《Heavenly Mage Shura》Chapter 2 :Roar Through the heavens (1)


In the dark underground cave Elder Zhang was pale his bruised face full of astonishment as he looked at the bizarre scene in front of him of a a baby that seemed to be less than 1 year old, sealed tightly in a crystal.

While looking at the child he felt a faint magical pressure from it.The scene in front of Elder Zhang even caused him to forget the situation he was in.This caused his pale old face to gain a little serenity.


Above the hole to the underground cave

A thin youth wearing a black robe , was slightly kneeling to a short, fat man with a hoary head and dark skin.

The thin youth was wearing a hooded cloak with the insignia of the shen clan, but his insignia was slightly different to the people wearing purple robes, his insignia had a pale golden radiance arround the black flame.

The man infront of him robes also had a slight difference to his insignia, arround his flame was a red radiance rotating arround his insignia.

The thin youths in the black robe name was Kurai he was not a direct bloodline of the shen clan he was just the son of a low ranked clansman,but because of his talent he was accepted into the shen clan with open arms.

His mothers position in the family was also elevated a bit because of her son. The pale golden radiance on the insignia signifies that he was one of the geniuses of the clan.

"Elder Tanfeng, our sensory magicians have found their position, they h seem to have fallen in a cave directly below the hole they dug'. said Kurai.

The short fat mans name was Shen tanfeng the second strongest under the patriarch of the Shen clan.

Shen Tanfeng had been watching the battle between the shen clansmen and Tu Zhang from afar because he was actually steadily supplying mana to a barrier they had set up tostop Tu Zhang from escaping.


But when he saw that Tu Zhang was trying to dig his way out he thought the barrier could sustain it but Tu Zhang succeded and dug passed the barrier .

So Shen Tanfeng spread his perception out and was vaguely able to realize that the place where Tu Zhang dug the barrier was quickly being depleted of all its energy making it weaker than other areas.

He then closed his eyes and tried to feel the flow of mana and what he realized astonished him . He felt that all the mana in the area and from the barrier was being sucked into the hole where Tu Zhang dug .The first thoughts that came across his mind was treasure.

The absorption of the mana in the area might be due to a priceless herb or heavenly treasure being formed or mystic realm opening.

When Shen Tanfeng thought of this his eyes flashed with greed.

Shen Tanfeng had always wanted to go to other realms or become strong enough to rule this one, after all who likes to be to the bottom of the barrel serving those at the top.

Where the Shen clan and Tu clan is located is the first heaven ream,because of certain reasons the resources were inferior to the other heaven realms this gave rise to the low leveled mages greed.Especially with the other clans that had more power than the shen and the Tu clan fighting for resources so they could only get the leftovers to provide for their clan.

Shen Tanfeng was a naturally greedy person so when he realized there is a high chance of treasure he watched the other clansmen with a hint of killing intent. He was planning on silencing them if they saw any treasures down in the cave so he can have it all to himself without the clan knowing,but he still had a problem he needed to kill Tu Zhang.


" ONe squad accompany me down, the rest of you stand guard" Shen Tanfeng said , he also made sure to exclude most of the elites and Kurai from going with him because he didnt wanted to kill the Shen clans back bones or it might may cause a decrease in their clans over all combat power, which he didnt want to see.

Shen Tanfeng then took his people and began going down the tunnel, but he didnt go down the hole elder Zhang took because he was afraid he might have laid a trap there in an attempt to escape.

So he let five people proficient in earth elemental magic dig a seperate tunnel then they would dig a hole above elder Zhang so they can catch him off guard.

Espacially since in his mind elder Zhang was down there with the treasure so he took no chances of letting him get the upper hand.

"Be careful even if he's injured he's still at the 9th stage of the novice realm"


In the semi dark cave , near the glowing crystal Elder Zhang and Tu Tsuki was standing in front of it staring at the scene in front of them.



A pebble fell from the ceiling of the cave and hit elder Zhang on his head he immediately awoke out of his ethereal state.

He then remembered his predicament.

He turned and looked at Tu Tsuki he then reached out his old rinkled hand and gave her light shake on her sholder waking her from the hypnotise state.

Elder Zhang felt like their was something wrong with this stone with a child in it.

Elder Zhang then noticed something odd it was quiet too quiet, especially since they were in a life or death situation against a hundred man squad from the Shen clan.But he could not think too much about it.

He immediately took two small mud balls from a pouch on his waist, he held his nose and swallowed them together. These two round objects were medicine pills of the lowest kind.But to a small clan like his this is all they could afford and it was still just enough for the elders only.

Those two pills specifically were mana replenishing pills .But since their quality was extremly low so the effects of it was really small,because of this he still needed to enter meditative position but this is all he could do.

He then took a look atTu tsuki and after making sure she seemed alright he then sat down crossed legged and started drawing in mana .

Elder Zhang then entered a half meditative state with his perception scaning the area for enemies he then felt something astonishing. All the mana in the cave was extremly rich and that wasn't all the mana was flowing in his direction but it wasn't him attracting it.The crytal behind him seemed to be gathering and absorbing the mana.

He then tried to investigate the strange crystal but the crystal was far beyond his knowledge. He re focused then quickly started trying to absorb as much mana as possible that was coming his way.

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