《Collision of Myths》Scarlet witch


So this is a magus. The fact he can needlessly sustain flight proves that he's of a high caliber.- Felix

The man with pale brown hair, and the white scarf looked at Alicia and her friends with disdain. Though look Alicia was giving him was the look of confusion.

“ Hey, hold up. Have you and I met before?” - Alicia

“Don't play games with me woman! I don't have time for your tricks!”- Majin

“No seriously, I'm sure we know each other!”- Alicia

“ Deep freeze”

Majin completely ignored Alicia's statement and started shooting out ice spikes that he created from the waterfall. Alicia was quick to respond and put up a magical barrier.

“ Hey, I'm trying to talk to you here!”- Alicia

(Incredible. Such a high-level barrier. She's definitely above average.)- Majin

Meanwhile, Felix was easily fending off the shocks and ricochet from Sakura and Travan to avoid injury.

“ Alicia, any time you wanna finish would be nice you know.”- Felix

( Crap, I've got finish this before they get hurt!)- Alicia

She then used her magic float up till she was face-to-face with Majin.

You punk! You really want to fight huh? Fine, just don't blame me if you die painfully!”- Alicia

Alicia and Majin began chanting their own spells. The phenomenon was earthshaking.

“ Infernal Blaze”

“ Water Spear”

Their two spells collided, neither one gaining the upper hand over the other. Alicia had a look of excitement while Majin had a look of shock.

“Pay attention to y'all surroundings, would you?”- Felix

( The power behind that fire spell! And the strength of that barrier earlier! Could she really be?)- Majin

“Majin.”- Alicia

“ Eh?”- Majin

“ I finally remember. Magi Majin. The fact that an insolent dog like you dare raise your hand against me, I'm going to beat you within an inch of your life.”- Alicia

Alicia began performing a chant which was even affecting the weather.

“ This chant. Could it be? No, it's something else completely.”- Felix

“ Gigas lightning? Impossible, no ordinary mage could perform such a spell! This woman, she could really be…!”- Majin

“ Gigas Volt”


Alicia's summoned a massive volt of electricity and sent it to Majin. The rendered him completely helpless, nearly burning him to a crisp. Felix kept the impact at bay while this was going on. After about 2 minutes, the attack ceased.

“ Wh-why did you?”- Majin

“ I said within an inch of your life. If you're awake, then open your shrimp eyes and take a look at who I am. The one who gave you the immortal seal. The mighty Alicia Rand Philistine! Recognise the owner of your life! Majin, my magi knight!”- Alicia


Majin was beyond shocked. His memories went back to the kingdom and how he basked in the presence of his master. When it came back to the woman in front of him, he moved towards her and began to kneel.

“ I am lady Alicia's humble servant. For as long as I possess this immortal seal, I will continue to serve you till I am killed or you are killed.”- Majin

“ Come now, don't be so stiff. It's been what, a thousand years? You look like you've been doing well.”- Alicia

( The immortal seal. Until the castor dies, the castee will gain eternal youth and will live forever. It can be considered a blessing and a curse.)- Felix

After taking time to get reacquainted, it was time to get back on track.

“ I'm Felix, pleased to make your acquaintance.”- Felix

“ I'm Sakura, nice to meet you.”- Sakura

“...... I'm…. Majin.”- Majin

(Geez, moody much?)- Felix

( Does he not like us?)- Sakura

“ Lady Alicia, do you mind explaining to me why you seek the company of children?”- Majin

( We're standing right here you know?)- Felix

That's a long story. On another note Majin, what happened to that demon god weapon I lent to you?”- Alicia

“ Aigua is perfectly safe Miss Alicia. You can see for yourself if you please.”- Majin

Majin pointed to the waterfall. Felix had to squint his eyes, but he was able to make out a silhouette within behind the waterfall. It was massive golem like creature with a demonic presence.

“ Ahhh, so this is what was causing those dark energy waves. Good thing it appears to be immobile.”- Felix

“ Yes, I had to put it in a deep sleep because it's dark waves were having a negative impact on the forest with the way it is now, the city should return to its peaceful tranquility.”- Majin

“ Did you hear that Mr Travan. Your forest will go back to the way it was.”- Sakura

“ Ohhh, thank you! Thank you all so much!”- Travan

While Felix and Sakura were having a chat, Alicia took Majin aside.

“ So Majin, are you aware of the current state of the country?”- Alicia

“ I am, and honestly even I didn't think that Sylvania would have progressed so much. They've improved the demon summoning that you researched and other dark spells. They now have a massive army at their disposal. There desire to conquer is without question the real deal.”- Majin

“ And the ringleader pulling behind the shadows. He is one of our own. Magi knight Clarion.”- Alicia


“ I haven't confirmed, but it's more than likely.”- Majin

“ Just what happened to the magi knights?”- Alicia

“ Without you as our center, all of us wound up drifting apart. Some returned to their homeland, while others live as hermits like myself. Since they can't die, they're probably enjoying this life as they can.”- Majin

“ I will find them. This is the sole purpose of this journey. To find my magi knights and get them to serve under me once again.”- Alicia

( Alicia, do you plan to recreate our kingdom of Galdur once again?)- Majin

“ I am your faithful knight Lady Alicia. Whatever you decide, wherever you go, I'll follow you till the day I die. To start our journey allow me to give the location of one of your knights. The Scarlet witch.

“ The Scarlet witch huh? Wasn't she---.”- Alicia

The only mage that could stand up to you, the strongest of the magi knights, Nina Delta. She currently lives in Merrifold as a terran.”- Alicia

“ Ah yes, her. She was indeed the one of the strongest of my knights. If we can get her, it would be a serious boost for us. Well then I guess we’re heading to Merrifold.

With all their business squared away, they made their way out the forest and headed to their new destination.

Meanwhile, a certain magus in Sylvania was sitting in a council slowly reminiscing on old times.

“Aaahhh Alicia. It just hasn’t been the same without you these past 1000 years. Back then you were talking about equality for all terrans only to vanish before your dream was realized. That incredible strength and that unyielding determination is what attracted me to you and what I admired. How ironic that we find ourselves on opposite sides. It’s a shame that in the end, we’ll have to fight each other. I look forward for when we meet each other again, Alicia Rand Philistine.”- Clarion.

Weeks later, Felix’s party arrived in the town of Merrifold. It wasn’t a large town, but it was still very lively.

“So this is Merrifold huh? It definitely has a very peaceful atmosphere.”- Felix

“It’s amazing, like a painting.”- Sakura

“This is a relatively small town, so we shouldn’t have too much trouble locating a mage. So where should we start looking?”- Alicia

“Worry not miss Alicia. Don’t forget that the magi knights are bound to you. When you get close, there seals should resonate with your mana.”- Majin

“Good point. In that case, Felix let’s go do ‘that’ thing over there.”- Alicia

“Wow, wow hold up, we just got here. I’m mentally prepared for that.”- Felix

“Hey, I don’t like it either, but it’s necessary.”- Alicia

“Well aren’t you confident. Anyway, there’s no rush to this. Let’s look around first then meet back her for lunch. We can proceed with ‘that’ from there.”- Felix

“Ooh fine. But don’t keep me waiting.”- Alicia

With that, they proceeded to go their separate ways and look around the town. Around noon, felix began to make his way to the group when he caught sight of a woman stumbling with her food basket. The woman wore normal clothes but it didn’t hid her incredible figure. The clothes also went well with her long scarlet hair and light hazel eyes. Felix decided to take time and help her.

“Here you look like you need assistance.”- felix

“Ah thank you, I can be real clumsy sometimes.”- woman

“Yeah call me crazy, but you don’t look like your used to this.”- felix

“It shows that much huh?”


“Geez, and I thought I wouldn’t be noticed.”

“Only in the eyes of amateurs, not professionals.”

“So that’s what your are?”

“Nope, just good enough to see through you.”

“Hahaha, well aren’t you observant.”

The two of them proceeded to walk as they talk. With the conversation it took Felix a little longer to meet up with the others. When he got there, Alicia was the first one to voice her complaint.

“Felix, what kept you? The least you can do is be on time for own schedule !”- Alicia

“Calm down, I was just getting some information, don’t be so rigid.”- Felix

“Yeah I held him up, so don’t vent your frustrations on him.”- woman

“Stay out of this! Who are--!”Alicia

Alicia turned to vent on the new face till she got a good look at her. The woman also got a good look at her and her eyes widened in shock.



“Well look who’s back from the dead? Your looking rather well Alicia!”

“Hah, looks like that attitude of yours hasn’t changed after all this time Nina! Still don’t know your place!”

The sparks were practically visible as the two glared daggers at each other

“Well, this didn’t take to long.” Felix

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