《True Monsters》True Monsters – Chapter 4 – No More Rats
True Monsters – Chapter 4 – No More Rats
Alice woke from her sleep, she conducted a simple mental exercise, to determine the limits of her body. How much mana she had how much health. She confirmed that she was stronger, in a small way. 3 more health and 5 points of natural armour now not 4. Her mind had a deal more clarity as her wisdom had increased. Better allowing her to process and use mana. She found that she could cast her spells 21 times. She reached out and gripped her stave, conducting the same exercise. Noting the difference 23 castings were now possible.
She got up and dressed, drinking a little water from a mug left in her room. She went downstairs to the breakfast table, well a wonky bench next to the bar. Vivian was busy complaining to David, how poor the quality of the local broad-head arrows were. She had suffered several more broken arrows. He was nodding, just chewing away at his food. Martin was busy, slowly explaining to a trapper how all of his traps became so worn and broken. The man looked a little glum, as he was expecting to get most of his tools back intact.
Alice was handed a warm bowel, of solid porridge. She started to spoon it into her mouth, she paused, adding a little salt from a small wooden cup on the table. As she sat down she contemplated her future. As far as she was aware this was the most northerly and inhospitable place in the kingdom. No particularly strong monsters, which they were aware of but that was relative.
The quicker that they completed, the various assignments in the area. The sooner that they would be moved on. She would go back to a nice warm mages tower. Stronger and more experienced, but also warmer and better fed. She broke out of her idle fantasy, she looked across the table. David had finished his meal, and was talking to Vivian. “So after this rat extermination is finished, we get 4 silver and 16 bronze each. Assuming all four of us are left to collect?”
Vivian nodded, “that's right it was the rate that the guild agreed upon. Admittedly the issue got bigger, since the bounty has been agreed”. David shrugged, “it’s not very much to risk our lives for”. Martin interrupted, “it’s a lot to these people, and the guild will not change its mind now”.
Alice looked at them, “you mean we are actually being paid for this?” Martin nodded, “you will be then. It’s up to you to avoid a superior nabbing it. Or resisting the urge to spend it on something useless”.
Vivian and David looked up sharply, “technically we work for the merchant’s guild. They can suddenly spring a tax, armour repairs or something like that on you, small print on a contract”. Alice looked glum, “I work for the crown, so the local mayor could decide an impromptu mage tax right?” Martin nodded, “that's true enough, and for myself I do work for the order. But I have certain obligations to support the church. It may well need support, we will see what can be done in the end. Let’s not count our pay until the vermin are dead and burnt”.
They finished there meal, gathered there equipment. They ventured out through the main gate. Into the field past the crops and farmers. To the abandoned fields, just to the edge of the ruins of the old town. Martin had a glint in his eyes, as they started to approach the giant rat nest. “We do this sensibly, we don't go in after the rats. Or wait for them to come out to forage. We let things go by out reckoning, we control the flow of the fight”. Vivian looked at him quizzically “what do you mean by that?”
Martin pulled his coat to one side, to reveal his tinder box. He pulled it from the leather pouch and gripped it firmly, to emphasize his point. “We smoke them out”. David nodded he was liking the idea. The traps had helped them control the flow of battle. Against the smaller creatures, any-means to influence it was an advantage. Alice was a little less impressed, but it made sense considering how hard the last battle was to soften the creatures up a bit. To be the one that started the battle, rather than react to the attacking vermin.
They spent the next five minutes, gathering any and all kindling, which they could find. While still being weary of the remaining giant rats, none appeared. Together they got a decent sized pile, Martin bundled it up, with what must have been the remains of the snare traps. Ever resourceful he sprinkled some lamp oil on it. Then wedged it into the entrance of the burrow, setting it on fire retreating to a safe distance. The oil was soaked through the wood, the fire quickly spread. Eagerly devouring the kindling growing producing a lot of smoke.
The smoke was drawn into the nest, due to its construction. Probably something to do with getting air circulation. It worked against the giant rats now, drawing smoke in. David was twenty feet back, the others ten feet further back still. The smoke continued to grow. Then there was the sound of hissing squeaking and squealing. It got louder and louder, as the rats inside panicked. Vivian had a sudden realisation, “the nest is lined with dry material for bedding, and it’s probably burning as well”.
On that realisation the first giant rat emerged. It pushed its way past the burning wood, wedged into the entrance of the burrow. It had burn marks along half its body and twitched and screamed pathetically. It flopped down onto the ground, barely making it a few feet from its burning lair. David dispatched it with a single strike of his blade. The next pathetic rat started to push its way out of the entrance to the nest. It was halfway through, when the alpha male pushed right past it. Crushing in against the side of the tunnel, as it was in the way.
The alpha male was injured, missing some fur and bleeding from a few spots. Skin pulled back, where it had literately crushed the other rats under foot, to get out of its smoking nest. Is hissed angrily and charged towards David. He met it with an adrenalin strike, which made it stager back. Vivian hit it with a power shot. Martin unloaded a pistol into its right eye, using a focus shot. Alice hit it with two fire bites, the spell scaled with her level. It did do a slightly higher amount of damage now.
Martin pulled a holy symbol from a leather pouch hanging from his belt. It was solid steel with a wooden handle, it looked like he could beat a vampire to death with it. He pulled a throwing knife from his belt, he took aim he uttered one word. “Wrath”, the holy symbol glowed white. As the throwing knife hit the alpha animal, it seemed to glow white for a second. The Alpha dropped down like a puppet with its strings cut.
Before anyone could comment the ground burst open. The brood mother made her own exit, through the roof of her smoke filled den. Two rats used her as a bridge to get out a third held onto her with its jaws desperate to escape. She rolled over crushing the annoyance hitching a ride. She turned to face the party of adventures. The fire had done some damage, but it was inconsequential against the raving mad beast.
Alice sent two fire bite spells into the creatures hide, it didn't notice. Vivian let lose a power shot, which wedged an arrow in its neck, again nothing staggered it. Martin had his holy symbol at the ready. His second pistol drawn, he used focus to make his aim pinpoint. Then he focused again as he drew power. “Wrath”, the holy symbol glowed. The brood mother was hit in the right eye, she faltered in agony a glow enveloped her head. The damage was not enough, she continued forwards ignoring David and focusing on Martin. David used her blind side as an opportunity. He delivered an adrenalin strike to her side, shattering a few ribs. It was still far below the level of damage, needed to kill the monster.
Martin backed up he got ready with his throwing knives. One focus throw into her throat, a second into her mouth, with a third going into her remaining eye. The brood mother barrelled forwards as the hunter moved to one side. Vivian put a second adrenalin power shot into the beast, still not enough. Alice used her fire magic again and again. The brood mother moved its blinded head left to right. It seemed to hear David approaching, it moved its bulk round to knock him away. Before he could land a blow, causing David some injury. Martin used another throwing knife with a focus shot to hit the creature in the ear. It started to thrash about uncontrollably, losing all sense of balance and direction.
Vivian put an arrow into its side, a normal shot adding a little more damage. David stood there looking for an opportunity to end the creature. It spasmed and collapsed, David hit it with and adrenalin strike severing one of its back legs. The brood mother didn't even seem to notice this despite her impeded locomotion. Another fire bite hit its hide but it still lived.
Martin approached it, he moved closer and struck out at the head, with the butt of one of his pistols. The pistol butt collided with the throwing knife, already wedged in the ear. The brood mother whipped her head back, more from random flailing than a coordinated counter attack. Still it sending Martin flying, causing not insubstantial damage as he hit the floor. The knife had sunk in an extra three more inches, the brood mother spasmed, let out a horrifying shriek and fell to the ground.
Martin pulled his throwing knifes, out of the carcases. On his second blade he stopped, his eye had a flash of white. His body twitched then spasmed, a small gasp escaped his lips. He whispered “six” the other three party members waited to level up. But nothing came something was going on. Martin turned to Alice, in a business like fashion. “David and me could use some healing” She nodded and walked over to David casting touch heal on him. His neck seemed to straighten up a little. He nodded his thanks, “can you do that again, I feel better but still not so good”. Alice applied her healing magic a second time. David stood up a little straighter. “Thanks much better”.
Alice used four healing spells on Martin, she queried. “Exactly how much health do you have?” martin grinned, “143” David was flabbergasted. “I only have 65 health”. Martin shrugged, “a vampire hunter is one of the few endurance based classes. With the things that a vampire can do, it’s the only way you could survive a confrontation with them, for any length of time.”
The party got ready, they gathered back the arrows and knives. Cleaned there blades and prepared to head to the next nest, with a final preparation of torching the remains. Martin pulled the cork out of the oil flask. He used the remains of one of the snare traps, wedging it in the top of the glass bottle to for a wick. The glass bottle was protected with straw crudely woven around it. It would have broken some time ago otherwise. Martin pulled the protective layer away, almost as if he wanted to smash the bottle.
There was a hateful look in his eyes, “The next nest we don't bother trying to smoke them out. We move straight to the fire, we complete this job we get paid and we move on”. David wanted to level up he, wanted to get paid he nodded his agreement. Vivian was about to complain, about going back and getting more ammunition. David nudged her before the complaint could be made, they moved forwards towards the last lair. This one had stared out underneath an old barn, but had rapidly grown to fill the decrepit shell of the barn. Lots of branches had been dragged and piled up, to form the body of the nest.
Martin lit the wick on the bottle, David stood between the entrance and Martin. Holding his shield ready to intercept anything, coming from the nest. Vivian and Alice stood at the back ready to rumble. The bottle seemed to slow down, as it was propelled through the entrance to the barn. It span once twice then struck the opposite wall. Burning lamp oil going everywhere.
The giant rats went crazy, as they were disturbed from there slumber, by being set on fire. Two relatively unscathed rats rushed out, Vivian got one David the second. The side of the barn exploded as the brood mother rolled out, over and over in agony. She was quite a bit larger and faster than the other brood mothers. She was probably the first giant rat in this area, the mother to every other one of these vermin. She was tough and fast and pissed, extinguishing the fire by the third roll. The alpha staggered out of the burning building. Followed by a few other half dead rats. Martin gestured to the rest of the group, “focus on the brood mother the rest are mine”.
Though Martin could not use wrath again that day. He still had other blessings to call upon. His holy symbol glowed, “Shield of faith”. A glowing translucent shield appeared on his chest. “Guardian angel”. A halo like light formed behind him, “armour of faith”, and his body glowed. He charged to meet the alpha giant rat. The blessings would not last very long. He drew his pistol and waited for the rat to get real close. The rat lunged forwards, only to have its entire mass abruptly stopped, by an ethereal angelic shape in the way of its lunge. There was a barrel pressed to its head, the trigger pulled. An overloaded shot did devastating damage, but the rat still remained. Hissing it lunged again. For a second time the ethereal angel stopped it, but after the second block the ethereal angel faded away. Not that it would matter, a second over charged pistol, was held to the alpha's face.
The second shot dropped the giant rat, as it spasmed in its death throws it clipped Martin once again. The shield over his chest seemed to crack and fade its power almost spent. Another rat attacked Martin. The rest of the shield seemed to disperse, absorbing the second blow. Martin was ready, he had three throwing knives. In quick succession he dispatched three more of the giant rats, with focus attacks. A fourth rat jumped up into his face, he caught it. The strength in his arms twisted, the rat was folded in half snapping its spine. It had barely been able to claw at him. Martin bent down, pulled two throwing knives from the nearest dead rats. He turned and faced the brood mother, the last part of his objective.
His compatriots had not been lax either. Vivian had put three power shots, into the brood mother’s front right leg. Striking again at the joint until that leg had collapsed. Crippling it leaving it moving at a crawling pace. She had reached the level of complete exhaustion, expending all her reserves. She was only able to stand, by using her bow as a walking stick. Alice had hit the monster with four fire bite spells. In the face wounding it and causing it to focus on her. David had struck it three times, with his adrenalin strike. In an attempt to sever its spine, he was able to reach the area from its partially crippled body. It was a testament to the strength of blood alchemy, the beast though cut to the bone still retained its limited movement.
Martin focused on his opponent and threw the two daggers. Using a focus throw to strike the beast in the head, causing it to twist round. The second focus throw. Wedged the dagger into the visible gap in its spine. David took the opportunity, to bring his shield down on the daggers hilt. Wedged between the bones the dagger went in a little further. The beast collapsed as the rest of its body stopped working, its spine severed. In its rage and torment, it tried to claw its way forwards. Unable to shift its bulk with one limb, it still kept scrabbling away.
Martins mind was exhausted, drained of every reserve. A mental haze a lethargy struck him, like a wave. He shook his head, His the eyes became dull. He still walked forwards, carefully loading his pistol. He stood next to the brood mother. David repeatedly stabbed her in the flanks, Martin unloaded a shot into her skull. He casually reloaded his pistol, a second shot and the gigantic beast moved no more, slumping to the ground.
Alice moved over to David, starting to heal him. He had gotten two close to the brood mother, once or twice at the beginning of the fight. Martins eyes flashed and his body shuddered he held up two hands, seven fingers. His companions waited for a level up but nothing came.
David looked at him questioningly, “in terms of combat levels, you were half my level a few days ago now you’re equal to me what gives?” Martin shrugged, his voice came slightly slowed. “I would only be getting this much experience, if I was fighting something that served a vampire. Could a blood sucker have put these vermin hear. To enact some plan on the village, this place could have quite easily starved to death. If these creatures had fed on their crops much longer.
If a vampire offered them food, would their faith falter, would they swear service and bend the knee?” The idea of a thinking monster, behind the events made the rest of the party worry. They moved slowly around the scene of carnage, picking up the arrows and throwing knives. The one lodged in the brood mother’s spine was particularly difficult to remove. Requiring a lot of effort and twisting to dislodge it. There weapons cleaned, they made sure to burn the brood mother. They used with kindling from the burning wreck of the barn. Cleaning up the corpses of the other few that escaped the initial flames.
In a reversal, David carried Vivian back to the inn exhausted. Though Vivian's condition was a tactical choice, where David's was his own hubris. Martin took a few drops of tip and moved to his bedroom, still dressed in all his equipment. He planted face first into the mattress, he dozed off to sleep, it was something dreamless and quiet.
David got a wheat stone and some oil from Vivian. He started to sharpen up his sword. From several days of constant use, especially cracking against the bones of the giant rats he had really dulled the edges of the blade. David considered the lessons of the encounter, despite his strength and armour, the more powerful monsters could still push him around the battle ground.
As he levelled up, he would gain greater strength so that would help. If he got better equipment, a kite or tower shield of some sort would help weather such blows. Especially braced against the ground, a much larger shield would weather the impacts. A curved shield would enable him to turn such assaults to one side or another. Such things were in the future, the not too distant future but for now unobtainable. What he could do, was move about the battle field. Relying on footwork, more than just equipment and technique. When he was faced with a mass, like the brood mother again. Not that he hoped to ever meet, one of the disgusting creatures again, but similarly sized monsters could appear.
Vivian slept for a while then woke up hungry, she checked her bow. The power shots put a lot of strain on its construction. It temporarily had to bare the stress of a siege weapon. The bow was heavy, thoroughly reinforced for this purpose to hold it together. She was happy no signs of trauma no splits or hairline cracks. She ran her finger over the bow string, it was also quite sturdy. It could only take the strain, from so many power shots. She had a second string with her, she would swap them over and keep this one as a reserve, after a few more days. She would not like to bet on more than ten, or maybe fifteen power shots, before the bow string snapped.
She looked over her arrows, sharpening the tips of the broad-heads. Somewhere nicked where they had struck bone and cartilage. Some seemed to be slightly bent. She used the edge of her helmet to flatten them out. She had fifteen of her steel arrows, five iron arrows and the two silver arrows left. She sighed, the chances of getting any good replacements out hear were low. She checked the arrow flights and shafts, some adjustment and bending to get everything in place. She was as happy as she could be. The next time she was near anywhere with a good armoury, she was getting some tempered bodkin arrows. Which had far greater penetrating power.
Alice ate an evening meal, she watched the villagers around her. People seemed a lot happier, the giant rats were gone. Their nests burnt the brood mothers slaughtered. She was amazed that she had kept her cool, considering the situation a week ago. If they had told her she would be standing her ground, against a monster like the brood mother. She would not have believed them. It was easier to stand with a group, Vivian Martin and David had all trained to be competent fighters.
They were also far stronger and tougher than her, they had a lot better defensive equipment. She might have had two magic items on her. There defensive bonus, were not really much better than thickly padded clothing. If she did get to keep her reward, it might go towards a bracelet or amulet, imbued with another defensive enchantment. Some armour would be nice, but she doubted that she would be able to carry it unless it was quite thin.
Vivian came downstairs, she got a bowel and some stew. Thanked the bar matron and sat down next to Alice. She started up a conversation, “I saw that holy magic that Martin used, can you do something like that. To imbue an arrow with extra damage?” Alice thought about it for a few seconds, “what he did wasn't technically magic and that type of effect is possible. But only if an enchanter puts a specific enchantment on the blade. I believe that they would have to specialise, on that sort of offensive augmentation, to make it worth having”.
Vivian shrugged, “so nothing you can do, I suppose it goes same for the bow as well”. Alice nodded, “you can add an enchantment to the bow, an enchantment to the arrow. It’s very time-consuming and expensive. Only a really tough material, can take an enchantment of any power. Or it will fail, or even backfire”. Vivian nodded her understanding, “you said that it wasn't magic, it looked a lot like magic to me?”
Alice shrugged trying to find the words, “It’s difficult to explain to someone who isn't a mage. Every time Martin used a blessing, I could feel the mana in my body fluctuate. As if it was being pushed away. The mana in a mages body, can be forcibly dispelled, by magic and blessings. But the blessings that a priest, crusader, monk or hunter have, can’t be exhausted unless there allocation of power is used. The power they have is quite real, but it is borrowed power. Power that they have earned, through dedicated service to the creator god, but still borrowed power.”
Her voice lowered, “sorcerer's can borrow magic from a demon, to enhance their ability's it is a similar principle. But with far more potential costs, we are taught demons can demand heavy payment”. Vivian tried to pay attention, as a mercenary she might have to go up against a mage at some point. A basic understanding of how they functioned might be useful.
Vivian slurped her stew, “so do you have any understanding how it works, can you tell me?” Alice continued to think, “Magic power scales with the level of a mage. As they grow in wisdom and become more attuned to the mana, a priests abilities are static. The blessing he was gifted at level 1 is as powerful when he reaches level 10. He is gifted additional blessings, with each level he gains. A priest really doesn't have any offensive abilities, which I am aware of. They are only capable of healing and purging disease. Things like that, a mage is more flexible”.
Vivian was analytical, “the vampire hunter was nothing like that. It cost him something every time he used that power”. Alice nodded, “true the hunter has access to some blessings, similar to a priest. But he has to give something up to use them. It is the price god demands, admittedly as I understand it, it’s only a bit of focus. But it is something, he needs to actively concentrate to use such abilities unlike a priest”. Vivian swallowed another mouth full of stew, “you said it felt like the mana in you was pushed away, can a blessing affect magic?”
Alice finished up her stew, “magic and blessings don't go together. You can’t be a priest and wield magic. Even if you had mana in your body when you joined the priest hood, it would be permanently dispelled from your body. Blessed artefacts can only be wielded by someone with a religious job, who has sworn an oath of service. Otherwise they are just regular items. It works both ways, a magic sword in the hands of a vampire hunter or crusader, is just a regular sword. But to anyone else it is a magic sword”. Vivian nodded, “that's interesting. Can you tell me more about the differences between blessed equipment, and magical equipment” Alice pulled various magical theory lessons, to the front of her mind. “Generally magical equipment will have several effects, where a blessed item has a single strong effect. Items with secondary blessings are rare but not impossible to see”.
David joined them at the table, greeting them both then handing a mug of ale to Vivian. While alternating between ale and stew himself. Alice continued, “Magic items are created by a specialist enchanter. One might focus on defensive warding, resistance to fire or poison. Another may focus on amplifying the durability or armour. Another adding lightning damage to weapons. With a blessed item, any priest can perform the ritual for any blessing. But a service for the church needs to be completed, before a recipient is gifted with a blessing. The strongest of these form relics of the church. I believe that is how it works. Although I believe that more senior clergy, have some authority to circumvent that rule. Awarding help in preparation for some great task”.
Vivian pushed on, “Alice I sort of understand the difference. But it doesn't quite answer my question”. Alice answered hesitantly, “Mages are not always liked by religious types. Many of the monsters in the world were created through some form of magic. Ways for regular people, to fight them were also created.”
“Bear with me I am going to answer you, magic can be used for good or ill. Like a sword it can be used by a bandit to attack people, or a guard to defend them. The strongest, most complex magic that I am aware of. Is the spell used to create the original vampire, a very complicated mix of necromantic demonic and blood alchemy magic, only a very powerful blessing can unravel such magic. The vampire hunter job was created to do this, a vampire hunter is trying to break apart the spell that holds a vampires body together. That can have a collateral effect on any other magic nearby, which is why I feel it whenever Martin uses his ability's.”
David slurped his ale and paused, “you mentioned demonic and necromantic magic. We might have to face one of those abominations in the future what could you tell us”? Alice carefully considered her words, “I don't have that much information on those schools of magic. Such knowledge is punishable by death, any necromancer or sorcerer found is killed. I have read, a sorcerer's goal is to become a demon, to soul splice himself with a fragment of a greater demon. Gain immortality as a demonic changeling, in the physical world.”
“A theoretical sorcerer can summon demons directly, but they are weak, not possessing a physical body. He can corrupt the living into various mutated creatures, infusing them with demonic essence. He can bring demons souls into this world, to possess hosts. If a demon possesses a host long enough, they can change the physical body to that of the demons. They are very strong and quite difficult to deal with. A sorcerer has a few defensive spells, many offensive spells but almost no healing ability's”.
Vivian and David shared a look, they never wanted to meet a sorcerer. Alice moved onto the other half of the question. “Necromancers as I understand it, work in a completely different way. The sorcerer is beholden to a demon, for much of his power. A necromancer, pulls in lost souls and spirits. Sometimes memory's and fragments of the living, they are beholden to the necromancer’s power, to serve the necromancer. They reanimate the dead, to a mockery of life. Using some form of spell, giving these wandering spirits a vessel.”
“The dead serve the necromancer, in return for the vaguest semblance of their old physical shell. Necromancers, can generally create far more constructs than a sorcerer can summon. But they are weaker, quicker to produce but less substantial things. In the end necromancers aim to become a litch, to become immortal by shedding their mortality. Growing their own power, rather than bartering with a devil for it”. Vivian was starting to think, that ignorance would have been preferable. If there were such things waiting out in the wilds, she would stick to the cities if possible. Martin joined them saying his greetings, he held two flagons of ale and a bowl of stew. He offered an ale to Alice, she shook her head. Martin shrugged and downed it in one before starting his stew.
Vivian turned to Alice, “enough about monsters and magic. We should get to know each other as people, what brought you to this place, where do you come from?” Alice was not sure how to respond. “I have always been comfortable, my father was and still is in the middle ranks of the merchant’s guild. Not rich or powerful but happy content. I was raised in a house, much the same. I was never a strong child. Apothecaries, priests and chemists couldn't find anything wrong with me. So they had a mage test me, they found I had mana. A month after that, I was taken in a nice carriage. Away from my family, to the tower. They said that I would one day work for the king.”
She paused for dramatic effect, “The royal charter-ship of the mages, means we all technically work for the king. Our abilities and expertise help fill the coffers. The king extends his protection to us. We have a degree of freedom, as long as we are useful. As long as you kiss the right nobles ass”. She held up her glowing ring, “They give you bright shiny things and nice flavour full treats. You don't see your family, they allow four fucking letters a year. You can only marry another mage, to further the blood lines.” Her voice rose in pitch at the last comment. Alice didn't look happy at that idea. She looked around with a degree of perspective, “still the average man on the street has little choice and would probably be happy with such a deal.” Alice mused “but if you could become a master or grand master. You can sit on the advisory council, then you can speak and others would have to listen”.
David looked at Alice, “why are the mages not their own power? Surely a master of level 50 or more is a potent force?” Martin looked at him sternly, as if the answer was common knowledge. “The church developed the witch finder General job, to counteract necromancers and devil worshippers. They are very effective against Magic. If the mages had not thrown there lot in with the king, then they might have been swept up. By an overly enthusiastic inquisition and added to the fires”.
Alice shrugged, “it’s political and complex. The kingdom has access to magic, but that magic is strictly regulated and controlled. No necromancy, no sorcery, no blood alchemy on pain of death, or far worse, if they hand a mage over to an inquisitor”. She shivered at the thought, Alice turned to Vivian, “enough of me what about life in a mercenary company?”
David answered, “Me and Vivian come from the same place. The guiding light orphanage we were young, our family's either died to some brigand or monster. Or they abandoned us because they couldn't feed us. The deacons didn't tell us which, so we don't know. We had a very basic education. When we were big enough, just twelve I think it was, we were recruited into the Glass bay mercenary company.”
“They fill contracts for the merchant’s guild, reasonably well trained muscle at a reasonable price. We drilled and trained and gained levels, then when they were fairly sure we could handle ourselves they got us to pick lots. We picked assignments at random, I was lucky I got Vivian we have trained together for years”.
Vivian shrugged, “it is as he says, Martin what about you”? He looked at them, “I believe I said, that I came from the Bay City craftsman's guild. I was a journey man, I fixed things made parts run errands. Not the simplest jobs, not the most complex. I was a generalist, the pay was not the worst or the best. But enough, my father got me the job the same way his father had gotten him a job. I married a sweet local girl, I was more interested in my ale than I should be. Many are when young, I had two kids a boy and a girl. Their names I may tell you later, it hurts to even say their names.”
He paused, processing some pain, “I will tell you about Bay city. It’s a city of three rings. The cathedral fortress in the centre. The noble and commercial districts, surrounded by the inner wall. Around that the rest of the city, has a far weaker outer wall. There were even some slums, outside the city walls. I was only saved because I was working late. To get some spare money together to buy us a few luxuries for the family.”
“The guild hall was inside the commercial district. I was working there when the vampires hoard attacked. The people evacuating the slums, they blocked up the gates. The outer city was breached. The people in the inner city had more time. The city guard had enough time, to slam the gates shut. My family, most of my friends. They were on the other side of the gate. They lived between the outer and inner wall. I heard the attack, I swear I felt something die in me, I knew that I was alone.”
Something seemed to die in the hunters eyes. As if he was a puppet no a person, “I picked up tools and wood, loaded a cart and headed for the nearest gate. We barricaded and braced the doors, those things that were outside didn't get in”. “The vampire had overestimated the advantage of surprise, he expended all his forces. Leaving him vulnerable, the hunters had a presence in a city that large. They let the horde slowly expend itself, against the inner walls considerable defences”.
“Then they counter attacked, kill the vampire elder Mallinson. They sent what was left of his servants fleeing into the night. I was lucky enough, to find enough of my family's remains left to have last right and cremate them. I joined up with the hunters. I trained, then I was there with the hunt as we killed the last of Mallinson's servants, now I am hear.”
David looked cold, “they sacrificed the poorest parts of the city, to buy time to save the rest?” Martin nodded, “though it was poor planning, that let the slums grow outside the walls”. Alice looked at him, a hand on his arm. “I don't have many words of comfort, but I hope you find peace”. He shrugged, “I am a hunter, I stepped forwards I took the place of one that fell, I will keep moving forwards. Keep fighting until the day I fall, then the man behind me will step forward to take my place”. Vivian broke the gloom, “let us think of different things, and let us drink to the journey not its final end. Think of those creatures that we will kill. Think of the foes that our arrows will fell. Let us drink to our success today and to growing stronger, more successes in the future”. They raised there ales and kept drinking.
Status Screen Name Vivian Tanner Age 19 years old Primary Occupation Mercenary Level 6 Affiliation Glass Bay Mercenary Free Company / Merchants Guild Association Health 60/60 Adrenalin 30/30 Strength 12 Intelligence 5 Wisdom 5 Agility 6 Endurance 6 Charisma 6 Dexterity 5 Perception 5 Bonuses Level attack bonus 6 Level Defence Bonus 6 Bonus base weapon damage 18 Class Proficiency Comprehensive Training L1 Layered Armour Perk L1 Bow Proficiency L5 Adrenalin Power Shot L1 Perks Intensive Training +1 endurance and Strength Status Screen Name David Fisher Age 18 years old Primary Occupation Mercenary Level 7 Affiliation Glass Bay Mercenary Free Company / Merchants Guild Association Health 65/65 Adrenalin 35/35 Strength 13 Intelligence 5 Wisdom 5 Agility 5 Endurance 6 Charisma 5 Dexterity 5 Perception 5 Bonuses Level Attack Bonus 7 Level Defence Bonus 7 Bonus Base Weapon Damage 21 Class Proficiency Comprehensive Training L1 Layered armour perk L1 Sword proficiency L3 Shield proficiency L3 Adrenalin Power Strike L1 Adrenalin power block L1 Status Screen Name Alice Costar Age 17 years old Primary Occupation Mage Level 5 Affiliation The Eternal Tower Mages Guild/ Royalist Court Health 30/30 Mana 105/105 Strength 3 Intelligence 5 Wisdom 10 Agility 5 Endurance 3 Charisma 5 Dexterity 5 Perception 5 Bonuses Level Attack Bonus 5 Level Defence Bonus 5 Number of Spells can Maintain 1 Base Spell Cost 5 Mana Class Proficiency Mana Regeneration L1 Analyse Magic L1 Recharge Enchantment L1 Spell List Fire Bite (5 damage +2 per level ) 1x base mana cost Tracking Fire Bite (5 damage +1 per level ) 1x base mana cost Touch Heal Improved (7 heal +3 per level ) 1x base mana cost Ranged Heal (5 heal +1 per level ) 1x base mana cost Status Screen Name Martin Wrigt Age 29 years old Primary Occupation Vampire hunter level 7 Secondary Occupation Journeyman Craftsman Level 11 Affiliation Order of Steel and Silver / The Church of the Creator God Secondary Affiliation Bay City Guild Hall Health 153/153 Focus 90/90 Strength 11 Intelligence 5 Wisdom 5 Agility 5 Endurance 17 Charisma 5 Dexterity 7 Perception 5 Faith Yes Bonuses Level Attack Bonus 18 Level Defence Bonus 18 Bonus Base Weapon Damage 15 Class Proficiency Bonus vs Vampire Resist Disease Resist Poison Immunity to Taint – Thrall and Vampirism Taint Pistol Proficiency L3 Throwing knife Proficiency L1 General Melee Weapons L2 Focus strike L1 Focus Parry L1 Focus Shot L1 Overload Shot L1 Focus re-lode L1 Holy Symbol usage L1 Blessings Use Per Day Wrath – 25 points of holy damage unblockable x 2 Shield of Faith – 50 points of temporary health x 1 Guardian Angel – blocks first two attacks that would penetrate armor x 1 Armor of faith – ten extra points of armor block both magic and physical attack x 1 Craft Proficiency Administration L1 Mettle Working L5 Leather Working L3 Woodworking L1 Sowing L1 Perks Well Maintained Perk on all equipment Flaws Alcoholism Survivors Guilt
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