《Queen Of Zanith: Who say Quantity doesn't matter?》Chapter 2 (R-18)


Slowly I opened my eyes, I probably fainted due to the pain.

My body felt weird and overly sensitive. I tried to move my arms...What's that cracking sound? I think I'm breaking the dome.

The dome broke as I applied more pressure, red liquid gushed outwards through it.

I willed my legs to move, they complied painfully.

I started looking around, the room was lavish as always, I had never really admired it before but it had an unmistakable beauty one that made you not want to sleep for fear of creasing the perfect straight sheets.

I was alone in the room...naked. What did I look like?

Curiosity compelled me to look in the mirror.

There was a wide full body mirror near the make-up table...why was that thing there? Ignoring the colourful kits I started walking towards the mirror.

I studied my reflection after reaching the mirror.

I had Blood red eyes, dark black hair, Carapace covered my whole body except the face and the area above collarbone...the carapace had beautiful patterns on it like it had been carved for perfection and beautification. The carapace was coal-black in colour resembling my hair while the patterns were in blood-red matching that of my eyes. The carapace was the opposite of my skin which was pale white, my skin resembled a pureblood vampire.

My fingers were claws, they didn't look sharp but I suspected they could do serious damage.

Looking carefully at my body I sensed I could shift the armour plates. I tried multiple times holding on to that sensation. In the end it worked, my chest and palm armour moved to fix itself in surrounding plates it was like seeing mechanical parts move.

After moving my armour what I saw shocked me, I had small dainty fingers, but that wasn't the issue the issue was the object hanging from my crotch...it looked like the genital of a male.

Was I male? surely not...I had those big pillows on my chest with their newly perked up nipples.


Did I mutate or something? But wait...I feel a similar sensation to when I changed the armour plates.

Once again concentrating on that strange sensation I willed a change, any change...It worked again.

I moaned, it wasn't a light moan...but a throaty one, my glaring male part folded in on itself forming what seemed like a female genital.

As soon as the female genital formed I cummed.

I fell down, arching back and curling my toes, this felt incredible.

I rode the orgasm fingering myself slowly.

But my fun was short-lived because what followed after was an embarrassment. As I was nearing the second orgasm and moaning deliriously the door open and the spider lady ran in only to be shocked red.

I didn't know what to do. Before I could remove my fingers and explain to her...my second orgasm hit.

I let out a breathy moan. Twitching on the floor. Still fingering myself.

She did not avert her gaze but kept looking at me without blinking, there was a hidden intent in her eyes.

I closed my eyes welcoming the amazing sensation.

After riding the orgasm I slowly opened my eyes expecting to be met with disdain, but the spider lady was smiling while shaking her head.

"When you feel the urge come to me darling," she said warmly.

"Co-Come t-t-to y-you?" I asked, it was hard to speak but the words came instinctively.

"Yes come to me darling!" she replied cheerfully.

Wasn't she my mom? but we don't even look like the same species.

"Mo...Mom?" I asked slowly.

"Mom? oh... nononono! I'm not your mom! I'm your wife, wifey!" She hurriedly replied.

I was married? when did that happen? Did I already have a child somewhere? Oof my head hurts.

"Wifey?" I asked.

"Yes yes, wifey" She reaffirmed.

I stayed silent... I can't be bothered to think too much. Let's talk about something else.

But before I could start a conversation she spoke.

"Why are you grown up already it should take at least 4 or 5 more years?"


Rude much? at least I'm alive.

"I used a-a growth...factor" I replied.

"Oh darling you didn't, tell me you didn't" she spoke tears forming in her golden eyes.

"Yea I-I did" I confirmed.

"Come here let me hug you, it must have hurt so much, you could have died...I'm sorry I wasn't there with you, forgive me, I'm a bad wife aren't I?" She tip-tapped forward and enveloped me in a hug, tears streaking her cheeks.

But this time unlike a fetal position like before I was standing on my own two feet. A grown woman.

After sniffing and sobbing she looked at me again. But this time smiling.

"Your brave Zini, I truly am unworthy of you" she spoke with pride in her eyes.

"Zini?" I asked. Was that my name?

"It means sharer of existence in the ancient Zanith tongue" She explained.


"Wives of the Queens have been using this word for generation, as the Zanith queens aren't of a particular gender" She explained further.

"Why isn't my gender stable?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Zanith is a continuously evolving race, a particular gender could be a hindrance, so your bodies slowly evolved out of that restriction" She answers kissing my forehead.

"I'm a Zanith Queen?" I asked I knew the answer, the mysterious screen had already shown me, but still, I needed to confirm my royalty as well as my importance.

Does only the system knows me as a Queen or does the race also knows me?

"Of course! who else? A queen is distinct and beautiful" She answered slowly sliding a finger across my breasts pinching my nipples, my body reacted instantly, my core heating up and getting wet.

The finger still slid lower reaching my quivering folds slick with my previous orgasms and newly gushing wetness.

After a few carefully pats and teasing, she put a single finger inside, which caused me to cry out in pleasure. Holding onto her for support I rubbed my crotch against her hand.

"Greedy! I like it" She teased biting my earlobes, causing me to moan in ecstasy.

"Mi-Miss I feel something" I moaned, holding her harder for my legs were about to give out.

"Clarise...my name's Clarise, call me by my name darling" She requested, sliding another finger inside, due to the unbelievable pleasure my eyes rolled back and my head turned to the ceiling.

"Cla-rise...Clarise, I-I feel so-something coming, I-I feel...aaahAhh!"

Hearing her name from my mouth made her crazy, she started furiously thrusting in and out, one could hear the thwap thwap sounds from a mile away.

With her right hand, she lifted my leg up and with her left, she thrust in me.

"Cum for me Darling, Cum for your wife" she whispered in my ear and bit my nipple. Hard.

I cummed furiously. Hips shaking and hands dangling, shouting for safety from the onslaught of pleasure.

When the pleasure receded. And I focused on her, she smiled and kissed me on the lips. It was a chaste kiss, filled with innocent love, nothing like the dirty deeds we did seconds ago.

I just had sex with my wife for the first time. Standing helplessly as she made me hers. The thought made me excited...I'm a submissive in bed?

"I love you, Darling, you have done so much for me, a thousand lifetimes aren't enough for me to repay you" She confessed playing with my fingers.


Before I continued a knock sounded, a voice soon followed.

"Lady Clarise the meeting is starting you have to be there as the queen's representative" The voice spoke.

"What is it talking about? Clarise" I asked.

"C-L-A-R-I-S-E, It sounds so beautiful when you say it" she replied with blissful eyes.

"Stay on topic miss" I inputted.

"Ahm sorry Zini, Just Clarise will be fine" she paused before continuing "Topic for that meeting?...it's war obviously".

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