《Supreme Skeleton》The Cezar Kingdom(8)


"Anne, the distinguished queen of Cezar Kingdom, has actually come to my residence to kill me? She doesn't even have any Qi and yet she dared to do such a thing?" Cale wondered, looking below.

A beautiful woman, plenty deserved to be called queen, was lying on the ground, with dark clothes spread around her body. Her dark hair landed neatly on the wooden floor, leaving a faint scent of perfume.

'How interesting. Now my whole plan will have to be rigorously changed,' Cale thought. He took Anne in his hands and laid her on the mattress. Promptly, his hands fluttered over Anne's attire in search of anything abnormal.

Cale found at least ten different blades and daggers hidden under her clothing. However, what caught his attention the most was the tube of green liquid he got in her pocket.

'This writing style...'

At first glance, Cale understood the initial source of this tube. "P.K" written on the corner further confirmed his speculations. It was the poison specially created by the infamous Professor Kelton.

"Who would have thought I would see something like this here..." Cale smiled inwardly as his gaze fell on the prone Anne's body, "My prey came here by itself ... I don't even have to enter the competition anymore. Is this what they call a miracle?"

After checking her pulse once more and confirming that she had passed out, Cale withdrew his gaze from her body while chuckling mischievously. This time his attention turned to Leo, whose face was getting licked by the worried wolf.

"Don't worry, Fenrir. Everything's going to be fine. On other hand, everything is getting better and better" Cale calmly stated as he laid Leo next to the princess and wrapped him in white sheets.

"And now for the most interesting part"


With a bemused inner grin, Cale pulled some robes out from under the bed. Intense Qi spread due to the rising emotions within Cale as he threw all the ropes towards the princess.

It was time...To finally take another step towards his grand goal.


An acrid smell flooded Anne's nostrils, forcing her from unconsciousness. Her eyelids moved slowly as she regained her vision. Cale stood directly in front of her, holding an open tube in one of his hands.


Startled, Anne wanted to scream out loud, but no sound came out of her mouth. A thick layer of clothing covered her face that she, unfortunately, couldn't push away.

"I didn't expect to meet the famous princess under such circumstances, but as they say... life is unpredictable," Cale said while the fear in Anne's eyes only intensified.

"Unfortunately, I don't have enough time for a proper greeting, so we'll skip all the formalities," Cale muttered as his voice turned serious, "I'm sure you already know the rules, right? I ask a question, you answer."

"Hmm," Anne nodded with clear difficulty. Though she was incredibly frightened at the moment, there was nothing she could do other than listen to this warrior's every demand. In this room, she was no longer a princess with powerful status.

"I will remove the clothing from your face. I don't want to hear any screams unless you want to feel the poison flowing through your throat. Is that clear?" Cale stated coldly as Anne nodded silently, still trembling.

"You came here intending to kill me... I can't fathom the reason for such an action, you're so weak and don't even cultivate, yet you dare to attack someone like me?" Clear asked as he removed the clothes from Anne's face, letting her take a deep breath. Honestly, she wanted to scream out, but the approaching tube in Cale's hand forced her to close her mouth.


"I... had to kill you... No... I have to kill you," Anne replied in a low voice, her eyes gleaming with killing intent, "I don't want to marry anyone, and this whole competition was just forced by my father."

'What a shallow woman. She acted on impulse and stormed into a warrior's room with a dagger and some poison...how naïve,' Cale thought before saying:

"Since you came here alone, I assume you don't have any troops that would solely belong to you. Moreover, judging by the fact that you're still alive, I presume you haven't visited the other warrior yet, am I right?"

Anne nodded in response, trying to suppress the trembling in her hands. Even though she knew that she would surely get out of here in the end, since she was the only way for this person to gain prestige and join the royal family, this situation still worried her.

"Well, you don't have to worry about killing me anymore since I'm not interested in you at all," Cale calmly explained.

"Huh?" Anne's eyes widened in disbelief as she replied in a flash, "What do you mean? Then why did you have to enter the tournament?"

"I'm the one asking questions here," Cale reminded as Anne closed her mouth. Again, visible fear surfaced on her face. The situation had suddenly shifted severely by a single Cale's sentence.

"Where did you get this poison?" Cale spread his hand wider to let Anne get a better look at the pipe. The moment she heard his words, however, her eyebrows drew together.

"I bought it..."

"Ah... You don't seem to understand the situation clearly. Let me rephrase the question. What exactly happened five years ago?"

This time, Anne completely freaked out. Her pupils dilated as her hand formed into a fist. Forgetting all edicts, Anne asked coldly, "Who are you?"

"Wrong again," Cale sighed as he moved the tube in his hand forth, rotating it 90 degrees above Anne's legs.

"Wait, I'm going to answer you! Just stop!" Anne shouted, yet her voice rang out low. Seeing Cale's hand stop moving as he stared at her from above, Anne said reluctantly, "I'll tell everything... just don't hurt me..."

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