《Defiant [Epic Fantasy]》Hunt 17: Fading Light
“I never thought about what freedom is… until I lost mine. I never doubted a mother’s love until she turned her back away from me.”
She is eleven years old when her powers awakened.
A week later, an accident happened.
A few days after that accident, the life she used to have is changed dramatically.
Rohzz Village, Bezelle
4040 AOT
The dim shadow of the overgrown fluffy cotton floating on the sky is covering the snowy land of the outskirts of the village. Inside a shabby little house where only a woman in her forties and a little girl reside; several gentle knocks resounds. The woman fretfully opens the poverty-stricken door uncovering two ladies wearing navy blue suits. She takes a step behind. She brushes the side of her messy brown hair while turning her lime-colored eyes away from them.
The ladies talks to the woman briefly. They point at the little girl hiding behind a wooden dining table. The woman nods with a worry-filled look before looking away. She looks down clasping her hands. Her arms and shoulders are shaking. She is silently standing by the corner of the house while the ladies that entered are approaching her only daughter.
The frightened little girl takes a step back. She wants to run away but she does not have a place to go. The taller lady grabs her arm pulling her out of hiding.
“Come here,” she says. “We are going to take you into custody.”
The shorter lady’s eyes are exploring the room as if confirming something. She then turns to the mother and starts to talk about things that are too complicated for a child to understand.
“ICA had determined that your mother is incapable of raising you.”
The lady lifts child’s thin and light body. With her slender yet strong arms, she carries the girl out of the house. The little girl can only watch her mother stand there in the dark corner of the house, not moving an inch, as they casually took her away. She is probably waiting, expecting for her beloved mother to come running towards her soon. She will be going to reach out and stop them from taking her somewhere far. But that did not happen. The mother did nothing as the door closes.
Without knowing and without fully understanding why, tears start running down her cheeks. Her throat is feeling sore, so much that she cannot utter a single word. She stretches her arms reaching out as they get farther away from her mother. Before she can notice it she is already being passed to a bulky man inside an armored van. It is dimly lit with no windows. The bulky man shoves her farther inside. The shorter lady sits beside her, across that man who keeps his eyes riddled with fury while looking at the crying child. In the middle of that confusion she hears another hoarse voice along with the familiar voice of that lady somewhere in front of the vehicle. However, she cannot catch any of their inaudible conversation.
“Little girl,” the lady beside her starts whispering, “You are now under the surveillance of ICA. You will be staying in one of our institutions and will not be allowed to leave until further notice.”
“Why?” She croaks.
“You have been declared as an international threat.”
“What does that mean?”
Nobody answers.
It feels like a very long drive. In that barely lit space, time does not seem to pass.
Helping Hands Institute, that is what they call it; the place where the young girl will stay for years to come. An institution for juvenile delinquents; where minors of the reveil class who are charged of heavy criminal acts punishable by law are being convicted. Whether they will be released from this prison masked as a caring and loving establishment highly depends on the ability of their guardian to raise them in a just environment. In that place, the air is filled with a seemingly unending spiral of hostility.
Without fully grasping that she has been abandoned, the girl waited. Every day, she stares out the window –at those locked gates –hoping that someday, her mother will come to take her home. Every day ends in disappointment. Every day she only feels betrayed by her own expectations.
“Was it wrong of me to expect that someday, I’ll be walking out of this prison while tightly holding onto my mother’s warm hand?” Is what she asks herself every night before falling asleep.
For months she waits and waits. Denying from herself the realization that her mother has given up on her. She waited until she is dried of all hope. Had she only accepted it sooner, would have it been easier? The pain of betrayal stabbing deeper through her heart, if only she had put a stop to it early on, she might have saved some of those emotions spilling out for herself. Now that there is nothing left, nothing makes sense anymore.
“She won’t come back for me.” Those are the words that continuously ring inside her head every time she finds herself gazing outside as if she is still expecting something.
Two years later, several older kids are starting to question the true identity of that little girl. Ever since she was brought in HHI, a heavier security system has been implemented. She is the youngest child to ever be put in HHI’s watch. They cannot question her detainment, most of the adults and guards does not answer. Only the whispers of the passed around rumors is what keeps them entertained.
One day, a couple of older kids have started to pick on her along with a new kid. He is taken into custody just a week ago and he is already starting to make a ruckus. The bored rebellious teen does not seem to care about the consequences of his actions. The little girl with no friends that mainly remains in her room maybe an easy target. Or so that’s how it seems. However, it seems that this new kid knows more than anyone does. His hostility is motivated not by simple boredom. It is much deeper.
“Primrose Sayer, is it?” The new kid lifts one of his eyebrows while tilting his head a little. “Are you sure you should be using that name? Is that your real name?”
The kids laugh listening to him make bad jokes. Two of them grab her shoulders putting pressure on them, preventing her from leaving the table.
The boy moves closer to whisper with cold eyes. “Should we start calling you Primrose Saintgregor?”
The girl does not intend to respond aloud. “I don’t even have any recollection of that man.” Primrose wonders. “I never heard of his name until that cursed day.” She stays on her sit; her jade green eyes are fixed at him silently.
“You can easily kill all of the guards here if you want too.” The boy continues, purposely raising his voice. “Just like how your father killed half of the population of an entire city. If you are going to escape, won’t you let us join the ride?”
“What’s the point?” Primrose replies, her tone is low. “There is no one waiting for me outside.”
He clicks his tongue upon hearing her answer. “Really? Aren’t you too full of yourself?” He chuckles coldly. “I don’t even understand why you are allowed to live. You will just become another terrorist like your dad. You should be executed for having the same blood as that devil!”
She stares at him with a blank expression. “Executed?” She repeats. Then she pauses for a brief moment as if she is thinking deeply. “Fine. I don’t care.”
The boy clicks his tongue again. He looks down at her. “Hey, did you know,” he says with a soft shaky tone. “Some of us here ended up like this because we lost our families and homes.” Fueled with rage, he is losing his sense of reason. He grabs the girl’s collar. “I can’t believe that they are just allowing the spawn of that demon just walk around here like everything is fine! Shouldn’t you be atoning for his sins?!” He clenches his fist, preparing to throw it straight to her face.
Primrose does not have any intention of defending herself or giving any more response. She closed her eyes. It is simply too bothersome dealing with these people. She lets herself get lost within her own thoughts. They should be satisfied once they get their dose of action for today. Maybe this kind of incidents would happen more often from now on, but it does not matter. However, while waiting for the fist that is sure to hit, Primrose is snapped out of her half-dreaming state after hearing a loud crashing sound. When she comes to, she just saw the table which is supposed to be in front of them, now flying above. It hits and breaks through the window, and then dashes into the grass covered ground outside. When she turns her attention back to the bully, he is already lying down on the floor; his nose is dripping with blood. Everyone else moved a few steps away with a terrified look in their faces. She looks beside her to see a materialized gigantic arm. A part of her yashou appeared and is now starting to dissipate and disappear once again. Everyone in the dining hall goes into an uproar, running far away from where she is, as if she is a monster out of control. Before she can say another word, she felt a very strong force from behind. Before she can react from that attack, she just found herself already pinned down on the floor. Two guards are holding her down while another two points their guns at her head. That is the last scene she saw before she completely loses consciousness.
When she wakes up, she is in the infirmary. There are guards stationed inside and outside keeping watch of her. She tries to sit up. The doctor and two nurses standing beside her bed are staying silent observing her. Something is itching around her left wrist. She raised her arm to look and she found an odd looking mechanical bracelet tightly gripping her tiny wrist like it is made specifically to fit her.
“What you are looking at right now will serve as your handcuff.” The doctor starts explaining with a calming voice. “If you ever tried to use that yashou of yours against anyone, or if you try to take it off, it will inject a paralyzing drug into your system to stop you. It also serves as a tracker, if you leave this place, the same paralyzing drug will be injected. If you once again do anything that can become a threat to ICA or anyone around you then we will execute you before you can wake up.”
She cannot say anything in response. It is futile. Then, the doctor and the nurses left. They seem relieved that this job is now over.
After that incident, Primrose is separated from the other kids. She is spending most of her time alone in her room.
For the next two years, she spends her time in solitude. Until one stormy day, when the thundering skies seems willfully pouring everything it got on this thirsty earth, an eccentric man drops by and then proposes an agreement to HHI’s Director.
After a long time of confinement, Primrose is called out to the director’s office.
“Hello,” a man in his fifties greets as Primrose enters the Director’s office, “I’m finally able to meet you, Miss Primrose Sayer.” He is sitting on the sofa while playing with the cigarette stick that he is not allowed to light. He looks so decent and formal with his light blue suit and black tie that is embroidered with an insignia. “I am Oryx Dimasalang, Headmaster of Aleut Balaam Academy.”
The Director, sitting across the Headmaster is gesturing, calling Primrose to take the sit beside her. “Primrose, I’d like to hear this proposal with you.”
While brushing his ebony black hair with his left hand, he turns his spirited gaze the young maiden. “My proposal is simple, I want Primrose Sayer to become one of my scholars and enroll in AB Academy.” He pulls one folder out of his briefcase and then lays it down the table. “It’s like any other scholarship I give, I will implement no restraint to Ms. Sayer and she can be treated like any other students.”
“Any other students?” The Director repeats suspiciously. “I know about the system you have in AB Academy. Are you telling me you are not going to put her in the red zone?”
“As far as her record is concerned, I can say that she could live with the green. I mean, she hasn’t done any criminal acts. Don’t you think it’s unfair to keep her here?”
“I’m sorry, Headmaster Dimasalang but I don’t think you know what you are talking about. You have no idea what kind of danger she poses if you let her roam free.”
“How about we hear her out too? Take a look in those documents.” He flings the folder towards Primrose.
Primrose simply touches the envelope, staring at it for a while. “I don’t think I’m that smart to understand whatever the condition written inside is. I don’t really care whether I’m green or red either; I have no idea what it means. Besides, whatever that school is, I’m sure it’ll just be another prison for me.”
“Why are you so negative? I’m trying to open a new path for you, young miss.”
“It seems that Primrose has thought this out carefully.” The director interrupts. “She can’t run away from her fate. I’m not permitting her to enroll to your school if you are going to impose that she becomes green.”
“Is that your only condition?” He asks while giving a delighted smile. “How about you, Primrose? Would you like to request anything?”
“It can be anything?” A certain thought suddenly pops in her mind.
“Err… yeah, as long as it’s within my power.”
“I don’t care if I’m red,” she continues with her quivering voice. “But can you have my brother enroll in that school as a student too?”
“B-brother?” The Director turns at the girl with a puzzled expression. “What are you talking about?”
Suddenly, a knock echoes alerting them to look into the direction where it is coming from. There, they notice a dark haired young man by the door. Both the director’s and the headmaster’s eyes are fixed at him, astonished and baffled.
The director’s eyes narrows at the sight of the unknown man. “Y-you are-?..”
The young man walks casually until he reaches the spot behind Primrose. He stands close to her like a guardian.
“I want to change my surname into that of my father’s, Saintgregor.” Primrose speaks to get their attention back to her.
“I’ll be a Saintgregor too.” The young man raises his hand while wearing a soothing smile.
Headmaster Dimasalang chuckles at the sight. “I see… I have no objections. Primrose and?..”
“My name is Duke.”
“Mhm. Come by the first week of Sat’xahr, Primrose and Duke Saintgregor will be enrolled in AB Academy, red zone.”
“Very well.” The director says while closing her eyes. Then she moves the brown envelope beside her to the center. “But I insist that she be collared.”
With both sides agreeing to the conditions laid out without any further complaints, Primrose and Duke Saintgregor are allowed to enroll in AB Academy. Unlike in the condition of acceptance for the green-zone, for those who are going to be enrolling as a red-zone student, the entrance exam is more of a formality rather than a basis for passing. With a recommendation from the institute’s director and an evaluation from the academy’s faculty, a young reveil can be accepted in. What the school expects for those who are in different color zones are different forms of strength. For those in the red, the academy values their battle potential, skill level, and innate power as well as their potential to grow as they study and train more. Even so, Primrose’s ability is not something anyone can look away from; her process of acceptance in the academy is a little more special compared to those who are in similar situations.
On her first day in the academy, even though she is trying to blend in the crowd of students, making her presence barely noticeable, still some situations remains inevitable. After all, she is one intriguing existence for the nobles. For those who are not kept in the dark of the true history, the young Saintgregor is like one of the highest quality weapon. As much as her existence is feared, she is also quite tempting for those who believe they have the right to wield.
During lunch while she takes her meal in the cafeteria where every student regardless of color are free to mingle with each other, a male student in his third year approaches her. The junior blue-zone student comes with his two aids, surrounding her.
“Good day,” the noble sitting across greets politely. He has black hair cleanly brushed and sanguine eyes. “Primrose Saintgregor?..”
She lifts her gaze away from the half-full bowl of lomi, and stares at the man in front of her. “Yes?” She responds with a poker face before taking a slurp of her soup.
The noble frowns for a moment. “I am Anthon Ryful,” he continues looking straight at the girl who is nonchalantly chewing her noodles. “I’m here to propose a deal.”
“Mhm… I refuse.”
“I haven’t explained anything yet! Listen-!”
She calmly lays down her empty bowl. “I refuse, goodbye.” She says and then she stands up to leave but the two other nobles grab her forcing her to sit back down.
“You don’t get to leave until I am done.” Anthon grins while tapping the table with his finger. “Listen Saintgregor’s daughter, I am offering you a way to be able to live a more luxurious life. Where you will not be looked down upon, a life that values that power everyone is afraid of.” He states in a soft but serious tone while locking his gaze with hers. “Join the Ryful clan as a Knight Servant and pledge loyalty to the House of Darko. Use this chance to change your fate and create a better future for yourself.”
“Future?” Primrose repeats with the same expressionless face. “I still have something like that?” The nobles are speechless. “I have no plans of pointlessly extending this life. I’m fine spending whatever’s left of my time like this.”
“I see,” he chuckles though he does not sound entertained. “You think this sort of offer is not enough? Tell me what you want. I’ll make it possible.”
Primrose gives no reply. Before Anthon can say more, another blue-zone student appears. He has black hair with blue highlights and a pair of electric blue eyes. He is wearing a dangling earring with blue gem on his right ear, and on the sleeve of his right arm, a band is pinned with the emblem of the Balaam Knights.
“Son of Ryful,” the intimidating new noble says while he stands composed at the side of the table. “This much of unwanted attention should be enough for today. Anymore and you might upset the young lord of the Darkos.”
“Naoe,” he mumbles wearing a frown. “It can’t be helped then.” He stands up, peacefully preparing to leave. “Are you not going to try and take away my new recruit, first son of Naoe?” He asks closely with a very soft tone.
“My clan does not participate in the selection,” he answers with a straight face.
Anthon chuckles before leaving. The noble from BK spares no time and words to Primrose, not even a single glance. Right at the time he is leaving, Primrose’ older brother arrives to fetch her. They simply passed by each other though in a way, the noble’s eyes are drawn following the older brother’s movement for a moment.
“Are you okay, Prim?” Duke asks while assisting her to stand. “My roommate told me you were having a little trouble.”
“It was the usual, I guess.” She answers while following her brother. “This kind of event is tiresome. I’d rather not spend my free time here.”
“We can stay in the recreational area,” he suggests while wearing a warm smile. “I can line up again and then deliver your meal to you later.”
“Mhm… Sure, that made me hungry again.”
Duke bursts in laughter on their way out.
“If this means I could normally be with my brother.” Primrose thought. “If this means, I could at least spend a few years of my life with my only family… I just don’t care about those senseless conditions anymore. Because right now, I can fool myself and act like I’m not alone, like I was never alone…”
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I'm just a new choreographer | n.h.
Они заставляют её только краснеть,наблюдая в стороне. Прикрывать глаза рукой от немыслимых движений и пренебрегать правилами хореографии. Но что делать ,когда бывший учитель ушёл? Спасать ситуацию профессионально? Нет. Делать все как One Direction.Натурально и естественно, с улыбкой на губах.# 23 в choreographer(05.09.20)# 22 в choreographer(06.09.20)# 13 в choreographer09.10.20# 4 в choreographer
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