《Chronicles of Hui Yuan》Zhang Chao: The One Who Doesn't Cry


"Zhang Chao's life force is very strong. The stars and signs under which he is born is very auspicious. He is destined for great things, I am certain..." The Shaman said, her hair dressed under a heavy ornate crown made from the feathers of a rooster, her ceremonial robes giving the strong scent of pig blood that she had slaughtered for the calculations of his "Ba Zi" or Eight Characters.

Zhang Qin, Zhang Tie's wife, was sitting intently and listening the Shaman spoke. Zhang Tie looked as if he was bursting from excitement. After trying for three years, the heir of the Zhang clan was finally born. The Arte of the Lion Fist finally had an heir. The money he had set aside for all the tutors can finally be spent.

"Woaho! I knew it! Darling, I knew Zhang Chao was a man of talent just from his face! He looked so much like you!" Zhang Tie said, gripping his wife's shoulder. Zhang Qin glared at her husband, who swallowed his saliva and placed his hands down.

"Thank you, Shaman. That will be all." Zhang Qin said and the Shaman bowed, leaving the room, the servants bustling into the room carrying a tray, holding a pot of tea and two cups.

The mother of Zhang Qin, stood up, her red robes decorated with swans flowed elegantly. Her skin a pale white, it glowed gently under the sunlight as she stared at Zhang Tie, before shaking her head.

"What is wrong, dear?" Zhang Tie asked and Zhang Qin pointed at the kid, who was in the crib at the far end of the room.

"Do you remember Li Guang's daughter? He Bie's son?" She asked, sipping her tea as she stared at the crib, narrowing her eyes and Zhang Tie nodded immediately. They were members of the great clans in the city of Luoyang.


"You heard them cry, right? This one of ours only cry when he needs cleaning and feeding. That's all. I'm worried he isn't that smart," Zhang Qin sighed and Zhang Tie shook his head furiously.

"No son is mine is going to be a fool! How can this be possible! Isn't it a good thing that he is filial and wants to give us more sleep? Hahahaha!" Zhang Tie roared with laughter, much to the indignation of Zhang Qin. She sat beside her husband and sighed deeply.

"How is it going with the business? I noticed you were unusually quiet when the Shaman talked about her fees earlier on and took a while to agree," she smiled gently at her husband who hesitated for a few moments before opening his mouth.

"It is bad. The escort business is going to hell to put it charitably. The Bao clan, the Xie clan are all muscling into it. But the elders of the city still insist on us taking the main bulk of the city's patrolling, so this means we can't send all our guys to work... And the demonic situation outside is just getting worse..."

He sighs, clenching his fists. He felt useless. He wanted to give his wife and child a blissful life.

Zhang Qin smiled at him, embracing him, her slender arms wrapping around him.

"We'll be fine. Maybe he will be a great kind of weird?"

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