《Beneath the Fallen City》Chapter 19
Kayla woke up the next morning curled up next to Carl. Surrounded by pillows softer than anything she’d ever touched and lying next to a sexy, naked man, she was feeling pretty content. She’d been even better the night before, though, when Carl had managed to entice her away from the computer.
With a lazy smile, she stretched and climbed out of bed. She slipped into the bathroom and went through her morning routine before pulling on the clothes Seara had provided the night before. Careful not to disturb Carl, she crept out of the room. Heading down the hall toward the safe room, Kayla paused when she saw Alec and Seara sitting together talking in the living room.
Alec turned to look at her, giving her a warm smile.
“Good morning, Kayla,” Seara said cheerfully. “We were just having breakfast. Would you like to join us?”
“Sure,” she replied and sat down just as Seara placed a plate in front of her. It was some sort of scrambled egg mixture with seasoned vegetables. She took a bite, continuing to be amazed at how incredible the food tasted.
Alec smiled at her reaction. “Did you get any rest last night?”
Kayla nearly choked on her food as she remembered the surveillance system and her extracurricular activities with Carl the night before. She nodded and managed to swallow. Taking a hasty sip of water, she decided she’d have to figure out how to circumvent the cameras and do it soon. “Yeah, thanks.”
Now she just had to keep Alec out of her head. She forced herself to think about her food and only her food. Alec raised an eyebrow at her questioningly, but Kayla ignored his look. “This is great, Seara. Thanks.”
“I’m glad you like it. Everyone else is still asleep. I’m surprised you’re awake so early. You were still up when I headed to bed.”
Kayla nodded. “Yeah, I was up late working on stuff. Everyone else will probably be trickling out soon.”
Alec reached out and placed his hand over hers. “Were you able to finish the program?”
“Yes. I want one more look at it, but it’s finished. We can upload it to the system whenever you want.”
She pulled her hand away and finished eating. “Thanks again for the food. I’m going to go check on something really quick.”
Seara nodded and cleared away the plates while Kayla headed to the safe room, Alec trailing behind her. He looked around curiously. “Impressive. No one knew this existed.”
Kayla activated the terminal and sat in the chair. Alec leaned over her to get a better look at the screen.
Wow, he smells good, she thought to herself and then sighed when she realized he probably heard her.
Alec leaned close to her ear and said softly, “I was thinking the exact same thing about you.”
“Okay then.” Determined to focus on the computer, Kayla pulled up the program she had finished the night before and scrolled through it.
Alec looked at it in surprise. “You did this?”
She nodded. “Cruncher and Xantham started it, but I finished it.”
“Carl had written in your bio that you could code, but I didn’t realize you could do this sort of work.”
“He wrote about me?”
“Yes,” Alec replied. “It’s standard practice when anyone signs an OmniLab contract. He had to submit an assessment of your skills. When I realized who you were, I took a much closer look at it.”
Kayla wasn’t thrilled about the existence of a dossier floating around with her name on it. She also wondered what Carl specifically had said about her. “I want to see this bio.”
Alec chuckled. “I’ll send you a copy. He had his eye on you for a while, according to the notes. I can’t say I blame him.”
“So I’ve heard,” she replied dryly.
Alec gestured to the screen. “How does this program of yours work?”
She turned back to the computer and explained, “It’s a masking program. Once we upload it to the system, it’ll show the energy levels as remaining stable. I went ahead and added a feature so there will be slight fluctuations to make it appear more realistic. I had to go through and analyze the fluctuations over the past several weeks to get an idea about typical usage.”
Alec nodded. “That makes sense. Whenever you’re ready to upload it, we can try to remove Seara’s bracelet.”
“Fantastic,” Kayla said. “Let me go wake up Carl and Cruncher. I’m going to need them to keep an eye on the system to make sure it’s working properly.”
Alec smiled at her enthusiasm as she jumped up and ran out of the room. She darted down the hallway to her bedroom. Carl was still sleeping, but that hardly deterred her.
He grunted and opened his eyes sleepily when she climbed on top of him. “What time is it?”
“Early,” she replied and kissed him.
Carl wrapped his arms around her and pulled her to him. Hooking his leg over hers, he rolled over and pinned her down. Propping himself up, he looked down at her as she ran her fingers through his loose, dark hair. “I like it when your hair is down.”
“You do, do you?”
“Mmmhmm.” The texture was softer than it looked. The fact he rarely put it down, and she was the only one able to run her fingers through it, made it so much more intimate and special. “It’s sexy.”
He gave her a long, slow kiss, running his hand along her thigh and up under her dress, and nuzzled her neck. “You’re wearing too many clothes. You’ve been up for a while, haven’t you?”
“Not long,” she admitted, arching her neck to give him better access. The man’s lips and fingers were magical. “I came to wake you up because we’re going to try deactivating Seara’s bracelet. I need you and Cruncher to monitor the system.”
His eyes widened. “Already?”
When she nodded, he sat up and looked at her in concern. “Are you sure this is safe for you to do? I admit I don’t know much about this, but I know you have to connect with Alec. That worries me.”
Kayla ran her fingers over Carl’s bare chest. It was nice to have someone concerned about her well-being. He wasn’t trying to make demands or force her into anything, but he simply shared his reservations and trusted her to make the right decision. It made her respect him even more. “That’s why I want you there. I don’t know much about this woo-woo stuff, either, but I think I can handle it. Alec’s not a bad guy, he’s just different.”
And he gets in my head and gets me worked up. I probably shouldn’t share that though.
Carl frowned. “He wants you to stay in the towers. I suspect he’ll do almost anything to keep you here.”
Kayla shrugged. “I don’t care. I belong on the surface and down in the ruins. You know that.”
Carl considered this for a moment and nodded. “Let me get dressed, and I’ll grab Cruncher.”
“Just a second.” She pulled him back for another long, passionate kiss. “Thanks. I just needed something to hold me over until I get you alone later.”
Carl raised an eyebrow. “You sure you don’t want to wait to do this bracelet thing? I wouldn’t mind taking you back to bed.”
Kayla laughed in delight. “Go get dressed. We can pick up where we left off later. I need to do this for Seara.”
With a nod, he stood and headed for the lavatory. Kayla watched him go, admiring the yummy view. Sighing wistfully, she climbed off the bed and headed back out to the living area, where Seara and Alec were sitting.
“Carl’s awake,” she announced and swiped a muffin off the table. Even though she’d already eaten, they were calling her name. “He’s going to get Cruncher up in a minute. Can you let me know when they come out?”
Seara nodded, and Kayla headed back into the safe room. She sat in the chair and pulled up the code again, studying it line by line to make sure it would work flawlessly. Satisfied it was perfect, she turned on an adjacent terminal and connected her computer to the energy monitoring system.
Munching on her muffin, she wrote a quick script to inject the masking program into the energy monitoring system. Carl and Cruncher came into the room a short time later, followed by Seara and Alec.
“Morning, Kayla,” Cruncher greeted her. “How does it look?”
“It’s ready. It’s a freaking brilliant piece of work. You just have to execute the script when we’re ready. The bracelet will still appear to work. Only those of us in this room will know it’s no longer working.”
Seara looked apprehensive and admitted, “I’m a little nervous about this.”
“It’ll be fine, Seara,” Alec said and pulled out a chair for her. She sat and put her hands in her lap, anxiously twisting the bracelet around her wrist. Alec turned and held out his hand to Kayla. Carl’s jaw clenched as Kayla took Alec’s hand, but he didn’t say anything. Alec put his other hand on Seara’s wrist. “Whenever you’re ready, Kayla, go ahead and begin.”
Kayla nodded and sent her energy threads in Alec’s direction. She was becoming much more comfortable with this intimate connection with him. She wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.
Alec turned to Cruncher. “Activate the program now.”
Cruncher nodded, pressed a few keys, and announced, “It’s online.”
Alec gave Kayla an encouraging smile. “When you’re ready, I need you to send me a steady stream of energy. That’s all you need to do. I’ll handle everything else. I’ll let you know when to increase it.”
Kayla concentrated and did what he asked. She felt his desire to match her energy with his own, but he struggled to keep his feelings in check. His self-control was admirable. She didn’t think she would be capable of doing the same if their situations were reversed.
Alec took a deep breath and focused on the bracelet. He located the two target areas and gently probed them with Kayla’s energy. “Increase it now.”
She willed herself to tap into her energy resources. Amazed at the way the energy seemed to flow around her, she gathered it close and directed it toward Alec. It seemed as though the more she sent to him, the more loose energy drifted toward her, eager for her to scoop it up. It seemed to be attracted to her. Delighted with the playful energy seeking her out, Kayla focused on the loose strands floating around her and channeled it toward him.
Completely immersed in the game she’d made up—gathering lost energy and giving it a home—Kayla closed her eyes to get a better sense of the energy around her. Fairly humming with the power flowing through her, she stopped paying attention to Alec’s reaction to the increased energy she was feeding him. Instead, she became intrigued at the path of energy he was channeling through the bracelet.
Kayla followed its path and was surprised when she found herself in an enormous hub of energy. It pressed against her, swarming her senses and threatening to overwhelm her. She tried to pull back and was surprised when the pooled energy seemed to gather around her, not willing to let her leave.
Panic set in, and she reacted instinctively, trying to channel the entire flow of energy. It was too much. Nothing in her experience had prepared her to handle something of this magnitude. She screamed Alec’s name in her head, desperate to find their shared connection amidst the onslaught of energy threatening to drown her.
The inactivity was driving Carl crazy. His gaze kept shifting from the monitor Cruncher was watching to the three motionless individuals in front of him. He’d get a sense of something happening almost peripherally, but it wasn’t anything tangible he could describe. His fingers flexed, and he had to keep resisting the urge to tap his foot.
Seara’s sudden gasp brought him to full alertness. She stared in shock down at the bracelet and whispered, “It worked. It’s been deactivated.”
Cruncher looked up in alarm. “I think we’ve got a problem.”
Carl jerked his head up to stare at the fluctuations on the screen. They were going haywire. “What the hell is going on?”
“The energy levels are still masked for now, but there’s been a huge increase of energy in the pool. I don’t know what this means.”
Carl turned back to look at Kayla and Alec, still motionless. Seara’s hands flew to her mouth, her gaze darting back and forth between them. Carl wasn’t sure what she saw that he didn’t, but he didn’t care much for the growing sense of unease in the pit of his stomach. Something was wrong.
At Seara’s panicked expression, Carl looked back at Alec and Kayla. They were both standing still with their eyes closed. Without taking his eyes away from them, he asked Seara, “What’s going on?”
Seara shook her head, visibly shaken. “I think Kayla and Alec may have somehow tapped into the energy pool directly. I don’t know what’s happening.”
That didn’t sound good. “Kayla?”
Whether it was the sound of his voice or something else, he didn’t know, but Kayla suddenly staggered. Alec’s eyes flew open, and he caught her when she started to collapse. He lowered himself to the floor with Kayla still in his arms.
Seara stood, hovering over them, her voice filled with fear. “Alec, what’s happening?”
He ignored her, continuing to focus on Kayla. He traced his fingers over her face and closed his eyes again.
“What the hell is he doing to her?” Carl demanded, stepping forward to intervene.
Seara held up her hand to stop him. “I don’t know, but he won’t hurt her. They’re connected right now. He can feel everything she feels and vice versa. They’re sharing thoughts, emotions, everything.”
Carl reared back as though stung. “That’s what it means when they’re connected?”
Seara nodded. “It’s similar to telepathy, but it goes much deeper.”
He resisted the urge to tear Alec away from her. Until he learned more, Carl couldn’t risk putting her in more danger. “You can’t tell what’s going on?”
Seara hesitated. “Not exactly, no. Now that the bracelet is deactivated, I can try to see. I can’t connect with them, though, unless they agree to it.”
She knelt and put one hand on Kayla and the other on Alec’s arm. Closing her eyes, she remained quiet for what seemed an eternity to Carl. When her eyes flew open, she stared at Alec in horror. Shoving at him, she yelled, “Alec, stop! You can’t do this.”
Carl’s gaze darted back and forth between them. “What is he doing?”
Alec looked up, suddenly aware of his surroundings. He shook Seara away. “Seara, I have to do this. She channeled too much. She somehow followed the energy through to the pool and tried to reverse the flow. When the bracelet deactivated, she lost control of the flow. I had no idea this could happen.” He looked down at her and whispered, “I should have never let her do this.”
“Then let me do it,” Seara urged, reaching for Kayla again.
“She can’t forge another connection,” Alec argued, his voice tinged with frustration and desperation. “She knows what’s going on, but she can’t find her way out of there. If I don’t do this, what happens to her then? Are you prepared to lose your daughter again?”
Seara blanched. Alarmed at Alec’s words, Carl demanded, “What are you talking about?”
Alec ignored him, his gaze focused once more on Kayla. Seara looked up at Carl, her expression one of sympathy. “He wants to exchange energy. Her energy is chaotic, and she’s only partially channeling it. If he reaches for her with his energy, he can stabilize her. The allure of sharing energy is strong enough that she should be able to find her way back.”
Fury lit through Carl, and his insides churned like dark, angry skies ready to erupt. “Exchanging energy? As in claiming her? Isn’t that what almost happened yesterday?”
Alec gritted his teeth. “I won’t do it if I can help it. Seara, get them out of here for a few minutes.”
“Like hell,” Carl declared. “I’m not leaving, and you’re not doing this to her.”
Alec’s eyes narrowed. “You don’t have a choice. If I don’t do this, there’s a good chance she’ll remain this way.”
Seara put her hand on Carl’s arm. “I don’t like it, either, but he’s right. We shouldn’t have tried this without giving her more training. This is my fault as much as it is Alec’s.”
It wasn’t what Carl wanted to hear. He might doubt Alec’s intentions, but Seara’s sincerity was indisputable. Seara’s voice was soft as she added, “I know you care about her. This is necessary though. Do you want to wait outside?”
Carl shook his head. He might not be able to do anything to help her, but he wasn’t going to leave the woman he’d grown to care so much about in the hands of someone like Alec.
Alec looked up at him, clearly irritated with his continued presence. “Fine. Stay if you want. Maybe a first-hand view of what you’re dealing with will clear up some of your illusions.”
Carl’s jaw clenched in anger as Alec effectively dismissed him, turning his attention back to Kayla while Carl was helpless except to watch.
Kayla floundered in the darkness and gasped as the lifeline reached her. Alec’s energy poured over her, and she felt the strong pull toward him. She instinctively channeled her energy back toward him. The moment it reached him, she felt herself once more become aware of her surroundings.
She opened her eyes to see his concerned face. Feeling as though she could get lost in the blue depths of his eyes, she reached up to touch his face tenderly. His energy ran through her, and she sent her own flow of energy back to him. Alec gave her an encouraging smile as he felt her energy become less chaotic and more purposeful.
“It’s working,” Seara whispered.
Kayla leaned forward and put her arms around Alec, wanting to be closer to him. The energy flow increased, and she washed her energy over him. He pulled back slightly and withdrew some of his energy. Alarmed, she increased her energy and felt him hesitate with longing for her.
“I don’t understand. I know you want me,” she thought toward him in confusion.
“I do,” he admitted regretfully. “I want to complete the connection with you more than anything else. But not like this. As it is, I believe we’ve already formed a small permanent bond.”
She smiled at the thought. “Then we should complete it.”
He shook his head. “Kayla, you have no idea how hard this is for me. I want you, but we can’t do this under these conditions. I want you to be fully aware and willing when we finally claim one another.”
Alec took a deep breath and withdrew the last of his energy from her. She whimpered at the lapse. He pulled her onto his lap and held her tightly.
Kayla continued channeling energy over him. He struggled against the nearly irresistible desire to return her energy. He thought toward her, “Kayla, you need to pull back on your energy.”
“No,” she refused, her eyes pleading with him. “I know you want me as much as I want you. I’m aware and willing. I don’t understand why you won’t join with me.”
Kayla recognized Seara’s voice in the background but ignored it, intent on convincing Alec to join with her.
“Kayla won’t break the connection. I don’t know how much longer Alec can resist.”
Carl frowned. “Why won’t she break it?”
“It’s instinctual,” Seara explained in a hushed voice. “She hasn’t grown up learning our ways, so she hasn’t learned temperance. Alec is able to harness her energy. I suspect he’s one of the few people who can. If he weren’t as talented, she wouldn’t have any hesitation in breaking the connection. But the fact he can match her strength is appealing to her.”
“Is there anything I can do to help?”
“You could try talking to her,” Seara suggested. “I don’t know if she’ll even be aware of you, but it’s worth a try. Just don’t touch her. I’m not sure how that will affect their connection.”
Kayla was dimly aware of movement off to her side, but she wasn’t willing to look away from Alec.
“Kayla, sweetheart, you need to break the connection. You don’t want to do this.”
Carl? At the sound of his voice, Kayla turned to look at him. The concern and longing in his gaze surprised her, and she started to reach out to him. Her energy flow faltered, and she felt Alec wince from the lapse. Her eyes immediately flew back to Alec. She realized she was hurting him from the withdrawal and started to increase the energy again.
Alec shook his head. “No, Kayla, you have to stop. It’s just like before. It’ll hurt for a few minutes but it’ll be okay. I’ll still be here for you. One day, we will complete the connection, but the time isn’t now.”
He leaned toward her and pressed his lips against hers in a promise. When he pulled away, she withdrew her energy from him. She felt his agony and yearning. It hurt her almost as much as it hurt him. He held her for a long moment, simply stroking her hair. Alec’s voice was gentle when he said, “Break the connection now, Kayla.”
Kayla nodded and pulled the threads of energy away from him, gasping at the sharp stab of emptiness where she had once felt completely connected. It seemed even more painful this time than it had been the previous day.
“It’s because we have a more permanent bond now. Too much energy was exchanged. If we were fully bonded to one another, you wouldn’t feel that pain.”
She nodded and then looked over at Carl. His expression was full of agony. “I’m okay, Carl.”
Holding out his hand to her, Carl helped her up. He yanked her to him and held her tightly as though he was afraid to let her go. Kayla wrapped her arms around him, resting her head against his chest. She’d scared him. Hell, she’d scared herself. She needed to try to make sense of her chaotic emotions, but she felt too raw.
Seara looked at Alec in concern. “Are you all right, Alec? I didn’t think what you did was possible.”
He stood and looked at Kayla and Carl in each other’s arms. “I’m fine.”
Kayla turned to look at Alec, feeling torn between the two men. She couldn’t deny her feelings for both of them. They each represented something distinctly different. Carl was part of the world she had grown up knowing, whereas Alec touched her on a primal level she was strangely drawn to but didn’t understand.
Alec gave her an understanding look. His thoughts touched her mind. “I know you’re torn, Kayla. I can be as patient as you need me to be.”
Kayla swallowed and didn’t answer. She turned to Seara. “Did it work? Is the bracelet deactivated?”
“Yes,” Seara admitted and jingled the inert piece of jewelry on her wrist. “It’s an ordinary bracelet now. But you two can’t do that again. It’s far too dangerous until you’ve been trained.”
Kayla was about to object, but Alec stepped forward. “She’s right, Kayla. I don’t think either one of us can go through this again. It’ll continue to be more painful.”
Carl lifted his head, his grip tightening on Kayla’s waist possessively. “Painful? It looked as though you were enjoying it well enough a few minutes ago when you were kissing her.”
Alec regarded Carl with a look that would have sent most people running in fear. “You know absolutely nothing about us. Your ignorance is the only thing that makes your presence remotely tolerable.”
Carl met Alec’s look with one of his own. “And since you stepped in Kayla’s life, you’ve done nothing but try to use her for your own means.”
Alec’s eyes narrowed, and he said in a dangerous voice, “You’ve crossed the line, Trader.”
Carl released Kayla and took a step toward Alec. “So have you.”
“Stop! Both of you,” Kayla said in frustration. “Carl, Alec didn’t do anything wrong.” At Alec’s smug expression, she added, “And Alec, stop baiting him.” She looked back and forth between them. “We have enough to worry about without having to worry about your egos. If you two are determined to have this out and kick each other’s asses, fine. But leave me out of it. I don’t feel like dealing with this crap.”
She gave them both an irritated look and stormed out of the room.
Seara smiled in amusement at the surprised looks on Carl and Alec’s faces. “Excuse me. I’m going to join my daughter.”
Carl and Alec turned to glare at each other once again. Cruncher cleared his throat. “Well, that was exciting. If I wasn’t awake before, I am now. Anyone want some breakfast?”
Carl ignored him, focusing on Alec. “I don’t know what sort of mind games you’re playing with Kayla, but this needs to end. She doesn’t belong to you. If you hope to change that by creating some sort of mental connection with her, you’re wrong. It won’t happen.”
Alec looked at Carl with contempt. “You are an outsider and oblivious to our ways. Let me be clear so you don’t misunderstand. Kayla has always belonged to me and she always will. She may believe she cares for you, and on some level that might even be true, but don’t delude yourself into thinking you’ll ever be more than a distraction to her.”
Carl’s fists itched to wipe the smug expression off Alec’s face. The only thing that stayed his hand was his knowledge Alec didn’t truly understand Kayla. Trying to possess someone like her was like trapping sunlight in a jar. “Have you tried telling Kayla she belongs to you? I guarantee she’ll set the record straight.”
Alec looked amused. “I don’t need to tell her. On some level, she already knows. The only reason we’re not fully bonded at this moment is because I refused. One day soon she’ll come to me again and ask me to claim her. I won’t refuse again.”
Reason left him. Carl leaped forward toward Alec. He’d kill him if he touched Kayla again. Cruncher grabbed him, holding him back while Carl struggled against his grip.
“Boss, he’s an Omni. Come on, man. Don’t do this.”
“At least your crew has some sense,” Alec said coolly and walked out of the room.
Carl jerked away from Cruncher and punched the wall in frustration. He paced back and forth, furious for losing control and letting Alec get the upper hand. Cruncher rubbed his chin. “Look, the guy’s an ass, but I’m not sure this is the best way to handle it.”
“I’ll tell you how I’d like to handle it,” Carl fumed.
“I bet.” Cruncher clapped his hand on Carl’s shoulder. “A day or two more and we’ll be out of here. I have a hunch Kayla’s going to be coming with us regardless of what happens here. You have to keep it together until then.”
Carl ran his hands over his face. He just hoped she was still willing to leave after everything that happened with Alec a few minutes ago. He couldn’t get that damn kiss out of his head. “Yeah, that’s what she said this morning.”
“There you go then. He’s not worth it, man. Taking him on will only end badly for us.”
“Shit, Cruncher, what the hell is wrong with me?”
Cruncher chuckled. “My guess? You’ve got it bad for our little dark-haired firebrand.”
Carl rested his hands on the table and sighed. When it came to Kayla, he seemed to lose all sense of reason, and logic flew out the window. “Yeah, I do. I don’t know what the hell I’m doing anymore.”
“My advice is to ignore him. Kayla’s going to do what she’s going to do. But she had a point. This guy is trying to bait you. Don’t let him get to you.”
Carl frowned. “You’re right. Dammit, you’re right.”
“So how about that breakfast?” Cruncher grinned and lifted a brow.
“Yeah, sure. Why the hell not?” He didn’t need to leave Alec alone with Kayla any longer than necessary.
Kayla felt Alec approach behind her, but she didn’t turn. Wrapping her arms over her chest, she tried to rub away the chill. She should be glad about what they’d accomplished with Seara’s bracelet, but she couldn’t help but wonder at the cost. She’d spent so much of her life simply trying to survive; she’d never had to think about the consequences before.
Alec took her elbow and turned her toward him. She looked away, unwilling to meet his eyes.
“There’s nothing to be ashamed of,” he said in a low voice.
She didn’t reply, pressing a finger to her lips, thinking about the kiss they shared. Was it shame? Maybe in part. After all, she’d practically thrown herself at Alec—again. It wasn’t fair to either Alec or Carl. But she was more confused than anything else. It seemed the more confused she became, the more she wanted to retreat. Running off and forming her own camp was still looking like an attractive alternative.
Carl and Cruncher emerged from the safe room, the door sliding shut behind them. She didn’t want to deal with another altercation. Looking up, her eyes locked with Carl’s. He hesitated for a moment, and Kayla thought he’d come over to her as Alec had. Instead, he turned to the table and had a seat with the rest of the crew. Her mouth curved in a small smile. They may not share a connection, but he always seemed to know what she needed, and she loved him for it.
Love? She paused, testing the word out in her head and it felt… right. She didn’t need an energy bond with him to know how she felt about him. She loved him.
Before Kayla could assess her feelings further, the door chimed, silencing all conversations in the room. Seara looked at Alec in alarm.
He shook his head. “I don’t know, Seara. My guess is my father.”
Alec reached out to Kayla with his thoughts. “I’ll protect you as best I can.”
Kayla nodded at him. Seara went to the door, nervously twisting the bracelet around her wrist. She reappeared a moment later with Edwin, Director Borshin, and Cessel.
Edwin looked around at Carl’s crew with disapproval. “Seara, your choice of company is proving rather questionable.”
Seara lifted her chin and gestured to the crew with a regal sweep of her hand. “These are my daughter’s friends, Edwin. They are welcome here as long as they’d like. That is, unless the High Council plans on interfering in more of my personal matters.”
Edwin’s mouth twitched slightly. “I understand your daughter has agreed to cooperate with us. I’ve brought Cessel to administer a blood test to determine if she’s stable enough to have the bracelet equipped.”
Cessel stepped forward, his movements stiff and wary. “My apologies, Mistress Rath’Varein. This will only take a moment.”
“Go ahead,” Alec instructed her. “Whatever happens, follow my lead. If we’re lucky, your system won’t be stable enough for the bracelet yet. Otherwise, I’ll need you to play along with me.”
Kayla stepped forward, masking her apprehension, and pressed her thumb against the testing device. A moment later, the monitor beeped. Cessel looked down at the display. “She’s stable. We can fit her for the bracelet now.”
“Excellent,” Edwin declared, rubbing his hands together. “Kayla, go with Cessel and Director Borshin. It shouldn’t take more than an hour.”
Kayla’s gaze darted to Alec, seeking guidance. He didn’t look at her, his focus on his father. “I demand my right to appeal this decision before the High Council.”
Edwin looked mildly surprised at his son’s objection. “On what grounds?”
“It’s my intent to claim this woman,” he declared in a formal voice. “I have been given an exemption from wearing the bracelet due to the nature of my talents. Any claim on her could be compromised if she wears the device.”
Seara muffled a gasp at the announcement.
Edwin’s eyes narrowed, and he demanded, “Just what sort of game are you playing, Alec?”
Alec regarded his father and moved to stand beside Kayla. He linked his arm with hers, a show of solidarity. “There is no game. She has asked me to claim her twice now. The claim has not yet been completed, but it is my intention to do so.”
Edwin perused Kayla slowly as though assessing the validity of Alec’s words. She leaned closer to Alec, hoping he knew what he was doing. “Very well. The High Council is meeting in an hour to discuss the final trader bid this evening. You may present your argument then.”
Kayla felt Alec tense beside her, and he shook his head. “That is insufficient. I require additional time to properly prepare for an appeal.”
Edwin regarded his son in annoyance, his patience clearly at an end. “Your request is denied. You have one hour. If the High Council does not grant your appeal, I will see her outfitted with the bracelet by the end of the day.”
Edwin motioned for Director Borshin and Cessel to follow him and headed for the door. When they had left, Kayla turned back to Alec. “What’s this about an appeal?”
Alec sighed and took Kayla’s hand. He led her back to the safe room so he could explain without worrying about their conversation being monitored. Seara, Carl, and Veridian followed them.
When the safe room door closed and security had been enabled, he said, “I was trying to buy us some time. We aren’t in a position where we can directly challenge the High Council. There’s no way we can safely deactivate the rest of the bracelets.”
“Okay, so I just go in there, tell them I want you to claim me, and they drop this crazy bracelet nonsense? That sounds easy enough.”
“I’m afraid not. They’ll ask several questions, and you won’t be able to lie to them. They have security features set up in the room that can detect if you’re lying. The safest approach is to give them as little information as possible while remaining honest.”
Seara looked at Kayla and added, “That’s not all. By doing this, you’re formally announcing your intention to allow Alec to claim you. It’s essentially like an engagement, only more intricate.”
The testosterone level in the room shot up. The look in Carl’s eyes was murderous. “Engaged? Why not help us get her out of the towers?”
“I know my father. He’ll throw every last resource into hunting her down. He got a taste of what Kayla is capable of doing, and he wants it for himself. I’ll do whatever is necessary to keep Kayla from wearing the bracelet.”
Seara frowned. “As much as I hate to admit it, Alec is right. Edwin’s fixated on Kayla. He’s not going to let up. As it is, there’s a good chance he’ll push for this appeal to be denied.”
“Well, shit,” Kayla muttered. This whole situation kept getting better and better.
Alec turned to look at her and said quietly, “Kayla, I’m not trying to force you into anything. If there were another option, I would do it, but we’re running out of time.”
Kayla nodded, her gaze falling on Carl. The hurt and frustration in his eyes wounded her, but she didn’t see any alternatives. Even if she ran, the backlash could affect Carl and everyone in his camp. She couldn’t let that happen. They’d put everything on the line for her, risking themselves and their livelihood, to rescue her from the towers. At least if she did this, she could protect them from that.
“Do you mind if I have a minute alone with Carl?”
Alec inclined his head. “Very well. I’ll be in the living area. We’ll need to leave soon if we’re going to do this though.”
When they were gone, Kayla turned to face Carl. He put his arms around her and drew her close, pressing his forehead against hers. She clung to him, relishing in the security his arms offered. “This doesn’t change the way I feel about you, Carl. I’m just doing this to save my ass.”
“I know.” His voice was hoarse as though the words pained him.
“I told you before that I never told Pretz I loved him,” she admitted, touching Carl’s face with her fingertips. She wished she could stay in his arms forever. “I don’t want to make the same mistake again.”
“What are you saying?”
Her eyes softened as she looked up at him. It was time to let go of the past and consciously reach toward a future. No matter what happened, she wanted that future to be with Carl. He’d been her anchor, grounding her when she needed a reality check, protecting her when her impulsiveness got her into trouble, and forcing her to consider possibilities she’d tried to ignore.
He wasn’t perfect. Far from it. He was cocky, arrogant, and probably one of the most devious people she’d ever met. But he’d also touched her in a way she never thought possible. She might go through with this plan of Alec’s, but she wouldn’t do it without telling Carl how much he meant to her. Gathering her courage, Kayla poured everything she felt into three little words.
“I love you.”
Carl froze, and then his arms tightened around her. “I love you too, Kayla.”
Her heart fluttered, and he lowered his head, capturing her lips with his. She felt herself get lost in his kiss and the tenderness of his touch. On some level, she recognized she wouldn’t be able to share the same sort of connection with him that she did with Alec, but she didn’t care. Right now, this is what she wanted, and the energy stuff could go to hell.
He ended the kiss with a look of regret. “You should probably go. You need to arrive with Alec. I’ll bring Veridian, Xantham, and Cruncher with me to the meeting. We can talk more when we get back.”
Kayla ran her fingers lightly across his chest. “I’ll hold you to that.”
He let her go, and they went back into the living area. Alec looked up when they entered. “You’re ready?”
When Kayla nodded, Seara stood up. “I’m going with you too. As your mother, it’s my right to be present during the appeal.”
“All right,” Kayla agreed.
She gave Carl one last look before Alec led her to the door. Once they were outside, Alec took her hand in his while Seara followed behind them. She could sense Alec’s irritation and realized he knew what had happened in the safe room. He was trying to dampen his emotions so she wouldn’t pick up on them. She bit her lip, wishing there was a way to ease his hurt.
Alec squeezed her hand and thought toward her, “It’s all right, Kayla. I understand.”
He led her toward the priority elevator and they stepped inside. Alec keyed in the code to give them access to the top of the towers and explained, “The High Council meeting hall is on one of the top levels. It’s above where we had dinner when you first arrived.”
Kayla took a deep breath when the elevator door slid open. Several people stood in the hall watching their approach with interest. Alec ignored them and led her to the double doors of the meeting hall.
It was a large room with a broad, semicircle-shaped table serving as the main focal point at the head of the room. Numerous rows of seating were set up facing the table. Several seats were already occupied.
Alec walked down the aisle with Kayla on his arm and turned down the row closest to the front of the room. This area was roped off, and he pressed his thumb against a small panel. The rope retracted, and the three of them stepped through and took their seats.
“The hall is open to the public and broadcast to everyone during trader bids. The High Council will listen to the trader bids first, and then we’ll be called up to appeal. Be honest, say as little as possible, and we’ll get through this. I won’t leave your side.”
Kayla nodded, resisting the urge to squirm in her seat. A chime sounded, and people began filing inside the room. She glanced around, realizing she was sitting in some sort of priority area. The general population and many other Inner Circle members sat behind her. Her back straightened, and she shifted a bit closer to Alec, feeling the weight of several curious stares on her.
After several minutes, the High Council entered the room and took their seats at the table in the front. A handful of the chairs remained empty, and she silently asked Alec about it.
“The High Council hasn’t been full in years. Only certain lineages are permitted a place in the High Council. They accept one person from each family and it’s usually a lifetime commitment.”
Kayla studied the members of the Council. Each one carried himself with an air of authority, but most were much older than Alec and closer to Edwin’s age. It was difficult to imagine him sitting up there. “Carl said you’re next in line for the High Council. How is that possible if your father is already on the Council?”
“My mother was the last of her family’s line. She was killed in the ruins with your father. With the shortage of High Council members, they’re planning on appointing me to the Council as a representative of her family’s line within a few weeks.”
Kayla was distracted when Edwin stood to address the room. He welcomed everyone, introduced each of the High Council members, and explained the final trader bidding process. The two traders would receive fifteen minutes to state their case and qualifications before engaging in a brief question-and-answer session. Based on their responses, the High Council would make a determination and announce their final decision that evening.
“This is just a formality,” Alec explained. “They’ve already made their decisions.”
Milo stepped up to the podium first. Kayla resisted rolling her eyes as he detailed his qualifications and expertise. There was no question about his intelligence, she just doubted he possessed the skills to handle living on the surface.
When the question-and-answer session began, Kayla sighed when he stumbled awkwardly through the questions. Based on the reactions of the other council members, Kayla figured it was pretty safe to guess Rand had this nailed.
After Milo stepped off the platform, Rand took his place. Kayla leaned forward intently, curious to hear what he had to say. He rattled off his qualifications and experience, and then the High Council began interviewing him.
Kayla recognized Keith from dinner the night before as one of the High Council members conducting the questions. “There’s been a question recently introduced about whether formal training in our pre-war history is relevant to the trader position. What are your thoughts on this matter?”
Rand paused for a moment before answering. “It is, but only to a degree. Studying history gives us a strong foundation regarding our past, but more importantly, it gives us a better understanding of human nature. I recently had the honor of meeting someone who used to live in one of the surface camps. She shared some of her experiences with me. It quickly became apparent that some skill in social engineering, diplomacy as well as formal training in core subjects, is necessary to succeed in this appointment. Only with these skills will we be able to bridge the rift between the traders and the surface camps so everyone benefits.”
“And do you believe you have these skills?”
Rand smiled and winked at Kayla in the audience. “I do. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be standing here before you at this moment.”
Kayla bit back a smile. One of the other council members asked a general question, and Rand neatly responded. He handled himself better than she’d expected, replying confidently to each of the remaining questions before finally stepping off the platform.
Edwin announced, “Thank you for your responses. We’ll confer with one another, and the official announcement of the trader appointment will be made this evening.”
He paused, his eyes resting on Alec and Kayla as he said in a loud voice, “The next order of business involves an appeal of the issuance of a security bracelet to an Inner Circle member. Will the appellants please step forward?”
Kayla’s heart pounded. Alec held out his arm for her, and they walked to the front of the room. She noticed the whispers and shocked looks when the audience recognized them. They stepped up on the podium, and Kayla felt a trickle of energy around them. She realized this was what Alec meant by not being able to lie—they had somehow erected some sort of truth barrier.
Edwin leaned forward. “Please go ahead with your argument when you’re ready.”
Alec’s gaze swept the room before formally addressing the High Council. “My name is Master Alec Tal’Vayr, member of the Inner Circle and applicant to the High Council. The woman beside me is Mistress Kayla Rath’Varein, member of the Inner Circle and daughter of Andrei Rath’Varein, former leader of the High Council.”
He paused for a moment, and Kayla was acutely aware he commanded the attention of everyone in the room. “In support of our endeavors to acquire additional resources, many Inner Circle members are wearing bracelets to pool their combined energy. Due to the nature of my talents, it was previously determined by the High Council that I should be exempt from participation in this energy pool.”
Many members of the High Council nodded in agreement. Alec continued, “I formally declare it is my intention to claim Mistress Kayla Rath’Varein as my wife and partner. As such, I ask that she also be exempt from this request.”
Many people in the audience gasped at this news. Kayla could see the shocked expressions of many of the High Council members. Wife? Oh, shit. Seara wasn’t kidding.
The reality of the words made her want to bolt. As though sensing her panic, Alec gave her hand a reassuring squeeze.
Keith rapped the desk to bring everyone’s attention back to him. “She didn’t grow up learning our ways. Does she even understand what this means?”
“She does,” Alec replied confidently. “I have explained it to her. Her mother, Mistress Seara Rath’Varein, has also explained it to her.”
“You haven’t known her more than a few days,” someone else argued. Kayla recognized him as Marcus, one of the dinner companions from the previous night. “ How can you be sure you’re compatible?”
Alec smiled at the question. “When Kayla was born, it was our parents’ intention we eventually marry and the Rath’Varein and Tal’Vayr families merge together. As far as compatibility is concerned, we have already determined our energy levels are highly compatible. A bond has already been formed, it just has not yet been completed.”
Several of the council members looked shocked by this news, and Edwin leaned forward and demanded, “Calson, verify this so-called bond.”
Kayla could sense Alec’s annoyance when a middle-aged man with dark hair stood. He left the council table and walked toward Kayla and Alec, holding out his hands to each of them.
Kayla looked at Alec questioningly, and he nodded. They each placed one of their hands in Calson’s, and the man closed his eyes for a moment. Kayla felt his energy float around her and Alec. She didn’t like it but resisted the urge to pull her hand away.
After a few moments, he opened his eyes and turned to Edwin. “There is definitely a bond. As Alec indicated, the bond is not complete, but it is there. Even now, there’s an energy connection established between them.”
Edwin frowned at the news and studied the two of them. “Kayla, you’ve been silent during this appeal. I can’t help but wonder if this is an elaborate ruse to get out of your duty as an Inner Circle member?”
Kayla hesitated, cognizant of the lie detector field pulsing around them. She may not be able to lie, but misdirection was part of the life of a ruin rat. She lifted her chin to meet Edwin’s gaze, refusing to let him intimidate her. The man was nothing but a bully and had been using his position to take advantage of innocent people just like Ramiro. “Elaborate ruse? I’ve been in these towers for less than two days. During that time, I’ve been attacked, imprisoned, and hunted down.”
Alec shot her a warning look, but she ignored him, focusing solely on Edwin. “Alec, with the exception of my mother, is the only member of the Inner Circle who’s tried to do what’s in my best interest. If you’re asking if this is a ruse, I’ll tell you this much: I don’t want that damn bracelet on me. You use those things to imprison the Inner Circle and force them to your will without regard for anyone else.”
Several members of the High Council looked nervously at Edwin. His eyes narrowed, and he warned, “Those are dangerous accusations to be making.”
He was probably right, but after everything she’d been through over the last few days, Kayla wasn’t going to stand by and let some big shot Omni dictate to her. Someone needed to stand up to him. If this meeting was being broadcast throughout the towers, all the better. “Don’t piss me off, Edwin. I’m running out of places to put the bodies.”
“So this entire charade has been nothing more than an elaborate attempt to avoid doing your duty for the people of these towers? You don’t intend to allow Alec to claim you?”
Kayla glared at him. As far as she was concerned, it wasn’t any of his or the Council’s business who she slept with. Unfortunately, telling them that wouldn’t help get her out of the current situation.
“I’ve asked Alec to claim me twice, and he’s refused twice because he wants to make sure I fully understand what I’m asking.” There. That was honest and yet, in true ruin rat fashion, she’d dodged the question. Kayla tossed her hair back, not finished making her point.
“As far as the people in these towers are concerned, and for all the people who live outside of these towers, I’ve always been willing to help.” On her terms, but he didn’t need to know that. “I’ll do whatever is necessary to protect these people. But your methods suck ass, and forcing people to wear those stupid bracelets so you can get your little power trip is out of line.”
“Enough,” Edwin hissed, and the vein in his temple throbbed. “This is a public forum. Your accusations have no basis in fact.”
Seara stood, holding up her wrist to display the bracelet to the entire forum. She moved toward the front of the room and announced, “My name is Mistress Seara Rath’Varein, and my daughter is correct. For the past nine months, the Inner Circle has been imprisoned. What started as an attempt to locate resources for the people of this tower has turned into a power play by some of the members of the High Council, namely Edwin Tal’Vayr.”
The audience gasped in shock. Edwin reached into his pocket, fumbling for something. His head jerked when Seara didn’t react. “What’s wrong, Edwin? Your leash isn’t working?”
She turned back to the audience, gesturing to Kayla. “My daughter has discovered a way to remove these bracelets. Earlier today, my bracelet was deactivated. To my fellow Inner Circle members, if you stand with us now, your bracelets can also be removed. It’s time we returned to our old ways and use our skills collaboratively to locate new resources.”
Several members of the Inner Circle stood. A man called out, “Is it true, Seara? She can remove them?”
Seara nodded. “Yes, Fredo. Edwin Tal’Vayr no longer has the power to control me.”
As the din of voices in the audience grew louder and more agitated, Alec’s shoulders tensed, and he shot Kayla a worried look. “Connect with me now. This may get ugly.”
Kayla did as he asked and connected all of her threads of energy to Alec. He asked her to send a large stream of energy to him. She watched in amazement as he forged a powerful shield around them.
Edwin looked at Kayla in shock. “You deactivated the bracelet?”
“Yes, and I intend to deactivate all of the bracelets. No one should have that sort of power over another person. If the Inner Circle wants to use their talents to help the towers, they should be given the option. You have no right to make the decision for them.”
“I have every right as the leader of the High Council,” Edwin sneered. “And as for you, your appeal is denied. Take her into custody and have her equipped with a bracelet.”
Some of the other council members looked alarmed, shifting in their seats uncomfortably. Keith pushed up from his seat and held up his hand to stop the security officers from approaching. “Edwin, our laws clearly state we have to vote on whether or not the appeal is denied.”
“Forget it,” Edwin declared, banging his fist on the table. He turned to the rest of the Council members, some nodding at Keith’s objections while a few others seemed to support Edwin’s ruling. The remaining few looked apprehensive about the entire discussion but not willing to take a side yet. “This woman is a nuisance and threatens the towers. The bracelets were implemented to discover untapped resources. She’s threatening our existence with her claims and causing dissention amongst our people.”
Kayla blinked. She’d been blamed for a lot in her life, but this was a little much. Before she could formulate a reply, Seara spoke up on her behalf. “You’re wrong, Edwin. Your intentions may have been honorable in the beginning, but you’ve taken away our people’s free will. We should be given a choice about how our abilities are used. Kayla can help us correct the mistake.”
Edwin glanced at Kayla, and she felt a suffocating pulse of energy press against the wall of the shield. Her eyes widened. She’d known he might try something, but she never dreamed he’d attack her in front of the entire room.
Alec squeezed her hand, reminding her she wasn’t alone. “Keep the flow constant, if you can. We’ll need to maintain the shields. If he takes you out of the equation, he can bring the room back under his control.”
When the shield didn’t crumble, Edwin’s focus turned to Alec. Kayla had a sinking feeling in her stomach. Awareness and betrayal flickered in his eyes as his nostrils flared. He’d realized Alec was shielding her, and it only seemed to ignite his fury. Kayla flinched as another attack pulsed against the shield, stronger than the last. She gripped Alec’s hand tighter, increasing the energy flow she was sending him to reinforce the weaker areas of the shield.
Some of the other council members stood in concern, realizing what was transpiring. Keith turned to the Council leader. “Edwin, what are you doing? This isn’t how we handle things.”
Enraged, Edwin ignored him and reached into his pocket. Kayla looked at Alec, and he warned her, “He’s tapping into the pooled energy now.”
Kayla closed her eyes, gathering up the loose energy around her. She channeled it toward Alec and reached for more. Loose energy floated throughout the room. Kayla grabbed at it and pushed it toward Alec.
Someone cried out in the audience, but Kayla couldn’t stop to look behind her to see what was happening. Two of the Council members—a sharp-eyed, middle-aged woman and a younger man with a sculpted face—moved to stand next to Edwin and linked arms. The woman’s face was blank and emotionless as she whispered something and then placed her hand on Edwin’s shoulder.
The push on the shield became even more powerful, and Kayla felt Alec falter trying to maintain the defense even with the additional energy she supplied. Someone moved next to her, and she heard Seara’s soft voice telling her to take what she needed. A warm hand slipped into hers as a rush of cool energy passed through her.
Understanding what she offered, Kayla reached out and threaded Seara’s energy through to Alec. He wove it into the shield, struggling to keep it up against Edwin’s continued assault. It still wasn’t enough. Thinking quickly, Kayla moved her hand to Seara’s bracelet. Even though it was deactivated, it could still act as a link to the energy pool. If Edwin was going to use it against them, she might as well try to even the playing field.
Alec realized what she was doing. “Kayla, don’t. It’s too dangerous.”
“I can do this,” she replied, trying to project a confidence she didn’t quite feel. Edwin was too strong, and Alec couldn’t keep up his shield forever. She had to do something.
She followed the energy patterns back through the bracelet until she reached the energy pool. Energy swirled around her, and she felt the link to dozens of people who wore the bracelets. Edwin was burning through their energy at an alarming rate, and she had to act quickly.
Kayla followed the energy channels and found Edwin’s source. She gathered all the loose energy within the pool and directed it to the source. A brilliant white light flashed in her mind, and there was a deafening cracking noise.
Kayla staggered as Edwin’s source burst apart. Loose energy floated around her chaotically as her world turned dark.
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On a harsh rainy day, a high school student without any particular special skills, Usato Ken got dragged into another world summoning with two others; a good-looking guy and a beautiful girl, both of whom he strangely started getting along with just today. As an especially talentless individual that doesn’t stand out he internally thought that he would be treated as useless. However, the others were unexpectedly kind. —- “Maybe just like this it will go well?” Usato who found hope in another world thought that, but the reality was different. He had a certain magical talent hidden in him and he was forced to fall into hell in the name of “training”. ※This story is an another world comedy.
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Brujas de la Noche
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