《Maybe it would have been a good idea not to wish for a harem? Completed》Chapter 15: The Shit Hits the Fan
Janet: MC for a very robust discussion On that Friday evening, at the dining room table after their meal, were the four teenagers, plus the three mothers. Jiro was out, with the other two fathers, at the bowling range. "My dear, I need to take a break from all of this. So can you and the other mothers keep track of whatever they think of doing next?" was what he had said to Janet, before leaving. "You did well, Turquoise, in getting Hyacinth to tell us all the details. But, I'm afraid; I can't tell you anything more at the moment. So perhaps we can have another topic of conversation?" said Janet. The teenagers were feeling various degrees of agitation and dismay over the latest revelations, but they had to admit that they had no power in getting Janet to say anything. "That attacker must be a real -” here Carmen added certain swear words which she didn't normally used. "Please, Carmen." said Catalina. Without much energy, since she fully agreed. Jenny had her arms wrapped around Mackay. "Err, your grip is getting a bit tight." he said. "Well, Mackay, how are your two friends going?" said Mary, in an attempt to move the conversation along. "Oh, well, actually, Handel has, amazing enough, become friends with another girl from our class. Although, being Handel, it's definitely platonic only." "I'm sure their parents must find it ever so much easier to deal with." said Mary. "What, are we difficult to deal with... oh, never mind." said Mackay. After a while, Mary remembered that Mackay had another friend. "And what about Seff?" "Ah. Well now." said Mackay. He didn't notice the abrupt change in mood of the three girls. The mothers did, however, and wondered why. "The thing is, well, I'm really a bit, err, a bit uneasy about it all. But, apparently, he has acquired another girlfriend and they have, err, you know, slept together... Already." Three simultaneous voices. Turquoise: "Oh, so you know about Hyacinth and..." Carmen: "Yeah, Rose told me..." Jenny: "Daisy told me they had got back..." They all came to a halt, then restarted. Turquoise: "What do you mean..." Carmen: "No, it's Rose I tell you..." Jenny: "What the..." Another traffic jam. They tried again, their voices rising in volume. Turquoise: "It's Hyacinth who has Seff as her boyfriend!" Carmen: "No! He's Rose's boyfriend!" Jenny: "What do you mean? Daisy went back to him!" The mothers were looking startled, but weren't reacting yet. Mackay finally got a word in. "Someone must be mistaken!" This set off the girls yet again. Turquoise: "Hyacinth definitely told me it was Seff, and I'm sure she wouldn't lie!" Carmen: "Mackay, what the fuck is going on! Rose is with Seff, so what gives?" Jenny: "Daisy was telling me all about her plans for her future life with him, so what does Hyacinth and Rose got to do with it?" By now they were going back to the conventional conversation practice of taking turns. Although they were cutting off each other's statements, and tending to shout. "Mackay, are you meaning to tell us that your slimy friend is two timing, no three timing, Rose? What sort of friends do you have?" said Carmen. "What sort of friends..." started Mackay. "But Hyacinth was so happy to have a secure committed relationship!" said Turquoise. Cutting in on Mackay, much to the surprise of everyone. "And what about Daisy? Mackay! What is your friend doing?" said Jenny, now cutting in on Turquoise, and also shaking Mackay as she shouted. "Kids!" said Janet, shouting herself. "Shut up!" Sudden silence. "Sorry, but you were getting out of hand. Now, you must admit, surely, that none of you have an argument with Mackay, right?" "Yeah", "Yes", "I suppose so" said three girls. "So, let's start from, say, Turquoise, and tell us what you know." said Janet. Half an hour later. Mackay put his arms on the table, and plonked his head down. "Oh shit. What do we do about this?" "So, you had no idea about what was going on?" said Mary. "Not a clue. And it's freaking me out. I keep thinking, what if I did that to Jenny? It would ruin everything. It would be so horrible." The girls looked at Mackay. Finally Carmen patted him on his back. "Well, Mackay, in actual fact you haven't done anything like that. So, I suppose, well, it's not your responsibility that Seff is..." Catalina gave Carmen a sharp glance. Carmen reconsidered what she was going to say. "Is, is, acting really badly. But, surely you must have had some idea of his personality?" "No, really, I didn't. I thought he was just like me and Handel. Well, maybe not exactly like Handel..." "So, what are you lot going to do?" asked Mary. Later that evening, Jiro came home. The house was silent, everyone had gone to bed. He did the same, waking Janet up in the process. "Hi Jiro. Guess what the kids are up to now." "Oh, don't tell me, more excitement?" "You bet there is." The next day those kids made calls to their friends and arranged meetings. Jenny: Jenny's meeting with Daisy was the first, on Saturday morning, at a park bench outside the local shopping centre. "Daisy, I know you have gone through a lot of suffering. I really know that. And I admire how you managed to cope. And I know how you regard your relationship with Seff to be a wonderful gift from God, to help you overcome the terror and to provide a bright future for you..." Jenny had spent a painful couple of hours composing this message. She fervently hoped it didn't sound overdone or contrived. "But, well, you see, I, Carmen and Turquoise have compared notes, and it appears that." "That, ah, that Seff is - sleeping - with - two other girls also." "Huh?" Jenny stayed with Daisy for a couple of hours, and then she walked with her back to Daisy's home. "Are you going to be all right, now?" said Jenny. "Yes, I'll manage." Jenny made her way home. It's amazing how much control over herself Daisy has. By the time we got to her house, no one would have known that her emotions were in complete turmoil. Daisy: That night, Daisy sat in her room, with the door closed, staring at the screen of her laptop. She had just spent two hours of really really intense web browsing. Because there was an extra little fact she hadn't mentioned to anyone yet. Yesterday she had to finally accept the fact that her period was waaaaay overdue. Oh my God. I feel like I've been shouted at for the last two hours. She had been browsing the subject 'Unwanted pregnancy'. She slammed the lid of her laptop down. "Shit them! I'm going to choose my own course of action!" Fortunately she spoke low enough, so her mother couldn't hear this uncharacteristic swearing. Now, let's see. If I had gotten pregnant as a result of being - raped - last year, then, then I would have definitely gotten an abortion. Bringing up a child in that sort of circumstances... She shuddered. But this, this was by an act of love. Except that, it wasn't, was it. No, it was, at least on my part. But, but, Seff, but, was he just playing around? Does he actually love me? But, if he did, then why would he go after not one but two other girls? Oh shit... I'm going to have to discuss all of this with him. But not tonight. Tomorrow. Meanwhile, meanwhile, what am I going to do? Half an hour later she had made up her mind. Damn it. I'm going to have this baby! I thought he or she was conceived in an act of love, so that's good enough! I will go through with it! Elated at her decision, she went to bed. Five minutes later, she was hugging her knees and crying. I have to tell my parents, I'm going to be missing school next year, what about all my other friends, how am I going to I cope with bringing up a baby, oh hell. Carmen: Carmen met with Rose at lunch time on that day, at a local park. The other three had impressed upon Carmen the need to be as polite and gentle as possible in breaking the news, so Carmen was doing her best. "Rose, I value our friendship, but nevertheless I must tell you something, even if it ruins it. Ah, please don't think I'm being mean or nasty or anything, but, you see, I was talking things over with Turquoise and Jenny last night, and going by what they were saying, Seff is definitely, ah, in a physical relationship with two other girls." "Huh?" said Rose. "No, you must be mistaken; Seff is not that sort of person. Or, I suppose, those other two girls must be the ones mistaken. Seff and I have a close and committed bond. We have looked after children together. He really is committed to me. But don't worry, I will accept that you have made an honest mistake, and I won't hold our friendship to ransom over this." Carmen felt her heart was sinking down in her body. Or was it her stomach that was sinking? Turning to lead and dragging her down. Rose is so nice. She is so sure of herself, so committed to her image of a wonderful Seff. And I have to smash that feeling, destroy her wellbeing. This is all too much, even for me... Nevertheless, she kept trying. Using as reasonable as possible voice, without too many sarcastic edges to her tone, she laid out the evidence. And held Rose's hands as she reduced her to tears. "Sorry. Sorry, I hate to do this. But, there is no way I could let you go on without challenging Seff's lies." said Carmen. Since it was Saturday, Rose was scheduled to visit her father for tea that night. So Carmen accompanied Rose to her father's flat, and then after saying goodbye went back to her home. Seff is a shit. A real shit. God, boys are horrible - wait, Mackay is actually nice, isn't he? And, I suppose my dad is, err, a grown up boy. And he's nice. And the other two dads. But still, Seff is - Carmen added a few swear words. In fact, just like Turquoise's dad. They are both unspeakable. Plus that rapist! So, some men are horrible. Some men deserve to be ... As Carmen made her way home, she entertained herself answering the question about what these men deserved. She got quite inventive, too. Rose: Rose had a long heart to heart talk with her dad. He hugged her and stroked her hair. "Forget about what the relatives will say, you're staying here in the spare bedroom from now on." Turquoise: A little after lunchtime on that day, Turquoise met with Hyacinth. Hyacinth's mother was out, so Turquoise had gone to her house. "Well, you know, I have, err, some news that I must tell you..." said Turquoise. She then ran out of resolve and stopped. "Ah, yes? What do you have to say?" said Hyacinth, tilting her head to one side and looking puzzled. "Well, in fact, I have the news from the other two girls, that, that, Seff is - also sleeping with two other girls." "Huh?" Hyacinth took a breather, and then got angry. "You make a big production of coming here, only to tell me some garbage like that? What's gotten into you?" Hyacinth stood up, put her hands on the table, and leant over Turquoise. Her eyes, while not quite glowing red, were getting close. "Why are you rubbishing my relationship? Are you trying to turn yourself into a bully?" "No, no, I'm not trying anything. Oh, I hate this..." said Turquoise, as she pushed herself back in her chair, trying to get out of Hyacinth's menacing shadow. "But, but, please could you listen? And, and, not threaten me?" Turquoise could feel the sweat dripping down her body and soaking her shirt as she struggled to speak her mind. Eventually Hyacinth had to accept the unpleasant truth. "Damn it! Damn it! I finally got my dream, a true friend in a relationship, and now it's all taken away from me! Damn him! Damn him!" She beat her hands on the desk, then collapsed onto the floor and started to cry. Turquoise, not knowing what else to do, sat beside her and gently patted her back. Mackay: Finally, in the afternoon, Mackay, Handel and Seff had a meeting. At Seff's house, since his father was out, once again. Mackay had already filled in Handel about the situation. "So, Seff, Jenny and the other two girls have told us all that you are, err, sleeping with all three of the flower girls..." "What! They told you that? How did they know? I thought we were all keeping our relationships secret. At least don't let the girls know that." Mackay and Handel exchanged glances. He wasn't denying it in the slightest, was he? "It's too late for that, Jenny and co have already met up with their friends and told them all about it." Seff was shocked. "Why did you go and do that? You've spoilt everything now." At this point Handel found he had to say something; otherwise his safety pressure valve would have blown. "Seff! Is that all you can say! You're betraying three girls simultaneously! What the hell were you thinking?" "Ah, but, err, if they didn't find out about it then there wouldn't have been any problem, would there?" "No problem? No problem? Of course there is a problem! Irrespective of whether or not they find out. You're still betraying them!" Handle was getting a bit over wrought here. "Whoa, calm down Handel. There's no need to upset our friendship over such a thing, is there?" said Seff. Handel shut up. He was beginning to feel that he wasn't getting anywhere. So Mackay had a try. "Seff, surely you must admit that each of those girls thought that you were in a committed relationship with them. And you must have known that they would get very hurt if they found out that they weren't. Am I correct?" "Yes - I suppose so." "Well, then, why did you do all of this?" "But, if they didn't find out, then there wouldn't be any problem. And, really, it's so fantastic, sleeping with them. I mean, I'm sure you will agree when you get to that point with your girlfriend." "But, but, but... Since they have now found out, they are all going to now be suffering." "Well, I suppose that is bad. I mean, I don't wish for them to suffer. But, I don't know, I'm sure they will get over it. And why shouldn't they continue with me, also?" Mackay felt like he was walking around and around in circles in a thick fog. He wasn't getting anywhere and he couldn't make Seff see anything. "Ah, hmm, I think that maybe we have said all that we need to. I guess. Wouldn't you say so, Handel?" "Y-yeah, I guess so..." said Handel. "But you don't need to go so soon, we can have a chat you know. Mackay can fill me us on how far he have gotten with his girlfriend, perhaps." said Seff. Mackay and Handel exchanged another glance. Seff was missing the whole point of this meeting, wasn't he? "No, I think I need to go home now." said Mackay. They said their goodbyes, and left. Mackay and Handel were silent for the first ten minutes as they walked away. Then: "It's like there is a gaping hole in his self awareness, isn't there. All he can see is the fun of having sex with three girls. The fact that they might be in pain because of his betrayals just doesn't register." said Handel. "Yeah. It's getting me depressed." said Mackay. The evening meal at Janet's was a downbeat affair. "So," said Janet, "The girls are going to be contacting Seff either tonight or tomorrow to confirm things, I take it?" "Yeah" said Mackay. Silence. "School is going to be interesting this week." said Carmen. School was interesting. The interpersonal relationship dynamics were complicated. Seff's three girls were avoiding him, and each other. Seff tried to get eye contact with them, but failed miserably. Mackay's three girls did their best to be there for their friends, but they were too hurt to be interested. Mackay and Handel and Harmony sat and watched and didn't feel too good about it all. Seff: Monday night Seff sent emails to the girls. He got no replies. He tried phoning them. His calls were blocked. Why must they be so upset? Jeez this isn't fun at all. He had to go back to doing it all by himself. He kept sending emails. Daisy: Friday night. Daisy was getting to be in a very bad state. On the outside, she still managed to act normal. But inside? She was a mess. I'm pregnant, but I haven't told anyone yet. My boy friend has been hopping from bed to bed and betraying us all. My parents are going to freak out when they learn about all of this. Jenny is the only confidant I have, but even she doesn't know the full story. Just then, another of Seff's emails popped into her inbox. Seff. Seff. After all, he is the father of the baby, isn't he? So he deserves to be told. So, perhaps, he will be willing to commit himself to me, after all. I mean, won't he want to have a part in his child's future? Surely those other two girls were just, err, just, ah, just what? She gave in and emailed him back. "Can I meet you soon?" He was happy to meet her at his place, since his dad was out tonight, but would be back over the weekend. "Well, Seff, the fact is, I want to get straight to the point here, and, and... I'm pregnant." "Oh, are you sure?" "Yes, my period is way overdue." "Well, that's inconvenient, why not get an abortion?" "Because I don't want to! I've made up my own mind that I'm having this baby." "How on earth are you going to cope with a baby? You're still at high school. You're still living at your parents." "How am I going to cope? It's your baby too, you know." "But, err; I'm not sure I want to..." "But! But! But! You're just as responsible for this as I am! And then you go running after all of those other girls! Why wouldn't you want to stay with me? It would be a mighty struggle, but we can bring up the baby, and so eventually get our education as well. We could be together! As a couple!" "But bringing up a baby sounds like a lot of hard work... Err, wait, we would be together?" "Of a course we would be together! If you decided to commit to me to bring up our child, then we would be a couple, stupid!" "Together. We would be together. Actually I like the sound of that. Err; do you think it could happen?" "I can happen, Seff. We can be together and bring up our child. But you have to commit yourself for good to me! Make a vow to forsake all others and all of that! In other words, you have to stop being such a jerk that you jump into bed with any girl that smiles in your general direction!" Seff staggered as he took that blow. But he knew that she had a definite right to that opinion. She had a definite right to say that. So he had to make amends if he wanted to get what he wanted. "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm, I was, it was very bad of me to see those other girls..." "It sure was bad! Why the hell did you do that when you had me?" "Well, I suppose I was a bit weak. And maybe they were a bit too pushy, err, this is the first time I've been in a relationship, you know, and, well, I really didn't know how to manage myself, ..." They spent another half an hour thrashing out this issue. Eventually they came to a state where Daisy was reasonably satisfied. "Ok, Ok, I accept your apology. God, it's been a horrible week, I was thinking I would end up bringing up a child all by myself. I'm so glad I have your company for the journey." "There now, I know I have caused you pain, but it won't happen again." He held her and kissed her tenderly. One thing led to another, and they ended up making love in his bed. Later: "Goodbye my love. Dad's home during the weekend, but what about Monday night?" said Seff. "Yes dear," sniff, sniff, "I'm sorry I said those things about you..." She went for her hanky. "It's all right. Now. It's all right." They left the house and Seff walked Daisy home. In her room that night, her thoughts went something like this: I'm glad we sorted that out. Wait, we forgot to actually make any arrangements for the future... Well, next time I'm sure we'll get to it. Hyacinth: Saturday night, Hyacinth felt she was going to go insane with the stress. And then she got another email from Seff. "Damn that miserable boy." Or words to that effect. I can't hide in my room forever. Maybe I'll meet him and give him a piece of the mind. At least I can let off some steam. So she emailed back, asking for a meeting. He was happy to meet her at his place, since his dad was out tonight, but would be back on Sunday. "Seff, I think you are an absolute shit!" "Hyacinth, please..." "A shit! You committed yourself to me. You said so! And then you play around with two other girls!" "Oh, sorry, I mean, I know, I'm weak, it just got out of hand. Please, could we restart our relationship? After all, we know we go together really well, and I really truly value your friendship." "You value my friendship? We get along well? Don't you mean you value my body? Don't you mean you just enjoy the sex? As far as I'm concerned, it doesn't mean anything unless it is in a committed exclusive relationship!" "Well, I'm sorry. But, but, this has made me realise what I truly want. I now realise just how much I appreciate your friendship, and how much I hope it can be continued into the future. I mean, I'm sure you also value our friendship, our relationship. Don't you want to continue it as far as possible?" "Ah, well, of course, I, err..." "Those girls don't mean anything to me. With what I now know, they will never be able to influence me again. I hope I can look forward to a future with you, wouldn't you like that also?" "Y-y-yes, I suppose I would..." Seff put his arms around her. "You must have been feeling completely miserable and lonely for the last week, weren't you?" "That's for sure. I really hated the feeling of being left out in the cold." Seff hugged her and put his head next to hers. "I'm sorry, really sorry. I'll do my penance and beg for your forgiveness." One thing led to another, and they ended up making love in his bed. Later: "Goodbye my love. Dad's home tomorrow, but perhaps mid next week?" said Seff. Hyacinth left and walked home by herself. Her thoughts went something like this. Well, I'm glad we're together again... Wait, we haven't sorted out anything for the future, and, and... She stopped under a street light. What the hell, have we really sorted anything out? I went there to give him a piece of my mind, and, and, we end up making love. But, has he really reformed? Shit, I still don't know why he ended up in bed with two other girls. I mean, why? How? Shit, have I been taken for a ride? Again? Aargh! Damn him! Am I that desperate for love and friendship? She continued walking. She was forced to the conclusion: I am. I'm that desperate. How pathetic. What the hell do I do? Come to think of it, what the hell are those other two girls going to do? With my boyfriend. By the time she got home, she was coming to another conclusion: What if I have a talk with those two girls? Make sure they aren't going to pinch my boyfriend again. Or something. Rose: And, on Sunday night, Rose finally succumbed to an email from Seff. "Ok, ok, I'll come over for a meeting." she emailed him back. Dad wasn't home, so she couldn't consult with him. But that should be alright, I'm only going to talk with Seff. Only going to try to find out just what sort of person he really is. When she got to Seff's place: "Hello Seff. You must realise that I was completely hurt, and bewildered, by your actions. I just don't understand what made you do such a thing. Why? Why betray me, not to mention two other girls?" "Ah, sorry, I'm very sorry, things just got out of hand, the girls just got the wrong ideas and pressed me to start a relationship and, and, well, I know I should have refused, but I didn't want to be blunt and hurt their feelings, and, well..." "And you just ended up making love to both of them?" Rose glared at him as if he was a little boy who had 'accidentally' taken two extra slices of cake and eaten them, all the while denying any wrong doing. "I know, I was weak, I'm sorry. But, in reality, you are the one I want to spend my life with. And have children with. I found playing with the kids at the orphanage to be so enjoyable; I'm actually looking forward to having children of our own. After we have gotten our education out of the way, of course." Rose softened. In her head were visions of her and Seff, plus a little baby, perfect in every way, babbling as he or she sat between them. He is a nice boy, after all. "Well, of course I want children also. Ah, but, but..." "Can we start over again, please? Now that I know more about relationships, I now know what I want, and I won't fall into that sort of stupid trap again." He placed his hands around her and gave her a hug. She stiffened and leant back. "Do you really promise to now really, truly, commit yourself to me?" "Of course I do." She relaxed into his embrace. One thing led to another, and they ended up making love in his bed. Later: "Goodbye my love. Dad's home early this week, but perhaps later in the week?" said Seff. They made plans, and then Rose left the house and caught the bus back to hers. And, as she sat in her seat, thinking things over, she began to fidget and squirm. He's a nice boy, right? Of course he is. But, did we really resolve anything during our discussion? We didn't make any concrete plans for our future at all, did we? We just made love. But, he's said that he wouldn't stray again, and I can believe him, can't I? Can't I? How could anyone lie in such circumstances? But, but, he actually did end up in bed with those two other girls, didn't he? How the hell can he just 'accidentally' end up like that? I'm getting confused here. Confused, confused. Should I talk to my dad? But, how embarrassing, I split up with Seff, then just go straight back to bed with him. Oh, what a mess, a mess... I wonder what those other two girls are thinking of now? By the time she got home she was exhausted from the mental turmoil, and went straight to bed. The three flower girls: At school on Monday Hyacinth was determined to do something. Moving between classrooms at one of their change overs, she saw Daisy walking by herself. Hyacinth gritted her teeth, and then forced herself to relax and produce something that resembled a smile. "Err, Daisy, you know we should have a talk, err, to compare notes, how about it?" Daisy stared away from Hyacinth. She refused to look her in the face. But, the situation was desperate, after all. "Ok. After school perhaps?" They made arrangements. "And I'm going to try get Rose to come along too." said Hyacinth. It was too late for Daisy to back out, and besides which, that might be a good idea anyway. Hyacinth managed to corner Rose, and was able to get her to also say yes before she escaped. That afternoon, after the school had finished lessons, the three girls converged onto an area in the school grounds, next to one of the side entrances. They were standing on the grass, next to a raised flower bed. It was a peaceful and relaxing location, the sun was still lighting up the flowers and the greenery, the wind rustled the leaves of the tree branches above their heads, and the sky was still blue with the occasional white fluffy cloud drifting by. In the middle of this were three girls, standing and looking at each other. There were no clear skies and fluffy clouds here. Each was standing in the ominous shade of imminent thunderstorms, the sky a dark purple background behind them. Each was barely managing to keep herself in check, to prevent their emotions from spilling over and flaring up and scorching the earth in a ten meter radius all around them. "Well." said Rose. "We're here." "Yeah." said Daisy. "What have you got to say?" Now that they were here, Hyacinth was having second thoughts. But, she plowed on, regardless. "I just want to make sure that you are going to leave my boyfriend alone in future." "Your boyfriend? He's my boyfriend. So don't you forget it." said Daisy. "No, we agreed to come together again. He's mine!" said Hyacinth. "What do you mean, agreed?" said Rose. "You are all out of date. Last night Seff and I agreed that we would commit to each other. We've made plans; we will wait until we have finished our education, then get married and have children." She was running ahead of herself here, but she wanted to stake her claim. "Last night?" said Hyacinth. "What?" said Daisy, "No, no! We met on Friday night. He agreed to be with me. And I'm already pregnant, with his child!" "What!" said two voices simultaneously. "Damn it." said Hyacinth. "Damn it. It means he is still cheating on all of us. I was in bed with him on Saturday night." Shocked silence from the other two. Hyacinth pulled out her mobile, rang a number. She set it to speaker mode and spoke in a pleasant voice: "Hello Seff! What are you doing tonight?" "Sorry I'm busy with some homework, so I can't do anything else." Daisy clenched her fists and gritted her teeth. "That's all right, how about you meet me now and we can go to my house. No one will be home. Right now I'm just behind the school." "That sounds great! I'll see you in a few minutes time." They hung up. "So," said Hyacinth to Daisy, "You planned to see him tonight? Looks like he has visions of cheating on two girls in the same afternoon, doesn't he?" Two girls tried to kill her with evil stares. "Sorry, that won't work. Let's stand in the shadow of the bushes and wait for him, shall we?" Seff arrived, slightly out of breath from hurrying. He looked around, trying to see where Hyacinth was, when she walked out from the bush. "Oh, hello Hyacinth - urk!" The other two girls had also stepped out. "So, that's why you initially wanted an abortion." said Daisy, getting in the first attack. "You just wanted to play around, didn't you?" "No, no, I mean, I really do want to bring up our baby -" he managed. "He wanted to abort a perfectly normal baby?" said Rose, cutting in on him. She raised her voice. "That's evil! You promised me that you wanted to have children with me, and all along you were getting another girl pregnant! What the hell are you doing?" By now she was screaming. Seff backed away, wincing from the volume. "But, please calm down! Please! Of course I want to have children -” "You already have one with me!" said Daisy. She was also raising her voice. "Shut up!" said Hyacinth. In the silence, she spoke low and softly. "You just say whatever is needed to get your way with us, don't you? Don't deny it, we are all here and know exactly what you are up to." "Err, well, I'm sure we can work something out -” "Of a course. Like, perhaps, you would like all three of us naked and in bed with you at once?" said Hyacinth. A momentary big grin on his face. "Well, that would be nice -" He didn't get to say anything more, mainly because Hyacinth had slapped him across his mouth. She grabbed his shirt front. "You little shit! You -” Hyacinth exercised her swearing vocabulary, all the while trying to shake Seff by his shirt front. The other two girls were not holding back either. Daisy also grabbed him. "You said you would look after my baby!" Then Rose also reached out for his lapel. "You were trying to get an abortion, while promising me we would have kids!" Between the three of them, they were able to shake him. Violently. His head whiplashing back and forward, he tried to make himself heard over their screams. "Argh! Stop this!" But the girls were in a seething rage, they were beyond rationality. They all stepped forward in an attempt to get closer to him, to make him suffer their wrath even more. Seff ended up being pushed back, and in so doing, he tripped over the edge of the garden wall and all four of them fell, in one heap, into the garden bed. So Seff finally managed to get them all into a bed at once. There was confusion. Three girls thrashed around, scattering flowers all over the place. It took them some time to sort themselves out and to get up. And then it took them some more time to wonder why Seff wasn't moving. It took them a even longer to realise that Seff was -
The Girl Next Door
Iris Donnelly, at the golden age of seventeen, hasn't opened her heart up to anybody. Her philosophy is to get through her last year of high school with straight-A's and her head down. She believes that her heart belongs in her ribcage, not in anybody else's hands. Not only is the pressure of school on her though, but she has severe anxiety after her mother's death.So what happens when she bumps into Pierce Wright, also known as the school's "bad boy"? What happens when she's supposed to be his tutor? What happens when they start to tear down their masks and really get to know all parts of each other - both the good and the bad?And when happens when they become next door neighbors?✾DISCLAIMER: While the story has been 100% written by me, this was made to be cliché (strangely enough, it was my attempt to write a good cliché). The pictures weren't taken by me for the face claims!WARNING: This story also contains some heavy topics like anxiety, death, and self-harm. Cursing has been censored with astericks but it does have mature content (nothing sexual though).
8 180Dreadful ability
Sion blaze a high school boy with everything fullfilling in his life with a girlfriend , suddenly found himself dumbstruck when he got the ability to read someone else thought with a bonus ability to get future vision . Story deals how much dark and cold mask people hold on their faces and show themselvese ordinary good and happy than they really are ? What will Sion do when he could see both the inside and outside of anyone who is close to him ? Will he be able to live what others think about him ?
8 345☁ o, dreamer || gilbert blythe x reader ☁
"That you are here-that life exists, and identity; That the powerful play goes on, and you will contribute a verse." -------------------------------------- ☁ ------------------------------------In order to escape your cruel orphanage life, you had to take some drastic measures. But now that you've got a family, a home, and friends, will you be able to keep your secret hidden? And can you trust the doe-eyed boy from Avonlea? // my fellow impatient readers can skip to chapter five if they wish.
8 141Donna d'onore
"Principessa everyone loves a villain. They just don't realize it. The villain is the only interesting thing in the entire movie."-he says in a sexy, deep voice. Dianora Rossi is your definition of a classy lady. She is the daughter of Stefano Rossi, one of the richest people in Italy. Her world turns upside down when she finds out that her beloved father is murdered and that everything they have is now property of Domenico Del Vecchio a ruthless man capable of anything. And you know what the worst part is?? Even Dianora is now his property. The girl is now a lady and she has to get her belonging place and revenge against the man who killed his father and took everything away from her, but... There was something she wasn't planing, Love. Love for the exact same person she wants revenge Domenico del Vecchio....WARNING! The book also contains a few inappropriate scenes. It is recommended for the age 17+ Read at your own risk.
8 71| ~Agonizing lust..~ | (Doukaza fanfic)
The art is not mine! One of the artists is miyu 🔥❄️ and if i find the owners of the others ill be sure to give credits! This story contains... - Smut-lime-Angst-fluff-gore-yandere Douma-blood-usage of drugs-abuse-kidnapping-a lil bit of Rape 😭👍 (tech no sense later on Akaza admits he likes it) 🙂-side ships (KokuMuz , KokuKaza)|~Authors Note~| : If you don't like Douma x Akaza story's , then please don't read this. Also, this is my first smut story so please don't judge
8 341BLSC #1 : The Undercover Model
BLSC #1Andrew SamuelThe most popular guy at school , handsome , play soccer and a player of course. You can call him a smart head but not in Biology , Math and Chemistry. He needs to get a good score for that to get a car from his dad.. so he needs helpKayla MichaelsonBeautiful Victoria Secret Angel and a nerd. Beautiful and smart are the right definition to describe her. She hates attention when she's at school because she doesn't want to people treat her special because she's famous Angel so she went for an undercover. "Sorry I don't want to tutor you , go find someone else because I know everyone is dying to tutor you right now Andrew" Kayla said coldlyEditor : Simranpreet Banga
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