《Dust: Before and After Book 1》Chapter 15
Chapter 15
Dust rolled his head on his shoulders as he rose to his feet. He glanced down at Josie and nodded to the chains. His brow creased in a frown as he tried to think of a way to get them off of her.
“We need to get those off of you,” he said. “Do you know where Beau keeps the key?”
Josie shrugged. “Probably in his room,” she replied. “I could melt them off, but it would use up the little bit of energy that I have.”
Dust shook his head. “I’ll get the key,” he reassured her. “I need to find out where Todd and Sammy are. We’re not leaving without them.”
“That’s fine with me,” Josie remarked. “You just make sure you don’t leave me behind either.”
Dust chuckled and shook his head. “No way,” he replied with a grin. “You might come in handy to have around.”
Josie snorted. “You just melt my heart, Dust,” she replied sarcastically. “So, what is the plan?”
Dust looked at the door. “I’m going to go find the key to the locks on your wrists, let Sammy and Todd know we are busting out of here, and cause a little distraction to keep the others busy,” he replied, taking a step toward the door.
“What kind of distraction?” Josie asked, pulling the chains around the pillar as she followed him.
Dust glanced over his shoulder and shrugged. “I don’t know, but you’ll know it when it happens,” he replied.
“Dust,” Josie said, reaching out and touching his arm when he started forward again.
“Yeah?” Dust muttered, looking at her.
“Thank you,” she whispered, her gaze softening in the dim light. “Thank you for not leaving me here to rot.”
Dust nodded before he focused. Fading, he passed through the thick metal door. He solidified on the other side and hurried up the steps, pausing when he reached the section above. He glanced around the doorway. Stella sat in a chair near the lamp, sewing, while Maria sat with the other children. He didn’t see Sammy or Todd.
“She’s finally grown quiet. I hope she is asleep,” Maria commented.
Stella glanced at the door to Sammy’s room. “If not, I’ll have Randolph take her up to his room. That’ll quiet her down,” the older woman remarked.
“She’s still young,” Maria murmured in protest.
Stella gave Maria a sharp look. “She’s old enough, Maria,” she snapped. “Don’t go feeling sorry for her. The men have treated us all well. We know what needs to be done to keep the peace.”
Maria ducked her head and nodded. “Yes,” she whispered.
Dust had heard enough. His lips tightened in determination. Fading again, he moved through the room, making sure he kept a good distance from Stella and Maria. After Josie shared with him that others like him could sense the presence of those that were different, and discovering Randolph was more than what he appeared, he didn’t want to take a chance of getting caught.
He slipped by the women and into Sammy’s room. A grin curved his lips when he saw that she had moved the bed in front of the door so it couldn’t be opened. Sammy’s pale face shone in the dim lamp that was turned on. Dust reformed and stepped up to the bed. He leaned down and whispered her name.
His hand shot out to cover her mouth when it looked like she was going to scream. Her eyes widened when she saw him and her arms rose to wrap tightly around his neck. The move knocked him off balance and he fell over her.
“I thought they had killed you,” she whispered in a broken voice against his neck. “I thought you were dead.”
Dust clumsily drew Sammy into his arms and rested against her soft form, surprised by the warmth that swept through him. He lowered his head and buried his face against her neck, breathing in her familiar scent. A grin curved his lips when her arms tightened around him.
“I guess you missed me, huh?” He whispered.
He felt the shudder that ran through her body and his smile died. He could also feel the dampness of her tears. Pulling back, he looked down at her.
“I told you I wouldn’t leave you,” he murmured, reaching up to brush her hair back from her face. “Do you know where Todd is?”
Sammy sniffed and nodded. “They were going to keep him with Howard, but Howard complained about Todd’s crying so they put him back in your old room,” she said. “I heard Maria and Stella talking about it a little while ago. Where were you? I heard them say they were going to take you away.”
“They were, but there is a storm and they couldn’t do it without getting themselves killed, too,” Dust murmured. “They put me down below with Josie.”
“What are we going to do?” Sammy asked, sitting up when Dust moved back to sit on the bed.
Dust gently lifted her hand and threaded his fingers through hers. He had been so afraid that Randolph had hurt her. A shudder went through his body. He would have killed Randolph, Beau, Howard, and Alex if they had touched Sammy.
“We’re getting out of here tonight,” he said with determination. “I’ve got to find the keys to the locks holding Josie. I’ll release her and come back for you and Todd.”
“But, what about Beau and the others?” She asked, biting her lip. “I need a weapon of some kind.”
Dust smiled. “There are some really nice bows and arrows in the room where the weapons are. I’ll bring you some. I’ll create a distraction while you, Todd, and Josie make your way up to the car. Here, take these.” He quickly pulled the car key out of his pocket and handed it to her. “Don’t wait for me. You get out of here. I’ll find you if we get separated.”
Sammy’s lips tightened. “I won’t leave you here, Dust,” she whispered in a fierce tone.
Dust smiled and lifted his hand to cup her cheek. Unable to resist, he leaned forward and brushed his lips lightly across her stiff ones. Another shudder ran through his body when he felt her relax against him and return the kiss with a hesitant one of her own.
“Just get to the car,” he ordered in a soft, firm voice. “Josie will help you.”
Sammy’s eyes glittered with tears for a moment before she blinked them away and nodded. “I’ll be ready,” she promised.
Dust pressed another kiss to her lips, this time a little harder before he stood up. He glanced at her one more time before he faded. He would need to find some food first. He was using too much energy for the small amount he had consumed.
Passing through the room again, he made his way up to the next level. He glanced around the room, breathing a sigh of relief with all he saw was Howard sitting at a table on the far side playing Solitaire. This would have been more difficult if it had been Randolph.
He quickly passed through the wall into the small bedroom. Todd was curled up on the cot. His eyes were red and he was sniffing. Dust rematerialized next to the young boy.
“Dust! I knew you’d come back if you were alive,” Todd exclaimed in a hushed voice.
Dust barely had time to catch Todd when the boy threw his arms around him. He winced when Todd’s knee caught him in the ribs. Still, he didn’t complain. He would never complain about having Todd and Sammy, and now Josie, in his life. For so long, he had felt all alone. They were his family now and he would do everything he could to protect them.
“Hey, is that stash of food I brought down here still under the bed?” Dust asked in a husky voice.
Todd released him and wiped his arm across his nose. Dust saw him nod and grinned back at Todd. He held a finger up to his lips as he quietly moved to the corner cot.
Reaching under it, he pulled a small bag of canned fruit, soda, and breakfast bars out from under it. Mindful that Josie would need more food, he quickly ate half of the supplies. His eyes closed as he felt the energy pulse through him.
“I thought you were dead,” Todd whispered, coming to kneel beside him. “They won’t let me see Sammy, either.”
“I know. Sammy thought I was dead, too, but I’m not,” Dust replied around a mouthful of peaches. “I’m going to get you guys out. I’ve got to release Josie first, then I’m going to cause a distraction. I want you to stay close to Josie and Sammy, you hear me?”
Todd’s face wrinkled in confusion. “Who’s Josie?” He asked.
Dust reached out and ruffled Todd’s shaggy hair. “She’s like me, but in a different way. They are holding her prisoner, too. She’s going to bust out of here with us,” he explained, drinking the last of the heavy syrup. “I need you to be ready to run faster than you’ve ever run before.”
“I will,” Todd promised.
“Good. I’ve got to go, but I’ll be back,” Dust said, standing. “Just be ready.”
He didn’t wait to hear Todd’s response. The energy was coursing through his body. Picking up the bag containing the remaining food, he dissolved. He wished he could do this with other people, but he couldn’t. He could just do it with inanimate objects.
He passed through the walls until he came to Beau’s room. It was empty. They were probably all upstairs in the first room or kitchen area.
The room was spotless. It contained a full size bed, a chair, a nightstand, and a tall chest of drawers against the back wall. The walls were bare except for a single picture. Walking over to it, his eyes widened when he saw a picture of Beau, a small, red-haired older woman that must have been Josie’s mom, Josie, and Randolph standing in front of a stone tower that he recognized from his one trip to the Grand Canyon.
He was so fascinated by the picture, he almost missed the key hanging from a string next to it on the wall. A grin curved his lips. This was almost too easy! Reaching out, he grabbed the string and turned. Now, to return to Josie and start the escape. He decided he draw the guys down to the lower section and lock them in. Maria or Stella could release them, but by the time they did, he planned for him, Todd, Sammy, and Josie to be long gone. He just needed to clear the way first.
Fading again, he quickly retraced his steps down the lower level. He reappeared just before he reached the door. He would need to open it. Setting the bag down on the ground, he turned the wheel of the locking mechanism and pulled the door open.
“I’m back,” Dust replied with a grin when he saw Josie leaning back against the pillar.
“I thought you were going to cause a disruption?” She remarked with a raised eyebrow.
“After you are free,” Dust reminded her as he lifted up the bag he had also brought. “I thought you might like to recharge some.”
Josie's eyes glittered with glee. “You have no idea,” she muttered, reaching for the bag. “All sugar!” She laughed, lifting her gaze to his face. “There are going to be fireworks tonight!”
Dust shook his head. “Just don’t torch Sammy, Todd, or me,” he retorted. “Eat. I’ll leave the door cracked. Make sure you leave it open. I’m hoping to lure the men down here and lock them in.”
“What about Stella and Maria?” Josie asked with glittering eyes.
“I wouldn’t mind locking Stella in here, as well,” Dust replied with a hard edge to his voice. “She hit Sammy. Maria isn’t so bad, and she needs to be there for the other kids.”
Josie reluctantly nodded. She was eating as fast as she could. A loud burp escaped her when she drank half a can of soda without stopping. She grinned at Dust’s look of amusement.
“Sorry,” she replied before finishing the other half. “Oh, that feels so good,” she whispered, closing her eyes for a moment.
Dust knew exactly what she was feeling – the rush from the energy. It was addicting. He waited until she opened her eyes before speaking again. When she did, her eyes were glowing with a reddish-yellow flame.
“We need weapons,” he said, touching her arm. “I also need your help protecting Sammy and Todd.”
“You’ve got it,” Josie murmured, lifting her hand and uncurling her fingers; small flames danced from the ends of them.
“I’ll get Sammy. You go get Todd.”
“Josie,” Dust started to say in warning, stopping when she shook her head.
“Dad won’t fall for your trick, Dust. He’ll hurt Sammy or Todd if he thinks it will keep you in line,” she said.
“How do you know?” Dust asked with a frown.
“Because I saw him do that with my mom,” Josie replied. “Randolph is just like him. You need to get Todd and get to the weapons. I’ll get Sammy.”
“What about Stella and Maria?” Dust demanded.
“Leave them to me,” Josie replied. “I won’t hurt Maria or the kids, but I’m not making any promises about Stella.”
Dust didn’t like it, but he felt like he didn’t have much choice. He knew Josie was right. He had no doubt that Beau would have killed Todd a few days ago if he hadn’t quit fighting. He also didn’t know what type of powers Randolph had. If they were anything like Josie’s, then they would be in trouble.
Reaching into his pocket, he removed the key he had taken and unlocked the twin locks holding the wrist cuffs on. A dark scowl crossed his face when he saw the bruises and scars from old cuts where the metal had dug into Josie’s flesh. His head jerked up when he felt Josie’s warm fingertips touch his jaw.
“You are a pretty amazing guy, Dust,” Josie whispered, leaning in to brush her lips against his. “Don’t change.”
Dust stared at Josie for a moment before he stepped back. With a nod, he turned back toward the door. His mind swirling with thoughts. Shaking his head, he focused on the most important one, escape.
“Give me a five minute head start. I want to get the weapons first, before I get Todd,” he ordered.
“The time is ticking down,” Josie said with a grin. “You’d better be ready to leave, because I’m not staying here another night.”
Dust nodded and headed out the door. He didn’t fade until he reached the level above. He hurried up the stairs, taking them two at a time. His steps slowed when he neared the kitchen. He could hear men’s voices. It was Beau and Randolph. That meant that Alex must be in the upper room near the entrance.
He swept past the entrance and into the locked storage room containing all the weapons. Reforming, he grabbed a bow that he thought Sammy would like and an assortment of arrows. He didn’t know much about them and hoped that it was one she could use. He ignored the guns. He could shoot one, but he’d never been very good.
He faded again, hesitating for a moment. If he could knock Alex out, then their way up the stairs would be clear. The problem was he didn’t have enough time before Josie went to free Sammy. A soft curse burst from his lips and he shook his head. He’d have to deal with Alex on the way out.
Turning back the way he came, he ran back down the long corridor. A shiver when through him when he passed the kitchen and heard a loud curse. He had forgotten about Randolph for a second. Disappearing around the curve, he could hear Randolph telling Beau that something was wrong.
“I’m telling you, he’s free… Shit, so is Josie,” Randolph yelled.
“Get the boy,” Beau’s order echoed behind Dust.
Josie’s warning flashed through Dust’s mind. She was right, Beau would use Todd, even kill him, to stop them. Dust burst into the lower section and rushed toward Howard, materializing seconds before he reached him. Howard had started to rise out of his chair when he heard Beau and Randolph shouting.
Dust swung out with the end of the bow, catching Howard in the jaw with the tip of it. Surprise widened Howard’s eyes before they rolled back in his head and he collapsed. Dust didn’t wait. Turning, he ran for Todd’s room, hitting the door with his shoulder and breaking the lock.
“Come on,” he ordered, reaching for Todd with his free hand.
Todd gazed at him with wide eyes and nodded, grabbing Dust’s outstretched palm. Together, they ran for the opened, doorway. The sound of running feet echoed behind them. Dust turned in time to see a bright flash of light coming from the lower section. A moment later, Sammy and Josie appeared around the curve.
“We’ve got to get out of here,” Josie snapped. “Follow me!”
Dust started in surprise when Josie hurried back into the area where the men slept. He glanced at Sammy when she reached for the bow in his hand. He quickly released it and handed the bow to her before shrugging the quiver of arrows off his shoulder.
“Where are you going?” Dust demanded when Josie kicked in the door to Beau’s room.
“We can’t go up and out,” Josie said. “They’ll have blocked it and I don’t know about those two, but I can’t go through walls and doors the way you can.”
“Then where are we going?” He asked again in frustration.
Josie glanced over her shoulder as she gripped the tall chest of drawers and pulled it away from the wall. A small door was behind it. She grinned as she opened it.
“Dad owned this place before I was born. I spent my whole life running around exploring it,” she said as she pushed the door open. “He seems to have forgotten that. This leads down to the missile storage.”
“The only way out of that is through the missile doors. According to Beau, those weigh in at over seventy tons,” Dust pointed out, waving for Todd and Sammy to go first.
“Yes, but there is another way that I hope Dad doesn’t know about,” Josie replied in a quiet voice.
Dust didn’t say anything. He heard the men slow and stop. While they thought Dust might not be too much of a threat, they knew that Josie was and were keeping their distance.
The door led to a wider corridor that had been blocked off. It was short and had probably been a maintenance access at one time. At the end, there was a long ladder that led down a short ways before another tunnel opened up. Dust glanced behind him, a growing sense of danger causing his hair to stand up on the back of his neck. It was more than just Beau and Randolph, there was something else, something darker. Once again, the feeling that he was being hunted coursed through him. Shaking his head, he turned and stepped onto the ladder.
It had to be because of the men, he thought.
The Alpha female rose to her feet and stretched. She stepped out of the culvert that she and her pack had sought refuge in. She turned when she felt her Beta step up beside her. The storm was finally over.
The fragrant scent of torn earth surrounded them. There had been no rain with this storm. Just the odd green lightning that she remembered from her awakening and the savage wind that swirled in massive circles, destroying everything in its path.
She had wanted to attack several nights ago, but the sudden storm forced her and her pack to seek shelter away from where the dome structure was located. With a low snarl, she ordered her Beta to get the others ready.
Tonight, she thought as she trotted out from the cover of the culvert where the slightest scent of gas still clung to the ground.
This was where the creature she hunted had stopped. She knew where they were going now and it didn’t take long for her to reach her destination. She could feel the pull of the creature, it was stronger this time. The others in her pack soon caught up with her.
Before long, she stood outside of the metal dome once again. With a growl, she snapped for her Beta to wait for her. Trotting down the slope, she paused outside of the metal building.
Focusing, she felt her front claws lengthen. Rising up on her hindquarters, she raked the metal, piercing it and slowly ripping it back. She did it three times until she was satisfied that her pack could pass through it.
Once inside, she moved between the vehicles. She quickly determined that the area was empty, but the strong scent of the two-legged beasts were strong, including the one she was seeking. Following the trail, she stopped outside of another door. This one was slightly thicker than the metal siding. She could have ripped through it, but something told her that she needed to proceed with caution.
Focusing again, she faded. She passed through the door and reformed on the other side. Turning, she saw the lock on the door. Rising up again, she leaned forward and gripped the piece of metal between her teeth, pulling it free before pressing her paw down on the handle. The door swung open. Satisfaction coursed through her.
These creatures were not as smart as I thought they might be, she reflected with satisfaction.
Turning, she started down the long flight of stairs. A soft, yellow glow lit the far end. Her Beta and the others moved like dark shadows behind her.
Come, she ordered, turning and stepping down onto the first step. It is time to hunt.
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