《Danimal》Chapter 6: And now?


Cannon 6 - Shots a powerful laser - BOOOOM

All the soldiers turn to the main structure; only smoke and fire are present.

Soldier 1: "The radars indicate that the subject is still alive; it is not moving."

Soldier 2: "We have to send an S.O.S" "Steve, we have to send the S.O.S capsule NOW."

Steve, while being attended by Lora, touches his right arm, a screen comes up, verifies that everything is in order, looks for the capsule and press launch. Those who are outside can see a kind of missile flies out of the planet.

Pilot Steve: "Done, we hope someone will receive it" - In pain while the wounds are being treated.

Cannon 6 - Several laser shots but do not impact anything.

Cannon 6 - BOOOM!!! - A loud explosion, between the debris flames and smoke the child comes out, still naked, without a sense of direction or anything, can still feel various forms of life.

The soldiers prepare themselves, modify the cannons and drones against the child, the atmosphere becomes heavy again, a murderous aura emanates from the child.

All the guns and drones start to shoot at the child, the speed of the shots are incredible, and each cannon shoots accurately making prediction calculations to where the target can go, each shot is perfect.

Cannon 1 - BOOM! - Fire everywhere.

Soldier 2: "We lost the Cannon 1" "He is moving very fast" "The cannons are not hitting him."

Cannon 4 - BOOM! - Fire everywhere.

Drones and soldiers are firing, trying with their last breath to stop the child, suddenly all systems point to the same place and it starts to rain bursts of bullets, grenades, laser, creating a mini-explosion.

The commotion is very strong, warning even Lora and Steve.


Pilot Steve: "What's happening outside?" - Uncertainty and fear are evident in his voice.

Soldier 3: "All weapons are firing and making an impact in one place" - Excited.

Soldier 1: "According to the radars, the child is still there, standing" "Without moving."

Soldier 2: "KEEP FIRING!!" - Anguish and despair.

Suddenly a breeze is felt among the soldiers, an instant silence takes over the place, and in less than 1 seconds you can see how all the bullets and lasers go through the site where they are, they turn around and realize that all the guns and drones continue firing towards where they are, but they stop at 1 cm of distance.

With a little relief, the soldiers smile a little hiding the fear they feel, without knowing it, the child is right there in their midst, one of the soldiers realizes.

Soldier 3: "SHIT, HE IS HERE!!" - Pointing the gun at him shaking.

Everyone turns with fear in their eyes to see the child in the middle so quiet, the guns and drones do not have a clear vision, a smile runs down the face of the child, jumps over the soldier 3 ripping his head by the roots, using the head as a ball and throws it at a drone that falls to the floor exploding.

The other soldiers start firing at him, the boy with incredible acrobatics dodges all the bullets/laser, positions himself in front of another soldier and sticks his hands in his bellybutton, opens him in half, blood everywhere - agony in his eyes, screams of pain - with each piece of body in his hands he uses them as projectiles for the drones, knocking them to the ground..

The soldiers who remain standing, panic and throw themselves into hand-to-hand combat, their arms are ripped from their bodies and their heads are used as projectiles to continue knocking down drones, as no soldiers remain alive, the drones that remain operational and cannons begin firing again, without causing any damage to the child.


The child, with little effort, manages to destroy all that was shooting him, silence in the camp, some damage to structures can be seen, everything is quiet again.

Pilot Steve: "Hello, do you copy" "Everything is very quiet" "What is happening" - Nervousness runs through his mind, "I have to see what is happening."

Lora: "NOO!!, Steve" "Do not come out we do not know what is happening" - Anguish and despair in his voice.

Pilot Steve: "NO ONE is answering" "The only way to know what the fuck is going on is to go and see it for yourself" - Begins to leave the small medical center.

Door - opens.

Steve outside in the camp, he sees nothing, smoke, fire, destruction, but he does not see any soldier or movement - "Holy God" "What happened here", walks a little and begins to see soldiers' parts everywhere, blood, arms, stops in panic and turns to vomit, when vomiting he realizes that his vomit falls on some feet.

Lora: "STEVEEEEEE!!!!" - Despair in her voice.

The child sticks his hands in his mouth and opens it wide.

Lora in panic returns screaming, her fear is so terrifying that she pees herself, and tries to hide inside the medical center - She doesn't close the door, the other scientists try to hide as well.

The child hears the scream and goes straight to that direction,

enters the medical center, and he can smell blood, sweat and urine, not to mention that fear abound in that place, at that moment the remaining scientists are still in a panic, they are no longer thinking clearly, they see that there is a way out and they run for it.

The child turns quickly and kills them, tearing out their hearts.

Lora, who sees all that, filled with tears - "ENOUGH!" "STOOOOP IT."

For a moment, the child stops, sees, and feels those words, understands what they mean, little by little, he is returning to himself as he approaches Lora.

Child: "Enough?" "Was not me who shouted for help while nobody did anything?" "But when is it against you, I have to listen?"

Lora: "I know" "I'm sorry" - Full of tears and urine.

Child: "Thank you, I can feel your remorse" "I forgive you" - He gets closer and takes off her head, falls on his knees, full of blood and human parts, looks at his hands, feels relief.

Child: "And now?"

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