《Danimal》Chapter 10: Draak Aarde


The child in despair starts to run towards the camp, when he gets there, he can see several creatures coming and going from his home, on the roof, walls, running and so on.

Because the dome no longer exists there is nothing to protect it from the outside world, he runs to the house and as it gets closer the creatures move away, disaster inside and outside of the house, it seems that the creatures were just curious about the camp.

Child: "Eva, clean this" - Nanobots begin to clean. - "Eva, how do I cook this animal?" - While holding upside down.

Eva: "Here you can find what to do to cook a hunted animal" "How to skin it, pluck it, cut it, etc." -Showing a catalog.

Thanks to this help he manages to build a fire, he grabs the meat, cleans it and insert a stick inside the animal and puts it to cook, the smell of the meat is delicious which causes other animals to show interest as well.

Because of that the child begins to feel like several creatures approaching the camp, they also want to eat that meat, but they feel a little scared, there is something in the environment which tells them to keep a distance.

The child attentive to what happened is prepared and without realizing it emanates an aggressive aura, which resonates with the creatures, getting them to enter a state of fear, some leave immediately others take a little longer but at the end, they decide to leave.

At that same moment the child feels a strong pressure, the atmosphere becomes denser, fear, turns his head upward to where that feeling comes is from and he can see a colossal dragon, is something amazing, it must be bigger than a mountain, the child feeling that pressure tries to resist it, emanating also his own energy, the dragon that had not noticed the child turns its head down - "ARRHHGG" - and lands in front of him - just outside the camp -


The atmosphere is even more overwhelming, the child does not give up, and remains to stand, is afraid but is not intimidated, the curious dragon starts to get upset - at something so small can irritate me - lowers his head to see him while with a paw it gives a blow to the child that covers his whole body and more, the movement is so fast and the pressure so overwhelming that the child did not have enough time to react, but was able to see the big paw coming in the last second

The blow is direct and so strong that sends the child flying hundreds of meters in the air and crossing trees and bushes, left arm completely fractured, leg also, ribs penetrate the lung, fracture in skull and jaw, falling to the ground unconscious.

After a few seconds, you can see how his wounds begin to heal quickly, and a few seconds later he gets up completely healthy, a little disoriented and lost

Child: "What happened?" "Where am I?" "How do I get here?" - He can remember the last thing that happened “shit, what a punch it gave me" - checking and realizing - "I should be dead" " Eva?" "Eva? "- Looks at the bracelet and is totally destroyed," okay, I guess I'll have to return without Eva's help "

Thanks to what he has learned about survival, he can find the trace that he left when he was thrown by that blow, he runs back and to his surprise, the dragon is no longer there.

Child: "Run away coward!" - Smiling.

Then goes home, straight to the console.

Child: "Eva?".

Eva: "How can I help you?".

Child: "I need a new bracelet to be able to communicate with you when I am exploring" "And what recommendations do you have for me in this new world?".


Eva: "The nanobots will make a new one" "For this kind of situations it is always good to start a log" "Keep track of what is found and create a database" "Analyze, study everything you can to have a better understanding of where you are" "A study of the flora and fauna is also essential, to understand what surrounds you" - "Activating protocol New World ". - Several nanobots and drones start to come out and begin to analyze everything they can see.

Child: "Wow" "Incredible" "How long will it take?" - Sitting watching everything with emotion

Eva: "Due to the large size of the planet this will take months or years, it is too early to have a credible response" "The information will be shared and analyzed" "You can access it at any time" "The planet does not have any name" "Do you want to give it one?"

Child: "Yes" "Let’s see, let’s see" - He takes several minutes thinking, and the only thing he can think of in the dragons "Already, Dragons Land" – stops - "No, I do not like that name"

Eva: "Land of Dragons" - Analyzing, completed "there is an African language on the planet Earth and by translating the name we get Draak Aarde" "Do you want to use Draak Aarde?"

Child: "Mmmm, yes, I like that" - A great emotion in his face is noticeable.

Eva: "Planet Draak Aarde added to the database" "Day 1, the Year 2150" - Log initializing

The boy goes home and prepares a place for his new pet, and also asks Eva how to train an animal, which she shows him a catalog of training, the most suitable for the situation would be that of a dog.

Eva: "What name do you want for your pet?" - Asks while the child is training with the animal

Child: "I had not thought about it" "let's see" "I do not know if it's male or female"

Eva: "According to the analysis is female".

Child: "Wooow" " Okay, I got it" “Your name will be" “Kei".

Eva: "Kei, registered in the database" "According to our analysis, this breed is predatory, very aggressive and territorial" "The female is bigger than the male, according to our files they can get up to 3 of height" "are excellent hunters, very resistant and loyal" "live mostly in pairs "

Several days pass, the child has created a routine already, meditation, physical training, combat, and basic generic learning, every day he goes out to hunt and to get to know new places, beginning to know his territory, part of him does want to dominate said territory, therefore, each day he sees a dominant creature he kills it immediately and left as a warning for other predators that want to enter its territory.

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