《I Have A Dagger》14-Dagger of the Crimson Queen
From Nyaan-Cat Kingdom's castle window, I saw our cat groundkeeper strugglingly fruitlessly to push the freshly fallen snow. It feels as if a year passed. It's only been a few months. Winter is here. It is cold. Snow is heavy, white, and pristine over Nyanyork.
The city had it's hard days. I thought too little of the cats back when I daggered around, moving trolls from life to death without much care. I've worked hard. I've grown. These days, the Kingdom is much more sustainable .
"Slavery? We can't continue this!" Bartin stood by my side. This isn't the first time he's challenged me in my position. I should say, 'the Dagger of the Crimson Queen' as my full title. But that titles is for keeping up the appearance of being under her rule when dealing in politics.
"Yes," I said, talking a languid sip of my Elderberry Wine. "Slavery. It is important for all of us to reassess our means, along with our morals, to get through these troubling times. Your people, the animalkin, have seen a tenfold expansion in your lands, so why are you complaining?"
I gave the trollkin lands over to the animalkin. I helped the Kingdom do away with the 'demon' moniker. Cat people are 'catkin'. After forcing through some quality of life measures for the trolls via the Queen, I changed the perspective of the populace of Nyann-Cat Kingdom. Trollkin, their rights were cut away. They serve as a lower caste now, the workhorse of our society. As well as a delicious and infinite food supply.
Bartin, however, remains adamant. "No one deserves to be treated like the trolls are. We had no problem with them having their lands, they would raid us, sure, but that is no excuse to use brutal measures. I have had many an experience with the trolls, recently, seeing on them the same faces my animalkin brethren once had. You went too far."
I turned to him, draining the rest of my Elderberry Wine. The tart taste tinged my throat. I've hit my 2nd level cap, so daggering Bartin remains beyond me. I'll have to use my Anglerfish wits the best I can.
"Ravyn was correct about the political machinations of this Kingdom. She, however, was too kind. She wanted to see the animalkin, trollkin, and catkin as equal and separate entities. That is not what I saw in this world. I saw your people, the animalkin, hungry to farm vegan products and grow your population. Your people wanted to till the land, produce vegan products we could export for profit. Now, come next harvest season, or the year after, we will have the trollkin lands producing excess vegan products. Then we can start exporting and raising everyones quality of life. Including the trollkin. Our trollkin exports already sell well."
"That makes me sick." Bartin threw a paw on his mouth, as if he was going to hurl. I stroked his back fur. "This is for the best. It's crude, I agree. If we could ignore the economic benefit of trollkin export products, or we could teach the trollkin to manage their own population growth, this wouldn't be necessary. For now, slavery is the most ethical means. It prevents further war between the catkin and animalkin, grants the animalkin the lands they wanted, and enriches the Kingdom as a whole. I ask that you bear it for now, for at least one generation. Ravyn said it might take longer, but by the end of this, we will have a lasting peace, a true lasting peace."
Mainly a lasting peace, I failed to add on purpose, granted by expanding the trollkin slavery into a trollkin army. Bartin didn't understand the trolls as I did. After a few 'diplomatic missions' to their lands, I learned enough about them to know they were trash, trash daggerers. They reminded me of myself. What a dagger in the butt.
When I understood that nothing could be done about these people, I merely sought the means to have them integrate under the Kingdom's yoke as usefully as possible. It took some clever wording and lots of daggering, but in the end, the Crimson Queen and Ravyn could only see the benefits of my plans. Granted, both of them held general unstated apathy veering towards hatred of trollkin. They couldn't see their own despise of the trolls, I did, and I used it. It also helped the catkin hated the trollkin for attacking Nyanyork. Victory became mine.
Bartin flustered arguments against me lost their power. Either way, Bartin himself couldn't spare too much care for the trollkin either. He'd fought their raids for years. Even if he's still a nice guy, all I have to do is keep arguing this is the right path and he'll have to come along. Animalkin are his main duty, and also, a constraint on his power. As he lost the will to continue questioning me, he stared out the window alongside me. Snowflakes fell, each as unique as the last before melding with the pristine white canvas below. "This will be a long winter." Bartin left me.
I peered once more out over the rebuilt Nyanyork, watching the newly crafted highrises roofs blanketed in snow. Troll products have more flexibility than I thought. How pristine the snow is, before anyone, or as we say here in Nyanyork, anycat, takes one step on it. I set my wine glass down.
In an antechamber to the throne room, I met the Queen. In close quarters like this, calling her Pixie instead of 'the Queen' or 'her Crimson Queen' is acceptable. She's grown sharper. Still carries the mace I had made for her, as if it's her scepter of power. She shot me one of those 'we need to talk' glances I am used to seeing these days. They bother me a lot less. I know what needs to be said to reassure her.
"Bartin told me you were the one who instigated the trollkin's invasion in the first place. That you were the one who gave his people the knowledge of the drug, Catnip, that incapacitated the catkin."
I long expected Pixie would find out. Slyva, I thought, would blab, but if she said anything to the elves I haven't found out. So I thought Bartin, the only one with the knowledge I was involved, must eventually betray me. Here goes the prepared apology. Don't try to act, that never works, just be honest and authentic, like we practiced. I puffed out air, then launched.
"I was scared of the elves."
Now, leave a pause. If she doesn't bring up the Lich thing, I have to remind the Crimson Queen she too, has her desperate moments.
"Ah," she said. Pixie stared out over her Kingdom. "That sounds like you."
And I'm the one left in silence. I found myself the one in desperation.
"The trollkin attacked. Catnip is now a local staple of the poplace, harming their health and productivity everyday. There are many catkin whose lives have been destroyed by the drug. It remains a plague upon them, even to this day."
She turned, giving me a side glance. "Who was it, who introduced measures to cull catnip production lines, and created a whole new system of treating addiction?"
Well, yes, that was me, but mostly so I could cover my ass when this inevitably came up.
"You did," Pixie turned to face me. "For yourself, I'm sure. Out of fear of who, this time, I wonder?"
"Perhaps the Crimson Queen's wrath?" I ventured. I can never tell where I lie with her.
"I don't remember being angry with you. And you, if you fear me, that's new."
"My selfish fear lead me down many bad roads in the past and—"
"It'll lead you down many more bad roads in the future. Me, as well. Since I swung down my mace, I can't stop myself following you."
What an ominous statement. Pixie knows me too well by now. I should have suspected. I underestimated her. I came to her side. She spoke first.
"I need a hero by my side to rule this continent as the Crimson Queen. No matter how many lives you've ruined, I'll see to it that you save many times more."
I pondered. It's fair. As long as I work just enough to keep myself alive, I can keep my position high, and keep protected from the elves.
"Anyways," she continued. "Are you still afraid of the elves? Is that why you're still here, with me?"
Yes. "No, of course not." Pixie smiled. Ravyn burst into the room, panting, she held onto the doorjam as if she was going to fall off. "Troll rebellion, troll rebellion! It's another rebellion!"
I supported her. The dark circles under her eyes were indeed worrisome. "Let's go get you some sleep. I'll handle it. There's always a troll rebellion stirring, stop taking it so seriously." I waved to Pixie, giving her a grin. She suspects nothing. I wish.
I put Ravyn to bed, reading the report. Here and there, I couldn't make out enough of the runes on the page, so I eventually hunted down a catknight and had him meow it to me in plain nyaa.
This troll rebellion isn't that bad compared to the others. The yellows. Rare. I got excited. I packed my bags, checking to see I had everything needed for travel. I'll check on Scott before I go.
I traveled down to the barracks, pack on my back ready to head off. I caught Scott slashing with his wooden sword against a cat squire, the two of them panting clouds into the courtyard. I stepped into the light, greeting him.
"Need a break?"
Scott laughed, putting down his sword, he patted the cat squire's shoulder. They both retired to a bench, pulling out some troll products for refreshment. I joined them.
Scott glanced at my pack. "Another rebellion?"
"Oh, your favorite. Have fun."
He's an accepting guy.
"Training going well?"
"Yup. Next summer when the portal home is ready, I want to be absolutely sure I can finish my evil uncle and his goons off on my own."
I patted my dagger. "Let me know if you need more help when I get back." Scott froze, then nodded, grim.
Ravyn contacted the elves, and someone there seemed to oblige Scott's whims. Why, I don't know, if they are tricking him, I don't know. Either way, helping him confirm the truth of his ticket home would mean investigating the elves myself. I won't go that far for him. Boundaries are healthy.
I waved him off, glad to see he's doing well. At this rate, he might really be able to win. Though, I'm not sure how much use his current abilities with [Combat Log Management] will fare against live paramilitary troops. I shrugged. I'll help him train with [Gifting This Wonderful World With Daggerings] again. Maybe he'll learn.
Walking to the center gate, I found Bartin waiting. He greeted me, again, this time, with a much more relieved stance.
"I told her, about the thing. I'm sorry. I had to."
"No problem." I forgave him. I expected him to betray me for such a long time, it feels like he really should have given into his own desires earlier for his own sake.
"Are, are you sure? You seem quite calm, Dagger. The catknights told me of a yellow trollkin rebellion. That, along with the wrath of the Crimson Queen—"
"We talked. It's fine."
"It's fine? How could she be fine with that?"
"Ahh, well, she expects that sort of behavior from me, by now. I did convince her to enslave most of her population. She may resent me, but at the same time, she knows I have my uses."
Bartin held his head. "Such ease over serious topics... hanging around you, I get the sense there is nothing but chaos in this Kingdom's future."
I nodded. "There will be daggerings, that's for sure." I walked past him. The mouse ran to my side, "I'm coming." He said, resolute.
"You want some for yourself?" I puzzled over the mouse. He's going to take my yellows.
"I will see to it they surrender before battle. They know me. If I cannot act as their liberator, I will be the one who helps them see their place in the Kingdom's future."
"Ah, curses," I said.
"What? I am helping put down a rebellion. Am I such poor company that you want to travel apart from each other?"
He's lowering my daggering count. Whatever, there will be more. Best not trifle with the level 99's mood. "No, it's nothing."
Traveling the day, we found rest at night at a cushy inn on the edge of Nyanyork. There, I wandered outside, taking a nightwalk to enjoy the sight of the stars. A snowball plopped against my head. I wiped my hand against my face, knowing who it was. There are only a few who'd throw a snowball at the Dagger of the Crimson Queen. Elves. The Guild. And one elf, in particular. Flynn stood there, balling up another. I took it on the face.
Flynn sighed at my unwillingness. "Up for a game?"
"With an elf? Please, I value my life. Though I should thank you. You were the one who taught me how dangerous elves are."
Flynn tossed another snowball in my face. "Where is your sense of adventure? Don't you want to have some fun?"
"I play my own games, in my own way."
Flynn grinned. He spread his arms wide. In his hand, a pink dagger. "We're not so different, you and I."
I glanced at the pink dagger. I feel bad for the next person roped into being Hero Summoned. Maybe doing your best in the world you have right now, rather than wishing you'd get a reset in another isn't such a bad deal. You might just get summoned with only a dagger.
"Yeah. Yeah, Flynn, you're right. We're not different. I'm going to do it my way, and you, yours. We'll have to live with our games, right? We all have our own games." The daggers above him launched down. Flynn turned his head upwards, rearing back, the cloud of magic dagger missed as I slipped in behind him, using a skill I hid just for this moment. My dagger hit home, piercing his upper arm.
Quest Complete! Level Cap Unlocked!
I stepped back, pulling my dagger free. Blood dripped from the elf's arm. I walked past Flynn's side. Flynn called at my back. "What? Not going to finish me? One stab, that's all?"
I snorted, rubbing my draining nose. "You let me. If I continued, I'd have eight daggers in my ribs. You want to see what I'll do. You must have seen my level cap quest with your [Perception]. That's why you came, isn't it? To lend a hand in my game? Thanks, again. It's been a wild ride. Not always for the best," I turned a little, smiling. "Not always for the worst." Flynn grinned himself, waving at my behind.
Opening the inn door, I went upstairs, breathing out sighs of relief. I expected him for awhile now, that elf, but, the elf finally came. It's finally over. Like a package you're waiting for that never quite seems to arrive, those silent moments where you sit there in anticipation, hoping, waiting, but also afraid that the package somehow got lost. It feels like my package finally arrived. I can freely get back to what I love.
Bartin and I ambushed the Yellow Trollkin. They have electric and sound based attacks, both are no trouble for Bartin, for me, I'm used to this sort of thing by now. My Blessings keep me alive, my dagger gets them dead. That's all I need.
A blue blur shot out of the sky. Muslimeshi drew his swords. The eyepatch slime made short work of my yellow troll quarry as I played dead, telling Bartin to knock off fighting the slime.
"Just play dead. He'll go away."
"Such a powerful opponent! It's drawing out all my strength through its skill alone!" Flashes of steel filled the battlefield. Muslimeshi's lightning katana strikes flicked against Bartin's sturdy western sword.
"Is it such a big deal?" It's really not.
"I must defeat this slime here! Look how many it slew without remorse, without thinking!"
I'm pretty sure Muslimeshi is dogging me for misplaced revenge against the slayer of the Slime King, though. Even if the slime got the killer wrong. That was Pixie with the Slime Slave, not me. Too bad I don't speak slime.
On the battlefield, I waited on the ground, watching the slime and mouse fight to the bitter end. Neither gave up the fight, neither would stop fighting. The mouse tired first, falling to the ground, Muslimeshi bounced onto the mouse's prone stomach, forming a victory pose with its tiny blue body. Then, sheathing its katana, it bounced off.
Bartin tried to push himself up, too tired from the endless fight to rise. I'll keep watch, wouldn't want anyone taking advantage of his weakened state, would I? Anyone else.
I laughed at the tired mouse. "Scary world, huh?"
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The year 2149, and Earth has reached an all-time high in both peace, technology, culture, etc. Humanity has finally stretched beyond their cradle and colonized the moon and Mars. Yet, in such a glorious era, specks of filth remains. Alan Morris is a chronically ill patient with an insatiable wanderlust, yet fated to remain eternally locked to his hospital bed.His illness requires him to have constant care and attention, which drains enormous amounts of his familiys ressources. After having spent a decade in the hospital with no sign recovery, his family finally decide to cut all ties with him.Recognizing that he is now alone with no support, he despairs and finally reconcile himself to enter the abyss quietly without struggle.Yet, it seems as though poor Alan is the butt of all jokes in the Universe. The very next day after being abandoned he is met with Aliens assaulting the Earth and abducting him. Join our protagonist, as he loses his humanity (litterally) but gains the chance to see more of the universe than any other being ever.Note: My first ever story, be warned of errors and boring content. Also, i guarantee NOTHING. i am doing this because otherwise, i will NEVER get this this damn story out of my head. Lastly, no schedule, no promises, and if i get bored, i may just fade away. Can't accept this? Well tough. This also means that i couldn't care less about your opinions. Advice i'll gladly accept. Opinions will be ignored. Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN ANY PICTURES USED IN THIS STORY! NOT EVEN THE COVER
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