Her left ear had been chewed away and not grown back. The right eye socket had been cracked and healed crooked, making it look like the wolf was squinting.
They could see numerous scars on her body, the Wolf was certainly ready for a fight, there were also five thrall wolves around her. Their heads didn't reach up to her shoulder. The last remnant of the pack held back behind her in reserve.
The fight began with magic but Alice didn't fire a spell. The matriarch had a sonic attack, a sonic howl, which had the party stunned and surprised before they could react. It was no wonder the wolves had been standing back out of range of the cone of attack. They were taking some damage they were going to be stunned when the wolves attacked.
A demonically tainted creature like the dread thrall Wolf matriarch, had the chance to absorb some traits from opponent's she defeated and consumed. In this case a druid that used sonic magic, was part of a group that had attacked her den years ago. If she had destroyed a particularly powerful mercenary she might have acquired there adrenaline power attack. If she had eaten a strong troll then she might have absorbed a lesser form of regeneration.
The matriarch only had enough magic for a few attacks, but it was very effective. Martin didn't have anything to counter the sonic magic for the group, but he could disrupt the matriarch.
He thrust his holy symbol forward, shouting “Smite”. The bolt of lightning struck the beast in the face, causing it to pause. This disrupted the sonic attack. The rest of the party attacked with everything they had. The thrall wolves charged in.
David hurled a flask of oil with a wick at the group of wolves. Vivian targeted two striking them with power shots. Alice did her best to burn the matriarchs eye's out with her fire magic. Martin had a pistol aimed and ready, “divine retribution” the matriarch glowed hit with holy energy. The attack barely seemed to phase the matriarch. Martin didn't like their chances, having used some of his strongest attacks. The beast barely reacted, it couldn't be far from level twenty.
The thrall Wolf prepared to use its magic again. Alice fired a constant stream of spells at its head, this forced the beast to interrupt its attack and twist its head away. Vivian used power shot after power shot David finished off the few remaining thrall wolves with two power strikes, he caught two with the last blow. Martin had his second pistol he used his blessing, “divine retribution” striking it again, for an underwhelming reaction.
Martin pulled out all the stops, using his “wrath” blessing four times. He using focus throws on each to hit the beast in the side. He hit it with two silvered daggers and two poisoned daggers. They embedded up to the hilt in its flesh, the poison and silver would slowly damage its flesh.
The Wolf released its spell shaking the party to their bones. Alice felt herself blacking out David could feel his teeth rattling. Martin drew his oil coated daggers and ignited them. The beast anticipated his attack and struck first. Martin was struck, sending him flying into the cave wall. David took the opportunity to attack the beast in the flanks. Using power attacks he carved up its side, using up half his adrenalin reserves, this really hurt it.
Alice took several moments to recover, Vivian was quicker released arrow after arrow into the beasts shoulder, depleting most of her power attacks. The matriarch turned on David a snap of its jaws took the corner of his shied. Martin was not idle, he used this time to light his last thermite grenade and hurl it at the Wolf, burning its side as molten thermite burned its flesh away. The Wolf clamped its jaws on David, it shook him and threw him so that he collided into Alice and Vivian.
Martin used a new blessing, “hallowed earth”, the floor glowed white, and the Wolf jumped back as smoke curled up from its feet as they were burnt. The Wolf charged catching Martin's arm, his holy symbol went flying. Alice and Vivian had pulled themselves out from under David's unconscious body. They resumed their bombardment, Alice was doing a lot of damage but the beast was very tough. Vivian used up her two silver arrows, the wolf was starting to look like a pin cushion.
Martin placed his hand on the holy symbol on his chest plate, “Martyrs sacrifice” the blessing took hold. His muscles began to vibrate with power an aura of white formed around him. His attack strength agility and dexterity dramatically improved. But there was a price to using such power as it slowly tore his body apart. Small drops of Blood dripped from his nose, his eye sockets his ears and the corners of his mouth. He had seconds to use the power, before he ran out of focus to maintain it. He grabbed David's dropped sword and proceeded to slip past the wolf’s guard. He started to carve up the wolf’s side where David had left off.
The wolf howled in pain, staggered and whipped round delivering another strike that send Martin flying. disrupting his concentration and ending the blessing. Alice had taken this opportunity to heal up David using three spells, his limbs straightened out and he regained consciousness, as Vivian smacked him round the face. David drew his silver dagger, picked up his shield and charged back into battle.
Vivian had run out of arrows, she dug around in her backpack for the last oil flask. Alice threw some more fire bite spells at the beast, causing it some damage. The matriarch was about to use her sonic attack. She backed up, but David interrupted her closing the distance and using an adrenalin block to smash her in the muzzle, hard enough to knock a few fangs out. David delivered five adrenalin strikes to the beasts face with his silver dagger. It was not deep but it was silver so it did a lot of damage.
Vivian threw the last of the oil at the wolf coating its front legs, Alice set it on fire leaving the wolf matriarch thrashing about her den. As she twisted round to put out the fire David was knocked over. Martin had recovered his holy symbol. He held a hand out to David giving him his sword, “Fortress of faith, Holy aura, shield of faith, guardian angel, armour of faith” he used whatever defensive blessing he had to protect David as the mercenary charged in.
Martin was very badly wounded, he held his hand out, “divine favour” he used up the last of his focus activating his one healing blessing. restoring 100 health to himself over five seconds. The thrall wolf matriarch was not expecting the mercenary to suddenly be so tough. The defensive blessing resisted her attacks. David closed in using his last adrenaline strike the last of his reserves he pushed his sword under the beasts jaw through its throat and into its spine. This last injury was enough to finish off the dread wolf matriarch, it coughed up blood and collapsed backwards.
Martin looked about David was exhausted almost about to fall asleep, Vivian was rushing over to check on him. Alice was busy healing herself up, she had been hit by the sonic spell twice and by David when he was thrown at her by the matriarch. Martin walked over to Alice to get her opinion as a magic user, “the Sonic howl, no one know about the innate magic that monster had” Alice shock her head, “what I can’t hear you?” Martin shook his head and started to reload his pistols.
Alice held up her hand, Martin nodded. She used two healing spells on Martin. Then headed over to Vivian and David it would take almost all her remaining magic. The level up hit, Martin felt himself grow tougher, pain and growth surging through his flesh it was almost like the martyr's sacrifice blessing, he reached level 22, the knowledge of how to use more advanced grenades was added to his armoury. Martin and Vivian continued to build their respective proficiency hitting level fifteen they unlocked the ability to train guards. Simple guards but it made a mercenary much more useful. Alice was woken up having blacked out from the level up, she grinned “level fourteen now I get the fire ball spell”. There was a certain manic look in her eyes that faded after a few seconds.
They checked around the den, in one corner being very quiet was a litter of ten pups. They were hidden under some bones and branches at the very back of the cave. Curious Martin picked up one cub, it bared its tiny fangs at him. Martin put the cub back down. He looked round the den. “Vivian can you get the head?” she used David sword to sever the head. They had gathered everything up. Martin got out his tinder box and set the remains and the den on fire. They moved out of the den as the fire consumed the cubs, they yipped and barked in fear. David turned to Martin, “pity they looked kind of cute”.
Martin was suffering from mental exhaustion, he looked at the wolf’s head and slapped his own brow. “We can’t bring that to the village the way it, is give me twenty minutes to rest and regain focus and I can purify it so it’s safe to handle”. Reluctantly the party agreed. Alice took the opportunity to do the same she would have enough magic for another spell. Martin got up twenty minutes later, his head a bit clearer, “purify”. The beasts head was safe to transport. They checked themselves over but had no signs of the taint.
Vivian half carried David, Martin carried the head and they set off. Sometime later David was a lot happier as the reward was in there pockets. The second giant wolfs head was mounted up on the inn. The sheriff grinned, “A matching pair”. Martin looked at him with a dower expression, “I am zealous with fighting the foe, but it was a narrow thing. That was a job for veterans”. The sheriff grinned, “You sell yourselves short, in a little while you will be veterans, such beasts will fall easily to you”. Martin looked at his empty bandolier, “when I have replenished my arsenal I may agree with you”. The sheriff walked off, “you have the funds to do that now”
Martin looked at the group, “I think that there is one rat left in this village, we missed it before we might as well get him as well”. The group looked a bit perplexed as they followed Martin, a big grin spread across David's face, when they started to head over to the gambler in the corner. There were about eight of the villagers in the inn at the time. They took one look at the group and at the gambler and decided to be somewhere else. The gamblers eyes fell on Martin and the rest of the group, his first instinct was that he was going to get a beating and need the local priest to heal him up. The hero's that had saved the village from the big pack of wolves, were going to give him a seeing to. However he was not going to be that lucky, he got up to leave
Martin looked at Vivian, “why don't we have friendly game, I don't think our friend should be leaving”. The mercenary easily forced the gambler back into his chair, with a grip that could have probably crushed his shoulder if it was much tighter. Martin held out his flask of tip, “friend join me in a friendly drink”.
The gambler looked nervous were they going to poison him? Martin took a swig and handed it to the gambler, “sure Mr hero” the gambler managed to say as he took a swig back and almost choked, on the 80% proof distilled turnip brew. He held up his hands and seemed to have trouble recognising them. His usual strategy of picking on drunks that couldn't count properly was one of his main tactics. Martin put a handful of bronze coins on the table, “let’s have a friendly game”. The gambler swallowed, he reached into his pocket and hesitated he reached into a different pocket and removed a set of cards. He cracked his knuckles and the cards flashed in his hands. He didn't notice the movement of Martins eyes, as he used a little focus to concentrate on the gamblers movements.
The gambler shuffled the deck then dealt out two hands of cards, he reached into his pocket and matched the coins that Martin had put on the table. Martin revealed his cards one by one the gambler held his cards close, then breathed a sigh of relief. Martin had three jacks and two eights. He showed his own cards, four kings and an ace and reached for the pile of coins. Martin smiled “not so fast, the cards you dealt are up your left sleeve”. David started to draw his sword, Martin gently gestured to him to sheath it. “Vivian please do the honours”, she gripped the gamblers hand and twisted sliding his sleeve back, five cards dropped onto the table.
Martin grinned, “you couldn't help but try to cheat and there are four witnesses, I can swear under a holy oath that I saw you cheat and that is admissible evidence”. The gambler looked nervous, “priests can gable” Martin laughed, “vampire hunter not a priest, there are very few restrictions on us as long as we get results”. He grinned again, “Vivian we have reasonable grounds to search him let’s see what he was reaching for in his other pocket.”
Vivian removed a second pack of cards, Martin handed them over to Alice, “is there anything magic about these”? She checked them carefully and handed them back “they are completely mundane” Martin shrugged and flipped through the cards, Vivian chimed in, “the flower pattern on the back it’s different for each card they are marked”. Martin looked at the shaking gambler, “well well let’s see what else you have.” Vivian twisted his arm a bit and continued to search, she removed a small vial from his pocket, an odd looking coin and finally found a green glowing amulet on a chain around his neck, he was very quiet.
Martin held out the vial and gave it to David, “go to the apothecary and find out what this is”. He flipped the coin over and found it had two sides the same, a simple coin trick to fool really dumb or really drunk people. He handed the amulet to Alice, “what is it?” she looked at it then concentrated for a minute, “I belie that this is an illegal enchantment called the hand of luck, it confers five levels of the gamblers skill to the user and raises there manual dexterity by two points. a mainstay of the thieves guild I believe”.
“I have a wife and kids to look after, don't hand me over to the sheriff”. Alice looked at the bar matron, “any of that true” she shrugged, “no kids isn’t married”. The gambler looked at Martin, “you’re a god fearing man you believe in forgiveness second chances”. Martin looked at him, “I believe in sending people to god, then he may or may not chose to forgive you”. The gambler tried to bolt from the chair but Vivian still had a grip on his arm. Martin was able to easily intimidate him .the man started to breathe faster and faster. David ran back into the inn, “the apothecary says it’s a strong sleeping drug”. Martin moved one step closer to the gambler, “you messed with one of us you mess with all of us”. The gambler was wheezing and shaking, as the zealot looked at him “what are you going to”?
He smiled “I am going to go to the priest brother Bartholomew and I am going to get parchment and pen, we will write out a statement of what has just happened. Then we are going to sign it, a copy will be given to the local priest, the sheriff and the apothecary. A copy will be nailed to the wall of the bar and the sign board of the church, then we will let the local justice grind fine and slow.” Vivian looked at Martin, “he's probably been bribing someone in power for years”. Martin nodded “true but not everyone, he will have few friends very soon”.
The statements were written up and distributed, they dragged the gambler over to the mayor’s office and presented him to the sheriff. The sheriff looked disappointed, “you idiot you had to be greedy now I can’t help you”. The gambler held out a bag of coin to David “take it back let’s forget about everything”, David looked at the sheriff, “I will take my coin back?” the sheriff nodded, “no objection from me”. The gambler looked at him, “I gave him his money back let me go”. The sheriff shook his head, “what about everyone else's coin? I will keep you in hear so something doesn't happen to you out there. You will get a beating and humiliated some and then throne out it’s the best I can do”, the group left the gambler to his fate.
Status Screen Name Vivian Tanner Age 19 years old Race Human Primary Occupation Mercenary Level 15 Affiliation Glass Bay Mercenary Free Company / Merchants Guild Association Health 105/105 Adrenalin 75/75 Strength 21 Intelligence 5 Wisdom 5 Agility 6 Endurance 6 Charisma 6 Dexterity 5 Perception 5 Bonuses Level attack bonus 15 Level Defence Bonus 15 Bonus base weapon damage 45 Class Proficiency Comprehensive Training L3 Layered Armour Perk L1 Bow Proficiency L8 Adrenalin Power Shot L1 Speed Shooting L4 Perks Intensive Training +1 endurance and Strength Status Screen Name Alice Costar Age 17 years old Race Human Primary Occupation Mage Level 14 Affiliation The Eternal Tower Mages Guild/ Royalist Court Health 57/57 Mana 150/150 Strength 3 Intelligence 5 Wisdom 19 Agility 5 Endurance 3 Charisma 5 Dexterity 5 Perception 5 Bonuses Level Attack Bonus 14 Level Defence Bonus 14 Number of Spells can Maintain 1 Base Spell Cost 4 Mana Class Proficiency Mana Regeneration L1 Analyse Magic L1 Recharge Enchantment L1 Spell List Fire Bite (5 damage + 2 per level ) 1x base mana cost Tracking Fire Bite Master (16 damage +5 per level ) 1x base mana cost Touch heal master (15 heal + 6 per level ) 1x base mana cost Ranged Heal (5 heal +1 per level ) 1x base mana cost fire ball (10 damage +4 per level 10 foot area ) 4x base mana cost Flaws Fear of Bats Status Screen Name David Fisher Age 18 years old Race Human Primary Occupation Mercenary Level 15 Affiliation Glass Bay Mercenary Free Company / Merchants Guild Association Health 105/105 Adrenalin 75/75 Strength 21 Intelligence 5 Wisdom 5 Agility 5 Endurance 6 Charisma 5 Dexterity 5 Perception 5 Bonuses Level Attack Bonus 15 Level Defence Bonus 15 Bonus Base Weapon Damage 45 Class Proficiency Comprehensive Training L3 Layered Armour Perk L1 Sword proficiency L6 Adrenalin Power Strike L1 Shield proficiency L6 Adrenalin power block L1 Status Screen Name Martin Wrigt Age 29 years old Race Human Primary Occupation Vampire hunter level 22 Secondary Occupation Journeyman Craftsman Level 11 Affiliation Order of Steel and Silver / The Church of the Creator God Secondary Affiliation Bay City Guild Hall Health 303/303 Focus 150/150 Strength 11 Intelligence 5 Wisdom 5 Agility 5 Endurance 31 Charisma 5 Dexterity 7 Perception 5 Faith Yes Bonuses Level Attack Bonus 33 Level Defence Bonus 33 Bonus Base Weapon Damage 15 Class Proficiency Bonus vs Vampire Resist Disease Resist Poison Holy Symbol usage L1 Immunity to Taint – Demonic, Thrall, Necromantic, Ghoul and Vampirism Taint Pistol Proficiency L5 Overload Shot L1 Focus Shot L1 Focus re-lode L1 Throwing knife Proficiency L3 Focus throw L1 General Melee Weapons L2 Focus strike L1 Focus Parry L1 Focus Multi Throw L1 Combat Medic support skill L2 Grenadier L3 Blade Coatings L2 Blessings Use Per Day Wrath – 25 points of holy damage unblockable x 4 Shield of Faith – 50 points of temporary health x 1 Guardian Angel – blocks first two attacks that would penetrate armor x 1 Armor of faith – ten extra points of armor block both magic and physical attack x 1 Purify – remove taint disease etc x 4 Holy Aura – five feet - ten points holy damage – per second x 1 Divine Retribution – 100 points of holy damage unblockable x 2 Circle of Consecration – fifteen feet area ten points holy damage per second Fortress of faith – 100 points of temporary health + 20 points of armor Smite – 200 points lighting damage Divine Favor – 20 hit point Regeneration for 5 seconds x 2 Hallowed Earth – 250 points holy damage in 10 meters Martyrs Sacrifice – minus 4 hit point per second + 20 attack + 10 strength + 10 agility + 10 dexterity. - (really painful) consumes focus per sec Craft Proficiency Administration L1 Woodworking L1 Mettle Working L5 Sowing L1 Leather Working L3 Perks Well Maintained Perk on all equipment Pistols – improved critical damage 30% + Armour penetration 15 points Flaws Alcoholism Zealot Survivors Guilt
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8 194 - In Serial43 Chapters
The Order of Serpents (Dramione)
During the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry Potter walked into the forbidden forest, died, and walked out with crimson eyes as the new vessel of the Dark Lord. Since then, Hermione Granger served as an elite member of the True Order, isolating herself from other Order members and going on missions alone, not only haunted by the loss of her best friend, Harry, but Ron who had run away after the battle. Three and a half years later, Draco Malfoy shows up with his two year old son on the Order's doorstep seeking to switch sides. Together, Draco and Hermione are forced to deal with not only each other, but their own past and confront who they've become because of the war. Russian Translation: https://ficbook.net/readfic/11687804Portuguese Translation: https://www.wattpad.com/story/297368854?utm_source=ios&utm_content=share_reading&utm_medium=link&wp_page=library(Cross-posted) AO3 Tags: Dramione, Voldemort-Wins AU, Enemies-to-lovers, enemies-to-friends-to-lovers, friends-to-lovers, slow burn, found family, healthy relationships, BAMF Hermione Granger, BAMF Draco Malfoy, BAMF Baby Scorpius, Scorpius Malfoy is a Cinnamon Roll, angst, angst/hurt comfort, angst with happy ending, angst with HEA, HEA, war fic, kid fic, violence, adventure, mystery, partners, action, adventure, female friendships, empowerment, trauma, grief, mental issues, touch-starved Draco Malfoy
8 96