《God Amoung - A ZCorp Story》Chapter 3: an unexpected attack


Balden Technologies Headquarters, Artificial island of Balden.

"Boss, the preparations are ready. All we need is your signal"

"Good, very good. You can go now, Lloyd"

I sent my subordinate off.

I have been waiting for this moment.

The day that the Covid-2077 infected a large majority of earth's population and crippled the world economy, Covid-2077, a virus that originated in Durango, Mexico, was actually MY creation. It hurts me that the public doesn't acknowledge that, however for the sake of my mission, it is important that the public doesn't know.

I infiltrated many governments, built a company that indoctrinates the masses and monopolizes everything, the Balden Technologies Inc.

You may think the company only operates in the technology area, but you are wrong.

My company works on everything. From medical equipment to human experiments, from developing kid's toys to making weapons for governments, and as the company's founder and CEO, I use the company as a tool for my schemes.

Who am I?

I am Adwi Von Koolako, the CEO of Balden Technologies Inc, currently the richest man alive, with my net worth of 12 Trillion Dollars, and I am also a (self-proclaimed) "evil" genius/mastermind!

I use my company and my connections to further increase my wealth, lifespan and secure my objectives. No matter the cost.

I don't care if my family dies in a horrible accident if it means completing my objectives.

What are my objectives?

First, to get rid of the troublesome Diprizi Conglomerate. And to end their founder and CEO once and for all!

Why do I want to destroy the Diprizi Conglomerate?

Because their CEO, Diprizi Amaterasu's net worth, is increasing rapidly each week! I couldn't let that happen!

I must protect my position as the world's richest man!

Although, I heard that his company is enemies with the Waldo&Roxy Entertainment and the Orchid Foundation....


Maybe I could use them to threaten the Diprizi Conglomerate.

Second, recreate a better human race! A stronger, smarter, and more PURE Human race!

Code-named project Ilulu, I plan on creating a better human species, but not on earth no... I have plans on developing them on the dark side of the moon and on Mars.

The current human species is weak, the attack of interdimensional beings 10 years ago shows that humans, despite being the apex predator on this planet, are fragile beings and are easy to manipulate.

And after experimenting for 6 years, I have finally created a perfect specimen! A successor of the human species!

All I need to do now is to set up the lunar and martian laboratories!

But that invites unwanted attention... which brings up my third objective.

I want to control the Global Interdimensional Defense Organization or the GIDO. So far I have infiltrated it with countless spies, however, they stopped contacting me after only 2 days.

What are the GIDO?

They are the organization that monitors Abnormal, Interdimensional, and Alien activities. On Earth and across the Solar System, they seem to perform in a "shoot first, think later" principle, as they rather destroy or lock up things rather than study and make use of them.

Contrary to the ZCorp Organization, they are a rival organization to the GIDO, they operate similarly, and they have the same goals, which is to protect humanity, the human species, from extradimensional and extraterrestrial threats.

Although their goals are the same, the way they handle things isn't, the ZCorp Organization would rather be friendly towards Non-hostile sentient beings, and find uses from technologies that they may have.

I will be executing my plans for ZCorp shortly after this.

I called into the comms.

"Execute operation black sun"

I ordered.


Then I looked towards the setting sun from inside my office.

"What a beautiful view"

Khalif's house, Jogjakarta.

This celebration is merry.

I'm glad I came to this celebration.

The food here is delicious, the room temperature is to my liking, and the internet is great!

The house's interior is good to look at, too. I like the design and the contrast that this house has.

"So I was like what the fuck? This bastard who plays the Nintendo every time suddenly got engaged? IN A MATTER OF 7 MONTHS AFTER DATING SOMEONE"


I was listening to JTP's rant about Khalif being engaged.

He must've drunk too much, as he is very drunk right now.

"That woman has a secret I tell ya, she must've been using khalif as a tool to get to his wallet! She's a gold digger!"

"Well, I don't know about that...I mean, they seem to love each other so..."

"That is only a front they're putting on, especially that sinnon over there"

"Sure sure"


"oi Vic, I have a feeling that something destructive los over us"

"What do you mean? "

"I don't know either..."

Then my phone rang.

It was Dave Davidson, the Director of Intelligence in the ZCorp Organization.

Before taking the call, I put on my fedora and cleaned my glasses, and got outside the house.

"What is it?"

"Aysia, sir! you need to evacuate everyone from that house NOW!"

"What? Why?"

"It's Balden Technologies, the mega-corporation! they're sending an sending an ICBM there!"



Why would that multi-trillion dollar Mega Corporation go after someone like Khalif?


more accurately, they're probably going after us... ZCorp Executives, who, for some reason, gathered in one place in an Conveniently unprotected enviroment.

I ran back inside the house, and yelled: "YOU FUCKERS PACK YOUR BAGS AND GET THE FUCK OUT RIGHT NOW!"

The Zcorp people immediately responded by getting out of the house. Unfortunately, the hosts are still processing what i said, so i immediately picked them up and ran out of the house.

We got away some distance away from the house.

just as i was stopping and dropped the two couple to the ground, there is a bright flash from behind me, and i can hear explosion sounds.

"wha-, our...home..." Khalif said with teaery eyes, as Sinnon hugs him from the right.

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