《Different World with Save and Load: A Horror Story》Chapter 14 Equipment


As I walked out of the bar I looked to both sides. I decided to go further into the city following the straight dirt road from the gate. Looking at my watch it said two o’clock. I haven’t had a chance to check if the time matches my old world but by looking at the sun it should.

I quickly walked deeper into the city. Don’t want the drunken fool realizing anything right now. I would hate to have to do all that all over again. After walking for about five minutes I turned right and right again. I ended up on a small street surrounded by houses. Looking around the area seemed quiet, people going about their daily life I suppose. The houses are made of wood, no higher then two stories. They are built in a line akin to the classical suburban structure, though the road is too small for cars. I suppose a cart of some sort would fit in, going in one direction only though.

I pick two houses and made my way towards the alley in-between. Making sure there were no nearby people I leaned on a wall.


I didn’t quite realize how on edge I was. I suppose it hasn’t really been more then three days since I died. It just feels so much longer, almost like it’s been a matter of months. I can’t really remember all the repeated times, they blur together after a while.

Well taking stock of myself it’s not so bad. I am armed, only twenty-eight usable bullets left though, I also have a knife. I can speak enough that it doesn’t pose that much of a problem, though I still need a lot of work on that. More importantly now I have some money. Speaking of money, I pull out the pouch from my front pocket.


*clink* *clink* *clink* *clink*

The coins jingle merrily as I spill them out on the ground in front of me. Looking at the shiny metal disks there are three distinct colors. Hoh, one of them is gold. This brute was pretty rich I assume. There are thirty more copper colored coins and three silver colored ones. Based on the beer costing two copper coins I think I struck it rich right now. Quickly stuffing the coins back in my pocket I bury the pouch next the base of the house. Keeping your victims wallet is usually a bad idea.

I get up and look around again. Nothing seems to be out of the ordinary, there is also no sound of anyone chasing me.


I decide to see what is at the center of this city. Based on the amount of houses I have seen so far it is quite big. I return back the main road and head in the direction opposite the gate.

Eventually I reach what I deem to be the center of the city. There it stands in all its glory. I am not sure what exactly the purpose of it is, but it looks quite important. The building style is old, like a castle, but clean, similar to the walls that surround the town. There is a tower not quite in the center of it, more to left. The size would match that of a large library if I were pressed to compare it. The big sign on top of the entrance says something, looks very important. I really need to learn to read.

Surround the important looking building is a plaza like place with it in the middle. There are many people milling around, however they keep their distance from the important building. I see signs on the tops of entrances on the outside ring of the plaza. I think the plaza stretches around the important building. The buildings are probably businesses. I guess this would be a good place for a strip mall.


People do occasionally glace at me here. I need to buy something more inconspicuous. I look around until a find a store that looks like it sells clothing. The sign on top has something that looks like a shirt so I guess it’s not a bad bet.

I open the door.

*Ding* *Ding*

A little bell announces my visit. I did guess right. There are a couple of people around looking at the clothes and a man behind a counter. I quite like the protection of my vest so I think I’ll try to find a cloak of some sort. I saw some people wearing them outside so I hope it will help me blend in.

I walk around the store until I find a rack full of capes and cloaks. Rummaging though them I find one that’s a dark green color. It is quite big and thick with a hood. After trying it on I can tell that it would cover most of my front as well if I keep my arms down. There are no armholes but I think it will do for now. I take it to the counter with the man.

“How much for this?”

I ask and tug on the cloak that I am wearing.

“That one will be two silver.”

I hand the man two silver and turn to leave.


“Oi you know you got ripped off right? You can buy the same thing down at the Sewed Buckle across plaza on the other side of the Magician Society.”

I turn around to see a woman glaring at the man behind the counter. Short red hair, leather armor, a sword at her nicely rounded hip, and a mean looking scowl.

“I just stated the price, it was his prerogative to barter you know.”

From what I understood I had to drive the price down. But honestly I just needed something to wear on top of my outfit. I have better things to do.

“Thanks for your help, but I am in a hurry so ill just take this loss.”

She looks at me quizzically. I guess I really need to work on my speech. So many things to do, so much time to spend.

“Fine, I was just trying to help. Hmph.”

She walks quickly out of the store. Well whatever. I take one last look around the store, nothing else I that need in here. I wonder if they have guns here or at least a crossbow. I know my next stop.

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