《Cheating Side Kick》Chapter 2: New body, Mountain of infrormation
e--Tindall Low- average graded world- Me--
“Hurry up, ask for the physician, young master Noreall moved!” cried a young female voice somewhere…
Uhhh, where am I?!
The blinding white light was slowly subsiding. I was trying to get oriented. There were some system messages about some gains, but I decided to ignore them for the time being and get a hold of more urgent things.
First thing: I was not reincarnated into baby, for a fact, I was reincarnated into a 17-year old young master of the Firestone family, the son of the Treasurer of the clan. I was a middle son. I had an older brother and younger sister.
Wait, how I know this stuff? I was shocked. Then I discover the reason. In the mind space of this body, there were splinters of knowledge of the previous owner of this body, the young master Noreall, witch sounds shattered due to death.
The mind shards were willing to be integrated to provide me a basic knowledge of this world, especially language, would be significant.
That would be a tough cookie to explain why the young master forgot the whole language.
The only two things the shards wanted was to take care of the closest family – my new parents and siblings, for the rest of the clan, the previous owner was either quite indifferent, or he feared them or envied them.
The second thing was to get revenge for his death. Or at least try it, soul shards hesitated when they discovered that I’m not some super cultivator who reincarnated because of the power of his will. Not this body dies, but its original soul. I happened to like this:
Noreall was the second child of Treasurer elder Opar of the Firestone clan, who was the second son of the current clan patriarch Xairar. From his childhood, he was pampered. He never really made an effort to learn any martial arts, cultivation, or crafting craft like alchemy or forging. On top of that, his only hobby was eating a lot of delicious food. Combined with almost no physical activity resulted in a sizeable obese body…
Wait, wait, I was reincarnated into big fatty? Damm….never mind lest hearing the rest.
That naturally bore the ire of most of the clan members, but other than few contemptuous stares, nobody made any action because of the statue of Noreall father. Until now.
Every year, in the Firestone clan, there was the cold pond opening. It was a small lake with heavy cold water. Every year for three days, due to unknown phenomena, the water was added a little bit of soft blue glow and was extra beneficial in tampering one body.
Noreall initially didn’t want to go, but his cousin Xiar, son of disciplinary elder Tarah, convinced him that as a prominent young member as the household, he should attend, and there would be a sizeable exotic feast after the exercise. Noreall was watching young members of the clan grinding their teeth in freezing heavy water when a guard rushed to him.
“Young master Noreall, there is strange, intense blue light near the bridge leading to the middle-difficulty area, I must be great treasure!” said exited guard. “I only reported that to you, since you are the son of the treasurer.”
Clan builds several bridges across the lake to be able to help members who overestimated their bodies and needed help very quickly.
Noreall was excited about the prospect of finding the treasure for his clan, making his father happy and raising his prestige. He rushed into that middle-difficulty section. “Where is the treasure? Where is it?” asked Noreall impatiently.
Then he felt a strong push from his back. “Die you a stupid pig and be at least once useful in your life,” hear Noreall, the guard. Noreall felt into freezing cold water. The heavy freezing water engulfed him, and he started to feel immense pressure from coldness assaulting his every pore. The pain was mercifully short before he lost consciousness….
Isn’t usually a young lady who tragically died at a cold lake in novels? Never mind that…but…I m FAT!
I finally managed to open my eyes and took a look at his body lying under the sheets. It was fat, more than fat. I was seriously obese at the point. It will be hard to jog, not even think about running or doing any exercise. It was like my original mother nightmare that their children would be obese pigs, which could not even correctly move themselves.
Well…this would be the first time to fix..now…let's solve these soul shards first…
I was contemplating destroying or expelling the soul's shards from the previous owner of this body. But firstly, they contained language and general knowledge of this world. Second, doing this would probably damage my karma and made this world view me as an evil person. I will someday probably go again these karma principles in this world when I have a good reason, but this is not the right time for it.
I sighed and accepted the soul shards proposal and integrated their knowledge and made a promise to take care of my current close family and to make an honest effort to revenge my murder. The flow of knowledge was overwhelming.
That’s a lot of information… let's try to categorize it somehow..
First of all, there was a SYSTEM which one can call out, and it will show the progress you made. There were three basic categories, Body, like strength, endurance, vitality, dexterity attributes. Basically, attributes are based on how good the body you have.
Then there was Cultivation, which was utterly foreign to me. Few chosen ones in this world have something like symbiont called roots, attuned to different attributes. The roots are something metaphysical. It was in the body, and at the same time, they were not. They were located from the stomach into the head. The roots could absorb Qi from surrounding. It would help the speed of absorption if you are in environment-friendly to your element/s, for example, earth elements like caves, fire element somewhere with a lot of fires, water element, love lakes, and wind mountains.
Luckily, my body had roots about that later...
Then there were Mind abilities, basically your ability to perceive your environment, your artisan skills, your willpower, our mind avatar. It was quite an important attribute even for warriors; for example, sword cultivators have strong sword avatars in their minds, which helped them in battles. Some mages combined mind images, and Qi is forming powerful spells.
It's important to say that system reflected the reality, not the other way around. SYSTEM is a mostly passive thing in normal life, only providing passive information for the user.
Lore**: Actually, that’s a little bit incorrect. Doing heroic deeds rewards users with destiny points, which can assist a user in breaking trough Tiers, or he can initiate a challenge for himself. [lore points -20]
The hell, lore points? Destiny points? Rewards the user? I am starting to feel like in the game…
I felt I could not delay any more. “STATUS,” I tried to yell in my mind.
Noel Human Body Ravenous constitution*[weak][starving] [29/75] Cultivation Earth root - 2 branches[starving], [2/13] Fire root - [dying] [starving] Mind [140/290] Power Priority Tier 0+ 10(16) Mind Tier 1 29 Lore* Tier 1+ (T3) 50(213) Intelligence 9 Mental resistance 7 Body 7.5 Toughness 9 Mass* 8 Strength 4 Cutlivation[Earth, Fire] 1.325 Capacity 2 Quality 1 Purity 0.3
Ravenous constitution, what’s that? That was the first thing that entered my eyes after I briefly looked at the numbers.
Ravenous constitution: Makes you able to eat and absorb more at lower efficiency.
Lore*: When a user is not regularly sufficiently satiated, ravenous hunger will influence the user's mind, and the body will start absorbing not completely suitable things to tackle the deficit and try to make supplies for worse times. (lore points -4)
Lore**: For current users: You can absorb or eat ~20x more resources at ~6% efficiency. (lore points -11)
Holly Molly! That explains a lot. Yeah, I m starting to feel HUNGEERR already. No wonder why this body is fat even in pretty much strict clan, no way even the pampered scion of the Treasurer would be able to eat more than 16x more…
Chmm, wait a moment 20 x 6% = 120%. Generally, I could turn this into my advantage if I had sufficient resources…
I sighed and took a look at alert messages witch was bothering him since he entered this world.
Congratulations! The user experienced a lot of things above this plane of existence. Stimulation of the mind resulted in +204 Lore attribute.
Lore: Special attribute which expresses knowledge. Generate Lore stat, which can be used to ask general/special questions to the system. It can also be used to identify items, materials, and other knowledge-based discovery. It can be trained by learning new things. (Answers from lore skills doesn’t contribute to Lore training,)
Lore points: 15/50 [Automatic spending Lore points]
O wow, this is awesome. I don’t need a pocket expert teacher anymore with this…
I was happy to obtain this answering machine. In mind, I clicked on Option. There were several options for auto-spending, like maximum point spent per question, maximum point spent per hour, or day. These options strangely cost maximum mind power to activate. I just have chosen to cap his auto-lore spending when above 50% maximum lore point at cost 0,4% maximum mind power…
Mass: Special* body attribute describing body mass. Increasing body strength and toughest effectivity, decreasing agility, and dexterity attribute...
Special body attribute: When users secondary attribute outweighs the importance of the primary attribute, special attributes are generated, and the lowest general primary attribute is stopped being shown.
“Grooownnngggg,” my belly growled.
I need to eat; I need to eat fast and a lot!
“Bring me some high-quality food, fast I need to recover after the near-dead experience,” I shouted at servants trying to remember the young master Noreall tone.
Servants looked they are glad to know what to do, and some of them rushed outside…
Ok, let's continue to look at the flood of messages.
SYSTEM deemed important for User watch his satiety level. Would you want to create stat tab?
Is this starting to be an eating adventure?
I selected YES, and at my status new bar appeared.
Satiety: 4%
Chmmm…. Can stats be displayed by %? Interesting, I should look at this later…
I was slowly digesting mountains of information when servants finally brought a mountain of food. I was quite happy to finally get to eat. My hand reacted even without me knowing and grabbed the nearest roasted leg from some monster.
This must be a muscle memory or something. I thought when I dig into the meat. After I huge chunks of meat, Curiously, I checked Satiety.
Satiety: 4,2%
Seriously? Only 0,2%? How is this even possible?
I took a look at the mountain of food prepared for me. Even if I eat all this food, I doubt I would even reach 20%. And this giant mountain of food must be extra-large this time because I need food for recovery…
How this young master even survived?
“Is there any special food?” I asked the servants.
“Yes, young master, we are glad you asked,” quickly responded servant. “There is fire salamander liver there,” servant pointed at a red chunk of meat, which was served sideways with extra care on a unique golden plate. “There should be a sliver of fire Qi, which should be extra beneficial for your recovery after that cold pond.”
“Even its taste is somewhat particular. The young master should enjoy it. Your father took a great effort to find one for you. It’s even from graded monster! “continued servant enthusiastically.
It looks like a rare thing. I hope that will help my fire root.
“Ok, everyone out, I need to focus on my recovery. Don’t let ANYONE in without knocking and waiting for my command,” I threw out of servants.
This food mountain is quite large, but it's not enough, and I very much doubt even that fire salamander liver will help me at damm 6% efficiency absorption rate…My only hope for salvation from constant hunger….is my CHEAT.
I quickly checked my special personal menu.
It increased by 1! Ok, let's test it out.
I grabbed a large plate of ribs from unknown creatures by my right hand.
Don’t eat it yet! Ok, now its the moment of truth if this will be a total disaster or a relaxing trip…DUPE
There was not a light effect. I only sensed strange tingling in my soul space. Then it started to hurt a little bit, then in my left hand appeared precisely a copy of the plate in my right hand with meaty ribs.
Ok, let's try to eat this product…damm this stupid hunger.
I quickly finished both plates. They tasted the same.
Now, let's start the main show of this evening….
I approached the fire liver. When I grabbed it into my right hand, it reflexively wanted to put it into my mouth.
No, No, focus, this is totally stupid!
I focused all my will and stopped my right arm into putting the liver in my mouth.
That was way harder than I tough. It would be…., never mind. DUPE!
Same tingling sensation, then slight pain, and viola! New liver in my hand without any sound or visual effect.
At least it's inconspicuous. And that only cost 0,1 too. Wait, let's try to put them both for Dupe.
I put both of my right hand, Dupe. Tingling sensation a little bit stronger, and the pain a little bit stronger, but not much. Then two new livers appeared in my left hand.
Wait that works too? I can dupe, duped item? Chmm, and the price is the same too!
I was quite thrilled; it even suppressed my hunger a little bit. I grabbed the golden plate, put all four livers there. Grabbed plate, and started Dupe. The same golden plate appeared with four livers…
It still cost 0,1? Ok, put them all in one plate and again!
Ok, now I had 16 livers. They didn’t look much appetizing when together on one plate. But I wanted to continue.
Well, in the name of science! Dupe!
The ticklish sensation grew stronger, and the pain afterward was sharper. The plate with 16 livers appeared in my left hand.
Dammit! Why it hurts so much? And now it decreased by 0,2!. Never mind, let's end the experiment here and finally eat some of that livers...
I put aside 10 livers and unleashed my hunger for the rest. They tasted horrible, but hunger is the best cook. After eating 22 of them, I felt a comforting feeling of warming particles started flowing.
22 * 0,06 …that’s about 1,3? It should have a good effect now.
I sit down in a meditative pose. I tried to circulate these particles by instinct. Hopefully, this will save my dying fire root. It was quite a strenuous process, but after a while, I felt great and full of energy. I never felt like that before that. The feeling was like having 100 warm baths, but the warmth had something like instinct intelligence.
So, this is how Fire Qi feels like...
I kept duping and digesting...
---after a while—
Finally, I feel full and comfortable.
Dupe:[46,7/2000] Body [29/76] Qi [14/14] Mind
[97/290] Satiety: 100,7% Cultivation: Earth Root [Starving], Fire root
I experimented a lot with my duped ability, other than livers from fire salamander, no matter what quantity, it didn’t drain more than 0,1 Dupe stats, although it felt somehow more tiring. I discovered that the limit for 0,1 consumption of Dupe was 13 livers. The limit for 0,2 Dupe was 38 livers, which was more economical, but I really started to have a severe headache when I try to do more than 30 at the same time.
Let's try to stay on a safe number 13…no headache.
I stashed away two big ceramic jars full of livers and hidden away extra golden plates.
Maybe I should give the golden plates to some servants later…
I need to find something better to eat. I don’t want to see any liver for the rest of my life!
I was happily contemplating what to do next when knocking interrupted my toughs…
“Young master, I m sorry to interrupting your healing process, but your presence is required in main clan hall by clan patriarch,” informed me, nervous servant.
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rabbit hat
نمیدونم چند روزه اینجام... نمیدونم شبه یا روز...هوا روشنه؟ یا عین همیشه.. فقط چراغ هاست که باعث میشه فکر کنم، هوا روشنه؟..کاپل: دختر پسری(سکرت)، کوکویژانر: ماجراجویی، دارک، هارش، بی دی اس ام، اسمات، خشن
8 158