《The Lotus Of Everleaf》Chapter 13: A Terrifying Encounter!


The snake transformed. His body shrunk, revealing a pale-skinned man. His skinny body gave the impression that he did not possess any muscles. And his loose black robe supported this inference.

After the transformation, only his eyes remained unchanged. Those vertical eyes still looked like they could discover every secret in the world. The snake-man bowed his head and said.

“I apologize. I disslike using forcce, but my options were limited. You ssee, Edahi does not appreciate my presencce.”

Ren blanked. An apology was the last thing he expected. However, before he could regain his bearing, another voice beamed into his mind.

‘Human cub, stay quiet listen to me. I am Protection, a member of the Council of Order. Wait for a few seconds and I’ll bring you back. In the meantime, communicate with this snake and try to learn his goals.’

Ren hesitated, unsure as to whether to trust the voice of suspicious origin. Unfortunately, he did not have the liberty of choice.

“Why did you bring me here?” He asked, meeting the snake-man’s gaze.

“Have you heard of Kaero?” The snake-man asked.

‘Kaero? Wasn’t that the name of Lena’s brother?’ Ren eyebrows creased. The confrontation in Warrior’s Street played out in his mind.

“From your expression, can I assume that you have heard of him?”

“I only know the name.” While they spoke, a tiny snake emerged from the wetlands.

“Is that sso? That is unfortunate. Oncce you return, you musst learn of hiss sstory lesst you facce a terrible fate.”

‘A terrible fate… Is this a warning?’ He frowned. The tiny snake climbed Ren's back.

“That was jusst a reminder. Evergreen ccity… The Counccil of Order… The Divine Emperor, none of these are what they sseem. Be careful. Otherwise, you will not ssurvive in thiss foresst.” The snake-man smiled.

“I don’t understand.” Ren’s confusion grew. This conversation wasn’t going according to his expectations.

“Don’t undersstand. Just remember my words. SStore them into your memory. Sss... Anyways, are you interessted in Forbidden SSkills?” The tiny snake bit Ren's shoulder. Even then, he did not notice the danger. The snake-man's vertical eyes grew larger in his vision but he did not notice this abnormality as well.

“How did you know?” He frowned.

“You have a talent for Forbidden SSkills, but your execution is rudimentary. A pity…” The snake-man stared at Ren’s arm, avoiding his question.

“But I cannot blame you. You are weak! And you are human. You have no Bloodline SSkills. And your crippled body is an interessting casse. In ssuch a ssituation, anyone can fall into the temptation of Forbidden SSkills...”

Ren’s back tingled. The snake-man’s whispery voice possessed a mesmerizing tone. Its vertical eyes grew larger, filling his vision. Fatigue numbed his mind as he fell drowsy.

“I pity you, Ren. You are trapped in Edahi, the domain of the Divine Emperor… A placce too Divine for Forbidden SSkills. You can never reach the peak of your innate potential. With no one to guide you, you will be sstuck on the path of Honing… sspending years or decades before you achieve any ssignificant progress.”

As he continued, despair crept into Ren’s heart. An uneasiness wreaked havoc in his mind. It reminded him of his greatest worry… the passing of the Trial of Righteousness.

“You lack a teacher. Edahi lacks Practitioners of the Forbidden path. In reccent times, the only notable practitioner of Forbidden SSkills was Kaero. SSo unfortunate…”


The light in Ren’s eyes dimmed. He entered into a daze, devoid of the ability to think rationally. The tiny snake departed while the wound healed. Any traces of its presence disappeared.

“Leave Edahi and join Neya. I can teach you true Forbidden SSkills. You can improve your sstrength, reducce unneccessary backlashes and uncover your potential. In Neya, no one will resstrict your freedom.”

‘Yes...’ Ren nearly agreed when he snapped out his daze.

‘Huh? What happened? Mind control? How?’ Ren inwardly shuddered and panicked. His back was drenched with cold sweat.

‘Is it the eyes? Or the voice? My instincts weren’t wrong. I cannot trust this snake!’ His heart thumped furiously. He avoided the snake-man’s vertical eyes, staring at the wetlands near his feet.

“SSo, Ren. What is your deccision?” The snake-man's voice alarmed the confused Ren.

“...I’m sorry. I wasn’t listening.” He took a step back, desperately wishing for the rescue. At the same time, he struggled to resist the urge to look at the snake-man.

“Sss? Fine. Return to Edahi, and think about my offer. If you wish to sspeak with me, break this tablet. The sswampss of Neya will always be open for you.” The snake-man presented a white, cuboidal tablet. A snake’s face was engraved on the tablet.


Ren did not accept the tablet. He retreated, terrified of the snake-man and the swamp. While moving, he created many ripples in the water. He scanned the waters, wary of everything. He refused to do anything that the snake-man wanted.

The snake-man grinned at Ren’s reaction. He shouted, seemingly to no one.

“Protection! Enough of your sspying! You can take him back.” The snake-man retreated deeper into the swamp. His body morphed into a giant snake.

Immediately after he finished, Ren disappeared from the swamp.

Moments after Ren left, the wetlands turned lively. A few creatures exited their hiding places. They chatted, while a scarred lizard approached the snake.

“Loyalty! What nonsense was that? Were you trying to recruit or intimidate him?” The lizard shouted.

“You will not undersstand.” Loyalty closed his eyes.

“Nonsense! You wasted a good spy, a spy with great potential on this meeting with this... this pathetic human! Yet, you have the gall to act cocky! Who do you think you are?!” A dangerous glint flashed past the lizard’s eyes.

“In the language of the humans you desspise, I was sseparating the wheat from the chaff.” The snake casually replied.

‘Wheat? Chaff? What nonsense is this? Why should I study those pathetic creatures!?’ Enraged, the lizard roared, “Loyalty!! Don't forget your position! This isn't your master's pathetic group. This is the Council of Chaos!”

Loyalty smiled at this provocation.

“I know. My masster plans to fix that very problem under Hiss reign. For now, there are important matters that require my attention.” The snake paused before commanding, "I will expect all your reports tonight. Gather at the usual sspot."

A succubus emerged from the forest. Seeing the lizard’s sour expression, she playfully smiled.

“Greed, calm down! You’re becoming hot-blooded as of late, but I guess that’s typical for a lizard. Don’t worry. I love hot-blooded animals.” She seductively sent a floating kiss towards the lizard. However, her words only served to infuriate the lizard.

“One day… The Council of Chaos will be mine. That day, I’ll expel your whole group.” The lizard snarled and left.


“You’re not greedy for my body? Pity…” The succubus laughed and gleefully followed the snake.

Ren’s surroundings contorted and soon, he was within a dimly lit stone room. Other than himself, the room contained only a bronze statue of a rhinoceros.

He collapsed onto his knees, panting. He couldn't forget the snake's eerie eyes.

“Well done, human cub.” A low guttural voice exited the statue's mouth.

Ren jumped in surprise. He wasn’t expecting the statue to speak. Nevertheless, he recognized the rhino’s voice.

"Aren't you-"

“Close your eyes and I’ll send you back home.” The rhino commanded. Its voice reminded Ren of an idea he had since he heard the voice.

“Wait! You are from the Council of Order, right?”

“Yes...” The rhino paused.

“Can you arrange a meeting with the Divine Emperor?” Ren asked.

The rhino gaped. It vehemently shook its head and shouted.

“No way! Complete the Trial first.”

Ren smiled wryly and closed his eyes. With a flash of light, he disappeared.

“Sis, let go! They kidnapped Ren! I must chase them!” Lena manically shouted.

“Lena, calm down! Ren is under the protection of one of the strongest members of The Council. No one can harm him!” Kana forced her sister onto her knees and bound her hands.

“I don’t care! Let go!” Lena shrieked.

Bowing her head to the two new figures in the room, Kana apologized.

“Leader, Lord Discipline, I’m sorry for this unsightly behavior. I hope you can forgive my sister.”

“Do not worry. I do not find it unsightly. Discipline, what do you think about the perpetrrators?” The white-armored lion frowned.

The werewolf’s indifferent gaze landed on the hole in the wall. He thought for a moment before answering.

“Both of the perpetrators are unknown figures. However, their powers indicate that they are Council-level Neyans, especially the snake. And, the remaining traces of the spell indicate that the cat-woman isn’t a push-over. To be safe, I'll assume that she’s on the same level as the snake." The werewolf's expression turned grim.

"Two Council-level Neyans?" The lion smiled.

"No, they are two 'unrecorded' Council-level Neyans. This is concerning.” The werewolf stared at Kana.

“Grr. Should we-”

“Yes, but this isn’t the right place to discuss. There is also the spy to consider. We have a lot to introspect on.” The werewolf's gaze didn't leave Kana. She noticed it and nodded faintly.

“Indeed, it is better than attacking Demonic Beasts. Courage will be satisfied.” The lion laughed.

The werewolf’s eyelids twitched at the mention of Courage. He glared at the lion before saying.

“He has returned.”

A light flashed and Ren appeared in the room.

The surprised Kana weakened her grip over Lena.

Lena used the momentary weakness to overcome Kana. She dashed towards Ren. Hugging him, tears dripped down her flushed cheeks.

“*sniff*I thought…*sniff*…going to…*sniff*…” Her voice choked and no one could understand her muffled cry.

Ren froze at the sudden embrace. He didn’t know what to do. An alien feeling warmed his heart.

After a moment of hesitation, he hugged her with his right arm. Thinking of the encounter with the snake, fear encroached into his heart. His gaze turned sharp as he remembered the one-month deadline.

He had to conquer the Trial at all costs!

Warrior’s Street, within a hut.

A few hours after Ren left, the golem exited the burning pit. It threw a new saber into its collection and searched around the piles.

Looking at the crow on its shoulder, it pointed at the place between the sabers and knives.

The crow also tilted its head. After a few moments, it spoke.

“The glove? The kid might’ve taken it.”

The golem lifted its arm. It flicked the crow, blasting it into the air.


The crow crashed into the barrier protecting the hut. Its right eye shone in a purple light.

“Do you want it back? It was Kaero’s sister.” It glided above the golem.

The golem paused. A few moments later, a white glove appeared on its left palm. The two crystals on its eye-sockets glowed.

A few moments later, the glove disappeared. The golem walked toward a small pot. It opened the pot and withdrew a large black slab of an unknown black metal. Carrying the slab that exceeded its own size, it returned to the burning pit.

The crow saw the reaction and the purple light subsided.

“You’ll manage with one glove?”

The golem didn’t reply. It dropped the metal into a large black vessel. The vessel nearly cracked under the metal’s weight. Opening another vessel, it poured molten metal onto a prepared cast.

The crow returned to the blacksmith’s shoulder, having received its answer.

After healing Ren's broken arm, the two guests left. Lena calmed down after a few minutes. Even then, it required Ren’s and Kana’s combined effort to settle her turbulent emotions.

Ren returned to his room and remembered the four books on his table. He decided to return them. Picking a thick book, he frowned. He waved it around a couple of times.

Frowning, he picked all the four books.

‘Why is it so light? Did my strength improve so drastically?’ He scratched his chin, recognizing that something was amiss. Even while lifting heavy books, it felt like he had picked a light booklet.

He removed his left hand, balancing the three books on his right hand alone. Yet, he did not feel any increase in pressure.

‘What? Did I learn some kind of magic? Maybe a new Bloodline skill?!’ His eyes gleamed.

He weighed all the books on his left hand.

“Agh!” The weight nearly dislocated his wrist. He instantly supported the weight with his right hand and the pressure reduced to a negligible feeling.

He dropped the books and focused on his right hand.

‘What is… Ah! The glove! Could it be the glove’s effect?’ His eyes wandered to his bed.

He held one of the bed’s legs and lifted it. The bed sprang up, almost as if it were a child’s toy.

Ren’s mouth opened wide, but his eyes shone with excitement.

‘What power! I must test this!’ Grinning in excitement, he ran down. He dreamed of an alternative version of himself.

Defeating enemies with one punch and casually throwing giants with his hand…

‘Ahh… The future is looking great!’ Lost in his dream world, he slipped from the stairs and crashed onto the ground.


The fall painfully dragged him back from his dream world. Rubbing his head, he sighed.

‘But the present is hell!’

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