
Three people were walking towards a village. They wore rags that covered their apperances entirely from being seen. It was incredibly suspicious and of course, they were stopped at the entrance.

They were asked to remove their hood and they did.

The man in the middle was around 1.70m, had long flowing white hair and deep blue eyes.He was human. He had an incredibly handsome face and seemed to be in his early adulthood.

The man on the left was 2.10m and a ice wolf tribesman. He had dark blue hair covering his entire face. His eyes were a strong black. He had a few tribal marks tattoed in red and two silver rings on each giant wolf ears. The row of teeth in his giant elongated snout was a potent deterrent to any to approach him.

The man on the right was 1.90m, human like the first one. He had flowing purple hair under the cover of sorcerer hat of the same color but slightly paler. His eyes were clear blue with a peculiar six pointed stars in white in each dark pupils of his. Clearly a magus of sorts.He looked to be a young adult slightly older than the first one.

The guards asked: "What did you come to Raspburry Village for?

The young man in the middle looked straight at the guard, made a warm smile and said: "We are on our way to the capital"

The guards then asked them: "Alright. We need to see some identification papers before allowing entrance"

The young man looked saddened: "We have none"

The guards laughed and chuckled before pointing their spears and telling the trio to fuck off. To that, the young man in the middle turned towards the Magus to his right and nodded.


From under his covering black hood, the Magus'hand exited. It seemed like he was wearing some kind of protective armor on his arms, colored dark purple. He had many rings of silver too. As the hand appeared, it opened up towards the guards and silently, with no chants and no delay, magical circles began appearing all around before disappearing.

The Magus spoke in a deep suave voice: "You will let us in and provide us with new identification papers, free of charge"

The guards looked dazzled for an instant. The hand retreated in the cover of the hood. Then, the first guard smiled, bowed and hushered them in:"Please, this way, young masters. We will be giving you new identification papers shortly!"

The man in the middle looked to the sky as he sighed and a single sentence escaped his mouth:

"I hope I can find it this time"

Then, the trio entered the village of RaspBurry.

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