《Heavenly Mage Shura》Chapter 6 :The shocking news


After walking for a short period of time Tu Zhang who was currently holding baby Shura and leading three year old Tu Tsuki appeared in front of a large wooden house that had two guards guarding the entrance to that courtyard.

The two guards were medium built and were wearing leather armor and had a short sword on their waist.

The minute they saw Tu Zhang and Tu tsuki they immediately bowed and said

"We greet First elder "

"We greet the young miss"

The guards were very respectful the way they looked at Tu Zhang was full of worship. To these guards Tu Zhang was a god.

Afterall most of the guards didn't have much talent when it came to magic, even to these to men protecting this courtyard who was fairly stronger than the rest of the guards had eyes full of awe while in the presence of Tu Zhang and some slight fear.

But these guards were dumbstruck as they saw one of the strongest men they met holding a small baby with white hair in a cradling position.

What the hell...and who the hells kid is he holding thought the guards.

But they didn't dare to utter a word or even to get from their bowed positions and take a look.

Tu Zhang slightly waved his hand , passed the two guardsmen and walked into the courtyard.

After reaching the entrance to a meeting hall located at the side of the house you could slightly hear the bustling of the servants and elders.

At this moment a deep sounding voice that sounded full of authority was heard.

"Brother why are you not entering?"

Hearing this Tu Zhangs face ahowed a bitter smile. Then he entered the hall , after he entered Tu tsuki also stepped into the hall . After they entered there was a phantom image of a man behind her that neither Tu Zhang or Tu tsuki noticed.


This man was the same person that was following them through the Tu estate ,the man had become even more vivid .At this moment you could clearly see his facial features.

He had long white hair that reached his shoulders, which gave off a glow making him look holy and majestic .His facial feature were the age of twenty year old .He was handsome and had a heroic yet dangerous feel to his looks that could cause any woman to fall for his charm. His pupils were white and perfectly complemented his slightly pale skin, causing him to look in earthly.

And behind the man one could see a golden dragon flying around his body.With small runes orbiting it.

The man smiled then he and the dragon disappeared into a stream of light and went into baby Shuras body.


inside a vast space illuminated with tiny dots in the sky like stars the ground itself reflected the sky like still water ,suddenly a slight ripple was seen , a dragons roar could be heard as a twenty year old looking youth with white hair appeared in this space. When he touched the ground the ripples intensified.


"After thousands of years I have finally been released I wonder how you are ...mother....father "

"I promise you as long as I am alive I will find you all" said the youth with emotions.

After being sealed Shura regained consciousness 500 years earlier before Tu Zhang and Tu tsuki came , after regaining consciousness there was a flood of memories coming to him some were fragments of inheritence and knowledge and there was a message that seemed to be from his parents .

From these messages he new his name and identity.

He new from his parents memories that he was the heir of two clans


The first is the Ryu Shen clan that was an ancient clan that were the decendants of the ancient dragon Shen long. He was the grandson of the patriarch and the son of the son of the patriarch.

The second is the ancient Soul eater clan this clan was a clan made up of the decendants from two gods , Anubis and Hades. His mother was the most outstanding clansman and had the purest bloodline of the two gods in her that was in complete harmony.

He wasn't able to get there names from the memories it seemed as thou something was intentionally sealing their identities.

He also knew from the first time he awoke that as he walked the path of magic memories will slowly surface.

When he awoke 500 years ago in the crystal he got a instant Psychic message left from his parents saying that both clans has met misfortune so he was sent far away to escape.

so he began to desperately struggle to free himself from the sealing crystal and as time grew by his soul got stronger until it was able to leave his body and out of the crystal.

After he sighed again he then began to slowly melt away in this mysterious place.


"Yes brother that's what happened " Tu Zhang said.

He said as he looked at a middle aged man sitting in a high chair with elders sitting on the floor in front of him .

The man had black hair and wore a green gown with the Tu family insignia on it.

The man had the air of superiority flowing around him. This man was naturally the Tu family patriarch.

Right now he was frowning with a contemplative look on his face.

Tu Zhang had just told his brother and elders what happened. The only thing he left out is how he found Shura.

"We will deal with the Shen family slowly we cannot confront them just yet" said the Tu family patriarch.

He then suquinted his eyes as he asked Tu Zhang "Where did you get that baby?"

When his voice jiust dropped Shura opened is eyes.

When his eyes opened everyone in the room felt a pressure.

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