《Collision of Myths》Counterattack pt 2



“ As if I'm dumb enough to put my life in your hands.”- Felix


“ Yeah, your threats have absolutely no weight on them.”- Felix

Felix and Alicia continued to go back and forth with each other while Torque and his men just stood there and watched in frustration.

“ Y-y-you, you alllll. Can you all knock it off? There are massive beasts in front of you and all you can think about are y'all's relationship problem? How dare you!”- Torque

Torque couldn't take this little sideshow any longer. He then signaled one of the zakio beasts to send out a blast of magic. The attack destroyed the wall and caused the balcony where Felix stood to collapse. This didn't prove to be an issue for Felix. He was easily able to jump off the debri and safely land. Alicia however wasn't so lucky. She had a harder time dodging since she wasn't that athletic.

“ (Dang it, there goes my high ground. I wanted to avoid close up battles so as to avoid spending more of my close combat magic. And I still have to go to other places where the fighting has broken out. Looks like I'm going to have to unleash that wild card now.)”- Felix

Felix went over to Alicia and held her up.

“ Don't make me regret doing this.”- Felix

“ Huh, what are-- mmmh?”- Alicia

Alicia had no time to contemplate since Felix didn't waste any time and kissed her. It lasted a few seconds before an influx of magic appeared. Afterwards, Alicia changed from her nightwear to her mage gear.

“ Finally, this feeling! Enormous magic flows within me! Now I can finally go on the offensive!”- Alicia

“ Great, then you can start by getting out of the mess you brought here. Without my help mind you.”- Felix

“ Hmph still looking down on me huh? Well I'll show you.”- Alicia

“ Enough of your banter. So you've changed your outfit, big deal. You're still no match for these zakio beasts. All of you, take her down.”- Torque

The demon beasts opened their mouths and blasted out a ton of magic at Alicia and Felix. As it came towards them, Alicia simply just raised her hand.



Upon contact, there was a big explosion. When the smoke subsided, there was no damage to anything within the barrier. Felix was staring at the barrier with keen interest.

“W-WHAT! BUT HOW!”- torque

“Well, guess I can expect no more than that.”- alicia

“This can’t be! That was the power of several zakio beasts! I can’t believe you were able to resist that! Fine if that wasn’t enough, let’s see if you can handle this!”- torque

Torque put his hands together and started reciting a chant. When he finished, the zakio beasts all started merging together becoming twice as big and ferocious than before. Despite all this, Alicia did not look worried at all while Felix just stood back preparing to react to any situations.


“Now how do you like this. With these beasts merged together, there is no way that even you can survive this magus queen. With your death, we can finally proceed to overthrow this kingdom, then our long awaited plan can finally come into motion.”- torque

With a wave of his hand, the zakio beast charged at Alicia and slammed its fist at her. She calmly put another barrier that withstood the blow. This didn't deter the beast as it kept slamming down at it but still not putting a crack in it.

“ This can't be! That's the power of a merged zakio beast! How can it still not affect you?”- Torque

“ Oh don't fall to despair just yet. I haven't even gotten warmed up yet.”- Alicia

As Alicia said that, she began speaking a chant. Felix could how powerful the spell was due to the enormous amount of mana being channeled in.

“ Inferno blaze”

A giant ball of flame appeared and turned into a torrent of flame and blasted out at the zakio beast. The attack landed and incinerated the beast, burning it a crisp. The looks of horror on the faces of Torque and his men was a sight to behold.

“ This can't be! THIS CAN'T BE!”- Torque

(So now you truly reveal your true skill. The skill of that managed to keep [email protected] brother at bay, the queen of all mana, Alicia Rand Philistine.)- Felix

“ Well, that was an interesting experience. But all good things must come to an end. Still, I think I should do something special to commemorate this moment. Be grateful mage, I'm about to show you a true summon.”- Alicia

Alicia began forming another chant that and Felix could tell that it was affecting the weather. As she finished chanting, a massive seal appeared above her and a bird came out of it. It looked like a massive hawk that was coated in lightning.

“ Thunderbird”

“ Th-this is! An elemental beast summon!”- Torque

“ Interesting, it's a little below the lightning I use as Zeus, but that's probably because she toned it down.”-Felix

Alicia then pointed her finger at Torque and his men. The Thunderbird followed that trajectory and came crashing down on them and the remains of the zakio beast. They didn't even have time to scream when they were illuminated by a massive flash of light. When it faded,there was nothing left. Most of the people in castle noticed the light and were trying to figure out what had occured.

“Hah, now that’s much better. Though if I were to be honest, that was barely more than an appetizer to me.”- Alicia

“Then I suggest you go for the main course. There are still some demon beasts roaming around here and they’re going to need your attention. Now that you look like you can take care of yourself, I need not stay here. There are other people I'm worried about and I'd like to see how they're doing so I can no longer stay by my side.”- Felix


“Fine, you can go and do whatever you want, but don't think that we're done with our previous conversation. I will have a word for you when this is all over.”- Alicia

“ You can tell it to me but it's not like I'm going to listen. You'd think you'd know that about me by now.( I hope everyone is doing better than I am)”- Felix

In one part of the castle,

“ Hey, did you all see that? That was a big flash of light.”- Laura

“ Yeah, it was near the east wall. Wonder who caused it. I hope Felix wasn't caught in it.”- Lucy

“ Worry about yourselves first before him, we've got are own problems to worry about.”- Launa


Using the speed power of her sword took the attention of the demon beasts while her other siblings proceeded to finish them off.

In another part,

“ How much you wanna bet that Felix was had something to do with that big flash?”- Amari

“ This is your brother we're talking about. I wouldn't be surprised.”- Reyna

“ I'm sure big brother is perfectly fine.”- Robin

“ Yeah, remember he was the one who trained us.”- Ariana

“ Then I guess we need start putting that training to good use.”- Reyna

Poseidon's fury

With all of Felix's training and equipment, even though his siblings weren't at Reyna's level, they proved to be strong opponents.

Inside the castle,

“ That flash of light really has me worried.”- Elena

“ Let's just pray that it good news for us and not them.”- Nathan

“ Mr. Drake, look out!”- Lisa

“ Taurus”

“ I've got your back sis.”- Lucas

“ Flame Stallion”

Using the powers that their father gave them, the two siblings were putting in their effort to not be a burden and provide support to Nathan.

Near the gate,

“ That flash sure was something. I guess it means things will be hectic now.”- Damian

“ Glad you can be so optimistic in our current situation.”- Aria

“ Your surprised. He's always been like this. I just wish our kids didn't have to suffer this so soon.”- Maria

“ It can't be helped. They're in this world, so the least we can do as parents is relieve some of the burden on them.”- Damian

“ Well looks who starting to act like a grown-up. I guess having kids was good for you.”- Aria

“ HEY!”- Damian.

Felix’s parents were living up to their adventurer status.

Back to them

“ Alright, from the sound of the fighting, the guards at the east and west gate need help the most. I'll go to the west while you go to the east.”- Felix

“ Don't order me around like I'm one of your soldiers. Whether I help them or not is my decision.”- Alicia

“ Don't argue with me and go, self-proclaimed queen!”- Felix

With that, Alicia grudgingly went the way she was told and Felix went the opposite. Little did they know that someone was watching them a good distance.

“ So, it really is you Alicia. Your still as powerful as you ever were. A shame this is the closest we can get right now, but I intend to change all that soon. And you young Drake, there's definitely more to you than your letting on. But in due time, I will unravel you piece by piece. Farewell Alicia Rand Philistine, till we meet again.”- Clarion

With his suspicions confirmed, Clarion departed to put his plans motion. Though as he left, he didn't notice Felix looked his way.

After he left, the battle lasted no more than a couple of hours. The clean-up afterwards was extremely tedious since they barely recovered from the last incident. Felix and the rest of his family helped anyway they could but it still took a couple of weeks. Of course, they didn’t ask Alicia for help for multiple reasons. One day as Felix was heading to his room he received word that the princesses wanted to meet with him so he headed to their room.

“ I got your message, so what’s the concern?”- Felix

“We called you here on certain matters that we’d like to come to a close.”- Launa

“As you know, there’s a good chance we’ll be heading to war soon against Sylvania.We’ve already been tasked by our mother to help with the south kingdom. We’ll be leaving in a couple of days.”- Luna

“All things considered, there’s a good chance we won’t be able to meet again like this.”- Lucy

“And then there’s your connection to that Alicia. We’ve gotten a grasp of her power and we know that you and here will be stuck with each other for a while.”- laura

“Nothing serious is going on between us.”- Felix

“For now at least, and that’s what we’re worried about. We don’t know what’s going to happen in the future and we don’t know want our relationship to stay like this.”- Laura

“That’s why we want to consummate our feelings to each other this night. We know this is a big step, but we’ve all prepared ourselves for this.”- Launa

“We just hope you will respond to our feelings.”- Lucy

The girls look to Felix with expectancy. He knew that something like this might happen, so he already mentally prepared himself for this day. That night, he responded to their love and officially made them his, successfully putting their hearts at ease.

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