《Solitary Sovereign》27. Defensive battle


This time, it was Yun Fei who maintained silence. He quietly sized up the person in front of him as he finally had a chance to catch his breath.

In front of him stood a man who was around 175cm in height and of thin stature. He had a pony tail and was wearing black training clothes.

The man had a thoughtful expression on his face as he also sized Yun Fei up without saying another word.

The shadow misdirection technique that he had used right now was a very useful technique during Qi condensation. It was impossible for people with equal or lower cultivation to see through the shadow, even people with higher cultivation would take a certain amount of time.

Although this technique was very useful in a fight, it wasn't considered too exceptional since it only worked in Qi condensation.

Since the Foundation Establishment cultivators all had divine sense, it was impossible to fool them through this rudimentary technique.

Even the people at a lower stage of foundation establishment could see the flaws in the shadow as brightly as a firefly in complete darkness.

Although he wanted to know how a kid at 3rd stage of Qi Condensation had managed to do it, he wasn't really too keen on messing with the larger scheme for these small gains.

After all, he wouldn't be able to use this technique when he reached Foundation Establishment, this technique didn't matter too much to him. Since he had decided to attack alone, he wanted to finish this swiftly.

Just as the assailant had his thoughts, Yun Fei was also currently analysing the situation he had found himself in.

'Who is this guy? He doesn't even have a token on him or I would've noticed him before he came into the range of my senses.'

Although Yun Fei didn't have any idea about this person's identity, he knew that he was dangerous.

'He definitely has a cultivation of 5th or 6th level of Qi Condensation.'

This would be the first time that Yun Fei faced someone with such a cultivation level. This lead him to be more conscious as he thought,

'His intentions are clear, it's completely obvious that he's after my life. It's not conductive of me to get injured here without obtaining any kind of benefits. It would be better to look for an opportunity and quickly escape.'

All debts would be calculated and exacted later when he had a chance.

The quiet atmosphere with the setting sun as the backdrop was broken by the sound of the man's quick steps as he dashed towards Yun Fei.

This speed was the greatest the assailant had shown and Yun Fei could do nothing but get hit by a flurry of blows, only being able to sneak in one hit after getting pummelled by tens of the opponents.

Barely managing to separate from the assailant Yun Fei breathed hard.

Given no reprieve he could only circulate his Qi to its limits and continue his struggle.


Yun Fei was now completely sure that his opponent was of the 6th level of Qi Condensation. The clash had made it clear for him.

'The strength and endurance of the 6th level of Qi condensation isn't something I can compete with; a battle of attrition only works against me. I have think of something quickly or I'll be exhausted and then finished.'

Yun Fei was put in a tough spot; how could one defeat someone stronger, faster and more experienced than themselves?

Physical capabilities are naturally a decisive factor in any clash but to the enlightened mind, the body is an open book.

A tool, to optimize and consequently utilize in order to accomplish a task. Without a steady resolve and a crystal like clarity, any tool, no matter how convenient or crucial, can only fall to ruin.

Thankfully Yun Fei was just such a personality. Faced with imminent defeat, he calmed down and found the only rational path that existed; shock and awe.

'My only chance is to injure him with a single overwhelming attack. With surprise on my side I should be able to connect at least once.

I must lull him into a false sense of security, striking right as he is sure of his victory. His guard will the lowest when he tries to finish the fight.'

Yun Fei's face stretched with a wry smile as he thought further,

'I shouldn't trust that move so much but it's not as if I have a better option. If it doesn't work, I can just flee using the teleportation talisman.'

The fight continued, like two beasts they danced, violently.

The gaunt man did not use any weapons and only utilised palm and some fist techniques that Yun Fei hadn't ever seen before.

Devanshu had told him that the association provided techniques and cultivation methods to the cultivators. This was his first time encountering these means head on, in action.

Even Yun Fei acknowledged the usefulness of the shadow technique, he knew that he wouldn't have been able to tell it apart if he didn't have Sun Ming's Eye technique.

The fist techniques and palm techniques also seemed very useful to him. The force penetrated through the blocks that he put up.

Yun Fei continued to take a lot of blows and could only block some of them. Rest of the moves hit his bare body and the reverberations from the blows penetrated deep into his flesh.

While he took a lot of blows he was also able to return some. However, he wasn't able to get good feedback from his connected punches.

He could always feel his blows being cushioned by a defence of some kind formed by the Qi, which manifested in the form of a pale green glow.

His opponent was someone above his cultivation level and naturally had a higher recovery speed as well as the maximum Qi.

As the slug fest between Yun Fei and his assailant continued. They constantly separated and grew closer. During this time, Yun Fei learnt better ways of utilising Qi.


He had never had any proper instruction and had only been doing what he felt was correct, but after he felt his opponent’s technique and his various ways of utilising Qi into the attacks, Yun Fei was also able to improve his own methods. His 50th move was 10 times more effective than his first.

As the fight continued, Yun Fei decided to take a bold step. He expulsed all the Qi from his meridians and moved it into the chaotic flow that always permeated throughout his body.

His moves now were bare of Qi and had the same efficacy as they had in the start.

Yun Fei took this drastic step because he knew that to complete his plan and escape, he needed certain reserves of Qi and if it went on as it was, he wouldn't even have enough Qi to execute the final blow that he had planned, much less escape.

To accomplish this, he just decided to store all the little Qi he had left into his body and then concentrate on recovery of the Qi through his meridians.

This move by Yun Fei caused a faint sneer to emerge on the face of his opponent.

Pain had become a reality to Yun Fei, he liked to think that he gave as good as he got but he was only using his body to bear these hard hits.

His clothes were torn in multiple places and he had bruises all over his upper body. At this point, his movements and attacks stopped getting support from Qi.

It was obvious what his opponent would think.

'He's just in the 3rd layer Qi Condensation in the end.

Humph, trying to match my blows, he was bound to be exhausted sooner or later. Looks like it's the time to finish this fight.'

The blows of the thin man grew fiercer and struck Yun Fei harder and harder. It was clear that with this fierce offensive, he planned to finish the fight.

Although this flurry of moves led to Yun Fei looking more tattered, the attacker felt that something wasn't right.

Even though he increased the power of his blows and even the quantity of his moves, the damage he dealt to Yun Fei was lesser than what he did earlier.

After some more time, the attacker pulled back from the melee and said.

"I didn't think you would be proficient in a defensive technique. However, don't think that with your cultivation level you have any hope of escaping from me. I didn't plan to use this on you but I don't want to waste any more time."

Yun Fei just listened to the person speak without saying anything. Even he himself was a little surprised by the defense of his body after the flesh was filled with Qi.

He had an inkling that it would provide better protection but he didn't think it would be this good. This further boosted his confidence as he fully concentrated on recovering as much Qi as possible while the man in front of him gave him time.

In fact, Yun Fei wanted to engage into an in length discussion about his attackers well being, family life, work problems or anything that might lead to delay in the fight but as soon as he wanted to say something to waste the time, the attacker made his move.

Air swirled faintly around the man's right fist as he moved closer and closer to Yun Fei and punched his mid section.

Yun Fei tried to block the blow but he couldn't match the superior speed, he could only tighten his abs and bear through the blow.

A muffled sound of crushing and tearing entered both of their ears as Yun Fei was thrown back. Using the force of the initial contact with the punch he had thrown himself back, away from the fist.

The Rending Fist, an exceptionally difficult manoeuvre. It involved a strange twisting movement of Qi that was so forceful that even a mere graze would cause severe lacerations.

The corkscrew movement drilled into its target with astonishing penetrating power. Failure in executing it also carried dangers for untrained and untempered flesh.

Just one look at Yun Fei's condition would tell anyone that the situation wasn't ideal. Even with the momentary contact, the place where the punch hit was lacerated in an uneven pattern and blood trickled from the wound.

The condition of the assailant was also not good. This wasn't a move that he had mastered yet and he couldn't even show its complete form. This led to the cost of using it being excessively high.

However, it was effective. Once, when he had used Rending Fist on a 4th layer practitioner and his fist had completely pierced through his body.

The effectiveness of this move was also the reason why the assailant was currently very irritated. He had used such a huge amount of Qi and even though he had not done his best, it was still very powerful.

What he saw in return of this was Yun Fei only having a flesh wound and still standing. This irritated and irked him no end. He now only wished to tear him apart as soon as possible.

Their fight continued as the assailant grew more and more unrestrained and only focused on offence, completely giving up any defensive measures that he had utilised earlier.

Although the man was cautious, his avarice only increased as the flow turned slowly in his favour. He held nothing back and used his all to crush Yun Fei as soon as possible.

It was a relief to Yun Fei that the man couldn't use Rending Fist in succession or he would have to use the talisman.

Even though the man couldn't use it in succession, Yun Fei still got hit with one more in his right thigh which further increased the gap in their movement speed.

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