《Collision of Myths》Terran's brutality


After that little incident, everyone proceeded to return the stands to watch the rest of the fights. Needless to say, Felix kept his distance from Alicia and everyone thought it best to keep it that way.

“ Ladies and gentlemen, the next bout in this tournament is about to begin. On this side, we have the terran whose strength matches his brutality, the mighty Luther Strode. And his opponent, the lady whose sword skills look more like a dance than a technique, the dazzling sword dancer, Ginni Nelson!!!”- announcer

Luther Strode made his way to the stage, arrogance oozing of his smirk, like nothing could touch him. On the opposite side was a female with straight black hair, piercing eyes, and an amazing figure covered by a low dress. She had a look of determination that said she was willing to go the distance.

(That girl. She’s one of Coraline’s companions. Her still of fighting is called ‘sword dance’ I believe. I haven’t had the chance to fully analyse it yet, even so, I don’t think it will be enough.)- felix

“Ah, Felix, it’s good to finally run into you again.”- Coraline

“Coraline, nice to see you. I take it you're here see how one of your friends does in this fight.”- felix

“That girl! She came all this way just to flirt with Felix, didn’t she!”- alicia

“Let it go now, let it go.”- nina

“Ginni is one of the few people that I brought after I received the divine revelation. She's definitely a good fighter and I hope that she can win. But her opponent, this Luther strode, gives me so many chills.”- Coraline

( She has no idea.)- Felix

The match starts with Luther showing no signs of putting up a guard while Ginni pulls out a very thin sword. She slowly begins to move around in a unique style similar to a dance. The audience was completely enthralled by her display.

( Wushu style. I knew it. It looks like a simple dance, but she leaves no openings. Now I'm even more curious about these people origins.)- Felix

Ten-fold Blade Dance

A sudden glint suddenly entered Ginni’s and she appeared before Luthor in an instant. Her blade was quick and fierce, hitting several vital points on Luther’s body and ending the attack with a strike to the heart. It appeared that the attack had caught him off guard. Even the audience didn’t expect Ginni to be so lethal. Satisfied with her work, she proceeded to move of the stage leaving her weapon in his body until the unexpected occurred. Luther moved right behind her, grabbed her arm, swung her in an arc, and slammed her in the ground causing a crater. Ginni didn’t even have the chance to think.


“Ginniiii! “- Coraline

(As I expected, it wasn’t going to be enough.)- felix

“Looks like felix was spot on with his intel.”- alicia

“How? How can ‘cough’,’cough’, this be? I clearly pierced your heart! How are you still standing?”- ginni

“Hehehehehe!”- luther

Luther easily pulled the sword from his chest and threw it into the wall. Realizing her position, she grunted in frustration and pulled out another sword,going back on the offensive. She went all out, doing her best to bring her opponent down. She even tried blinding him, but all it did was make him smirk as his eyes regenerated.

“Fine, it looks like this isn’t going to be enough! You’re clearly not human! Then I’ll have to deal with you as such.”- ginni

A holy aura suddenly surrounds her as she begins building up energy. She suddenly swings her sword in an arc and several light swords appeared in front of her.

Holy blades

The blades suddenly moved at incredible speed and scored a direct hit on Luther. It definitely seemed to have done some damage as he writhed in pain.

(So, she can also use holy attacks. Pretty impressive.)- felix

“Hmph, even if you do have some recovery capabilities, not even you can withstand holy magic.”- ginni

“That did sting a little, but if that’s all your magic, then it’s useless.”- luther

“WHA--!”- ginni

Ginni was completely caught off guard when Luther suddenly appeared behind. So much so that she didn’t have the time block the punch to her abdomen. The force behind the punch was so great that it knocked Ginnit out completely.

“With only one punch.”- felix

“Hehehehe, not gonna let it end with just that!.”- luther

Luther suddenly grabbed her head and suddenly slammed it into the ground the forming cracks. The crowd and the fighters were simply appalled by the brutality. Unfortunately, it didn’t seem to end there as Luther suddenly raised his leg and slammed it on her leg breaking the bone.

“Hahaha, I’m not just gonna make you lose, I’m gonna make you feel despair!”- luther

Ginni was practically screaming her heart out as she coughed out blood.


“Th-the match is overrrr! The winner of this round is the Infamous Luther Strode.”- announcer

Luther immediately ceased his actions. He knew better than to do too much before the final match. After the match ended, Coraline jumped off the stand and went to her semiconscious comrade who was still coughing up blood. Seeing her like this practically ripped her heart out. The medics quickly got her on a stretcher and carried her out with a crying coraline following right behind. Luther gave a devious smirk while all this was going like he was watching a play. Though he was quickly pulled out his musings as a wave of killing intent suddenly came crashing into him. It instantly caught him off guard and sent a horrible chill up his spine. As he sought out the source, Felix suddenly opened his eyes and proceeded to go to the exit. Meanwhile the medics did all they could to heal poor Ginni.


“That Luther! He really did a number on her. Apart from several fractured bones, he also caused internal bleeding.”- medic 1

“Please sir, you need to do whatever it takes to treat her! Please!”- Coraline

“ I'm sorry miss Coraline. We're doing everything we can, but with this kind of damage, our resources just aren't enough.”- medic 2

“ Please! I know I'm asking a lot, but she needs this!”- Coraline

“ I'm sorry, but with these types of injuries, we'd need nothing short of a miracle.”- medic 1

“ Well, I may not call it a miracle, but it should come close.”- Felix

“ Wha-Felix! Why are you? What are you?”- coraline

“Excuse me sir, but this isn’t the place to be wandering. We’re trying to--.”- medic 2

“ Save it. You just said you'd need a miracle to pull this off. So if you want one to happen, make your presence scarce.”- Felix

“ What?”- medic 1

“ In order for this to work, y'all can't be present during the process. Coraline can stay since her power over light is necessary, but not you guys.

“ But, but--!”- medic 2

“ Coraline, do you want you want to save your friend?”- Felix

“ Please just do what he says. This could be her only chance.”- Coraline

Reluctantly, they left the room, leaving both Felix and Coraline alone with Ginni.

“ So, what exactly do you want me to do Felix. My power over light isn't that strong since my contract hasn't been that long.”- Coraline

“ Don't worry, you don't really have to do anything but watch. I just said that because I didn't want those Eggheads to start asking questions.”- Felix

“ Wha-.”- Coraline

“ Listen, I'm gonna need to keep quiet about what you're going to see. There's a reason I don't want people to know this and I normally wouldn't do these kind of things. So unless I say otherwise, no telling.”- Felix

“ O-okaaay.”- Coraline

Felix then brought his hand up and a bright light suddenly shot out of it. He moved the light up and down Ginni, slowly healing both her external and internal damage. Coraline could hardly believe what she was looking at. This was practically the miracle she wanted, but she didn't expect it to appear like this. Ginni breathing slowly became calm and relaxed as her injuries faded.

“ Felix! You! How? What?”- Coraline

“ Trust me, the less you know, the better. When those doctors come back just say we used your light magic. I know you may have some questions, but it's just too much to explain. I need to get to my friends so we can get ready for the next fight.”- Felix

Felix proceeded to leave the room, leaving Coraline alone with her thoughts.

“ I knew there was more to you than you let on Felix. The goddess did not lie.”- Coraline

As he moved to the waiting area, Felix continued to comprehend his actions in the last couple of hours. It wasn't like him to blatantly use his powers like that. But he just couldn’t stand how that arrogant doppelganger was treating the tournament like his playground. The fact he could do nothing to him made it all the more unbearable. The least he could do was minimize the damage, but even that didn't feel like enough. He hated this feeling of powerlessness. He appeared in the waiting area and saw Alicia and her group. They were already discussing the fight.

“ There's no doubt in my mind now that Luther Strode is a demon. No Terran should have been able to handle that.”- Alicia

“We need to start taking drastic measures now! It’s going to pose a serious problem if he gets anywhere near the king! ”- felix

“Felix, you need to calm down. I know the situation is dire, but it’s well within control. Don’t forget, Annie is still in this fight. As long as she wins, he’ll have to face her and that will be the end of it. There’s no way he’ll be able to stand up to a magi knight.”- alicia

“Just leave it all to me!”- annie

“Are you actually trying to lift my spirits?”- felix

“So-so what if I am?”- alicia

“Heh, it’s funny. I never thought you had that kind of emotion. It’s actually pretty nice.”- felix

“W-well, it’s nice of you to actually recognize my good points."- alicia

Annie couldn’t help but laugh at the strange atmosphere.

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