《Speedster in A New World》Prologue


My Name is Jake and today I died in my sleep, I was having the best sleep of my life, can you imagine I was in class getting seduced by my sexy Spanish teacher.

It's sad to be honest the dream was cut short by my death. Anyways I know you're wondering why I’m not sad at my death like, I was only the tender age of 17.I had my whole life ahead of me just about to finish high school in my senior year... sniff. Sniff... I know sad, right?

Well, actually I'm pretty excited. No more studying, no more school, no worrying about my future and I get a sweet deal from God I getting to go to the new world called Solaria. He even said I can take a power of my choosing to this new world. I know you're jealous huh?

We'll I’d be surprised if you weren't, I’m about to live out everyone's dream and have an adventure with the superpower of my choice. It all started like this,

After an exhausting day of school and doing Our Main character Jake went straight to his room and collapses into sleep.

A few minutes later you can hear Jake mumbling in his sleep “No…Mrs. Alessandra ... We can’t do this, I’m a Minor and you’re married. It’s so wrong, Yet so right”

Right before Jake mounts his teacher all of sudden he wakes up as if a ghost passed over him “Mrs. Alessandra get ready to get…. Wait…huh…what happened, did I wake up? Man, and I Just got to the good point too, Why’s it so dark?”

Suddenly, Jake hears “It’s dark because you’re dead Jake” “huh... who said that,” questions Jake in confusion. After Jake says that a blinding light shines, and Jake can see a shadowy figure that spoke saying “I’m God.”


“God?” asks Jake again. “Yes” responds God. “We’ll how did I die God and am I going to Heaven or Hell?” Jake questions as he starts to realize the gravity of his situation. God seeing Jake tensing up says “Calm down you don’t have to worry about that and as for how you died It was simple you died in your sleep.” That explains why the dream ended so early Jake thinks in his head.

God laughs and goes “Yup, that’s why your dream ended early you little pervert. Now on to more important matters.” “Important Matters?” responds Jake then God begins to take a serious tone as he tells Jake I have 2 options for you Reincarnate with no memories or get transferred to another world called Solaria with a power of your choosing.”

Without hesitation Jake Yells “I WANT SPEEDFORCE!” God laughs and tells Jake “You sure about that? You may not enjoy this new world” “Yeah Man I’m sure, I’ve been dreaming about having the speed force my whole there’s a reason I dress up as the Flash every Halloween.” Jake Says in an excited Mood.

“Well Then, I can give you the speed force, but you’ll have to start off weak or it would throw off Solaria’s Power and the Universe if you can have the powers of a God so easily” Responded God.

The Last words Jake heard before he blacked out was “Have Fun.”

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