《The Kingdom of Malinas (YA Fantasy)》Chapter 7: Putting Up a Fight


"Sorrel, run!" Cloud cried, struggling against the tight hold of the Lamya man, digging his dirt–encrusted nails into the man's bare arms. "Get away from here!"

Sorrel held her tree branch like a fighting staff and faced the man. She ignored Cloud. "Leave him," she said, glaring daggers. "Take up your weapon and fight me."

Cloud groaned. "No, Sorrel!" The Lamya's grip loosened and the man laughed quietly.

Sorrel smiled as he pushed Cloud away and reached for his sword. Her eyes hardened and she took up the fighting stance, just like she had seen her father do so many times before.

Cloud called her name, but he sounded distant and she couldn't focus on him. Her vision narrowed, sharpened; her world closed in on her. She smiled grimly and turned to the Lamya.


Zev was a seasoned fighter, a battle–scarred veteran. The fight between him and the weak-looking Elani would be easy. He grinned and lunged forwards with his sword, teasing rather than looking for a hit. The Elani swung the branch, almost knocking the sword from his grasp and sending bits of broken branch everywhere.

The force of the blow took him aback and he stopped for a moment in puzzlement. The Elani came forwards, swinging the branch back across his right side. With an angry cry, Zev turned his sword to the girl's left side, only to find it blocked quickly by the branch.

Sword and branch locked together and the two fighters looked into each other's eyes. Zev was surprised to see an angry bloodshot gaze staring right back at him without fear. He gritted his teeth and pushed the Elani back, with an expert twist of his sword he sent the branch spinning through the air.

He straightened up and roared out his victory. Then he gave the Elani a cold smile. He'd enjoy finishing her off.



Little Cloud desperately sought something to help Sorrel – something he could use as a weapon, a rock or—

A cold rush of wind came from behind him and the world darkened around him again. Something tugged on his senses. He stood in silence and half-closed his eyes. Someone else was nearby, someone good this time - he felt it the same as he had felt the Lamya man.

He opened his eyes and yelled a warning. "Sorrel! The raven! Look up!"

Cloud's call snatched Sorrel's attention from the advancing Lamya and she did as he bade her. A huge, jet-black raven with its wings outstretched and claws extended launched itself at the face of the Lamya. She lunged forwards and seized the man's fallen weapon as he staggered backwards. With a cry, she raised the sword in the air and charged at the Lamya, ramming her shoulder into his gut and pushing with all her might, forcing him to fall down the hillside. He tumbled in silence, a look of wide-eyed surprise on his face.

The raven flew upwards and landed on Sorrel's shoulder and she watched as the once powerful Lamya fell to his death as his skull cracked against rock.

She winced and breathed a sigh of relief, though her heart still thumped. She turned to smile at Cloud. "We finally found the raven," she said, feeling strangely detached. The great bird flapped its wings and took to the air. "Let's go." She tugged Cloud's jacket and together they ran after the raven.

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