《Danimal》Chapter 1: Where did we get ourselves into?


Silence takes over the entire camp after the explosion, cannon 1 stopped firing, everything is quiet, very calm.

Suddenly a lifeless blue creature falls to the ground, large, wings, scaly skin, in its snout still radiates heat.

Sgt. Miller: 'A dragon?' 'Son of a bitch' "EVERYONE!!! To your battle stations, NOW!!!, MOVE YOU IMBECILES ".

The soldiers go to their positions, two of them go to the container, for their facial expressions you can see a high seriousness in them and a military-mercenaries style - they know what they're doing, their weapons are different and very powerful.

The rest goes to their command post where they can better control the guns and their surroundings, the Sgt. Miller looks for his rifle and stays outside - the rifle is nothing ordinary, it shows that a large sum of money is being invested in this mission.

Sgt. Miller: 'In my days the battle was fought outside' - In his ear, he hears the voices of the other soldiers.

Soldier 1: "Sargent Miller, we can see about ten creatures nearby, some small and others big" "the cannons are 100% operational".

Sgt. Miller: "Ok, prepare the dome just in case we need it" - The dome is a sphere that will cover the area, can resist even nuclear bombs.

Cannon 4 - "Boom" - Fire everywhere

The other cannons are showing no movement.

Soldier 1: "Sgt. Miller, we've lost Cannon # 4, no creatures nearby".

Sgt. Miller goes to where the cannon 4, a large rock is on top of it, 'Damn it' 'From where?' 'Like, shit?.'

Sgt. Miller: "I need a scan of to 200 meters from cannon 4, immediately".

Soldier 2: "Sergeant, there is a creature" "No, there are two" "NO, THERE ARE SIX" "RUNNING TOWARDS YOU SERGEANT" - Drops of sweat on his face.


Sgt. Miller: "At last, I was bored" - Shoots a purple flare, indicating to the whole staff to take refuge.

Five dragons entered through cannon 4, their speed is incomparable, but Sg. Miller is not a rookie, he points the rifle to the first by firing a yellow laser beam injuring the first dragon in the chest, with the other hand he takes out a grapnel gun and shoots it on top of a structure, on impact the rope retracts and you can see how Sgt. Miller goes flying in that direction escaping from the claws of the first dragon.

Sgt. Miller, with drops of sweat and a smile on his face, prepares.

The dragons manage to penetrate a small part of the camp, some scientists to see those creatures collapsed to the ground, in their urine, in their minds nothing happens, they are controlled by fear, to which the dragons turn and go straight towards them.

Heads, legs flying everywhere, guts, bones, blood, this was not hunting; it is a massacre, the dragons have no mercy, in their faces, you could read some sort of expression, as if saying, "LEAVE!" - A total of five unrecognizable dead scientists.

Sgt. Miller shots the grapnel gun again, but this time towards the first dragon, he manages to hit in the same place of the wound, he goes flying towards the dragon which in pain notices what happened. The dragon opens his mouth, and a fireball starts to form and then shot to Sgt. Miller.

Sgt. Miller fires his rifle at the ball causing the two to impact, canceling the effect, between the smoke created Miller comes out with a smile on his face, seeing the dragon in the eyes, and re-shoots his rifle, this time in the mouth of the dragon, causing him a mortal wound.


Sgt. Miller: "Son of a bitch, die" - His hair singed, with sweat and full of life.

Turn to see and realize that the other guys took care of the other dragons without any problem, but some structures were damaged but nothing serious.

Sgt. Miller feels a penetrating look, the atmosphere becomes heavy, death is the only thing that is in his head, his legs tremble, it is difficult for him to remain standing.


The soldier presses a button immediately, a gray sphere appears at full speed at 400 meters from the ground, and in a matter of 1 second, create an energy dome around the camp.

At that same moment, the entire dome got covered in flames.

Sgt. Miller: 'Where the fuck did we get ourselves into??' "Can the capsule hold those flames?".

Soldier 1: "Yes, for now, we're fine" - Pale face and holding a cross in his hand.

When the flames dissipate, Sgt. Miller still feels the look again, he started searching for it, a much larger dragon, its gaze is fixed on him, the air feels hot and heavy. It opens its wings flight away.

Sgt. Miller: "Cap. Rok, you can come out now, for now, we are safe."

Cap. Rok: "That was close" "This is definitely what we are looking for."

Sgt. Miller: "Well, what are you waiting for? hurry, I do not want to spend more than one day here."

Cap. Rok: "I'm sorry, but the mission requires more than a day" - Seriousness and strength are noted in his voice.

Sgt. Miller: "What the fuck are you talking about?" "Dragons almost devoured us, and you want us to stay here for more than one day?" "What the fuck does it take to stay here for more than one day?"

Cap. Rok: "The last ingredient of our experiment" "We need a living dragon, preferably much larger than those who are dead" "Under no circumstances should be injured, as it can contaminate the blood and would be useless" "And besides, if we leave without completing the mission, you will wish to be killed by those dragons "- Fear on his face is noticed.

Sgt. Miller, with a look of acceptance, knows that Cap. Rok is not lying, and he puts a plan for the capture.

Meanwhile, the two soldiers are next to the container and notice that the mechanisms are somewhat altered.

Soldier 4: "Sgt. I think the subject is waking up ".

Sgt. Miller: "Cap. Rok, apparently your package is waking up".

The captain runs off and signals the other scientists, in the room they see the two soldiers pointing weapons towards the container, the window is a little cracked.

Container - 'crack' - 'tum tum'.

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