《Shaking the world》Chapter 17: Monster Hunter
A hydra huh? Should be an interesting fight. Though if it only takes people of their level to defeat it, then maybe I’m overestimating it.
Walking back towards the mercenary party, Daelos thought about his upcoming fight and the situation back at Mato. Although the seed of corruption ‘freed him of his morality’ as he called it, he can’t say it completely changed him. A testament to this was the necklace around his neck. Being unable to communicate with Lyla for the past 6 months had hurt him more than he knew. He also understood that after what he’d done, it would be hard for both of them to go back to how things used to be.
This being said, he didn’t regret massacring those beast men tribes. As he saw it, in this world the strong are free to take advantage of the weak, and the weak are free to accept their lot or band together until they overtake their competitors. This never-ending cycle is what drives society in general. The strong prey on the weak, and the weak prey on those weaker than themselves.
Those beastmen he killed were weak. In order to improve himself he didn’t care what he had to do! Kill, steal, torture. All of those things were acceptable in the pursuit of greater power. Never again will he be chained! Never again will he be looked down upon! Never again will he allow those who stand above him to live in comfort.
All his hate, anger and despair spiralled into an immeasurable driving force that would allow him to reach the peak!
“Helga what were you thinking! How could you invite that monster along with us!” After waking up from her unconscious state and hearing what had happen during the time she was unconscious. The first thing Shea did was focus her anger on Helga.
“Do you think I wanted to! While you were passed out I had to face that creature head on. Do you have any idea how many times I thought he was going to kill us! If I didn’t give him a reason for keeping us all alive do you think you’d be standing here right now!”
“Calm down you two! What’s done is done. Right now we have to figure out a way to return to the capital!” Seeing Helga and Shea at each other’s throats, Cassie did her best to get them on the same page. “Shea you have to remember that what Helga did was for our survival. If it were any one of us do you think we’d have been able to bargain with him.”
Although she didn’t like the current situation, she had to admit that Cassie’s words were true. Looking at her now bandaged arm supported by a bit of wood, she recalled how devastatingly overpowered that monster was. With just his physical strength alone he was able to over power her and break her arm to the point that their healer couldn’t do anything about it.
She also had to admit that if that guy fought the hydra, it’d be a weight off their shoulders.
“Hmph fine.” Reining in her pride she reluctantly agreed with what Helga did.
“Fine what?”
“EEEPPHH” Jumping back from where she stood, she stared at the gold eyed monster who broke her arm.
“Quite jump aren’t you? For a beastman your senses are awfully dull. Not that I really care.” Looking away from the frightened beastman, Daelos stared at the party leader with a questionable look in his eyes.
“We can leave when you’re ready.”
“No time like the present. Lead the way elf.” Switching his attention towards the green haired archer, he gave her the gentlest smile he could.
Although in her eyes that smile meant something else completely.
“We didn’t get your name?” After walking through the swamp for the past couple of days Helga realised just how tense the air around their party was. Trying to lighten the mood, she tried asking Daelos about his everyday life, trying to find a weakness she could exploit.
“Daelos Barrigan” He quite enjoyed conversing with this blonde haired human. From the way the party addressed her, he found out her name was Helga and she’d been a mercenary for 7 years. Obviously he knew what she was planning when she asked about his personal life, but he just decided to play along.
“Barrigan? Are you a noble?”
“I’m a noble person in my own right.”
Noble my ass. Smiling at his answer, she let out a very girly giggle, trying to appeal to his sensitive side.
“So you’re a mage knight.”
“Well I got accepted into the academy, so I guess so.”
Hearing them speak about mage knights, Amara’s ears perked up.
Seeing the elf’s interest in the subject, Daelos chuckled and invited her over. “Elf stop eavesdropping and join in on the conversation.”
Although she was fearful of him, her interest of all things mage knight related overcame her fear. Walking to his left side she chimed in on their conversation.
Seeing that he had a beauty on both sides of his arms a sense of bliss welled up inside him. Not letting it show on his face he continued the conversation as best as he could. “So elf I’ve noticed that for the past couple of days you’ve been sneaking glances at me? Care to explain why?”
Hearing him phrase it that way, Amara couldn’t help but turn red. Shaking her head as hard as she could, she regained her wits and explained herself. “I never thought you’d be a mage knight. The way you fought the scaled wolves resembled that of a knight than someone who’s comprehended the power of laws. But after you flicked that fireball at me, and Cassie I got to wondering what level you’re at?”
“Level? There’s levels.”
“…” As if she couldn’t believe what she just heard, she stared wide eyed at him. “What year are you in?”
“I’m 6 months into my first year”
“FIRST YEAR!” Looking at him as if she were staring at a monster, Amara found herself short of breath. “Impossible! Your way too strong to be a first year!!”
Hearing the commotion in the back, the rest of the girls in front readied their weapons ready to pounce on Daelos at a moment’s notice.
Seeing them grip their weapons an audible chuckle escaped out of his mouth. Focusing his attention back on Amara he showed off his pearly whites. “It’s true. I’m a bona-fide first year.”
“How is that possible! You don’t even know about mage knight levels!”
“I’m a gifted first year.”
Regaining her calm, she looked at Daelos and recalled her whole life in the academy. A sudden gloomy expression covered her face as she went silent.
Seeing her expression, Daelos decided to change up the conversation. “what are these levels you spoke of.”
Snapping out of her depression, Amara started to energetically explain levels to him.
“You know about tiered weapons right?”
“Not really haha” Rubbing his nose a look of embarrassment could be seen on his face.
“Geez, you must have a terrible instructor.” Giggling to herself, she completely forgot about her previous fear towards him as she got absorbed into the conversation.
“Tiered weapons are weapons that are stronger than average weapons. They’re also compatible with laws making them highly valuable. Tier 1 and 2 weapons are the most common tiered weapons wielded by knights and mage knights.”
“Wait!” Before she could continue, Daelos interrupted her as he needed to clarify somethings. “Why would knights use tiered weapons if they have low comprehension?”
“Because of their immense physical strength, knights often have to replace their weapons as they get worn out quickly. Tiered weapons on the other hand last a lot longer.
“I see. Please continue.”
“As I was saying, tier 1 and 2 weapons are the most common as any blacksmith with a high affinity for fire and earth are capable of creating one. Tier 3 weapons on the other hand are even harder to come by as the material needed to make them are rarely seen anymore.”
“What about tier 4?” Remembering the story Lyla told him about the invaders. Daelos remembered her saying something about how the invader’s leader wielded a tier 4 weapon.
“No need to mention that. Tier 4 weapons are basically legends. Anyway we’re getting off topic. Being able to manifest the law is the first level for mages and mage knights. The second level is where you apply a law to an object. The third level is fusing two laws together and the forth is fusing and applying laws to a weapon.”
“How is this related to tier weapons?”
“I was just getting to that. Tier 1 weapons can’t handle being used when someone fuses two laws together. When tried, the weapon just shatters! Tier 2 weapons on the other hand can. And if your lucky to get yourself a tier 3 weapon, not only will you be able to use more than one law on it! The weapon itself will actually amplify your mastery!!”
“Oh?” Putting his hand on his necklace he thought about his training with Lyla. “Have you ever heard of mental energy?”
“Mental energy? Can’t say I have. Is it important?”
“Nah…So what level do you think I am?”
“From what I saw from your immense firepower I’d say your at least level 2, probably 3. Can you fuse laws?”
“…” Thinking about it now I’ve never actually tried. “I’ve never tried fusing them so no.”
“Oh…then you’re a level 2. Not what I expected but still pretty good.”
“…About that…” looking down at his bracers a sudden thought occurred to him. I’ve never applied anything to my bracers. Well I’ve never needed to. Using earth skin is usually enough of a defence for me…I should visit a weaponsmith.
“Don’t tell me you can’t apply a law to a weapon!” Disbelief was written all over her face.
“I’m not saying I can’t, I just haven’t tried. Anyway, that’s enough about me. Why don’t you tell me what level you’re at?”
“Ahem!” Before Amara got the chance to respond, a timely cough from Helga stopped her dead in her tracks. “We’re here.”
In front of the group sat a murky brown pond filled with all sorts of different coloured leaves floating on top of its surface. Behind the pond stood a natural formed cave.
“Is that it?” Pointing towards the cave, Daelos looked at Helga.
“Yeah. The hydra’s inside there.”
“Will you be joining me in this escapade?” Looking back at Amara he asked with a questionable face.
“We won’t!” Answering for her, Helga once again stepped in.
Slowly turning his head towards Helga, a glint of viciousness briefly flashed across his eyes. “Did I say you could speak?” Unlike his earlier carefree tone with Amara, his current tone was bone chilling. Just the way he looked at her made her feel as if there was a knife at her throat.
“You What?” Releasing a small wisp of bloodlust, Helga felt her blood turn cold.
A furious roar rang out sensing the bloodlust in the air.
A huge snake head slithered out from depths of the cave, its head just stared at the Daelos’s group with two cold eyes. Slowly more heads appeared beside it as its venomous eyes focused solely on Daelos.
“See what you made me do! Now I have to fight this thing without any preparation! God dammit!” Pushing Helga out of the way, he walked past a silent Cassie and Shea and approached the pond. “Oi you bastard! Get your ass out here right now! I no longer have time to deal with your bullshit so lets start already.” Feeling irritated after Helga had continuously interrupted his conversation, Daelos no longer felt the same motivation he did earlier.
Seeing the snake heads just stare at him and not make a move. Daelos felt that he was being looked down upon. “COME HERE!!!” Yelling at the top of his lungs, his murderous aura exploded out of him and covered the whole area.
All the creatures in the swamp turned silent as they felt their primal instincts telling them to run!
Even the hydra no longer looked at him as just a mere human. Feeling his boundless rage a small part of itself told it to run. But what kind of king would it be if it ran away from a fight. Stepping out of its cave, a gigantic 9 headed monster stood before the small human. Its dark black skin gave off a metallic vibe as its razor sharp teeth dripped with acidic venom. It stood on 4 massive dragon-like legs as its purple eyes bore into Daelos. Treating him as a threat a majestic aura exuded off its body, showcasing its natural prestige.
Wrapping the law of fire under his soles, Daelos’s body started to vibrate creating an unimaginable amount of friction. Vibrating the air around his feet, he caused the air to combust with the fire and shot off towards the hydra.
Crashing his fist into the hydra’s lower body, Daelos felt like he’d ran into a wall. The scales on the creature’s body were actively repelling him. Try as he might the beast’s scales were to thick to pierce with his vibrational claws.
Suddenly 5 heads came biting down towards him with their mouths wide open.
Jumping back, he narrowly managed to avoid getting eaten. Watching the 5 heads bite nothing but air, he stabilized his footing before he gathered a large amount of fire on his palm to form a medium sized fireball and shot it towards one of the hydra’s heads. “Explode!!”
A large explosion met the face of the hydra sending in recoiling back.
Got you now you piece of shit!
Dashing towards the slightly dazed monster, Daelos was about to deliver a heavy strike before various alarm bells went off in his head. SHIT!
Using the wind element to combust the pressure under his feet he shot into the air at an astonishing speed, dodging the incoming acid shot. Realising the he had narrowly escaped death a urge to completely crush the hydra took over his mind. Releasing an insane amount murderous intent, Daelos felt like his blood was about to burst out of his body.
Rage consumed his heart as he covered his body in flames and accelerated towards the hydra like a meteor.
Shooting out various acid shots towards the falling ball of fire, the hydra realised that its acid seemed to have no affect on him at all. What it didn’t know what that by the time the acid came near him, it’d already evaporated and had its molecules pulled apart by Daelos subconsciously!
Seeing the human get closer and closer the hydra braced for impact.
When his fist made contact with the hydra several shockwaves were sent out to the surrounding area causing strong winds to blow. In the distance the girls had to cover their eyes as the wind was blowing too hard for them to open their eyes. Never in their life had they seen such a fight reach such a drastic scale. This was especially true for Helga.
How the hell is that rated A-! That monster’s at least SS!
It was unknown whether she was talking about Daelos or the hydra. But what was for sure was that if he lived she definitely couldn’t get on his bad side.
Crumbling under the weight of the hydra the ground gave out and swallowed both the hydra and the flaming Daelos who was pushing it further underground.
Screaming out in pain, the hydra’s heads smashed against the side as it was being pushed further underground by the enraged Daelos.
At the hydra’s under belly, Daelos pounded it with everything he had with only one thought in mind DIE!
Placing his palm on the hydra’s scale he started to vibrate causing the fire around his body to go out of control. Focusing the flame on the scale he was vibrating a cracking sound was made as he finally managed to shatter one of its scales. Using the vibrational sharpening technique on his whole arm, he drove it into the hydra’s unprotected flesh and released the out of control on his palm!
The hydra thrashed around as it felt a burning pain explode throughout its entire body.
Repeating the same process, Daelos kept ripping off its scales and piercing its flesh as its shrieks slowly became music to his ears.
- In Serial209 Chapters
It Started with Slime
Before we jump in, let me say that the MC starts stupid, so the language and writing style is straightforward to reflect this. The writing improves with the MC and as the chapters progress (I hope). It is also a gradual growth story, so no zero to hero in ten seconds... with that out of the way: An alchemical experiment has gone wrong and results in a Slime Monster. It doesn't have a name at first and is something that it will need to work out! This story follows a Slime that starts as a Micro Slime with some level of consciousness, and there is more to it than meets the eye. Survival is the name of the game. To improve, it works hard to grow, evolve and become more powerful to survive its harsh new reality. There is a lot more going, and only time will tell if this Slime (all its various versions) can become strong enough to make it through the strife to the other side. It's a harsh world, after all. It Started with Slime is a story with a Monster Protagonist Evolution story. There will be no profanity and no sexual content, and there will be some violence and fighting descriptions. I am a native English speaker, and so the English here should be to a good standard. That said, even though editing, there may be some corrections and typos, so if you see some, let me know! If it bothers you a lot, I am working to make sure all chapters have no typos, but of course, some might slip through. I will endeavour to correct any picked up, though! Also, I started this a few months ago and so any feedback is always appreciated, also reviews and ratings! If you like or don't like the story, let me know in the detailed reviews! That always helps me see what is good and what needs improving. Working on releasing chapters twice a week, I will try to increase that as time goes, but at the moment, that is what I can release. Patreon has more. If the story gets more popular, then I will increase the releases. I am aiming ultimately for a chapter a day if I can get to that. Chapters are roughly 1500 words, with Interludes every five chapters being more or less than that! Enjoy! Edit: Book 1 finished on Patreon, and the format for Book 2 is slightly different with Interludes every three chapters, and the release schedule will be three chapters a week. Cover by: Faren Discord: https://discord.gg/eDuZaEAAqG This story is published and available on Royalroad, Webnovel, ScribbleHub, Wattpad, and extra chapters on Patreon!
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Life is complicated. By the year 2597 survival has taken new meaning. After a devastating war with forces barely comprehensible, humans are now extinct. A new species has emerged, blending the remnants of humanity with their alien warmongers, the Atra. Both humans and the Atra died off centuries ago, but these humatrans have inherited a gift, of sorts. Murder now grants youth. In a society teetering on the edge of oblivion, everyone now has the chance to live forever . . . if only they’re willing to kill. Young Jason Jacobi soon discovers the oldest of these and their kin can do so much more. As the centerpiece of a forgotten prophecy he finds new purpose, as he can now witness future events, read minds and only the prophet knows what else. Others soon join his quest to reveal a mystery none can know. All the while being hunted by the strongest of all ancients . . . his own father.
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