《Different World with Save and Load: A Horror Story》Chapter 7 Housekeeping


Chapter 7 Housekeeping

After spending a few days, days holy shit, figuring out how to start a fire I finally managed to strip myself of my sweaty clothing and warm myself up. They make it seem so easy. Just rub a piece of wood on another piece of wood and poof you get a fire. Maybe I’m just stupid.

When I was nice and cozy sitting next to the fire it was around noon. Of course my savepoint is after I made the fire. I don’t want to do that again. I took stock of my resources. I still had thirteen rounds in my first clip. My backup clip had fifteen rounds. I also have my hunting knife and four assault rifle magazines of thirty rounds. It really is too bad I left my rifle in the van.


I whip around to look behind me, and I see nothing. My gun is still lying on the ground and I’m in my underwear. If it is another fucking dog I will fucking…


Well, it’s my stomach. I guess ill have the wolf’s leftovers.


After my lunch I got to thinking that I still don’t know where I am. After spending a few hours walking in four general directions while using my power to reset my location I find that I still don’t know where I am. I guess this going to take a lot more work.

After two days walking in directions, which I dubbed forward, right, left, and backwards, I finally found a road while going backwards. Of course it would the last direction I tried. It was a simple dirt road affair, recently used by the looks of it.

I was beginning to fear this place is not civilized, but at least there are wheel tracks. No pavement though.


Once I found the road I used my power to get back to my little camp if you could even call it that. I cooked as much meat as I could carry. I cut some bark from the trees around me. It was surprisingly soft but didn’t fall apart. I could cut long strips of it from the trees using my knife. I wove it into a makeshift bag, this took me a bit and the sun was starting to set. I guess ill have to camp here tonight, the road is about half a day’s walk from here.

I was getting thirsty at this point. I haven’t been able to find any water in my little jaunt though the woods. I hope it rains soon, or at all. I made another bag, but this time I made it look like a bowl. I spread some of the sap on the crevices. I’m hoping to use this to catch some rain.

It was already dark. The three moons, or two moons and a thing, were already out. I was trying not to look at the eyeball, the glances I did take at it made it seem like its unfocused, not really looking at anything. Its still really creepy how it just hangs there.

I stroke the fire, preparing to get some sleep. I buried the wolf and the rest of the uncooked deer. I don’t want the blood drawing anything that’s active at night in those woods. The wind has died down a little so I think I can get some sleep, however there is an incongruity to it. My body feels sleepy, my eyelids are drooping, my head is heavy and my body is sore. However my mind, my mind is as clear as day. It feels like I can keep going forever. I think that sleeping then reloading is not a good idea since it sets my mind apart from my body too much. I’ll have to be more careful with any other side effects my power may have. I cozy up to the fire and fall asleep, the last thing I think is




I wake up to the first rays of sunlight shining off the glossy leaves. Right into my right eye, it feels like someone is trying to burn it out with a cigarette. That just reminds me of the hollowed out eyes of that damn mutt and wakes me right up. I hope I can wake up without that image In the future.

I am really thirsty now and the sky does not look like it will be giving out any handouts today. I pack up my meat and my bowl and start walking towards that road I found. I hope I can at least get somewhere with water if not civilization.

Once I reach the road I sit down and eat some of that cooked deer meat. It’s still slightly juicy so it staves off my thirst for the time being. I still have enough food for a day or two. Since there is a road there should be someone to ask for help, or rob. I take some time to contemplate and decide that this is a good place to save.

Which the system takes as its cue, this doesn’t hinder me now, but really. It’s like it’s reading my thoughts. It’s disturbing.

I decide to go to the left first. After walking until it was dusk I still saw nothing. I reloaded, ignoring the voice as usual. Then I went to the right, at dusk I still saw nothing. I decided to go further since if I reload I still only have two directions to try. Once the Eyemoon, which I dubbed that thing as, peaked over the horizon I finally saw it, a speck of grey in the sea of green and brown. In my excitement I increased my pace even though my thirst was beginning to grow. As I drew closer I could finally, faintly, slightly, make it out.

A wall.


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