《Different World with Save and Load: A Horror Story》Chapter 5 Luck


I think. I don’t feel any pain. I notice the smell of blood coming from behind me, and the soft chewing noises.

What happened?

Then I remember, I asked for time. At the time, in front of god, I thought I knew what I wanted. I wanted time. With time I could gain all that I wanted. I had the confidence, if only I had the time to do everything perfectly. I could have everything I ever wanted, and will ever want.

I guess I understand now, the new voice. It was not that fucking “error correcting” system or whatever. It was the tool I was given, the tool I asked for. That god sure loves his games.

*crunch* *slurp*

The wolf is still eating, blissfully unaware of me. Ignorance is bliss.

I do so very much hate dogs. They smell. They make noise. They bring dirt everywhere. They lick everything in sign and piss on everything. This dog also wants to eat me. This does nothing to help my distaste for those creatures.

Now think, how did I reverse time. I remember hearing the system, the second system. It said “world save complete, world load complete” or something like that.

I wonder if I did something to trigger those actions. It can’t be that simple can it?

I think,


Command accepted, saving world state…

Save complete.

Okay it did work. Lets test it. I get up quickly. The wolf’s ears perk up and he leers in my direction. Its fur is standing on its ends. It tenses its legs. I don’t want to feel that pain again, that bone aching pain.

I think,


Command accepted, loading world state…

Load complete.

I am lying on the ground again. I can still hear the wolf eating. I guess thinking the first command, even unintentionally activates the tool. Thinking the second command actives the second function of the tool. I wonder if there are more functions, but there is no time for that. I am still drenched and losing body heat in this wind. It is blowing past me towards the wolf. I guess I have another reason why I didn’t notice that fucking mutt the first time. Why it didn’t notice me first.


I slowly reach towards my gun, like I am trying to pick my own pocket. Slowly, steadily I un-strap it, take it out, and point it towards the sound of chewing, behind my head while still laying down. I unlock the safety.

I squeeze the trigger.


I keep squeezing the trigger.

*bang* *bang* *bang* *bang* *bang* …

I keep squeezing the trigger until all I hear is clicking. There is no more chewing.

I slowly get up and turn towards the place where the wolf should be. It looks like one of the bullets managed to go into its open mouth straight into the brain. It’s lying on its left side on top of the deer, leaking brain fluid from its mouth, which is mixing with its blood and the blood of its kill. It has a total of two more holes in it, aside from the one that killed it. They are not leaking as much blood as I would have though. I walk closer to the creature.

When I get closer I start to realize how huge is really it. The horse comparison still stands, but it’s a lot different when you’re right next to it and not fighting for your life. I press on the external wounds, a little blood comes out. It seems I got really lucky. The muscles are thick and firm. I think even if I unloaded my two other clips into it, it would have just shrugged it off.

I take another look around the general area. There are only trees, and I don’t see anything else of note in the distance. No mountains or rivers or any other landmarks.

*achoo* *achoo*

Goddamnit I am still cold. I really need to light a fire.

I look down at my empty gun. All those bullets, and I don’t even know if I can get more of them in this world.

Well I can control time, to a degree. Maybe if I try again…

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