《Danimal》Chapter 21: Freedom


The wrath of Captain Duque increases, he has already lost 4 of his crew members and he knows very well that they are not weak, and being defeated by something so insignificant is unforgivable.

Dahn: "Another one by the dust" "You will not get out of here alive" - The anger that Dahn emanates is overwhelming. - He sits on a rock and continues observing how Koning defeats the others.

Contesa and Mike manage to stop the horde of dragons that attacked them, take a breath, concentrate and continue their attack against Koning, the level of essence spent by them is incredible and they are still strong, but as the fight lengthens they get tired, Koning remains in place waiting for the next attack, Mike and Contesa are approaching at full speed, still much greater than before, Koning is still in place, a few seconds later lava and electricity begins to emanate from his skin causing a kind of steam and smoke that spreads on all sides.

Mike and Contesa who are already close to Koning fall into his trap, visibility is almost impossible, Koning can feel where they are because he feels the electricity and essence of them and the fog serves as a conduit. From his tail, he pulls sharp needles and with the tail, he sticks them to Contesa on her back and carries her straight to the ground when making an impact she breaks all her bones and leaving her quadriplegic and bleeding from her eyes and ears.

Mike disoriented does not get to Contesa, but maintains his firm composure, concentrates and manages to locate Koning, in the middle of the haze load against him, Koning who can read all his movements opens his muzzle and positions himself so that Mike reaches his mouth, Mike gets to where he thinks that Koning is waiting for two blue balls that go in his direction, Mike manages to dodge them without any problem and continues his attack.

Koning manages to dissuade Mike with the blue balls and Mike without realizing that something hit him and taking him to the ground, his armor get shredded with the impact, the blow is so strong that Mike dribbles blood out of his mouth, Mike half dying turns his head to his left and can see hard grief to lifeless Contesa, Mike tears a tear, closes his eyes and accepts his fate, Koning opens his nose and shoots an elemental ray and essence to Mike, the entire area is done nothing, the bodies of Contesa and Mike are disintegrated.


Dahn: 'Koning, destroy the ship "

Koning without thinking twice flies to the ship, Riaz tries to fight the beast from the ship but everything is in vain, the ship begins to take damage to the point that it is impossible to move, Koning shoots several black balls inside the ship and causes an immense explosion, Riaz and the ship are victims of the flames

Dahn: ‘You can leave now if you wish' - His gaze is fixed on the Captain.

Duque: "Kill him" - His energy level rises to the maximum, his anger controls him.

Duque, Oram, and Shiu position themselves perfectly and attack Dahn, their speed is equal to Dahn's, they are giving everything to kill Dahn and nothing is saved, but Dahn has already lost all patience, every second his essence continues increasing. The 3 can feel they can lose if the fight lengthens, Oram changes personality in full fight and now his attacks are even faster, his nails become sharp needles filled with poison that manage to penetrate Dahn, the poison enters his body and manages to stop his energy level to increase more.

Dahn analyze them and decides to kill Shiu first, so far is the weakest, but he knows he can not attack directly because the formation of them is perfect, so he decides to use himself as bait and stays in the place and makes them believe he let his guard down, Shiu and Oram charge towards him, Oram places his hand as if it were a spear and tries to go through the heart while Shiu attacks him from the right side, Dahn turns to face Shiu with his back to Oram, with a smile. Duque starts to fall on top of him.

Dahn is waiting for the right moment, closes his eyes and concentrates on Oram, especially in his right hand, reduces his essence around his body to a few centimeters of his body, to feels as the nails penetrate his aura, then he teleports to Shiu's back and with a kick pushes him towards the hand of Oram, everything happens so fast that they do not realize it, Oram penetrates the heart of Shiu killing it in an instant, and Duque explodes Shiu's head with the shotgun-ax.


Dahn: "Incredible power you have" 'This poison is complicating the situation.'

Duque uses the body of Shiu to propel himself in the air and approaching Dahn points the shotgun to his face and shoots at Dahn, the bullets are different, shine blue and when making contact with Dahn they absorb a little essence and use the essence absorbed as part of the explosion making it even stronger, leaving Dahn weaker.

Dahn creates distance between them, he can feel how his body is fighting Oram's poison, he believes that in a few minutes he will be free of the poison but if he gets hit by Oram again then the cycle will continue, he knows very well that it has to end with Oram. Duque does not let him recover and continues his attack, but Dahn is already used to this type of attack, so he teleports even further away from them, he needs to get the poison out of his body first.

Oram also realizes what Dahn wants to do and although he can not teleport is very agile, he changes his personality to an even more agile character and manages to cut the distance between him and Dahn.

Dahn smiles, he wants to finish off Oram first and he did not know how to get him away from the Captain and without realizing the opportunity was created, Duque communicates with Oram to get back but it's too late, Dahn can focus only on Oram, charge him with all his strength, Oram avoids all attacks, it is still faster than Dahn, but that does not stop Dahn, as long as he continues attacking Oram he will not be able to attack without sacrificing himself.

Duque goes flying at full speed, Dahn begins to increase its essence, the poison is no longer in his body, and manages to level with Oram in speed, to the point that manages to grab him by the neck, Oram panics but having already changed his personality twice is a lot for his body, Dahn does not lose any second and with the other hand he puts it in his mouth and removes half of his head, Oram's blood falls on him and start to burn him.

Dahn: "What the fuck" "Even your blood is poisonous" - Observe Duque and with a kick, he throws Oram's body.

Duque: "SON OF A BITCH!!!!!!" - Explodes in anger, his essence goes out of control.

Dahn feels how Duque lost all control of himself, he knows that it is dangerous, Duque cuts the distance in an instant and with the ax filled with essence tries to decapitate him, Dahn remains calm and also increases his essence, Dahn stops all the blows without problem, but he realizes that Duque is even more resistant than he appears, and remembers what Eva told him about the Birus Ras. The fight continues for a few minutes, Duke still immersed in anger desperately fighting what helps Dahn to have the advantage.

Duque burns all his essence and is exhausted, Dahn still calm knew that he had won, Duque falls on his knees in front of Dahn, his body won't respond but he keeps trying, Dahn is approaching.

Dahn: "Thank you, you have taught me that I am still weak and I need to learn more" - He takes Duque's shotgun-ax and decapitates him. "Eva, burn all the bodies" "I'm tired, Eva take care of everything".

Dahn goes to the house and looks at Shanna who is running towards him, in tears, passes her by and goes straight to where Kei is, looks for a place to bury her, and then goes to his room, the pain in him can be felt, he lost his only friend, his companion, now he is alone again. He turns to see Shanna who is there accompanying him and all Shanna feels is anger and pain.

Dahn: "Tomorrow you will tell me what I want to know if something comes out of your mouth that is not the truth I will make you suffer until I lose all my humanity".

Shanna lowers her head and goes to sleep too.

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