《Cultivation Mart》Opening Shop 2


In the usually quiet inner part of the Millennium Forest Sect there was a strangely heavy atmosphere. It seemed like the air had stopped moving , stagnating in place, but the numerous, more than 30 m tall violet-striped bamboo's that had been in this place for hundreds of years were brimming with vitality.

This was no natural occurrence though, but only a side effect of so many powerful Cultivators that practiced the wood element being near, and right now, in this forest, eleven men and women that were the pillars of the Millennium Forest Sect were having a meeting.

They all wore exquisite long green robes that reached the ground, but the one that stood out was the one in the head of the table they all were sitting. He was the patriarch of the Millennium Forest Sect, Yu Weimin and he didn't seem pleased at all. The Sect Leader was a tall and a not so muscular man that looked to be in his early forties. He had black eyes, long green hair, a slim face, and a somewhat angled nose that make him look calm, but sharp. He looked like a stern, but very knowledgeable teacher that was fair, but strick. That was the first impression you would get from him.


He slowly brushed his greying beard as he slightly furrowed his brow's and hummed softly. It seems like he was thinking about something , and none of the elders dared to speak. After a long time Yu Weimin gave his beard one last comb before he spoke "So, without waiting any further we shall being this meeting.

The main topic is the injury of two of our Sect's disciples , one of them during a duel that was agreed by both sides and the other oner....let's say that it shouldn't have happened. In both cases the injuries were severe and require extensive use of Healing Art's or a month of recovery. This of course is just what appears on the surface, but I did some digging of my own I seem to understand the situation better." said Yu Weimin as he gazed across the table and towards a gorgeous woman.


She was the embodiment of a natural beauty with her small face, silky black hair tied in a bun and rosy lips, but she was sweating bullets at the moment. It felt like she was being gazed at by a poisonous snake that she couldn't see ,so her reaction was normal.

"Sect Leader...." she tried to say something , but as she looked at Yu Weimin's eyes she quickly lowered her head.

"Hmmm.... did you want to say something Elder Shao? Could you repeat it again?"

These words made the woman afraid as she almost begun to shake from the pressure put on her. The other elders didn't do anything as they saw this, but only internally shook their heads or hoped that they weren't next. No one really had any sympathy for her , such was the way of Immortality after all.

"Hmmm....it seems that Elder Shao had forgotten what she was about to say so we shall move on.

As I was previously saying, two of our outer disciples were injured and one of them unjustly. This clearly goes against the rules of the sect and should be heavily punished , but it doesn't end there. Because of what has happened to him, disciple Zhong Jinhai has expressed the desire to leave the sect permanently."

Silence ensued as the Leader finished his words and they waited for his next.

"Of course this would be usually declined as once you join a Sect you can't willfully leave it, but taking into account the situation, and seeing he has only been taught the common ' Green Vein ' cultivation manual, a common cultivation manual, he can certainly leave the Sect if he so wishes." said calmly the sect leader before moving his attention to someone else "Elder Xin, seeing that he was someone you personally brought into the Sect, I suppose you are the best person for this task."

"Of course, Sect Leader!" immediately answered a clean shaven old man with long white hair who was amongst the other elders. " I shall imediately do as you instruct and initiate the rite of passage for the disciple."


"Mmmm.... you do that. Also, here, take this." said the Sect Leader as a small white pouch inscribed with numerous runes flew from his hip and landed in front of elder Xi." Inside this storage bag you shall find the needed compensation and a little extra for the inconvenience. I expected this to be over tonight."

Elder Xi gave one last look at the store bag which was clearly superior to his own, before taking it gracefully into his hands and bowing to the Sect Leader.

"Yes, Sect Leader. I shall do as you instruct."

"Hmmm..... with this I guess that the meeting is over. You're permitted to leave whenever." said the Sect Leader with a wave of his hand, but no one even blinked. Even though the permission to leave was given none of the elders wanted to be the first, so no one moved from their seat.


Half an hour later, inside the Millennium Forest Sect's infirmary where the wounded Rex was, a figured suddenly dropped from the sky like a green shooting star, and landed calmly on its yard. The shooting star was none other than Elder Xi who the Sect Leader had entrusted a very important task.

"Elder Xi....

"Greetings Elder Xi....


The outer disciples that recognized him all bowed their head in respect, but he didn't acknowledge them at all. He just walked forth as the wooden doors of the infirmary opened by themselves and then closed back once again. After Elder Xi entered inside he didn't spend anytime to look around , but immediately went to a room on the second floor, Rex's room and entered inside.

" Zhong Jinhai....." spoke Elder Xi with a somewhat lamenting tone as he saw Rex laying on the bed, but Rex didn't notice it at all. He just knew that the one who had brought him to the sect had finally paid him a visit since the first time he met him.

"Elder Xi....I....didn't expect your arrival. Please forgive my inability to serve you something." said Rex wincing in pain as he felt his chest ache. He had taken a big risk with his stunt and had several of his ribs broken, but he was happy with the result. In his vision there were several lines of golden text that didn't seem to move and only he could notice.

' Hehehehe.....


As he unconsciously tried to smile he agitated his wound and he couldn't help but have a fit of coughing. This of course was seen by Elder Xi who just shook his head.

"Zhong Jinhai, when I first found your on the street I was sure it was destiny who brought you to me, and that you would accomplish great things...but it seems I was wrong. It seems that your path is not the one of cultivation, but the one of mortals."

"Elder Xi....

"Say no more....it was my mistake!

Zhong Jinhai, from today onward you're no more a disciple of Millennium Forest Sect . You shall leave the sect and never return.

Furthermore, as a compensation for your injuries you shall recive these items: 2 Marrow Cleansing pills, 2 Verdant Green pills, and 1000 gold bars. This concludes the compensation."


Rex was left in awe at the announcement and he could only slowly nod his head. Elder Xi once again shook his head as he saw the defeated look on Rex's face and silently left the room, but not before leaving a wooden box by his bedside.

' Zhong Jinhai, I hope you live a fulfilling life.'

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