《Different World with Save and Load: A Horror Story》Chapter 2 God


I woke up. When I opened my eyes I saw darkness, it was not dark but above me was only darkness, no sky, no ceiling, no stars, and no moon, just nothing. I didn’t feel any pain, and my body seemed fine from what I could feel. I sat up.

When I sat up it was like I was behind a stage, to my right there were curtains. I could see the other said across from me there were also curtains. Though it was not dark the space between the two curtains had more light coming in, I could also hear voices. I got up, careful not to make too much noise. It was a habit from childhood that has served me well in my line of work, if you could call it work. As I inched closer to the opening of the stage I could hear voices. I stop near the end of the curtains and listen…

*sob* *sob* *sob*

Cried the girl.

*pant* *pant* *pant*

Heaved the boy.

“Who are you!?!?”

Yelled the second boy.

I didn’t dare peak out around the curtain. Ignorance is bliss as they say.

“You all died.”

The tone of the speaker was calm and matter of fact. Though I think I could detect a bit annoyance in it. It was not one of the three previous voices so I assumed that it was the voice of the person who the second boy yelled at.

“ I am god, and you are dead. Nothing will change the fact that you died but you can be alive again if you three comply with what I will ask of you.”

I could hear the sharp intake of air from the kids. I myself just stifled it. I caught on to something that this “god” said, a few something in fact. I felt that my best bet right now was to stay where I was. Information is power.


“Here are the contracts, sign with your blood and you will live again. Don’t sign and well your dead, figure the rest out yourself.” I heard the swish of fabric as though the person gestured. I then heard a rumble as though a gate opened. I think I also heard the tinkle of water.

Then there was the shuffling of papers and a few gasp. I got the picture that some signing of deals took place.

“Good choice children, now I won’t make you do all this work without giving you any tools. You have one sentence to write out what you want to be able to do in your life. I won’t make you a god, but godlike powers are not out of the question.”

For the first time I hear one of the boys speak, pretty sure it was the second one. The one who yelled?

“Can it really be anything?”

The person answered.

“It can be anything, but I get to decide how the your tool works. I have to balance everything don’t I? Oh, you still have to use your blood, so careful with the run-on sentences.”

Once more I hear the shuffling of papers. Now I can smell the blood in the air, they must be using quite a bit of it. They are probably at least 20 meters from me, finally the shuffling and scribbling stops. I wonder what they used to write.

“Excellent, now we are done. Go to the left hallway, the forty-second door on the left side is the one you want. Shoo.”

I hear scampering and then opening and closing of a door, then nothing. Well not for long as the sound of the gate closing echoes out. Then it sounds like a lock clicking into place after a key is turned.



“Such a pain in the ass, I just want to play my games in peace. I hate all this extra work.”

I just heard something outrages coming from a self-proclaimed god.

I hear footsteps going to the right side of the room, then a *poof*, then something like fiddling with cushions and a *click*.

*tap* *tap* *tap*

I hear a tapping noise. It seems this person is actually playing a game of some kind. Most likely on a tablet, since I don’t hear a keyboard and you don’t usually tap on a controller. The tapping is slow and pondering, like he is making a selection or picking a new piece of equipment. I wait until there is a long pause in his selection. Even if this person is not a god I don’t want to anger it by interrupting in the middle of its pastime. Better wait until there is a loading section.

There is a pause.

There is no tapping.

I level my breathing.

I prepare myself for what’s to come as I take a step towards the light.

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