《Rebirth and Second Chance [Dropped]》Chapter 23- A Farewell To Kings
Note to the reader: *.......* means he's saying that in his head.
Chapter 23
I was summoned by the king and since I was watching Jeanette alone today she came with me. We entered the throne room and kneeled.
Falon:"You summoned me my lord."
King:"Yes I would like to introduce someone to you. Come in."
An elf man approached from behind me and kneeled.
Kings:"This is my son Lamruil. He will be the next king once I die. Today I decided that he will leave for the border to inspect how the soldiers do their jobs. I wish for you to accompany him."
Falon:"Of course I will my lord. When do we depart?"
King:"Tomorrow right before the sun comes up. You will protect him and give explanations about the new set up of our borders that you created."
Falon:"Yes my lord."
King:"If you feel the need you may take any of your family with you."
Falon:"Thank you."
The king talked for a while telling me the planned route we would take while visiting the way points at the border. Lamruil didn't speak the entire time so I remained quiet too.
King:"You are dismissed. Lamruil will be waiting at the main gate jus before the sun rises."
Falon:"I will be there my lord."
Jeanette and I stood then bowed and left the room. We spent the rest of the day back at the house. When everyone finally got home I told them about my next job.
Falon:"Anyone want to come?"
Tessa:"I have some modifications to the barriers magic circle to do tomorrow so I can't."
Cal:"Ruby, Fraya and I have squad exercises with the kings elite guard tomorrow."
Falon:"Guess I'll be going alone then. It will probably take a week."
Jeanette:"I'll go with you daddy."
Tessa:"It's to dangerous for you to leave the capital."
Falon:"Hold on maybe she should go."
Falon:"She's already 9 and her training has progressed well, but she still has never been in a real fight. I can have her hunt monsters while we're traveling to the border."
Tessa:"She could get hurt."
Falon:"I'll be there incase a strong monster appears and we don't have to worry about anyone else attacking since all of our enemies live on the other side of the border."
Jeanette:"I'm strong now so I won't need to be protected."
Tessa:"Well..........I guess it's ok."
Jeanette:"Yay!! Thank you mommy!"
Jeanette jumped up and kissed Tessa on the cheek while hugging her then did the same to me.
Jeanette:"Thank you daddy!"
We went to bed early that night so that we would be rested for the journey. Since we were on the run I got into the habit of sleeping lightly and I was always up before the sun.
It was still dark when I woke up, but I knew it wouldn't be long before the sun rose. I woke Jeanette up and the two of us got ready. I kissed Tessa while she was still sleeping before we left.
Lamruil was waiting at the gate with a wagon. I put Jeantte into the wagon and climbed into the front next to Lamruil.
Falon:"No other guards will be coming?"
Lamruil:"No only us."
*Does the king trust me this much or is his son strong?*
During the trip I went hunting with Jeanette, but we stayed close to camp incase something happened to the prince. Jeanette used a dagger in her left hand and a gauntlet on her right which she could use for blocking or punching.
I was proud to see how good she became. I made her fight with only weapons first then only magic then both. The prince didn't say much at first, but he warmed up to us. We made it to the border and talked to some guards.
Guard:"Here have a drink you two it must have been a long journey."
I took the drink, but Lamruil wasn't interested. I only had one since I didn't want to look like a drunkard in front of Jeanette.
There was a guard with full armor on and I couldn't even see his face, but he had been watching us this entire time. I started to think that he may be after the princes life.
Falon:"Who is that guy."
Guard:"He's a new guy. He was part of a unit of elves that went out to check on the situation with the demon king, but he was the only one to return. He's resting here then he will head to the capital to report."
Falon:"Oh thanks."
I shrugged it off as a guy being paranoid of humans. The guards had all heard of the strength of me and my family so they wanted a match. I gave Jeanette all my weapons, satchel and glasses since this would be a fist fight. They were all very weak until the strange guy from before joined.
He threw a punch and flames appeared around us blocking the soldiers from interfering. He removed his mask and I saw and elf man, but then his face started to distort and revealed Stefs face.
Stef:"Been a while Falon."
Falon:"Stef! What are you doing here!"
Stef:"I was sent to kill you since you apparently increase the demon kings power."
Falon:"What do you mean don't you work for him."
Stef:"Not anymore so my job is to weaken him."
He sent a fire ball towards my chest, but I dodged.
*He knows to destroy the crystal!*
I knew I didn't stand a chance, but I blitzed him. He was surprised and I shoved him backwards driving my fingers into his eyes.
He grabbed my wrists and lite them on fire so I jumped back.
Jeanette:"Don't hurt my daddy!"
Jeanette was about to leap through the flames.
Falon:"Stop! Stay away!"
Stefs eyes had healed and he saw the little girl then jumped towards her. I was to slow and he pulled her in and wrapped his hands around her neck.
Stef:"Don't move or I kill her!"
He looked pissed so I froze.
Stef:"You, Cal and Ruby left me in a pathetic state last time. I never felt so much hatred before. I want to watch you all slowly die."
Falon:"Let her go!"
Stef:"Sure but you need to throw me that crystal in your chest."
I could think of only one way to save Jeanette.
*****************Sam POV***************
Three of the heroes betrayed us. Dean and I fought for two days straight against Felicity and the beastman hero Beth. After the demons slaughtered our army Dean and I decided to retreat.
Three and a half weeks later we made it back to Haven to find out it was attacked. Many citizens had died, but they were already rebuilding. I looked everywhere and couldn't find Falon and the others.
I had failed as a hero. This was the first time for me and I didn't know what to do. Dean told me that we couldn't stay here since the demons would be hunting us. I followed him, but I didn't really care anymore. I felt so utterly crushed and a new feeling started selling up inside me.
I wanted revenge against Jack and the other heroes. Dean was my only comrade left so we couldn't win single handedly unless we got stronger.
Dean:"I think we should head for the dwarven capital."
Sam:"Do you think we will be able to get another army to stand up to demons?"
Dean:"For now all we need is a safe place to sleep."
We made it to the border, and they were reluctant to let us in until they found out Dean was their hero. They had already heard news about what happened so everyone was cautious around us thinking we might betray them.
After two years there was no mistrust left and we were included in the war plans. The dwarves still wanted revenge for the destruction of one of their cities. The elves closed their borders off and waited. The demons didnt seem to be making any moves either.
The beastmen also cut off war talks and created a peace treaty with the demon king. The man who led the beastmen during the previous battle was the representative that talked to the demon king.
To our surprise some demons wanted to help. The demons that lived close to the border of the human kingdom didn't like the demon king and wanted to help kill him.
They wished for a more peaceful relationship with the humans. We gathered a powerful army for the next battle. Some information on the heroes location slipped out and the plans were made.
We were worried about Beth since we knew very little about her weapon. During the battle she seemed to teleport and could predict what we were gonna do. She was great support for Felicity, but she never attacked us.
I couldn't catch Felicity because of Beth's predicts. Dean was suppose to catch Beth, but when ever he got close she would disappear and appear somewhere else.
We moved our army towards the heroes location and surrounded it. Surprisingly there weren't very many soldiers.
Dean:"This could be a trap."
Sam:"We won't know until we check it out."
Dean and I had the job of sneaking in since only surprise attacks work on Jack. His shadow abilities were feared. The entire place was empty.
Sam:"Where are they?"
Dean:"If it wasn't a trap maybe we missed them. They could have escaped before we got here."
Sam:"I feel something in the air. Something is happening tonight so we need to get trackers working on finding where they went."
****************Jack POV***************
Tonight we kill the demon king. I spent the last two years recruiting. I have soldiers from the previous army and demons. I only needed these men to hold off his army and once he's dead I will rule.
Coming to this world was the best thing that ever happened to me. I can openly kill and all my men just cheer me on.
Jack:"Tonight we set our selves free from his pathetic rule!"
The demons all cheered and I couldn't help, but smile ear to ear.
*Tonight I take his head and his throne. I hope I get a chance to fuck those girls he keeps around before I kill them.*
The two armies clashed and the heroes and I cleaved our way through the enemies. I could feel the pressure the Demon King emitted as he approached so I changed into my shadow form.
Keltor:"Fight me heroes!"
He didn't have any of the girls with him so I was a little sad.
Jack:"Where are those girls that always follow you around."
Keltor:"I have moved them to a safe location."
Jack:"That sucks I was really looking forward to having some fun with them."
Keltor:"I won't let you leave this battlefield alive."
*Hahaha the heroes ended up in a direct confrontation with the demon king just like we were summoned to do.*
Beth had the hour glass of Chronus which gave her prophetic abilities and slight control over time. She could only freeze time for a minute at a time. We kept her in the back to tell us what moves the enemy would make.
Jack:"Felicity I've got the left."
I dashed towards the demon king while in shadow form and Felicity attacked with a sword. She was a lot faster than me so she got a few hits in before I even made it. The demon king looked unfazed so I shoved my dagger into his throat.
It went in deep, but he grabbed the hilt and tried to take it from me. Luckily it becomes a part of me when in shadow form so he couldn't take it, but I couldn't go anywhere since he had a strong hold on it.
Beth:"Get out of there!"
There was a bright flash that made my shadows disappear and sent Felicity flying backwards. I was able to reform myself, but light damage hurts my real body. I only fight at night to keep this weakness from being exploited.
Half of our base is underground and I stay there during the day. There was a crater left with the demon king standing in the middle.
Jack:"Shit he's more powerful then I thought!"
I was now worried since I had never seen him fight before I assumed he was as strong as a hero.
*All of the heroes might be able to beat him, but the three of us aren't enough! Shit! Shit! Shit! I want to kill this bastard!!!*
The demon king was using magic to heal the neck wound. I was more pissed then ever before and I wished my trump card would show up.
Hercules:"I have returned my king."
Keltor:"Have the girls been safely delivered?"
Hercules:"Yes and I have fulfilled my duty and must apologize for I can no longer serve you."
Keltor:"I knew this was coming, but know that I won't hold back."
Hercules:"I would be insulted if you did."
I smiled. This is what I was waiting for, my trump card. Hercules was mine now and I would have to punish him later for being late. I don't know why, but he came to me offering his service.
The demon king went for a one hit kill by using lightning magic. It started with sparks leaping from finger to finger then shot out straight for Hercules. He didn't even try to dodge and was sent flying back while his skin was charred.
I was pretty sure he had been cooked all the way through, but the burnt corpse rose and the skin started to repair it's self.
Keltor:"I guess even lightning can't kill you."
Hercules:"You used a lot of mana during these two battles. It won't be long before you run out using powerful spells like those."
Keltor:"I'll finish you before that."
Wind blades were sent from the demon king to Hercules chopping off all his limbs, but he still healed from it. Hercules finally decided to attack and sent a wave of flames towards the demon king.
They were extinguished by water walls, but it took three for the flames to completely stop. Hercules had been running with the flames and had closed the distance between him and the demon king.
Spikes of earth came up from the ground to defend the demon king and Hercules smashed through them. The demon king used wind magic to hurdle himself into the air, but was followed by Hercules.
Keltor:"Take this!"
A four lances made of light went flying from the demon king and stabbed into each limb of Hercules. He was pinned to the ground and the demon king approached him. I could tell he used a lot of mana on his spells since he looked tired.
Keltor:"If this fails I don't know if you can die."
Hercules:"I can and it's very simple, but you must figure out how on your own."
The demon king tour through the chest of Hercules and brought out his heart. He then used a combination of water and wind magic to pull all liquids out of his body including his blood.
Hercules looked like a shriveled up corpse. After a few seconds nothing happened so the demon king decided to approach me. I prepared for a fight, but he stopped half way and turned back towards Hercules.
Keltor:"Not even that worked......... I guess I lose."
Hercules looked normal again and the light lances started to fade then he shattered them. He dashed towards the demon king and sent his hand straight through him then pulled it out. There was a hole in the demon kings chest where his heart us to be.
****************Falon POV******************
I jammed my nails into my chest and pulled out the crystal with a piece of my heart which I already knew would happen.
Stef:"Hahahahaah! Now your dead! I win! Hahahha!"
I felt some of my mana flow back into me, but it was just enough to do the spell I needed. I had been thinking of a spell that might kill him incase we had to fight him again. I never expected to be the one to use it.
Falon:"Self destruct!"
A beam of mana shot towards Stef hitting him and causing him to fall backwards releasing Jeanette. She ran towards me, but stopped when something wet hit her back. She turned to look and saw Stef turned into a puddle of blood.
I made every cell in his body self destruct at the same time. I fell straight to the ground and my vision went black. I was dead.
*****************Keltor POV****************
Keltor:"I guess.......I wasn't a very good king. Sorry Laya...Lilly....Jenny.....Luc........."
The demon king went to his knees then fell over.Back to Main Page
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