《Moniker's Mana》Chapter 6


"Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant!"

An older man who seems to be about the age of 40 appears from behind the priest.

"Where did you find this boy, my son?"

The man named Dracula was tall and draped in a black cloak with dark hair asked.

"Scarlet found him at the bottom of the dungeon. He was trapped there."

Johnathan responded. Then Dracula asked something more interesting and plausible.

"Is he cursed? If he was trapped in the very bottom of the dungeon then someone probably didn't want him to escape."

"He's not cursed!"

Scarlet was quick to defend him.

"Can he talk yet? The system is supposed to translate what he says to us."

Dracula asked genuinely curious. Rin was also curious. Rin then backed him up.


However, Moniker's response was still in a different language.

"What does that mean?"

Scarlet asked confused.

"It means that his language is beyond the system."

Dracula explained. Then Samantha asked her father:

"So we can't talk to him?"

"It's possible. We just need to teach him our language. Luckily I have just the thing... memory transfer! I'll just give him my memories of learning the language."

Dracula explained once more and began to walk towards Moniker. Moniker tilted his head in confusion. Dracula then placed his hand on Moniker's head.

"I wonder what he's going to sound like."

Scarlet was once again excited.

The color left Moniker's eyes for a moment and then returned.


Scarlet's eyes were once again ablaze with joy and curiosity.


"Do you understand me?"


"Maybe he's mute."



Scarlet's eyes began to shine and a large grin appeared on her face as she heard a charming voice.

"Say it again!"



The day had gone and it was now night. Scarlet had shown Moniker a room in which he could sleep(he doesn't need to). Then she left him there and Moniker waited until the sun came up and Scarlet came back. The door to his room opened and she saw him floating in the air spinning slowly.

"Did you not sleep?"


"Nevermind. Let's just get you some new clothes."

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