《The Kingdom of Malinas (YA Fantasy)》Chapter 21: A Talking Wolf


"Sorrel!" Little Cloud was powerless to help her as she hung on to the sword for dear life. The Lamya grinned inanely, pleased with his own strength. He twisted the blade, causing Sorrel to stumble to one side.

"Cloud, help!" she cried. She looked for him and he spun about, desperately searching for something or someone to help them. Sorrel shook her head. The moor was empty.

"Sorrel, hold on!" Cloud gritted his teeth in determination and gathered up enough courage to force himself into a charge at the Lamya. He yelled, face twisted in anger, and was just about to lunge at the evil man when he stopped abruptly.

The hairs on the back of Sorrel's neck rose as a deep angry growl came from behind her. She gasped and Little Cloud turned and jumped in fright as a huge white wolf came thundering past him.

"Sorrel, watch out!"

She let go of the sword and fell backwards. Luckily, the wolf didn't seem interested in her and instead launched itself through the air and landed on top of the Lamya, snapping and snarling in his face.

Sorrel grabbed the fallen sword and hurried to Cloud's side where she stood and watched in amazement as the Lamya fought back against the wolf, his huge hands pushing at the animal's head and neck.

"We should help him," Cloud said, staring blankly.

"No, look!" She pointed at the Lamya man as with one mighty roar he threw the wolf bodily from him.

The wolf picked itself up off the ground and growled again. The Lamya turned and fled. Sorrel was half expecting the wolf to run after him and tear him down but instead the creature turned and stared at her and Cloud.

She brandished her sword and swallowed. But the wolf didn't attack.

"Sorrel, look," Cloud whispered. He nodded towards the sky and there, clear as day, the raven circled above their heads.

She turned her attention back to the wolf. It seemed to be staring at her in a way that was more human than animal. Thrusting her sword back into her belt, she approached it. She held out her hands for it to smell and averted her gaze as her mother had taught her to do around strange dogs. Cloud followed behind, his hands tugging nervously at his jacket.


She knelt in front of the wolf and raised her eyes. She hesitated, then asked, "You are Winter?"

The wolf looked at her with something close to awe in its amber eyes. Sorrel fidgeted uncomfortably as the animal continued to stare at her. Then the wolf smiled. The animal actually smiled at them both and then... it spoke.

"And you are the Onen Steren, the One Star."

Sorrel instantly put a hand up to her face and touched the singular star mark under her eye, something for which she had been teased when she was younger. The what?

Little Cloud bent down to the wolf and bowed his head in respect before touching her cheek gently. "Running Bear sent us to you," he said.

The wolf nodded, barely paying any attention to him as she stared at Sorrel. "Yes," she said, "I recognise his raven."

"How do you talk?" Cloud asked. He seemed in total disbelief and he couldn't stop smoothing the fur on the wolf's face.

Winter pulled her gaze away from Sorrel and looked at Cloud for the first time, her expression changing from wonderment to warmth. She shook her head. "I don't think I can tell you," she said. "Sometimes things happen and you just have to trust they're happening for a reason. Maybe I'm not even talking. Maybe you can just understand me." She smiled and looked back at Sorrel.

"It's okay," she said, "I can see I've upset you. Follow me, both of you, and I have something to show you."

The wolf loped off and then glanced back over her shoulder at them both. "Come," she said. "We'll be able to talk some more."

Sorrel waited for Cloud to stand as she watched after the wolf, trotting across the moor. Cloud squeezed her hand reassuringly. "Don't worry, let's see what this is about, then we can head for home."

"We can head for home if she helps us." She straightened her jacket. "Let's get this done then," she said.



In Silence Gorge, the Elani were busy at work. Some were working on their new weapons, chipping away at stone and carving wood, and one or two others were cooking up a big breakfast. They made it all seem normal.

Leif, Old Synan, Lachlan and Mariko sat apart from the others under a great overhang of grey rock. None but these four knew the events of the previous night when Mariko had left.

". . . And when Corrinus took power from my brother he killed anyone left who might still be loyal to the previous leader. That included me and my family."

Lachlan groaned and looked at Mariko. "But you're still alive," he said. "So Corrinus didn't kill you, did he?"

Mariko pulled a 'don't be stupid' face at Lachlan and said, "I was too clever! I left before he had the chance. I tell ya, that Corrinus is worse 'n any of 'em."

"Yes, so you've said," said Leif patiently. "But all we want to know is, do you know how to get to the castle?"

Mariko sat back against the wall and grinned at him. "Course I do! Know the ins and outs of the whole place. But I'm not going back there, no way."

"What's the matter?" Lachlan said, hunching forward. "Afraid?"

Mariko was quick to draw her dagger and Leif raised his hands to calm things down. "I'm sure Mariko's not afraid." He turned to Synan, always respectful of the Elder's opinion and asked, "What do you think, sir?"

Synan sighed. "I think we shouldn't do anything while we only have half–trained warriors at our command. Wait for young Sorrel and see if she brings help before we enter the Kingdom of Malinas by ourselves."

Mariko nodded. "He's quite smart for an old Elani man. You'd get slaughtered before you even got close to the castle. It's best to wait."

Leif agreed. "That's what I thought. But while we wait and while I train my people I want you, Mariko, to tell me all you know of Corrinus, the castle and Lamya ways."

Mariko didn't seem too impressed with the idea of helping them. She frowned and picked at her nails. "What's in this for me?" she asked.

Leif leaned forwards and smiled at her. "How about we forget you're a Lamya and that your people have killed and enslaved half our people and let you live here in safety and comfort?"

Mariko looked thoughtful, then she shrugged. "I'm not involved in anything my people get up to any more. And I wouldn't exactly call this place comfortable. I need a bit more of a reason if I'm to help."

"How about we protect you from Gaeshi Sarkany when he returns with Sorrel?" Lachlan growled.

That seemed to work. "Ah. Yes," she said. "Good idea."

Leif laughed and stood up. "Then let us continue with our training. Come on, Lachlan, you're improving with a staff, let's get the others moving."

Lachlan left and Mariko was just about to take her leave too when Old Synan put out his hand to hers and stopped her in her tracks. "You are not like the others of your kind," he said. "There is some good in your soul."

Mariko pulled her hand away and looked at it as if she had just been infected. "Don't get any ideas, old man. I don't like you. All I want is protection from that crazy dragon. I'm staying here entirely for my own self purpose!"

Synan chuckled to himself as Mariko strode off. "Of course you are, my dear. Of course."

Leif smiled and headed after her.

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