《Danimal》Chapter 4: Pain


Meanwhile at the camp

Capt. Rok: "Attention, the package is coming, bring the subject and prepare it."

Scientists begin to move quickly, preparing all the equipment, and making sure everything will be ready; they take the subject to the main building.

Capt. Rok: "Is everything ready?" - To which scientists and engineers respond with a, yes.

After a few minutes, Sgt. Miller arrives with the soldiers and a large cage, they go towards the main building, placing the cage on the side of the building which works as an annex. Upon arrival, Sgt. Millers indicates that all personnel must wear oxygen masks to avoid poisoning from the plants they brought.

The admiration of all is impressive, to see the creature so close and relaxed, not to mention how beautiful and unique it is.

Capt. Rok: "Amazing" "Is it in a trance?" "What did you do? What did you give it".

Sgt. Miller: "Us? nothing" "We got these plants that have an effect of relaxation and happiness" "Is powerful so be careful."

Several scientists grab part of the plants and proceed to study them, at the time they realize that the plant is very similar to Marijuana but even more powerful, it has no side effects and is not addictive, a thought crossed their mind, selling this plant would make them millionaires.

Everything prepared for the procedure; you can see machines, tubes, among other materials near the child that by appearance does not exceed ten years, white, with long brunette hair. He is tied and sedated on the stretcher; his limbs are bound too; the level of security of that stretcher is incredible; it seems that they were trying to hold a dragon.

All non-required personnel is removed from the room. Those who remain are Capt. Rok, Lora, Sgt. Miller, and two other scientists.


From the sky, the pilot Steve who has been flying in and out of the planet in surveillance mode sends them a signal.

Pilot Steve: "Attention" "It seems that a lot of creatures are going where you are going."


Pilot Steve: "SHIT!!! They have come to me t.... "- A silence takes over the communicator.

Sgt. Miller: "Get ready; you have permission to shoot to kill."

Capt. Rok: "I hope your team can deal with what's coming" "And for us here, let's begin."

The soldiers move to their battle positions, taking out more drones of various sizes, the turrets are ready, the dome is 100% functional if everything goes well nothing can penetrate the dome or much less our defenses.

Inside the room they start with the process, Lora is in charge of seeing that the subject condition is optimal, the other scientists are preparing other containers with what seems to be samples of some kind, in the containers you can read "Specimen: Feline" between others not so easy to pronounce, some are from the planet earth while others are not.

With great caution, one of the scientists manages to approach the dragon, which is still in a trance, and manages to inject a needle under one of its scales - the needle is made of an extremely sharp material, not any material can penetrate those scales, besides he did it underneath them.

He manages to draw several samples of blood, the dragon is not yet aware of what happened, and in his trance, it's still chewing the soldier.

Capt. Rok preparing all the materials put them in a capsule in the central machine, pressing the "start" button, the stretcher begins to rise and flips the subject face down, several needles come out from the machine.


Capt. Rok: "Wake him up" "He must be awake for the effects to take effect."

Lora through a via provides a chemical to wake the subject up.

Child: "Mom?" "Where am I?" - Confused, lost.

Capt. Rok starts the sequence; the needles inject themselves into the brain through the spine, limbs, all the critical points of the child's body.

Child: "HAAAAAAAA!!!!!!" "HAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" - His pain fills the room; the torture is so overwhelming that even Lora looks away, the other scientists close their eyes and try not to listen - "IT HURTS!!!!" "HEEEEEEEELPP."

Capt. Rok: "Idiots, do not lose focus" "Check that everything is fine."

Sgt. Miller watches from a corner with a disturbing smile, a part of him enjoys what he's seeing and cannot wait to see the results.

Lora and the scientists resume their composure, verifying that the subject is still well and that it can continue.

Capt. Rok grabs the container with the dragon's blood; the size is quite big, about half a liter of blood, Capt. Rok lies on the floor, seeing face to face with the child, their eyes meet, the subject keeps screaming, rage in his eyes as he sees how the human in front of him is seeing him suffer, even worse is the culprit of his suffering.

Capt. Rok: "Do you wonder why the machine doesn't do this part?" "This is the best part, seeing it with your own eyes the birth of something beautiful" "No machine will take this moment away from me."

Grab the injection and stick it right in the middle of the heart, and start to see how the physical features of the subject begin to change, their muscles are more noticeable, for a child it seems that he has spent his entire life training, his teeth grow a little, sharp, the fangs are predominant, his pupils change between a mixture of feline and reptile, his skin can be said to be more resistant. At that moment, Capt. Rok realizes that the wound caused by the injection heals in an instant.

Capt. Rok immediately moves away from him, "LORA !, SEDATE HIM."

Lora: "I had already tried, captain" "Nothing happens" "I have given him several dozens of sedatives."

Child: "Hel ....." - sigh - "I no longer feel pain" - With a smile of relief, tears still running down on his face

Sgt. Miller: "BEAUTIFUL" - while helps Capt. Rok get off the floor, "Have you accomplished the mission?" "Now, how do we control it?"

Capt. Rok: "It was impossible to install some technology in him, his body had never been damaged" "Nothing we use today has been damaged" "the only way is with education and upbringing" "talk to him, treat him like your son and he will be loyal."

Child: "Damn" "Even though I do not feel the pain I can remember it" "I can feel how you enjoyed my pain" - Try to look at Sgt. Miller.

Sgt. Miller: "Captain, I do not think the subject will be loyal" - The atmosphere becomes heavy, the aura that the child emits is evil. 'What a feeling this is' 'death' - he takes out his rifle, and before the captain can react, he shoots the child in the head.

Capt. Rok: "DAMN YOU, SON OF A BITCH" "WHAT DID YOU DO?" - Frustration, anger, can't believe what just happened.

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