
The first arena was nothing like the third one. It was so much bigger that any kind of comparison was stupid in itself. The design was similar but the sheer size difference was so impactful that you felt as if in a completely different place. As if this was no longer a simple arena.

Once the quatuor arrived, they were ushered in through a back gate by the guild staff. And once they entered inside the arena, they were drowned in the sheers of the crowd. There had to be at least a hundred thousand people that came here to spectate. It was not everyday that rank A delver's examinations took place. And there would be three of them at once today!

The VIPs were here too. They had a special stand reserved for themselves and seemed to be getting ready to enjoy a very nice show.

As the quatuor sat down in a bench near the arena, the showman on stage was riling the crowd by spouting out the names of the adventurers that would battle and so on. Tempest did not miss it when he said that his match was to be the last one. As such, he got up and left after telling them he would go get himself some snacks...

Adeline: I-is it okay? For him to leave like t-that?

Shen: His match is last so he has enough time. Anyways, you seem quite stressed out? It's not even your time yet?

Adeline: T-that...I am stressed for you guys! This is the A rank examination you know?! You will have to face ten A ranks by yourselves...*sigh*...It feels so impossible when I say it aloud... How come you guys are so easy-going about this?!

Shen: Because it's only a formality? I am quite surprised by the audience though. I did not think there would be such a crowd. Oh? It seems they're calling me up. I will be back shortly.


Adeline: G-good luck! You can do it!

Atem: Don't bully them too much~

Shen smiled, waved and walked confidently up the stage. As he put down his feet on the stage, he took off his restraints and the metallic white arms appeared once more. At the same time, fangs seemed to grow inside his mouth though no one knew...

The overseer this time was one of the four guildmasters that were there during the registration. As he came up and was introcued by the Mc, there was a loud cheer. He grinned broadly and waved at the people while bathing in his fame. He seemed to enjoy it. However, he didn't took too long either and began.

GM ???: Our first examination will oppose Shen on the right to the ten brave rank A adventurers to the left! Let me introduce them to you as they come upon the stage!

From here on, the GM began to call the ten A ranks up to the stage one by one while shortly mentionning one of their greatest exploits. Slaying some bandit groups, turning the tide of an entire war... They were the cream of the crop. Well, considering the average abilities of people in this world. Anyways, Shen was getting bored of the introduction.Fortunately, there were only ten of those to listen to...

GM ???: Are both sides ready? Then I declare the beginning of the examination!

Under the thunderous cheer and applause, the battle began. However, while the crowd was excited, the adventurers were very serious, calm and focused. Shen nodded at the display while his arms were behind his back. As if a wise sage from the past acknowledging the new generation...Or so he believed. It looked like an arrogant punk to the observers.

The adventurers did not waste time and, while they did not know each other, managed to get into a formation quickly and surround Shen. He could see warriors, thieves, archers, mages and priests...Two of each. Well, they went for a balanced team against him it seems. Not like it mattered that much.


As they were all getting ready to luanch their techniques, Shen's eyes changed and blue fire mixed with lightning seemed to exhude from them and cover them. At the same time, an enormous pressure bore down on all who were standing on the arena. The ten A rank adventurers were affected. They were unable to keep concentrating on their techniques and slowly were forced to their knees while their stamina was draining.

Blue clouds that seemed like flames appeared five meters over the arena starting from Shen as the epicenter. One could see lightning snakes coiling around them and dancing inside them. From time to time, thunder descended on the stage destroying and charring the points of impact. Of course, Shen was controlling it so that none were hitting the ten adventurers. There was no reasons to slaughter them today.

He looked at them with his arms still behind his back and a solemn air. He walked slowly towards them while thunder poured and the ground was turned to an ocean of blue flames. He looked at them with a profound gaze and said:

Shen: Do you guys plan to admit defeat now or after you've died?

At this moment, one of the warriors which Shen did not bother remembering the name screamed:

???: I won't lose to the likes you! I am "."."."." !

The man was trying his hardest to stand up...Yet, he was not. He remained screaming and exerting himself while on his knees. Still, this did irritate Shen. So, he walked towards him and put a feet on the back of his face. Next, he told him:

Shen: A great man once told me "Don't break people's heart, they have only one. Break their bones instead, they got 206" and I think he was very wise. Shall we try the idiom?

At this instant, Shen slammed strongly the face of the man into the ground, breaking some bones inside his head. There were only two ways for one to succeed the examination: Kill or incapacitate the opponents. Since he was not going to kill them... Of course, he could also take the shortcut with third way by sending them out of bounds but...This was far too uncool and not fun at all.

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