《Danimal》Chapter 17: Shanna


Each blow is propitiated in weak points, causing it to become very difficult to recover the composure, the mercenaries begin to gain confidence, the work is starting to look easy for them.

Shanna at that moment signals Coru to prepare to contain the subject, being all ready for his capture Dahn remains still.

Dahn: "Good" - With a malignant smile and excitement on his face.

Everyone stops for a moment confused, they looked at Dhan well and do not notice any damage on him, they change the formation and charge against Dahn, Shanna goes front trying to cause him low vision, while the others separate and go to the sides and back , Shanna who is very confident increases the speed and with a sword tries to reach his head. Dahn doubles his essence in an instant.

Shanna stops immediately and orders the others to do the same, which they do, except for Yahi who is already very involved in the fight and the hatred he feels towards Dahn is superior to obeying the orders of his captain, Yahi trusting in his force and blinded by anger goes straight to Dahn's neck.

Captain Shanna: "NOOOOOOOO!!!!!" - Tries to stop Dahn.

Dahn watches Shanna and smiles, when turning to face Yahi he kicks his head off, the decapitated head goes off one of the ship's walls and explodes on impact.

Dahn: "Now, do you understand?" - He can clearly observe the energy around the mercenaries. "You are strong, but you are not stronger than Koning, much less than me" "I'll ask again one last time" "What are you doing here?".

The Captain grabs his arm and presses a few buttons and show him a hologram of a bounty hunting sign that exists against Dahn, where it reads "Wanted: ALIVE! - Reward: No-Limit", Coru and Jessi see each other, not they understand very well, they know very well that this announcement is false, because the place of this planet and of Dahn are not known by anyone since it was so stipulated.


Dahn: "Eva, analyze that data".

Eva: "The security system of the ship is more advanced than mine, it has to open port 908 so that I can enter" - Eva tells Dahn through a headset that he has in his ear, the mercenaries only listen to Dahn talk but not Eva.

Dahn: "I need you to open port 908 of the ship" "I will not repeat it again".

Shanna is astonished at the request, she knows very well what would happen if she opens that port, but she has no alternative, she presses several buttons on her arm, you can quickly read one "erase" and then "release", few minutes passed and Shanna opens the port.

Captain Shanna: "Port opened" - Tries to hide his nervousness.

Eva: "Dahn, the data has been deleted, the information that exists is only relevant to who they are and the ship" "They are a group of mercenaries called Toads in Arms" "They are known but not famous" "They do whatever it is for money" "It does not say anything about why they are here".

The anger in Dahn is noticeable, in a second he approaches Coru and cuts him in half, this time his speed is even greater, Shanna and Jessi stay in place without realizing what happened, after a few seconds they can hear Coru's dead body falling to the ground, they turn and they can feel the murderous instinct that Dahn emanates.

Dahn: "You're the second person to erase information I'm looking for" "Very bad decision" "Last time I ask you" - In his eyes, you can see pure anger and rage.

Jessi: "Cap ... .." - Her head falls on the floor.

In the blink of an eye Jessi falls to the floor, Shanna has no idea what has just happened, her entire crew is dead, she turns to see Dahn and what she feels is pure fear, she feels as her soul enters death.


Shanna: "Red Star Alliance" - Falls unconscious.

Dahn in spite of his anger calms down, and lands the ship with Eva's help, grabs Shanna and takes her to his room, removes all the armor and leaves her in ordinary clothes, at that moment he realizes how beautiful she is, blonde about 1.70 meters tall, long hair to the waist, delicate while she sleeps, Dahn observes with more attention that she has a very attractive body, his breathing starts to accelerate, Dahn observes how Shanna's breathing, like her chest, goes up and down, focuses on the breasts.

He slowly approaches and touches them, Shanna still fainted, Dahn at that moment realizes how soft they are, blood runs through his body, has an erection, when he realizes he leaves the place a little embarrassed.

Eva: "Dahn, according to intergalactic laws what you just did is not well seen and is punishable by law" "This is your planet and you can set your own rules, yes" "But that behavior as I said before is very frowned upon even tho it could be a planetary law" "If you want to establish a civilization on this planet I recommend you start with rules and laws".

Dahn returns to the room again after masturbating, sits in front of Shanna and tells Eva to wake her up, Eva with a nanobot injects a small dose of adrenaline, Shanna wakes up in a panic, realizes that she does not have her armor and that she is in an unknown place.

Shanna: "Where am I?" - In a position to attack Dahn.

Dahn: "You are in my house" "Be grateful that I have not killed you yet" "So relax if you want to live" - While watching her directly, trying not to see her breasts.

Shanna: "What do you want from me" - She covers her body with the sheets, she can feel the lust that Dahn emanates.

Dahn: "Tell me everything you know" "Start from the beginning" "And for your information, your ship is still damaged, you can not escape if I do not kill you the planet will".

Shanna is silent, despite being at a disadvantage she does not feel the murderous aura she felt before, all she feels is lust on Dahn's part and anger. She decides to stand up and find the bathroom.

Dahn: "Where are you going?" "We have not finished talking".

Shanna: "Can a woman go to the bathroom?" - She stands with a lot of sensuality, she is trying to distract Dahn and see if she can seduce him to let her go without having to release any information.

Dahn: "The faster you give me the information I want faster you can go" "Do not make me lose the little patience I do not have" "Feel at home" "As I said before, you have no way to survive this planet without me" - He gets up and leaves.

A large shadow takes over Dahn's house, the levels of essence are immense, Shanna does not know what to do and falls on the floor of the bathroom while showering, takes a few minutes to compose, leaves the bathroom and tries to run away from the house, whatever it is she wants to be as far away from that place as possible.

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