《True Monsters》True Monsters – Chapter 6 – Bug Hunt
True Monsters – Chapter 6 – Bug Hunt
Alice woke up early, she had not slept well. Nightmares of dark confined caves, with bats crawling all over her body. Had left her waking up in a cold sweat several times. The rats had not gotten to her very much. She had seen the giant rats’ smaller verminous cousins before. Even with the size, she had dismissed there potential to be a dangerous threat.
The bats were something new. She knew that even if giant rats, had the potential to be lethal. They had not affected her in this way. Maybe it was the human bodies, which they had found. The giant bats leftovers, which made her shiver. Yes that was it. She knew that some livestock and a dog, had been killed by the giant rats. However without a body, they didn't had the potential to terrify her.
She thought it out in her mind. She went over the last few days, they had been right next to the village. With the rats they had been able to retreat. To run for their lives, so there were no fatalities. She had a false sense of security, from this early situation. With the rats everything had gone reasonably well. When it came to dealing with the rats, they had damaged the harvest. It had been significantly reduced, people were hungry but they would recover in time.
Maybe it was the distance from the village, of the mine. The fact that no one, would be able to help them. The fact that, no one had helped the miners. It was perhaps being alone, cut off from help. That was more terrifying, than being attacked by the bats. Alice recharged the mana in her staff. She turned over to go back to bed, she needed a little more sleep.
She was running through the mine. It seemed to be far bigger, in her dream. Then she was outside, something fell from the air onto her. A giant bats wing enveloped her, she went to scream. But a fleshy wing membrane, covered her face tight. She panicked fighting, against the strength of the creature.
After several minutes Alice woke up. She was panting, she pulled the covers away from her face. It was only a dream. She was a mage, her magic was stronger. Her mind operated with more clarity, she would not be defeated by doubts or fears. She told herself that, she was still a 17 year old girl. Who was very far from the comforts of home.
The group’s mood was far less jovial. After investigating the mine, attending the service of last rights and the cremation. The giant rats had been a clear win. Killing the giant bats, felt more like a draw. At the very least a delay. Even now the remaining giant bats, would be finding a corner to settle in. A lair in the forest or mountain, where they could start to rebuild. A new alpha and matriarch, would grow to dominate the group. A few years to grow big and strong and they would be a problem again. It was a perpetual problem, with wild monsters.
Vivian looked over the group, as she finished her breakfast. “So what's on the agenda for today, what do we work on”? David looked about, “I know that the main point of being hear, is to deal with the thrall wolfs. Can we start thinning there numbers, maybe?” Martin looked around the table, “we need to be stronger, to take on the thrall wolves. If the pack is led by a dread thrall wolf, then we need to be a minimum of level 10. We each have a fair way to go towards that”.
Alice thought about having to level up, four more times. Not exactly good times ahead, for her. When she did hit level ten, she would be far more effective. Getting a 20% reduction in her base spell cost. Her mana efficiency used in spell casting, would go up. As would her combat efficiency. She would be able, to be more aggressive with her spells. She would still have a reserve, for healing after a fight. She would have far more options.
She was knowledgeable on some things, mostly magic. But not others, such as more mundane monsters. So she tried to fill in the gaps, “Martin, what can you tell us about the thrall wolves, there strengths etc.” Martin considered what he knew, “as you have seen they possess a basic enough intelligence. They can use simple tactics, to attack from the rear or the flank. To summon help and to retreat when out matched. They come in several strengths, the most basic thrall wolves go from level 1-9. To begin with, they are comparable to wild wolves. After they get past level ten, they get tougher and faster. They have a much more powerful attack.”
Martin continued on, “we classify this second tier of monster quite often as a dread. Then the monsters name, in this example a dread thrall wolf is from level 10-19. They are similar, but again larger and tougher. The next category is a terror thrall wolf, level 20-29. Much the same only quite tougher. Only a veteran team, would be able to take on creatures like this. The next category, is a nightmare thrall wolf. They are between levels 30-39, the sort of thing that only a master would take on.”
He took a breath, considered his audiences reaction, shrugged and continued. “It gets worse from there. As the demonic magic, inherent from the taint starts to take hold. The next level is a 'hell' short for hell beast. Only a grand master, would think of hunting this. A thrall wolf between level 40-49.If the creature, was to actually make it to level fifty. It would metamorphose into a hell hound, not something that you would want to fight”.
The rest of the group was worried, at the idea of facing such a potent foe. David spoke up, to break the mood. “Let’s do a few minor jobs to pass the time. We don't have to level quickly, it is best to be prepared for this beast cautiously”.
Martin countered, “We don't want to take too long. These people need to build up their stocks of lumber for the winter. If not there will be quite a lot less of them. After the cold lifts next year, this place could be finished. If we can’t decimate the wolf numbers, it will be very problematic”. Alice looked at him, “your point is well made. Can we start off with the small steps first”.
Martin shrugged, “the local representative of the merchant’s guild Samuel. He is an herbalist and apothecary. He seems to be slowly training up from an herbalist to an apothecary. He needs materials, there is a little fetch quest. We could do for him, for a little reward and some experience. We might even get the chance to thin the thrall wolves down a bit”. David looked at him, “how dangerous are the ingredients?”
Martin grinned, “not very dangerous, just a bit hard to find”. Vivian shrugged, “let’s get this errand done, then we can have a bit of rest. We have been out fighting for our lives, almost since we got hear”. They made a little detour, to the apothecary for a map. Then they set out past the gates, the meagre fields into the woodland.
The air was cold, but everybody was well wrapped up. Martin had a small scribbled map in his hand, he stared at it intently. They went down a trail, they all had weapons drawn and eyes sharp. They were expecting any sort of creature, to jump out at them. Martin pointed to a tree stump, “it’s on the map. We head down the right hand side of the trail”. Alice looked at Vivian, “tell me about the mercenary free companies. I have been in the mages tower all my life, what are they like”.
Vivian shrugged, “Not a bad place for an orphan. You get three full meals a day. One of the old sergeants, gave us several history lessons about our company. About 75 years ago, the first commander Gregory the Gray. Managed to take the head of a bandit, with a large bounty on it. He used this to build his reputation. Then he borrowed money from the merchant’s guild. He set up a training school, nobles sent there troops to him and he trained them up as guards. He started to build up a group of reliable men, starting to provide small guarding contracts. From that he grew the company. Getting several of the large caravan and guild hall security contracts. To this day they make up the bulk of our income”.
They were interrupted, by the sight of a thrall wolf further up the trail. The creature started to howl an alert, to the rest of the pack. It didn't get far, it dramatically underestimated the range of the weapons, which the adventures were carrying. A focus pistol shot, from Martin an adrenalin power shot from Vivian and a fire bite from Alice. They all hit it at about the same time. The pistol shot left a hole in its skull. The power shot passed right through it, embedding an arrow in a nearby tree. The rest of it was set on fire. The magical flames dissipated after a second. Martin stopped and reloaded his pistol. Vivian pulled her spent arrow out of the tree, stepping over the thrall wolfs carcass.
Marin set the creatures remains on fire, with his tinder box. After he dragged it to a clearing where the fire would not spread. A half mile or so down the trail, they came to a large group of mushrooms. They had an odd blueish tint. Alice looked at them holding out a hand, “they don't seem magic”. Martin shrugged, “I think that they can be used as a form of fabric dye. Not edible, we might grab some on the way back. We will see if the apothecary would pay for them?” David nodded, “it can’t hurt. I bet hardly anyone is foraging in this area due to the wolves”.
They finely got to a fairly open area, where it looked like something had been eating the undergrowth. Martin held up the piece of paper. “Giant yellow beetles, we collect ten beetle abdomens. Cut or pull the heads and the legs off.” One of the beetles crawled out of the undergrowth, it was about a foot long. Martin shrugged stamping on its head with a crunching noise. He proceeded to pick up the dead bug, then pull its legs off. Finally twisted its head away. Vivian pulled a sack out of her pack, Martin dropped the first beetle abdomen into the bag.
David poked around in the undergrowth. He found a similar sized beetle, skewering it with his sword. Alice saw a beetle, it was minding its own business. It wander over towards her. Vivian looked at Alice, she started to speak. Alice had readied her spell, “I don't think that it’s as wise idea”. It was too late, the fire bite spell hit the beetle. Not only killing it, but turning it into a rapidly expanding cloud of warm yellow goo. A cloud of yellow goo that quickly enveloped Alice. It came with a sound, which was quite close to a splat.
It took Alice a few seconds to react. Then she panicked, “Oh god, my mouth. I had it open, oh that is so foul”. Alice started to spit and cough. Vivian pulled a bit of cloth from her pack, handing it to Alice. Martin kept a straight face, “they are level 0 monsters. Just hit them with your staff”. Alice cleaned the beetle guts from her face. She smacked two more of the creatures to death, with her staff. She was a little over zealous in her pummelling of the targets.
The rest of the group, tried to keep their laughter in check. They gathered up the ten beetle abdomen's, bulky but not heavy. Martin happily carry the bag, Alice let Vivian help her clean up. She was still tinted slightly yellow, as they prepared to leave the clearing. There was a rumble in the undergrowth. Something quite a bit larger than the juvenile yellow beetles crawled about. The beetle mother, emerged from the undergrowth. David was ready with his sword, Alice had her staff ready. Vivian had her bow notched with an arrow, prepared for a fight.
Martin stepped up to it, he looked at the 5 foot long beetle. He held up a hand, “let it live its mostly harmless. It tastes so bad other monsters won’t eat it. In fact it’s quite a valuable source of ingredients.” He gave the big yellow beetle a gentle kick “shoe” it ran away back into the undergrowth. “I spoke to the alchemist, they don't grow past level 5. Even at that level they are not very impressive. The yellow beetle's, are a very low level monster. Something created as a source for ingredients, nothing more. Other sorts of beetles can be a different story. Those varieties can’t take the very cold climate up hear. If you see blue ones be careful”.
They headed back down the trail. They stopping to grab a few of the mushrooms, topping up the sack. They would see if the apothecary, would be interested in them. The jovial mood evaporated, with the howl of thrall wolves. There were four of the creatures attacking from the sides. Five of the wolves attacked from behind. The howl was a signal, used to coordinate the attack.
Martin drew a pistol, with a focus shot for accuracy he was ready. He had one hand on his holy symbol, “wrath”. The wolf was hurt but didn't go down. He pulled his second pistol. It had been loaded with an overload shot. He prepared and repeated the same action, hitting a second wolf in the head. The second wolf was grievously injured, but still not killed outright.
Alice hit the first wolf she saw. She hit it with four tracking fire bite spells. She was only doing 11 damage a time. The wolf still looked half cooked. It was a pity it had several friends behind it. Vivian loosed an adrenalin power shot into a wolf, it travelled through the animal and pinned it to a tree behind. With a massive effort the creature pulled itself free, limping forwards. David let lose an adrenalin power strike at one wolf. The wolf danced backwards, the strike still connected. Hitting the wolf behind it, more luck than judgement. It still causing massive damage and a yelp of pain. A second wolf bit into David. It was hard enough that he could feel it. He had receive some damage, even through his layered armour. Before he could turn around to counter, the wolf pulled back.
Martin put a hand on David, “armour of god” there was a glow. He conferred a ten point armour blessing to David. It would help him to fight the wolves. He threw two throwing knives using focus strikes. He was able to wound two more of the wolves that were circling round David. Vivian let lose an adrenalin power strike at almost point blank range. It hit strait into the chest of an approaching wolf, it was enough to send it flying back.
A wolf grabbed onto Alice's leg, causing her to scream as she was knocked over. She hit the creature with fire bite twice. This caused it to let go, as one of its eyes was cooked in the socket. Alice couldn't stand on the injured leg. She was in a lot of trouble with other wolfs circling.
Vivian let lose another adrenalin power shot. It hit the nearest wolf, hurting it immensely. The strain on her bow string was too much, it snapped. She was left fending off two injured wolves, with a broken bow. Alice used her healing magic on herself. David felt the wolves strike at him twice more, his shield arm was growing weak. His arm seemed to be twisted at an odd angle.
He replied to the wolves howls, with a power strike. David misjudged it, killing the wolf but disarming himself. His blade was buried through the wolf and into a large tree stump. It was like the wolf had been hammered into place, with a giant nail. Martin threw two more knifes, using focus attacks. He managed to kill two of the wounded creatures.
A wolf latched onto Martins arm, threatening to pull him over. He pulled out one of his last two blades, he struck the creature in the throat. He hit it again and again until it let go of his arm. Vivian found a wolf on her, she had what was left of her bowstring in her hands. The wolf tried to bite her throat open. She looped the cord round its throat. She pulled with her significantly boosted strength.
The fight was over quickly, the wolf almost lost its head. The taunt cord cut into its neck, crushing its wind pipe killing it. David drew his silver dagger, he launched a quick succession of adrenalin strikes. Even with the shorter blade it hurt the wolf quite badly. Alice let lose a series of three fire bites spells. They struck the side of a wolf circling round her, it keeled over dead.
Vivian was forced to tussle with a second wolf. It was intent to finish her off, clamping onto one of her arms. She grabbed a dropped arrow, with the other hand. She shoved it into the beast’s eye. The force of the impact, caused the thrall wolf to let her hand go. She tried to move the hand, but it didn't respond. Martin threw his last two knives, he used focus throws to improve the damage. One wolf dropped dead, the second stayed upright, barely. The wolf only remained for a few seconds, then Alice hit it with a fire bite spell. The beast fell down dead, twitched and slumped on the ground.
They looked around, all the wolves were dead. They were quite banged up, wounded and tired. Martin had several minor injuries. David was standing funny, trying not to put his weight on his left leg. David's left arm dropped his shield, it hung limply. Alice had healed her leg, quite a lot. Yet she was still having trouble standing. Vivian had one foot twisted in the wrong direction, her arm was so badly savaged, that she couldn't even feel it.
Martin stepped over to Vivian, he washed her wound out with tip. Alice checked her leg it seemed to be clean. Alice applied her own healing magic, once so she could walk strait. She walked over to David, applied a healing spell to his leg. He was able to put his weight on it again. With two more healing spells, she had restored the use of his shield arm. David thanked her he went about retrieving his sword from the corpse of the wolf.
Alice used another two spells, to heal Vivian leg. This allowed Martin to pull her up, to a standing position. Alice used a further two healing spells, to restore Vivian's arm. She gripped her fingers, the pain from the wound slowly started to fade. Martin emptied an alchemist’s draft, down his own throat to help heal a few of his wounds. The highly alcoholic drug, barely affected him.
The alcohol kept the healing herbs, that made an alchemists draft remained fresh. So that they were as potent, as when they were prepared. Martin’s wounds were eased a little. Martin felt his eyes flash, the familiar sensation of a level up began. His body became tougher and harder still. He didn't stop from reloading his pistols. There were still many thrall wolves about in the woods somewhere.
Vivian was in the process of restringing her bow, when the level up hit her. There was pain, the bow dropped out of her hands. David caught her, the level up hurt, but not as much as the injuries from the wolves. They looked around, only half of them had gained a level. Though the fight had been intense, it was not enough.
Vivian recovered her spent arrows, David cleaned the guts off his sword. She grinned, “See David I have caught up with you”. David out levelling Vivian, had been one of the things he bragged about, now he was quiet. Martin recovered his own throwing daggers. David had a think, then responded to Vivian. “Well you have been focusing on your archery exclusively, so no wonder. I have to train both defensive and offensive skills”.
Martin looked at the mercenaries, “I am pretty much out. I could get off one defensive blessing and that's it. I assume you’re also almost exhausted”? They nodded. Alice held up her staff, “I am running on reserves after healing you up. I could get off one more spell, before mana fatigue hits me”. Martin felt a strange sensation. He held his hand to the holy symbol at his side. It seemed to vibrate at his touch, he felt a pull on his senses. He turned and looked while calmly walking towards the rest of the group.
He could sense an unholy foe, which was beyond him. Tomorrow was another day. He gritted his teeth in frustration, there was no time to burn the bodies of the slain wolves. “Something bigger than us run.” Martin held both Vivian's backpack, as well as the sack of beetle abdomens in one hand. He then hoisted an indignant Alice, over his shoulder with the other. Martin ran using all his endurance, his stride was vast. He thundered down the trail, off towards the village. Alice gripped her staff and started to pray. David and Vivian took one look at each other, they began to follow as quickly as they could. There muscles were strong very strong, but there endurance was not so impressive. It had both of them red faced in minutes. Martin was rapidly disappearing down the trail.
Alice was not happy, to be treated like a piece of luggage was demeaning. But she also had no illusions, as a physically weak mage she couldn't run worth a dam. She would never have been able to outrun, whatever that thing was behind them. The two mercenaries looked exhausted, from having to keep up with Martin. Despite carrying his own armour, all the luggage and Alice. Martin was out pacing them, at his level he effectively had the endurance of four people. Crucially he didn't have the body mass of four people, to carry.
Something was in the woods behind them. It stopped to check over the recent battle with the thrall wolves, then howled in rage. Something large crashed through the trees. Martin urged the others on, “its gaining we have to move”. He felt something behind them, a presence. They got out of the tree line, they headed towards the village.
There were lookouts, from the Church steeple. There was the faint sound, the banging of a gong or a bell. They could see the villagers, who were outside the wall were moving towards the gate. They moved as quickly as they could. The adventures covered the ground, to join the last of the villagers. They got there, just as they were closing the outer gates. Martin used his own holy symbol, to demonstrate that they were all clean. The gates opened again, just enough to let them through. The gates was shut barred and braced. The sheriff was on the top of the gate house wall, crossbow in hand.
Out of the woods a massive beast strode, it was a dread thrall wolf. Its hide far thicker, than anything that they had seen previously. It was smart, an intelligent look in its eyes. An almost triangular patch, of angry red skin could be seen on top of its head. Its teeth had started to warp, sticking out from its jaw at odd angles. Twenty wolves appeared to its left, from the forest. A similar number appeared to its right.
The beast howled, but didn't advance. It was smart enough to know, that its prey would eventually have to leave there shelter. The area behind the wooden walls, was safe. But for how long would that be?
Martin turned to David, “you saw that thing right”. David nodded, “like you said a foe we can’t take. I wonder how far that thing is from its next level up?” The sheriff passed them, “I saw it when it was smaller. It must be around level 13 -15 by now. It’s going to be a bastard to kill”. David looked back to Martin, “if we set fire to the whole forest, would it kill that thing and the rest of them”?
Martin shook his head, “to many fire breaks. Previous logging was deliberately done to stop the spread. We couldn't guarantee that it would get them”. The sheriff looked at the two adventures. “We would never let you carry out such a plan. Do you know how much that wood is worth”? Martin answered quickly, “absolutely nothing while those monsters are in there”.
Alice tapped Martin with her staff, “could you please put me down now”. “Oh yes sorry”, he gently put her down. Alice gripped her staff with both hands. She pulled back, she swung with all her weight. The tip of the staff hit Martin on the hat. The result was a dull metallic thud as the end collided. It did not even causing Martin to flinch. Alice looked at him quizzically, he took the hat off. Martin showed her the inside. It was basically a tempered steel bowl, with a padded liner.
There was no further sign of the wolves. People went back about their business. Alice disappeared off to the tavern to get some food. Vivian went to get supplies, she wanted two or three spare bow strings. The local hunters would probably have something spare, if not then the guards. She was also going to get a lot of oil, with some scrap fabric. David was busy with his increasingly beaten up looking sword, sharpening it as best he could.
Martin made certain conclusions about their situation. He went to speak to the local priest. He entered as the man was doing, some basic paperwork. He respectfully nodded to the priest. “I have gone from level 3 to level 10 in a handful of days. Something is forcing me to grow, I can only assume that the creatures I have fought worked for a powerful vampire and the extra xp is a result of thwarting its plans” The priest looked at him questioningly holding his hand out and saying a short blessing. He shook his head, “don't be stupid. There is no vampire conspiracy, you hunters are always looking for one.”
The answer is under your nose. Your equipment has a secondary blessing on it, which increases the xp you gain by quite a lot. I am not sure how much, but it seems significant. A priest of significantly higher level, should be able to tell you exactly. I guess you hunters don't record your equipment in detail, you just pass the first thing on hand, to the next recruit.” Martin paused for a second, almost deflating as his imagined foe evaporated. “Forgive me father I guess I was leaping to conclusions”. The priest nodded to him, “go with god and get some rest”.
The group sat around the table in there private rooms sipping ale and eating a bit of cheese. Vivian looked around the table, “there is no way we can take that thing on at the moment right”? Martin nodded, “From what I read from the old journals, a pact that size would also have an alpha female. Located at the den, probably eight or ten other wolves guarding the cubs”.
Alice looked around, “we need to thin those things down. We killed nine no ten of them today. If we keep weakening them, then we stand a chance right?” Martin nodded, “we need to be smart about this. The pack will probably stay together, not spread out hunting for food but close together. They are more dangerous, we won’t have much opportunity to hunt stragglers”.
Vivian looked around, “what about traps. Those helped us before”. Martin shrugged, “they are a lot bigger. We already got what the trapper had, we used it to deal with the giant rats”. Vivian looked at David, “what did our bug hunt get us from the apothecary?” David grinned in a hollow gesture, “it was only 60 bronze. But then it would have been easy without the wolves. Sorry we also got 8 bronze, for the mushrooms. We might have a bit of good will to trade. Even though we used a lot of that guys oil supply.”
Martin looked round the table. “Is there anything that anyone needs”? Vivian grinned holding up an arrow. The arrow had a lot of fabric, wrapped around the base of the arrow head. “I have an idea I just need a target”. Alice held up a hand, “I want some armour, even a padded vest!” Martin nodded, “the sheriff might have one. Maybe suited for a squire or similar in his stores. Will you be OK with the weight?” She was very determined, “I am sure I can manage”. Martin turned to David he grinned, “my sword might need regrinding soon. My shield has had a lot of bangs, you did mettle working. Can you do something with it”? Martin looked carefully, “yes I think I can, some rivets and bars. It will last a bit longer”, Alice looked at Martin what about you? “Oh I need some sleep, but I think that we all do”.
Status Screen Name Vivian Tanner Age 19 years old Primary Occupation Mercenary Level 8 Affiliation Glass Bay Mercenary Free Company / Merchants Guild Association Health 70/70 Adrenalin 40/40 Strength 14 Intelligence 5 Wisdom 5 Agility 6 Endurance 6 Charisma 6 Dexterity 5 Perception 5 Bonuses Level attack bonus 8 Level Defence Bonus 8 Bonus base weapon damage 24 Class Proficiency Comprehensive Training L1 Layered Armour Perk L1 Bow Proficiency L7 Adrenalin Power Shot L1 Perks Intensive Training +1 endurance and Strength Status Screen Name David Fisher Age 18 years old Primary Occupation Mercenary Level 8 Affiliation Glass Bay Mercenary Free Company / Merchants Guild Association Health 70/70 Adrenalin 40/40 Strength 14 Intelligence 5 Wisdom 5 Agility 5 Endurance 6 Charisma 5 Dexterity 5 Perception 5 Bonuses Level Attack Bonus 8 Level Defence Bonus 8 Bonus Base Weapon Damage 24 Class Proficiency Comprehensive Training L1 Layered armour perk L1 Sword proficiency L4 Shield proficiency L3 Adrenalin Power Strike L1 Adrenalin power block L1 Status Screen Name Martin Wrigt Age 29 years old Primary Occupation Vampire hunter level 10 Secondary Occupation Journeyman Craftsman Level 11 Affiliation Order of Steel and Silver / The Church of the Creator God Secondary Affiliation Bay City Guild Hall Health 183/183 Focus 105/105 Strength 11 Intelligence 5 Wisdom 5 Agility 5 Endurance 20 Charisma 5 Dexterity 7 Perception 5 Faith Yes Bonuses Level Attack Bonus 21 Level Defence Bonus 21 Bonus Base Weapon Damage 15 Class Proficiency Bonus vs Vampire Resist Disease Resist Poison Immunity to Taint – Thrall and Vampirism Taint Pistol Proficiency L3 Throwing knife Proficiency L2 General Melee Weapons L2 Focus strike L1 Focus throw L1 Focus Multi Throw L1 Focus Parry L1 Focus Shot L1 Overload Shot L1 Focus re-lode L1 Holy Symbol usage L1 Blessings Use Per Day Wrath – 25 points of holy damage unblockable x 3 Shield of Faith – 50 points of temporary health x 1 Guardian Angel – blocks first two attacks that would penetrate armor x 1 Armor of faith – ten extra points of armor block both magic and physical attack x 1 Purify – remove taint disease etc x 1 Holy Aura – five feet - ten points holy damage – per second x 1 Divine retribution – 100 points of holy damage unblockable x 1 Craft Proficiency Administration L1 Mettle Working L5 Leather Working L3 Woodworking L1 Sowing L1 Perks Well Maintained Perk on all equipment Pistols – improved critical damage 30% Flaws Alcoholism Survivors Guilt Status Screen Name Alice Costar Age 17 years old Primary Occupation Mage Level 6 Affiliation The Eternal Tower Mages Guild/ Royalist Court Health 33/33 Mana 110/110 Strength 3 Intelligence 5 Wisdom 11 Agility 5 Endurance 3 Charisma 5 Dexterity 5 Perception 5 Bonuses Level Attack Bonus 6 Level Defence Bonus 6 Number of Spells can Maintain 1 Base Spell Cost 5 Mana Class Proficiency Mana Regeneration L1 Analyse Magic L1 Recharge Enchantment L1 Spell List Fire Bite (5 damage + 2 per level ) 1x base mana cost Tracking Fire Bite (5 damage +1 per level ) 1x base mana cost Tuch Heal Grand (9 heal + 4 per level ) 1x base mana cost Ranged Heal (5 heal +1 per level ) 1x base mana cost Flaws Fear of Bats
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8 153 - In Serial71 Chapters
His Heavenly Hell [COMPLETE]
A small town girl in a foreign city is never a good thing. Nevaeh Hart got into her dream college and she's finally free.But what happens when one afternoon on her way to town she gets kidnapped on the side of the road? And along the way learns the dark truth about her past.•"Why are you always quiet when I tell you what I'm going to do to you?" He asked and I bit onto my bottom lip."Answer me, Nevaeh." He said slowly."Because you catch me off guard." I told him. "Why would that throw you off guard?" He asked and I stayed quiet. He leaned forward in his seat before looking deeply into my eyes. "You're a virgin." He stated and my eyes widened. "Am I the first man that has ever licked that pretty little pussy of yours?" He asked before pulling me towards him by my legs. I simply nodded and he smirked."Did you like your punishment?" He asked before pushing my legs apart and I nodded. "Now be a good girl and answer me." He demanded."Yes, daddy." I said while watching his hand remove my panties."Do you want another punishment?" He asked and I shook my head at him. He kissed the inside of my thighs before looking up at me."Why not?" He asked before licking the sensitive skin near my hole."You'll leave again." I shuddered."I won't." He said before licking my clit. I gripped the white sheets beneath me before moaning in pleasure.The Sequel of this book is named HER HUMAN HELL!•1 in #mafiaboss1 in #daddysgirl1 in #punishments1 in #stockholm2 in #daddy-dom3 in #possessive3 in #lighthearted4 in #wattys4 in #kidnapped4 in #18plus5 in #sexy(Book cover by _navyblueee_)WARNING THIS BOOK IS NOT FOR PEOPLE YOUNGER THAN 18!
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